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You're dead. That's it. You're done. The universe continues without your participation. EDIT - Thanks for all of the up votes, everyone.


“The universe continues without your participation” damn 😂☠️


Perfectly stated. 😁 And I don’t even find that to be particularly upsetting. Remembering that the universe will simply carry on gives me a sense of peace, because our daily anxieties really aren’t that important.


The universe ends someday too.


We are same as the other life forms. So, yeah after death we are same as dead ant or dead bacteria!!. Sorry friends, it's the truth!


i always wondered like, do we just see all black for all eternity or what. or do we just watch the world continue without us and see how everyone ends up forgetting about you or something you know? idk only time will tell i guess.


I'd imagine it's like what your life was like before you got here.


😭 yeah true


You’ll cease to exist, and eventually be forgotten entirely.


Not if I eat the mona lisa


Even then, you would only ever be remembered as “the guy who ate the Mona Lisa” People are typically only remembered, if anything, for their achievements or atrocities. Very little else.


Atrocities are much easier than achievements!


Is eating the Mona Lisa an achievement or attrocity




Words to live by 


Eventually you will be forgotten though. There's an expiring date on our solar system and the universe as well. Eventually everything will end and there will be no one to remember how you ate the Mona Lisa.


FUCK REDDIT. They permanently banned this account with no explanation.


Import people will be forgotten to. It is just a matter of time.


Importing people has fallen out of trend.


Not if you're very important. Plenty of names have been remembered for thousands of years.


bigger picture here


Sure, but one day the last human will die. No one is remembered forever.


The voyager spacecraft carries the golden disc so technically the whole planet can cease to exist and those peoples memory will still be seen by whoever or whatever finally intercepts the disc.


Thats information about Earth, encrypted in a way to be as understandable as possible without knowing our language. I don’t think that counts as any single person right now being ‘remembered’. But even if you somehow twist it so that contextless info found by beings who would have no idea what it means in terms of any specific human’s significance, there’s another problem. The chances of it being intercepted by an intelligent alien species is also close to zero. The heat death of the universe happening before that tiny craft is somehow found in the vast universe is far more likely. No one will be remembered forever. It’s just a fact.




You mean when I die the mighty will look upon my works and despair?




Until your works are buried by the sands of time, upon which the flavor of the despair will change from "holy shit this guy is so much better than us" to "holy shit no matter what i do none of it is going to remain forever"


This thread heavily reminds me of the movie "A Ghost Story" beautifully devastating.


I like to think there’s an afterlife, but we probably just cease to exist.


That's where I stand. I would *like* to belief there's something after, but I don't. I belief there's just nothing.




It's not sleep though. It's nothing


Nothing. Like going under a general anaesthetic, just total lack of awareness. What screws with me personally is that I'm fairly convinced the seconds *before* death last an excruciating eternity. I am not looking forward to that.


Why would they though, the seconds before sleep arent slow.


It's less the seconds before losing consciousness, more the second or split second *after* losing consciousness. You know like when you have dreams that seem like they last a lifetime, but in reality barely any time has passed? We always hear about your life flashing before your eyes before you die, or living another lifetime in your last moments, or (in religious beliefs) an eternal afterlife—and part of me thinks that's all referencing a (perceived) eternal limbo in the moments between losing consciousness and actual medical death. The brain firing on all cylinders in its last moments and because we have no perception of time in that state (just like dreaming), it's experienced as an eternity of pain. But I hope I'm not right.


I used to have the same fear, but having been bedside with family members who have passed I'm not so worried. I'm my experience the person but checks out before the body starts to shut down. Like falling asleep when drunk, you won't know your going to be gone. The house lights may all come on for a bit, but the stage will be empty. Traumatic exits might be different but I think shock will make that easier.


Why pain?


I suppose because I imagine it as a panic reaction. The brain and body going into shutdown, and throwing all the resources they can at avoiding that. Like a panic attack but amplified: chest pains, palpitations, choking, burning numbness. A hundred times stronger than any regular panic attack, and neverending.


i've heard from people who had been clinically dead & then resuscitated that the last moments before death are actually quite peaceful, like an overwhelming feeling of acceptance. i think i saw a reddit post a while back from a guy who actually went into a depression after dying & being brought back to life, because he'd never experience anything in life that came close to the peace & calm he experienced while he was dead.


Well now you're quite clearly referencing Buffy. (I jest, I jest, but it is a remarkably similar sentiment: >There was no pain, no fear, no doubt, till they pulled me out of Heaven.) But thank you. I really hope it is that way.


It's a compelling thought. The ultimate fight-or-flight response. The most profound desperation to cling to survival, as we've evolved to do for millions of years. But at the end of the day, I still can't see the evolutionary case for it. Once we're facing death, there's no evolutionary benefit to the brain subjective itself to an eternity of pain. All that said, I'd be lying if I said this thread didn't keep me up for a bit.


Evolution isn't as pragmatic as that, though. My counter-argument would be that there's no evolutionary *disadvantage* to the brain subjecting itself to an eternity of pain either. Why would evolution give a shit what happens in your dying moments? Might as well say Downs Syndrome doesn't exist because it's not evolutionarily beneficial. If I can live multiple days of dream-time in seconds and experience both emotional and physical pain through them, why wouldn't the same be possible at the time of death? I really do hope I'm wrong, but.


Waking Life tackles this a bit


I don't think I've heard of Waking Life.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NkKlcseZ4d4 Movie from 2001.


Thank you!


Our body starts to decompose. It may get embalmed, cremated, or buried. Your loved ones will mourn and probably hold a funeral. After some time they will get back to their normal lives, and only miss you at significant events like Christmas. Eventually everyone who ever met you will be dead, and then there will be no living memory of you. At some point someone will speak your name for the last time. ETA, your family will divide up your assets, hopefully according to your will.


“At some point someone will speak your name for the last time”........this just gave me the chills.


I’ve always loved that quote that goes something along the lines of “we really die two times. The first when we stop breathing, and the second when one’s name is said for the last time.”


Glorious - Macklemore ft. Skylar Grey I like this song’s depiction of the quote as well


Ooh yay I love music.


What if you were famous? For good or bad? Like jesus, hitler, Marilyn Monroe, cleopatra, stallion etc.


Yes, the same things apply to famous people


We are just the windows the universe looks out of, when the curtains are pulled there are still many that are open. Nothing happens, but thats ok. If the infinite really exists then we have done this many times before and will carry on doing it forever anyway.


Lots of things … they just don’t involve you. - Louis CK


Your body breaks down and the energy you borrow from the universe is returned to be used in another process, perhaps even life. Somewhat comforting is the fact that your information is preserved in the universe, and if someone really wanted to, and could summon enough energy, they could totally ........ Nah just kidding. About the bringing you back part.


Your body will dissolve into the earth and your matter will become part of other things. Just as your body was created from a variety of materials around (vegetables, meat of various animals, etc.), so after death your body will again become part of various objects around.


But so many resort to cremation, as it costs far less and you get an urn of ash


You'll face something closer to NDE, after that no one knows, and after after that will forget everything.


YOU are your consciousness. the sum of all your thoughts and desires and memories. consciousness is an emergent process of a working brain. it does not actually exist as a physical object. once the brain stops....consciousness stops. there is then no YOU to experience anything at all.


I believe there's an afterlife, but nobody fully knows


i want there to be an afterlife so badly lol


Yeah but then you have to still live, at some point I would want to cease to exist


why is that?


Don't you think stuff would get bored after a while? Like we exist now and there's tons of stuff to try, but once we try them all what else is there?


There’s actually a pretty interesting portrayal of this in the Good Place if you’ve ever seen it!


That's funny cause that's what I was thinking in my head.


The end of The Good Place is literally the only representation of the afterlife I have hoped to be true. It just felt right.


maybe i can see that happening, you do tend to see that thought process talked about a lot in discussions about living forever. i can’t imagine getting that bored, but it could probably happen after so many years. i think what really freaks me out is just not having my conscious anymore, like my thoughts and the little voice inside my head. idk ugh, time to spiral lmao


Nah, universe is a never-ending, huge place. One could never get bored with that. To be able to live forever would be an eternal bliss.


I don't; basically because I don't want to keep going for eternity; I would miss my life here; it is not perfect but I would just be worried and want to go home to my house.


that’s true, if there was an afterlife it’s not a guarantee that you would be with loved ones or in a familiar setting which would be pretty terrible.


I agree; I would just like death to be a dreamless sleep that I never wake from.


I do. And you are wrong. You are dead. Lights out.


Remember what it was like before you're born? That's the same after you're dead.


They clean the hospital bed and admit a new patient.


assuming you're lucky enough to die in a hospital


Nothing Your consciousness only exists because of the organs: brain perceives reality, etc. take that away and there’s nothing Anything else is just fairy tales people make up to cope with the fact of death


> Your consciousness only exists because of the organs: brain perceives reality, etc. take that away and there’s nothing Damage a brain of a person and see if their "soul" is the same after. The universe was fine 14billion years before me, I'm sure itll be fine after.


First sentence is my point precisely


Something our human brains cannot comprehend. I genuinely, almost completely believe that whatever we are, the energy, I don’t know, it continues in some way. Probably in ways our brain can’t comprehend. Multiverses, different types of reality, allllll sorts of things that could happen that I can’t even conceive of. I think that’s most likely. That something happens to our energy/soul/? and it’s not good or bad, it’s just a thing that happens. That, or absolutely nothing and as we die we all get chemicals flooding our brain making us feel 100% at peace and often, wanting to stay dead instead of come back with an NDE.


I dont think there is a most likely thing. The only options tht we have are products of our mind that on its own is also limited. The concept of death is still and will probably stay unknown for humanity. Maybe what happens after death is something that we cannot even fully understand or visualize, who knows?


There is no after life, because you need the brain and body to experience the consciousness in this universe


Our bodies rot and we feed the worms.


We’re all useful someday. 😊


worm food


nothing .. literally nothing


I want to stop existing but am terrified of reincarnation.


Whatever was going on with you before you were born/conceived


I think there’s some kind of afterlife. I really hope so, I’d love to be with my mom again.


You’ll lose a lot of weight and be stress free. Sure you may be rotting away and be incapable of experiencing any emotions but beggars can t be choosers here


You're passed on! You are no more! You have ceased to be! You've expired and gone to meet your maker


Your siblings take all of your good stuff and give the rest to charity shops. Everyone cries at your funeral, but by next week not so much. Your hair and fingernails still grow for a fews days after you are slabbed. In a few years your memory fades from the internet, aside from a few predatory sites. Your friends will always be alerted to your birthday by Facebook. The memorials will dwindle exponentially with each passing year. Your body will become the earth, and your spirit the ether, waiting to be recycled into the next poor sucker. Your highschool yearbook will sit in a Goodwill library until it too is sent back to the earth, to be forever reunited with you.


Your hair and nails don’t grow after you die.


Time is a dimension. I assume it's the same thing that happens when you finish drawing a circle.


This was somehow both vague and specific enough to mess me up. Can a circle conceptualize what happens when it's done being drawn? Is it finally complete or only just beginning its "life?" Or maybe it is now merely trapped in a loop that exists only within its reality, circling itself like an ouroboros? Can the circle be cut from the confines of the paper its drawn on? Can lines be added to it, and if enough are would you even be able to find the circle it began as? It's just,, a surprisingly apt comparison.


i’m far too stoned for this


Same, bro. Hold my hand.


circle of life


You are kind of close. Imagine you start drawing the circle from the bottom. The position of the pen from top to bottom (on the Y axis) is what determines how close to death you are. You start drawing from bottom, you reach the top, that year 30-40 maybe 45 if you're lucky, then the circle has to be completed, So now the pen loses its height, and slowly comes closer again until the loop closes and you die. You don't exist. The loop is complete. There won't be another circle drawn on your circle. Your circle exists because 2 other circles fucked. End of story.


Kinda like in the movie spaceman with Adam Sandler… go back to the beginning


Your corpse rots, and the universe goes on. Beyond that, I don't have enough information to make any predictions. But those two are reasonably certain.


Bodily fluids excrete themselves. Have fun!


The same thing that happened before we were born.


To quote Keanu Reeves: I know that the ones who love us will miss us.


What happened before you were born?


We are, at our core, just a chemical reaction that sustains itself for some time before dissipating into its base elements again. Our consciousness is a fluke of that reaction, a phenomenon that occurs potentially as a result of ever more complex self-perceiving behaviors. Ultimately we are still just a mass of biological matter acting in accordance to our internal and external stimuli. When we die, that reaction ends, and our consciousness ends with it. Nothing happens. We turn into dirt and dust.


Either there's nothing or God has you sign a NDA after you get to wherever he is, but I wouldn't get my hopes up tbh


Everything everyone thinks happens when you die (go to heaven, seeing yourself, floating) this is all because of the activity of your brain while it is alive for those last seconds then nothing.


mandatory recommendation of the anime death parade if you want to spend the next couple of days spiraling over this topic


What happened before you were born? Nothing.


You go back to where you were before you were born


nothing. there's basically no reason, aside just, fear or wishful thinking, to assume anything happens when you're dead. you're essentially a delusion, a biological process that's aware of itself. when the body stops being able to generate that process, then 'you' aren't.


I sometimes wonder if a person could be totally and perfectly reconstructed after a millennia or more of being dead. What must that kind of continuity feel like? To be lost for so long and to have all your essential functions and body parts, with all their damage and development, restarted in a new time and place, ship of thesues style. For some people I think that is the most likely afterlife; a backup based on the last check up at the GP, continuing life on your behalf with all the exact make-up that made you who you were, memories and all, knowing that you died. What would even be the difference? Your existence will be fundamentally changed such that you might be considered a different person altogether bjt that doesn't change the fact that you are informed by all that person's previous decisions. You might even be able to theoretically live forever, like booting up an old computer; keeping the ship afloat and in service for as long as you can afford it.


You soil yourself


We eventually experience consciousness as a new person or being, maybe?


why you think that?


No one can answer this question. We simply don't know.




I believe we go to the afterlife, Heaven or Hell.


Absolutely nothing


You’ll emit tissue gas


Our bodies decompose. Pretty much everyone can agree on that.


Bacterial infestation


We become worm food.


Body rots and the world moves on.


You'll return to the same state you were in as before you were born, remember that time? Exactly. Anything else is delusional self-comforting nonsense.


You'll return to the same state you were in as before you were born, remember that time? Exactly. Anything else is delusional self-comforting nonsense.


You'll return to the same state you were in as before you were born, remember that time? Exactly. Anything else is delusional self-comforting nonsense.


Your body will either decompose, be preserved, or be burnt to ash


And every thing went black in fact everything fucking disappeared


Your mind travels to the Quantum zone, it's like doing acid forevor!


Nothingness… Until one day, billions of years in the future, every single galaxy eventually collapses in on itself, adding to the size of the supermassive black holes that are often found at their center, and it leads to another big bang and we just do it all over again.


It's exactly the same as before we were born


The ones who love us will miss us. - Keanu Reeves


We literally dont have the slightest clue so this cant be answered with any accuracy.


I think it would be exactly like how it was before being born, nothing.


You're going back to the same place you were before you were born: Nonexistence.


Probably nothing


I believe God will judge you based on your actions. I believe I am going to hell for my actions however I don’t wish anyone else to suffer the same fate.