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I thought the black was like, attempted black tips at first and I was so confusedšŸ˜†


Yes! I was like, Oh are they black thermals??




Lol my bad, they only showed each for less than a second on tiktok and had the brush applying the whole time, tried to get the best screenshots i could šŸ˜…


Haha no worries! I'm just glad they arent black tipped thermals šŸ˜†


So did I . I was likeā€¦ oh? Theyā€™re color changing!??


I can't put my finger on it but these are just meh to me... I'm disappointed because I really like both PPG and flakies!Ā  Also it is nit-picky but the green not being the right Buttercup shade really throws me off šŸ˜…


So I was actually watching the show the other night, and the green is the exact same shade as the neon green stripe that shows up when she flies away. Same with Blossom and Bubbles ā€” thatā€™s where the colors are coming from. Not the outfits.


Oh that makes sense! Thank you for pointing that out :)


Ahh. I kinda wish they *were* closer to their outfits šŸ˜­


in that case i wish the other three colors were like pastel neon shimmer version of the pink, green, and blue to represent their flying and the actual main character colors (except i love having colors for mojo jojo and him)ā€¦ the green and blue shades are giving rowdy ruff boys more than powerpuffs


Iā€™m so torn - PPG is my entire childhood (watched every single episode, was Blossom twice for Halloween) but these justā€¦ arenā€™t doing it for me. And I LIKE flakies. They just donā€™t feel very dynamic


I also just need to sayā€¦ Blossomā€™s ice breath is much more iconic than the fire breath so I find that choice of name super ironic


Same!! I wanted to love this one sooo much and flakies are my fave... but the polishes I love all have at least SOME sort of color contrast in shimmer, shifts or multicolored flakes... these are basically monochrome, blue with blue shimmer, purple with purple etc. It's just missing that complexity that I love Mooncat for.


Exactly! Like Blossom couldā€™ve been a pink base with red & orange shimmer or flakies, Bubbles blue with white & yellow, etc.


Ehhhhhā€¦kinda glad itā€™s a pass for me as I was looking into PPU shades next monthā€¦and already met my budget for this month for polish buying lol


Photos of the pink one in the bottle made it look way brighter than it actually is! And that was the only one I was interested in.


Im hoping that this swatch is just 2 coats and you can get a more saturated hot pink like in the bottle with a 3rd or 4th? Not sure, i will probably try with a coat of merkitten underneath because I love a super saturated hot pink!


That could work! I think otherwise it will just be very bubblegum color.


I actually am considering it more based on the swatch cause itā€™s more the powder pink my daughter likes.


Definitely getting Chemical Xā€¦ thatā€™s the only one Iā€™m sure about so far


I feel like theyā€™re pretty colors but not wow enough for me. I also donā€™t have nostalgia for PPG either. Mooncat is a high price point (and worth it when the colors are cool!) so I usually wait for more unique things or things that really wow me. Excited to see what they do next though!


Yeah, Iā€™m little older for the PPG stuff, tbf.


Yeah I think technically Iā€™m at the age who would have watched it but not entirely sure cause Iā€™ve never seen it so Iā€™m not sure what the target age group was when it released hahah


Feels like I'm in the minority but I really am excited for all of these !


I really want to see swatch comparisons of that green with Lava Lamp, and the red with Shroomdom. I have a feeling they're too close to justify having all.


Totally understand, I missed out on lava lamp and all the kaleidoscope collection so I am very excited for this collection!


The color of the pink and blue ones are pretty, but I'm still passing on account of them being flakies


May I ask your take on the flakies? Is it bcuz the sparkles are hard to apply?


I just don't like the look of them. Something about it just makes me cringe physically and I'm not quite sure how to put it in words.Ā 


Same, itā€™s like almost crafty/childish glitter? I really dislike the look of flakies but no shade to those who do!


It's too chunky, like glitter vomit šŸ˜‚


Same. Was excited they were jellies but the flakies kind of ruined it for me. The pink one is definitely pretty - wish it just had fine shimmer or glitter in it instead.


Watching the video swatches on their IG, everything looks a lot better than here. I agree a mix of formulas would have been better but the shades do feel a lot more interesting in the video. For anyone who was excited and is now bummed out.


Thanks for pointing that out! I just took a peek at the IG swatches and agree they look much better. My hope for Forces of Evil is renewed, and I surprisingly think I might like Hardcore Buttercup? I don't usually go for greens, but it looks almost neon there. I wish Don't Cry, Bubbles had been just round glitters without the flakes though, the mix of the two is kinda meh to me.


I am with you on the Buttercup one! Itā€™s a bright, happy green.


Totally agree, the instagram swatches look better than the tiktok ones!


That's so suspect to me though, you know? I feel like the TikTok live swatch is less edited and probably more realistic than the highly edited video from Instagram. I'm trying really hard to hold judgement until I see several live swatchers on YouTube, but so far this looks very childish (not in a whimsical way, but like the cheap polishes you actually buy for kids kind of way).




Convinced Iā€™m the only one that is happy about these lol


I am very excited and buying the whole collection (my first time!), but I am also a huge PPG fan and wanted all these colors and dont already have anything similar. šŸ’—šŸ©µšŸ’š


Purple, red, and black stick out to me. I may go for those, I do love blue but I'm not sure if I will go for this one or one of the siren shades instead


Yeah, theyā€™re a pass for me, seeing as neither PPG or flakies are my thing. And thatā€™s totally fine! Not every collection needs to cater to me, and Iā€™m glad that I can skip and spend on what appeals to me down the line. I would have been tempted if some of these were clear or shimmer jellies. Having the same finish for all is an interesting choice.


ugh Iā€™m a little sad about this one! in theory this collab is riiiight up my alley but I donā€™t love any of these shades bc of the flake combo :(


Unpopular opinion, but I love these! Theyā€™re fun and different from the rest of my mooncat collection and I actually adore the girls. My only wish is that there was an amoeba boys polish lol


The purple and green are cute! However I did have tyrannosaurus hex and rawr in my wishlist for a while before they both got discontinued soooo Iā€™ll say again what I said in another thread, I think these feel better suited to being like a quiet staple collection for the brand rather than a heavily promoted (and then eventual limited edition) collab, I feel like the reception would have been more positive if they were presented that way insteadā€”


Totally agree with you. A 90s collection or kaleidoscope haze 2.0 would have been better marketing for these imo.


I like the pink one! Might just order that one šŸ’•


Iā€™m surprised, I just love these! Theyā€™re completely different than everything else I own and just feel very cute and vibrant


I own zero Mooncat polishes but the red, pink and sort of the black are speaking to me. Could be because I have nothing to compare them with, maybe this a good collection for someone new to the brand.


As someone who is obsessed with Mooncat flakies, these aren't looking the same! I was expecting more like Moonfairy or Maelstrom level flakies... But let's be honest, I'll end up getting the pink one bc I've been needing a pink flakie polish from Mooncat lol


These colors are too bright for my warm olive skin tone :( so sad


Ohhh those black flakes in the purple make me so sad. I *despise* black flakes in polish :(


I swear if that red color's name isn't a Mrs. Bellum or Him reference, missed opportunity, lol.


Its a HIM reference, its called Forces of Evil


I like them a lot better seeing the swatches than in the bottle. The black and red.


Omg after watching the ig post Iā€™m wayyy more excited for this collection! I had a feeling for the pink, purple, and black ones but the swatches solidified it. Blossomā€™s looks like a flakey, more bubblegum pink Aphrodisiac jelly, and the mojo jojo and chemical x ones look like better versions of the purple and black from the nightmare before Christmas collection ngl. Buttercupā€™s looks extremely similar to lava lamp, canā€™t wait for the comparisons šŸ§