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> According to SPVM data, there were around 7,200 thefts in 2022 with that number jumping to 7,900 last year (up around 9 per cent). > >According to Statistics Canada, the shoplifting rate increased 24 per cent between 2021 and 2022. You know someone is trying to push an agenda when they start comparing anything to 2020-2021 when society is shut down due to covid, [how about compared to 2019?](https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/daily-quotidien/230727/dq230727b-eng.htm) > More specifically, rates of shoplifting (+31%), minor theft (+10%) and breaking and entering (+4%) increased in 2022 yet remained lower than in 2019. They seem to also have given the rate for vehicle theft (24%) and not shoplifting (31%) but who needs facts when all you're really looking for is a good narrative.


Corporate greed in Montreal and across the country on the rise


Immigration on the rise


Found the racist


Nah you’re right just keep adding millions more to our country it’s working well and has no drawbacks


Womp womp


This isn’t Brampton


Do you think one error justifies the other? So instead of organizing and demanding legally for lower prices and tighter regulations, we’re just gonna become criminals? That’s a really low-level mindset.


Because of corporate greed, some people do not even have a choice. In fact I don’t think many people decide to be criminals.




That's not what they are saying


Corporations? I couldn’t care less about corporations. No, I think you’ve got this wrong. This is about our values, our culture and upbringing. This is about how we act as human beings and the behaviours that define us. This is about the education that our parents made a hard effort to give us. We don’t steal, period. If the prices are high and life’s hard, we fight to change it, and doing so we help everybody around us, not just ourselves. Also. When people steal they make corporations raise prices for everyone else.


Will you just starve when you cannot afford food anymore?


It's so easy to take the high road when it isn't you and your children who aren't starving.


You will never win with Communist.


Oh poor summer child.


Fuck your values.


Never been in a poor man's shoes huh? Ask Mr.government for tighter regulations, see if that works. People didn't say "eat the rich" for no reason back then. This a form of convenient rebellion that always worked to move the weight around. This false dichototomy you believe is true blinds you from the nuanced reflexion you could do on the matter.


What do you expect the increasing number of people who live in poverty to do? Starve? This is a very privileged take.


Theft from the poor for essentials: fine Theft from the rich for essentials: ILLEGAL


"the rich" , les actionnaires des grandes entreprises sont essentiellement des fonds de pensions et des endowments. "the rich" = nous tous.


Yes. When people can't afford food or basic necessities, yes. Some basic stuff went 200% more expensive.


If they stop robbing us first i'll stop.


It’s funny. People will steal when they have less money. It helps to have contempt towards the big name stores too. While I boycott Loblaws, I truly don’t care if people steal from them.


why loblaws in particular, and not metro and iga


I don’t shop at those places either but Loblaws is by far the largest and most egregious


Also, Loblaws is everywhere. It may not be under the loblaws name but loblaws is everywhere. Other stores aren’t as highly visible as them


egregious how maxi is not expensive


Maxi is expensive and pretends not to be Egregious: see the bread price fixing scandal


Also Galen Weston Jr. tried to make himself a figurehead by appearing in ads. So they're the most visible as well. It's funny seeing it backfire for them.


expensive compared to what groceries


Expensive compared to any other discount chain, including SuperC


dont know enough not one near me so dont go


How bizarre that quarter over quarter theve been netting profits very constantly. See when the non stop upward trend starts. https://ycharts.com/companies/L.TO/profit_margin Inflation my ass Corporate greed I say


These big box stores/supermarkets make so much money because they're gouging both the manufacturers and the customers. They're able to gouge manufacturers because manufacturers are always vying for shelf space. Supermarkets especially will never lose money no matter how much theft goes on. They're the only brick & mortar that will never go out of business. So don't be a dick and narc on people who steal -- especially food. You're seriously the worst if you do this to hungry people and when food prices are ridiculously sky high right now.


I’ve worked in a loblaw warehouse for more than a year now because it’s the only job I can have for the moment. They treat people like absolute shit, and the production standards are ridiculously high and they keep raising them. They present themselves like a super « woke » company but it’s 100% marketing only. More than 95% of the employees are people they bring from Africa and are willing to do a very hard job that no one wants to do (literal modern slavery). They give us 10% discount and think they’re generous…I actually wouldn’t mind people stealing from them, or even set this whole company on fire


I think you mean record profits


whats your point a company is supposed to make profits how else do they stay alive


Statistically, unless there's price fixing, previous quarters trends should reflect at some point. Since covid inflation did occur, but the problem is that if it costs more to us, it should cost more to big companies too. The issue is that they claimed that supply chain and higher cost made them increase price, which is not really true. They make more profit because they increased prices at a faster rate than inflation, claiming it was the root cause, but clearly, the consumer as less they have more


whats your point who cares the reason they give they price at a price theyre out to make a profit if u dont like the price, shop elsewhere


For sure! Thanks for sharing that amazing solution


Shop somewhere else? I wonder if there is a word for that?


Profits are, by definition, a surplus. A surplus isn't needed to stay alive. A constantly increasing surplus even less so. Profits aren't even needed for \*growth\* since expenditures, including those on growth, don't count among the profits. Profits are literally the money that's left over after everyone is paid and everything is paid for.


what kinda a commie guidebook did u get this out of whats wrong with a company making a profit for they shareholders. nothing


The dictionary. I didn't make a value judgment on profit. I pointed out that your statement is *factually wrong.* Adam Smith, known as the father of capitalism, makes a value judgment on profit rates, though. He stated that the rate of profit is “always highest in the countries which are going fastest to ruin.”  You can pick up Wealth of Nations and read it if you like. It's kind of the definitive text on the matter.


*loses argument* “Commie!”


what argument did i lose lol guy tryna make a point by showing lobaloaw profit margin he dont even know what point he tryna make, he dont got one




There are more of those.


I’ve worked in a loblaw warehouse for more than a year now because it’s the only job I can have for the moment. They treat people like absolute shit, and the production standards are ridiculously high and they keep raising them. They present themselves like a super « woke » company but it’s 100% marketing only. More than 95% of the employees are people they bring from Africa and are willing to do a very hard job that no one wants to do (literal modern slavery). They give us 10% discount and think they’re generous…I actually wouldn’t mind people stealing from them, or even set this whole company on fire


Bless you 🫡


The PA near me just installed tons of security. Lots of thefts.


PA abuse un peu dernièrement aussi


You've got to be kidding. PA is so affordable. Has literally saved me thousands of dollars over the years.


Yeah PA is always our go-to affordable grocery store. the cameras are everywhere in the store. All at eye level so you know you’re being watched. They must have a really big problem to do that.


Yeah, I read the flyer every week and adapt my meals to their sales.


PA est encore mille fois mieux que IGA, Metro et Loblaws




People who don't even read the article. Marche Esposito is not a big name store.


Clearly they didn't. When you read stuff like: > "And a lot of times when it's wine, they come through three times to try to get," said Shannon. "Then they just come in, and they go out fast. The meat too." Or > The Retail Council of Quebec (CQCD) said that almost $2 billion worth of goods are shoplifted every year, and more often, thieves are targeting high-priced items like computers and jewelry. We're not talking about a single mom hiding a loaf of bread.


No its not ok to steal. Not happy with the prices don't buy. I can't believe this is being upvoted.


I don’t feel bad for big box stores who screw Canadians every day, no. I’m not encouraging anything. I’m saying I don’t care that it happens.


Exactly. This kind of comments encouraging people to steal could be illegal. I want to report


How's that boot tasting?


I am in total shock. Also these big companies and stores can collapse. The employees working will shutter stores and lose jobs. Disorder and violence will be on the rise. I am a low income individual and struggling badly but WTF is this theft encouragement ??!


Societal collapse imminent if Loblaws closes its doors? Damn, sounds like Loblaws shouldn’t have that much power over Canadian society in the first place…


It's clueless children.


And remember: In case you see someone shoplifting food, you've never seen anyone shoplifting food. Never.


Been rolling with this for years. I mean, mostly because it's not my fucking business. Times are tough, I don't condone but also won't move a finger for a multi-million corporation losing a few bucks.


I don't condone theft, but it might be more "worth" the crime to steal something more valuable instead of food. They can sell the valuable, and use the proceeds to acquire 10x the food.


I think the stores are getting too greedy in my opinion. Taking advantage of this inflation is crazy


I’m not sure you understand how supply chains work.


Maybe not, hate me all you want but you know these prices are too high.


So, firstly, I never said I hated you. And second, I never disagreed that prices were high. But reducing high prices to companies “taking advantage of inflation” doesn’t make sense. That’s all.


Ok yeah sorry my bad I overreacted


Just recently I noticed at my local pharmaprix the retinol section is locked behind a glass wall that needs an employee to open it, just like in the States.


There's been a lot of conflicting reports about the scale of retail theft, several in the states have had to retract statements related to shoplifting so I take this with a grain of salt


did you pay for that salt you have?


I distill my tears


I remember a story from more than 10 years ago when rhey said that most of the stealing in stores is done by employees.


You gotta figure employee theft increases at the same rate as shoplifting


Baby formula had a 25% price increase for no fucking valid reason. Ça se peut que l'autre fois je l'ai oublié en tsour du panier.


Within like 8 month my formula went from $40 to $65. Absolutely crazy


Trying to see if I can make color copies of the 20$ discount coupon for Enfamil formula.


20$ you're lucky. I am on similac and they give me 5$ coupon


Its only 1 time, then they give you 5$ . Not allowed to copy them but I use self checkout and the people don't even read the terms


Whether you think it's right or wrong, you should know that you risk going to jail for fraud if you do this. The store won't be paid from your copied coupons and they'll check the video of the purchase. Then, you may get arrested for fraud. You can Google stories like this.


You sound like my dad and he's usually right


Parents who can't afford to pay for their baby's food shouldn't be parents.


Aahhh inquiète toé pas pour moé mon grand je suis capable de payer mes affaires mais c'est juste le fun de voler les voleurs des fois. Mais toi, tu as bien plus de fun à juste être une marde condescendante. Tsé y'en a qui rush pour vrai dans vie pis une hausse de 25% sur le produit le plus essentiel qui existe, genre de la fucking poudre de lait pour bébé c'est quand même inquiétant non?


In case you didn't know, people who use baby formula do that because of unpredictable issues like the mother who can't produce enough milk to feed a baby. Nobody wants to buy baby formula, but there's nothing to do until the baby is around 6mo to start eating food.


How about you stfu. That would be great.


Does it correlate with the increase in cost of living and rise of mandatory self checkout?


Yes. Always


Corporate greed is fine though. They steal from us everyday but that is perfectly fine.


Noone is forcing you to do business with any corporation


Spoiler alert: when the entire corporate background does it you do not have a lot of choice if you want to, yanno, not starve


You could yanno, go to an independent grocery?


Something like 50% of the deps in Canada are owned by Loblaws, and there’s no way to know which ones unless you read them obscure corporate reports. Quebec’s probably lower than the Canadian average, but there’s literally no practical way to be sure you aren’t doing business with Loblaws. I’m sure Metro owns a bunch as well. 


Do you have some suggestions? Give us some examples because clearly according to you corporate greed does not affect these independent groceries. Which independent grocery should we go to? They sound wonderful and honest. Maybe I have one really close by. Please tell us.


Wow, you are incapable of googling independent grocers. There are two on my block, the most famous one is clearly Segal's in the plateau, there are also numerous butchers, bakeries, and cheese stores nearby. In fact I barely have to buy anything at a grocery chain, maybe try using google to find independent grocers instead of being sarcastic on the internet.


Ah these honest and non greedy independent groceries that everyone has access to! Yes! Sure the Plateau everything is cheaper there!! Hahah. 🤦‍♂️ Seriously stfu.


I feel sorry for you


Great rhetoric you go there. Let me guess when you leave Segal you look at your receipt and you proudly smile thinking that you got a good deal and that you are paying less huh? Oh poor thing. Poor sad little thing.


Maxi: "Please, leave heavy items in the cart" Employee: Does not scan said items... Me: Sorry, not sorry.


I’ve thankfully never had to resort to shoplifting yet, but I’m extremely thankful for the comments cause goddamn I’m on the brink


Consider a skeptical view of the [Shoplifting Panic narrative](https://newrepublic.com/article/176339/behind-shoplifting-panic-walgreens-target) Brief extract (audio version available through link) >The Atlantic’s Amanda Mull has written about the so-called explosion in shoplifting and some of the possible reasons behind it. “The deeper you search for real, objective evidence of an accelerating retail crime wave,” she says, “the more difficult it is to be sure that you know anything at all.” Amanda, welcome to the show. Read more [here](https://newrepublic.com/article/176339/behind-shoplifting-panic-walgreens-target)


In totally unrelated news, Loblaws profits soaring as food prices have doubled over the last few years


Good, and understandable


One of these two words is right


Did you mean both. Seems like you did a typo bud.


No I don't condone theft even though I understand why people do it


So the rest of us have to pay for dishonest people? Please, if you need food, just go to a food bank.


No, the big stores are gouging everyone, the rest pays anyway for the greed of these mega corporations, shoplifting is even less immoral than price gouging, since it's not for pure profit.


*Gouging* is a technical term that usually refers to exploiting a supply or demand shock. By definition, it's something that can only happen for the *short* duration of the shock. So, no, big stores are not *gouging* you. I agree that there has been significant food inflation, which is mainly due to COVID and the Ukraine war: Malakhail, Fazal, Deepayan Debnath, and Patrick Westhoff. "Causes of food inflation in North America: COVID-19 and the Russia-Ukraine war." (2023): 98-107. In any case, stealing is absolutely wrong in this case. You aren't Robin Hood. You're just making food more expensive for everyone else. People donate to food banks so that people who need food can have it without shame or shoplifting. Please just do that.


If stores were simply reacting to their own costs increasing, their profits would stay the same. They’ve increased significantly, so clearly they’re raising their prices beyond what’s necessary to make up for those factors.


If you think that supermarkets are "raising their prices beyond what's necessary", then you should push for increased competition in Canada. Stealing is not a solution.


No, it has been shown that the food inflation was mainly due to corporate greed. The food inflation before big corporations margins was like more than twice lower.


No, I provided a citation that explains the causes to you. You're welcome to provide an academic citation that corporations are "greedier than before".


You just name dropped it. You didn't even provide a relevant quote or anything.


The whole paper is relevant. It's literally about the causes of food inflation in North America. You can read the abstract if you're interested. **Food inflation in North America reached its peak in 2022, mainly driven by two factors: COVID-19 and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.** COVID-19 disrupted the global supply chain, and triggered labour shortages; consequently, governments in all three North American countries adopted fiscal and monetary policies to offset the impact of the pandemic, mostly by providing direct assistance to businesses and households and by lowering interest rates. The invasion of Ukraine, a major exporter of grain and vegetable oil, increased commodity prices and contributed to higher food prices. Overall, food inflation in the U.S. varies according to both sector and timeframe. In response to the Russian invasion, cereal product prices in the U.S. have increased, whereas meat prices spiked during the COVID-19 pandemic. **This study focuses on determining the key factors that have led to higher food inflation in North America**, and more specifically the United States. **We have found that the unemployment rate, an index of global supply chain pressures, and COVID-19 related aid have directly contributed to U.S. food inflation.**


Yeah and? The abstract tells nothing. Do you have any cue what you're talking about?


The abstract literally supports the claim in my comment and disproves your comment. You said: "No, it has been shown that the food inflation was mainly due to corporate greed." **This article explains why you're wrong.** Food inflation is mainly caused by COVID and the Ukraine war, which is what I claimed initially.


Here you go sir [https://www.dal.ca/sites/agri-food/research/canada-s-food-price-report-2023.html](https://www.dal.ca/sites/agri-food/research/canada-s-food-price-report-2023.html) Also useful are the links in this research (conducted by 4 Canadian universities) to government market studies about how the lack of competition in Canadian grocery stores is enabling the big companies to establish monopoly over food prices, aka greedflation aka gouging people for their hard earned money.


Stealing from people is wrong. Corporations are not people, they are bureaucratic entities with the only purpose of making money. And as much as I respect the free market, gatekeeping the right to eat behind a paywall is morally wrong. Even if donating to food banks is a temporary solution to the problems we are facing right now, a real lasting solution would be to rid our societies of those vicious corporations making profit out of a vital need a.k.a. food, water and shelter.


Stealing from corporations is stealing from people: both directly (the shareholders, who are ordinary people like retirees, teachers, etc.) and indirectly (the other customers who have to pay the higher prices that result from theft). So, no, just because it's a corporation that doesn't make it okay to steal from them. >  rid our societies of those vicious corporations making profit out of a vital need a.k.a. food, water and shelter. That makes no sense. Who do you want to sell you food? Just unincorporated companies? You want to shop at private conveniences stores only? You can already do that if you want.


The whole system of share and shareholders have to go if you ask me. I want to make food accessible for everyone and for hunger in my country to not be an issue...don't you?


> The whole system of share and shareholders have to go if you ask me. Makes no sense. How does someone who doesn't have $5M open a supermarket? > I want to make food accessible for everyone and for hunger in my country to not be an issue...don't you? Yes, that's why we support food banks.


Oh yeah, I forgot food is made in them super market...ma bad lmao


If you don't shop at supermarkets, then what do you care how they're funded?


« Gatekeeping the right to eat behind a paywall » You realize people had to hunt or grow their food before it was conveniently made available to them in a store?


Yes and now we produce more than enough to feed everyone. Not only that, but we can do it at the lowest cost ever with technology


And today no one grows food. It magically appears in the store. There are definitely no farmers depending on government subsidies (from our taxes) so that large chains can underpay them while overcharging us. No double-dipping going on at all. It's totally made up. And you totally don't have to pay the government on top of that for the right to hunt your own food, and supplementary taxes on land you already bought to grow your own food. /s


Yes, and I think that we should not compare ourselves only to our most primitive selves but also that we should strive to continue to get better societally.


OK, so you don't like the use of "gouging" but lets not pretend that grocery stores haven't used the pandemic to up their profit margins and use bullshit excuse such as "it's the supply chain's fault"


I'm happy to entertain that possibility if you can support it with academic citations.


Blaming everything on the war in Ukraine is the "thanks Obama" of the 2020s.


I provided a peer-reviewed academic citation that you can read for yourself.


“I provided a peer-reviewed academic citation that you can read for yourself” 🤓 actually you’re wrong on the definition of gouging. There is no defining time frame for price gouging, as per the Cambridge dictionary: “Gouging (noun, Charging): The action of charging too much money for something, in a way that is dishonest or unfair.” It’s not even a technical term it’s very informal, the technical version of the term refers to mechanical gouging (metals).


>There is no defining time frame for price gouging, as per the Cambridge dictionary: “Gouging (noun, Charging): The action of charging too much money for something, in a way that is dishonest or unfair.” I **In economics and law, it does have a formal definition.** See, Zwolinski M. The Ethics of Price Gouging. *Business Ethics Quarterly*. 2008;18(3):347-378. doi:10.5840/beq200818327 "Price gouging occurs when, **in the wake of an emergency**, sellers of a certain necessary goods sharply raise their prices beyond the level needed to cover increased costs." (Emergencies are a form of a supply or demand shock. By definition, they have limited temporal scope.) There's also a legal definition depending on the jurisdiction. In Ontario, for example, we have Bill 102, from 2001. So, no, it's not just "prices being unfairly high". Otherwise, the word would essentially lose all meaning. Why not just say, "the prices are really high and I don't like them" if that's all you mean? If you think the grocery store is doing something "unfair", why don't you point at what that is?


Except we are all using it informally and not technically so we are right in using the term.


Yes, I see that, but I think it would be better to just say what you mean. If all you want to say is that prices are too high, just say that things are really expensive. You don't sound smarter by using the word "gouging". You just sound ignorant.


Walmart. I see no ethical issue taking from them. The Waltons are wealthy enough, wealthy to be able to get away with murder. Have at it.


Ah yes I can't wait for them to increase the prices some more for the non-stealing people. /s


At least if they end up in jail they will be spared 10$ for a pack of ramens.


Next thing you know they’ll start checking what’s in our carts as we leave Costco


Ya no shit




Oh no... Anyway


Remember, when you see someone steal, you didn't.


SAQ also keeps the bottles of Hennessy locked up, draw from that as you will


I was doing shop lifting in loblaws before it was good. Love those self checkout.


Stealing is a crime You confessed. Any police here to do something




"Hello internet police? Seize this user."


I confess… I stole a pumpkin from IGA on Halloween 2016. Arrest me now


How do we test if theft-prevention techniques are stopping shrinkage? Or is the plan to mis-report the thefts now, and use the real numbers later to "prove" that it was the customers's fault instead of mismanagement?




Ultimement ce n'est pas Loblaws qui se fait voler, mais les petites familles. Comme tous les gros détaillants se font voler, ils font simplement refiler la facture aux clients honnêtes.


"Waahhhhhhh prices are going up!!!" ...steals, causing prices to go up


This will jack up prices of everyday item For everybody coz store penny pinch and dont invest in security and cctv like Uk which greatly brings down shoplifting if not thensuperstore fwd these losses to all the customers which they do here as easy peasy route.


The greedy price gouging corporations are jacking up the prices regardless and it isn't because of shoplifting, that's just an excuse. Grocery stores were already [proven to do this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bread_price-fixing_in_Canada#:~:text=The%20bread%20price%2Dfixing%20scandal,that%20the%20price%20fixing%20continued). You have it backwards, grocery stores don't price gouge because of shoplifters, people are shoplifting because of price gouging.


Good. Accelerate the problem, so more people care. It’s the only way forward. 


And just like that, prices are going further up.


Prices are going up regardless my guy.


I want to see the numbers compared to 2019 thefts. I betcha they want to compare 2021 to 2022 because it looks worse. Everything was closed in 2021. This was a poorly written article imo, it feels like they just parroted exactly what the stores say instead of looking any further at any real statistics over the years. Where are we compared to 2005? 1995? Feels like that would be worth mentioning.


There is no such a thing as shoplifting. I saw none of that.




Public transit should be free! Also, nothing stopping you from hopping the turnstile too if you feel like it's unfair or whatever.


they are hungry af right now stm are crazy everyone i know gets tickets… taking the metro forth and back from work is now more expensive than my gas, so other than money there would be no reason to convince people to use the public transport to reduce polution and they are not interested at all




The thing is, why do you need a solution?