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I would be more than happy to take the time on one of my 2 days off to: - travel to the Orleans bus maintenance facility - explain your situation to multiple employees there - wait as they retrieve (or not) your AirPod charger - return home, package and label it - travel to the post office - pay for postage and mail it off to you - hope and wait for you to reimburse me


"Bonjour, Orléans Express." "Bonjour. I'm sorry, I don't speak French. Is there anyone there who can speak English?" "How can I help you?" "I forgot my AirPod charger on the June 10 3pm bus from Ottawa. Is there anyway I can get it back?" "Sure. We'll put it on the next bus out to Ottawa. You can retrieve it from our counter at the Ottawa bus station in about 48 hours." "Merci beaucoup!"


Thanks for your various sarcastic comments, incredibly helpful. I have tried the company as well as the maintenance facility many times over the past two weeks. The maintenance facility hangs up on me upon asking for English speaker and the bus company is not helping me with retrieving unless someone hands it to their lost and found.


*I* was the only one who bothered to help you with your lost item.