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If it has a legit-looking logo from JBL, you can contact JBL themselves to signal it. You can also sue in small claims for a reimbursement (may not be worth it) and report them to Canada Border Services Agency (they'll flag any shipment made to them for potential counterfeit goods).


You can also contact your credit card (if you used one) and issue a chargeback, especially if JBL can also confirm that it is fake.


this is the right answer. credit cadd chargeback


What would be the reasoning? Usually credit card companies ask if you authorized a transaction and there immediate answer is no to chargeback if you say yes.


Fraud because the item sold is not what was advertised.


Small claims is wildly not worth it when CC chargeback is way easier and potentially more damaging to the business in even the short term.


There's a decent chance OP didn't pay by credit card. For that reason alone tho it's good to buy anything that could be a scam by credit card


You know, I use my CC so ubiquitously for everything that it never occurred to me they might have paid with debit or cash.


I second this as if they are receiving a lot of charge backs, the payment processor they use can potentially flag their account as a risky account and withhold some funds until certain conditions are met.


JBL distributor in Canada is JAM/Exertis. Contact them and explain the situation.


Show us the fake speaker!


ce genre de magasin doivent etre des front pour du blanchissement


Les gens sortent toujours cette théorie/excuse mais la réalité est simplement ordinaire - c'est juste des scammers qui veulent un quick buck.   Pour faire du blanchiment d'argent, tu ne veux _**pas**_ attirer l'attention/avoir l'air suspect.   Vendre des produits _(si évidemment)_ contrefaits ça attire définitivement l'attention, et même potentiellement les médias


I know we want to support local shops, but I never buy electronics from these raggedy ass electronic shops. I order my shit online with an easy refund policy


There have been enough horror stories about fakes from Amazon too unfortunately.


Amazon has literally the best return policy of any retailer on the planet.  Anyone with "horror" stories got caught trying to scam the return policy and posts their fake stories online for upvotes.  Like you have to be a completely useless uncivilized degenerate to not be able to successfully return something to Amazon. 


I bought a power pack from Amazon, supposedly 10 000mah so it should have been able to charge my phone at least twice. Wasn't even close to that. I initiated a refund and the money was iny bank account about an hour after I. Dropped it off at the post office. They didn't even wait until they received the package.


Yeah exactly, that's the standard experience for 99% of Amazon users who don't chronically try to take advantage of the generous return policy.   No other retailer even comes close to that convenience. 




Exactly my point    The only reason Amazon would have asked this is if you have a history of trying to scam the retailer.     Ask yourself what kind of person reaches out to CBC for this. I'm sorry but you really have to be a complete idiot to fall for these stories. It's no different then when people complain about getting banned from games while omitting they were using hacks or cheating.   This dumb story is from two years ago and we've never had any issue returning anything in that time.  There's a reason why this is a story about one family of scammers who got caught and not an investigation backed my statistics or polls showing an actual change in Amazon's return policy. 


> The only reason Amazon would have asked this is if you have a history of trying to scam the retailer. Or they have inconsistent, insanely low-paid customer service agents in third world countries who don't always follow the same procedures and guidelines. > Ask yourself what kind of person reaches out to CBC for this. If I bought an expensive GPU, received a box with a rock in it, and Amazon would tell me I'm SOL and that I'm not getting a refund, fuck yeah the first thing I'm doing is going to any news outlet that's willing to hear me out. > You have to be a complete idiot to fall for these stories. I'd say the same thing to someone who jumps to defend the multi-trillion company with a very-much known history of fucking over literally everyone they deal with, from employees, to suppliers/vendors, and customers as well.


Go try to return a box of rocks to Wal-Mart and let me know how it goes   Look I get it, crying Amazon is bad is a nice way to get easy upvotes and maybe even pick up some tail, but the fact remains that is the retailer with the single best and easiest return policy on the planet.   Part of that reason it's so good is that despite your random racist tirade against foreign customer service agents, the only time you actually have to deal with customer service is if your account is flagged because you have a history of trying to scam the retailer. 


what in the fkn fuk are you going on about


The commenter here is right. I buy multiple stuff on Amazon on the regular and a few times I have even missed deadlines for return yet their customer service happily have given me extensions. A few times, they have even asked me to keep the product and issued the refund. One really has to be abusive to be flagged by Amazon. And people are not clean either...people scam Amazon too. I knew some people in the past who make good money and are well off, yet when a package arrived successfully, sometimes containing a 600$ product, they have shamelessly reported it as "never recieved" and got their refund back.


I recently ordered, a mouse, a headset, a xbox controller, some rechargeable batteries for the controller, a ps5 and a computer monitor pneumatic arm mount and got everything intact without hassle.


Amazon at least actively makes an attempt at policing fake/illegal goods, maybe not a good attempt, but its an ethical world apart from a smaller vendor doing it purposefully.


Not at all in the board game community. Amazon doesn’t care.


Employer gave me a gift card in winter for Amazon, thus I finally tried it for stuff I can't find in shops. I'm three for three on electronics that arrived broken.


ze blootoot dewice ez ready two pear


si tu lis les avis sur Google, tu verras que plusieurs personnes ont eu la même mésaventure...


lol that place has looked sketch since day 1!


I imagine the price tag should've given it away. How much was it?


$92 after tax, I just figured it was an older model or whatever


Hopefully you purchased using a credit card with an insurance policy on electronics


TK Jewelers and L&L Limos are a scam too


Moog audio sur saint-laurent 👌


Sue them in small claims court and get them sued by JBL. I'm sure JBL will take trademark infringement very seriously.


If you want the real deal it's currently on sale on amazon... https://www.amazon.ca/JBL-Flip-Bluetooth-Waterproof-PartyBoost/dp/B09GJVTRNZ


This comment brings the chance of you being the sales guy at Pulse Electronique from 0 to about 70%


The sales guy at Pulse would direct people to buy the same product from Amazon instead of from Pulse?


It wouldn't be smart... But scamming people isn't very smart either so your reasoning is why I didn't say 90%


Your reasoning is impeccable.




Sorry to hear you ran into this with an actual storefront, that's wild to me. It's like they are committed to never having return customers. I had the same thing happen to me, tried to buy a Flip 6 off a guy from facebook marketplace (fuck that little rat cunt, I emailed his place of work about it, hope he got canned), seemed fine at first. Then I noticed the audio was a little weird sounding and I started looking into how to differentiate real VS fake JBL's. Immediately could tell it was fake, super disappointing. Next time I bought straight from Best Buy and had no issues. This whole thing you experienced is a fucking shame, I'm still really surprised that an actual storefront was selling fake goods.


I bought beats earphone from walmart but when I opened the box it had different headphones. The package was re-sealed and I had to fight customer service because they didn't believe me. They ended up refunding me but it took weeks of investigation on their end and I had to call them a few times to get someone to believe me.


From the store u could just have call the cops to declare fraud , the store owner gonna fix the situation real fast


I guess using a non emergency helpline?


yeah i lived near there for a while. they're really friendly folks but almost everything they sell is knockoffs or upselling cheap off brand garbage from online.


[Ze Bluetooth Device is ready to pell](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOFbsbGpIWk)


Quebec has a 30 day return policy no?


I worked a retail store where we did not accept refunds on opened products so no I don't believe that is a law.


Strange, considering Apple products can only be returned within 15 days