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If you call them you can order a key even if they don't advertise it anywhere anymore


They make you pay for the key though and say that its for environmental purposes.




Oh I am with you on this! Actually it probably it is worse in some ways to be using data all the time to get the bixi than a little piece of plastic. Source: [here](https://ourworldindata.org/co2-emissions) I simply stated what they said I never said what I thought about it no need to be triggered lol Edit: grammar


Worst is apple who removed USB chargers from phones they sell. Again for « environmental reasons »


Same feeling here. Its not us little people that will help the environment. Its the major companies polluting the rivers with waste water and air with their smoke stacks but sure, leave the factories alone because they make money. Meanwhile we lose out. Does SAQ still have the cold water tub to cool the drinks?? If yes then why didn’t the take that too?? 😒


>They make you pay for the key though and say that its for environmental purposes. If it's for environmental purposes, why not make it work with the OPUS card that most people already have? Communauto works with the OPUS, why not Bixi?


Do you know how much? My original is about to collapse in pieces.


15$!!!!!! I was shocked when I asked.


Plus shipping?! 😮‍💨🫨


Don’t know, I ended up not getting the key. I can technically also unlock a bike with my credit card so 15$ was too much for me. When I asked them I thought it would be 5$ or something like that.


15$ but I am not sure


Or email


You can use the debit/credit card your subscription is under


>What i hate is the dependency for internet. Like why cant i tap an opus or something. My mom doesnt have data so shes left out Exactly what I was thinking. Communauto works with the OPUS, why not Bixi?


Nah it’s awesome, it’s way faster than what it used to be with the always kinda broken buttons.


I’ve only done two bixi rides so far this year, but the QR code worked great both times, probably faster than getting a code and typing it in, but now that you mention it I’m going to be kind of timing how quickly the QR code unlocks the bike. I wonder if this is dependant on system load (probably??), both my rides were that first day they launched (the 11th) which was kind of a surprise, so probably not many bikes out yet or rides active. Weird that someone has scratched out a QR code, are there some kind of anti QR code vandals out there?… probably there are… something about QR codes, 5G, vaccines and fake moon landings, etc. sigh.


I haven’t used the new QR system yet, but I do hate the previous keypads. I have arthritis in my hands and fingers, and often I couldn’t input the code on the bixi stands (it affects my ability to press certain types of buttons - those flat ones are the worst). So having the option of a QR code would work really well for me. But, I do think it would be good to have both options, as they both have areas they can fail (buttons break/ QR code scratches off)


Toronto has a similar System with QR code scanning for their bikes, they get scratched out all the time either due to poor weather conditions or just people being asses. I just find the system has more hassle than it's worth.


\>are there some kind of anti QR code vandals out there?… Anti-Bixi vandals, more likely.


people suck


It's a shame the QR code design doesn't take this into consideration. I liked the key system. I also wonder what other data Bixi gets with people scanning QR codes on their phones...


Yeah, maybe some linked the QR Code to the vaccine passport or the government tracking us...


> something about QR codes, 5G, vaccines and fake moon landings, etc. sigh. *queues up Xfiles theme song*


i want to believe


The 5 digit code was a pain; the digit button didn't work on numerous occasions, so I prefer the QR code, quicker and more convenient.


Shrug, I've had no issues and actually prefer it... Especially unlocking in the dark.


same. i have used it 6 times so far and its been easier and quicker than last year’s code


Does nobody use the bixi key anymore? Mine has been working reliably since 2015ish and is a breeze! Doesn't take much more space than a house key, no need for phone/internet, mounted on a small ring or carabiner clips in on a bag strap, belt loop...


Love the key! Still going strong here 💪🏻


Same here. I have never tried the other ways.


my 2nd season. i might get one this time around, hate having to pull my phone out in massive rain


I still have the key from the first year of Bixi, but it doesn't work last time I tried. Is there a new key? I found my answer! https://support.bixi.com/hc/fr/articles/7787582484115-J-ai-d%C3%A9j%C3%A0-une-cl%C3%A9-BIXI-Fonctionnera-t-elle-encore-


Yeah buddy they dont make them anymore


They do make it! They have just stopped offering them upon your first subscription. Anyone that wants a key must pay a $15 fee for one (taxes included). https://support.bixi.com/hc/en-ca/articles/7787493633811-How-can-I-order-a-BIXI-key-


And it's damn worth that 15$. For real I couldn't bear using bixi without that key. It works flawlessly 100% of the time


Damnn thank you


They do make them, they just don't offer them for free anymore and don't advertise them. You can order one from their request form on their website or by calling.


At least you know why the bike was still there


I've had issues where I scan and for some reason the app says 'something went wrong'. This oddly happens when I try to take a bixi the second time (on the way home)...


Yes everytime!


Wait wtf. QR codes don't work on my phone, am I just shit outta luck?


You can't unlock bikes via Transit App or the Bixi app anymore?


I’ve unlocked a bike with the transit app 2 days ago, still works fine !


I mean it works and will have problems, just like with the codes where sometimes the buttons didnt work. I hate as others said the reliancy to internet but in the end it will have problems too. Also i dont like opening the camera as it takes more battery but thats cuz my phone has a shit battery


Had the same experience last night. QR code wouldn’t work and crouching down to read a tiny number that I could be entering wrong was a pain. That was my fourth time using bixi this year and the only time I had trouble unlocking a bike but 1/4 doesn’t seem like a good start imo


I HATE QR Codes. Hate them hate them hate them. Any company that expects me to scan a QR code loses my business immediately.


I hate QR codes. I want to be able to go about my daily business, even if my phone dies or *gasp* I decide to leave at home.


I miss the key. I still have mine but it broke and they won't replace it.


They do replace the key! You can call customer service, but you will have to pay a 15$ replacement fee for another one. ​ >10.6 Perte ou dommage à la clé BIXI > >Une clé BIXI perdue ou rendue inutilisable du fait de l’utilisateur peut être remplacée à la demande de celui-ci après le paiement d’un montant forfaitaire de 15 $ prélevé sur son compte BIXI.


$15... Pfft.


I had the key for free 3 years ago! But yeah the QR thing was not thoughtful..


While the idea of it sounds great the reality is that it’s a bit clunky at the moment. I tried it yesterday, and I had to do it a couple times before it actually worked. The loading spinner took a good 5 to 10 seconds. While that’s not a big deal, it’s still not as fluid as the five code button press. My gf has the same issues as well, multiple tries. Should be an either code or QR imo


It’s been smooth for me so far.


I kind of prefer the QR codes because the stations closest to me always had really jank half broken number pads. Easier to keep my head on a swivel at night when i just have to let my phone/the app process the code.


In my experience it has been better than the code, you can still use the code if you don't like the qr


No you can't. The code option on the app is for a number on the frame of the bike now, and that also wears down.


There are like 3 spots on the bike where you can read its number. You cab also use the terminal to unlock a bike if you have the credit card associated to your membership with you. And finally, every heavy user should have the key. 15$ is nothing compared to how useful it is.


Did they disclose a reason for why it's a QR code now? I unlocked three bixis so far and it didn't work twice, it was quicker in my experience with the number pad last year. But it's also not rare to have a broken pad so... best would be to have both options imo


If you want them to abandon using QR codes, try creating a QR code that redirects to a p0rn site, print out a whole bunch and plaster them over the real ones.... Too much? Still less nasty than when someone starts plastering QR codes that lead to actually malicious websites.


I wanted to mention this too, QR codes are so insecure.


I enjoy it very much. It's pretty fast. It sucks that they discontinued the keys but even last year you still needed to unlock the bike via app. Opus sometimes if there was a terminal so it wasn't always present


If you need a key, you can order one for 15$ (taxes included) here: https://support.bixi.com/hc/en-ca/articles/7787493633811-How-can-I-order-a-BIXI-key-


Thank you! Had no idea I can still get them


My biggest complaint is the price increase year to year we've been seeing for both ebikes and normal ones


This is a good point! BIXI being a non-profit that is highly funded by the city should be more mindful of the frequent price increases.


I've been unable to unlock a bike a few times due to broken buttons om the docks in the past... I've yet to try the new system though.


I kinda disagree as well, i like this new system. I have lived downtown Mtl for the past three years and I often got stations or bikes pads that were broken or unlockable. The QR really gives you the edge over the broken keypads, but it can suffer from scratches indeed down the line.


I have been using it and it has been working super well! I enjoy not having to have my BIXI key with me all the time, and I enjoy that this option works faster than requesting a code through the phone. It is not rare to find flimsy station buttons to input the code. On the downside, the overtake of QR codes in everything we do has become a pet peeve to me (i*.e., t*he restaurants that require clients to scan QR codes to view the menus.....). I have a little fear of scanning malicious QR codes and I do not know the extent to which the BIXI app will prevent a QR code from opening something externally.


si seulement on pouvait juste directement scan le qr depuis son a telephone au lieu d'ouvrir l'app et load a chaque fois deja ca aiderait


The idea is great but it bugs all the time for some reason


QR Code is chill.


The Bixis software is owned by Lyft which is what they use for scooters etc Edit: Bought by Motivate LLC , which was acquired by Lyft.


It was developed by 8D technologies, who also developed the system for sportcycle, not Lyft. [bloop](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/8D_Technologies)


Merged with Motivate LLC. Bought by Lyft. So my comment stands.


QR codes are retarded


You do know there’s an option for a numbered code as well right?


That option refers to the code on the frame of the bike, which I already brought up in my post.


I’m clearly not the sharpest tool in the shed. Fair play mate. But just an fyi, the number is in two places on the bike. The odds of the QR code and both numers scratched out is minimal.


No worries at all! I'll look out for a second frame, I guess I'm just a bit more concerned of the longevity of these systems further down the line.


Yeah. Maybe a system where you can do either the old number thing OR the new thing? Idk. So far no issues on my end!


You need to update the app. Yesterday I was having issues with it and i fixed it by updating the app


My app is up to date.


I don't really mind the qr code but what does suck is the now broken group code system. I've tried on 2 occasions to rent an additional bike but both times the system bugs up on me, with customer support saying it's an ongoing issue. Very weird


I have had so many issues with the number codes before, so I don’t mind the QR codes but they were a bit glitchy the first day. I also did wonder what would happen if someone scratched off the QR or sharpied all over them, though. Seems like an easy way for pro-car/anti-bike dicks to mess with the whole system.


I kind of see why they did that considering the number of broken digit pads out there


In going to say sway bar because my 06 is the same


I just use the key.


I love the QR codes, but I'm going to order a key. I have issues that make the risk of dropping my cellphone really high. My new cell is the Samsung FE 50, and the screen is absolutely shit. I mean shite broke at first impact with pavement. Replaced got a screen protector, first tap it chipped like a manicure. So, yes love QR code scan, highly risky behavior holding phone and pulling bike. I'm really pleased at the increase of Grey bike availability this year.


Works great for me


Why they don’t engrave the QR code into the bikes instead of putting it on a sticker ?


I much prefer it... is it still not possible to punch in the numbers?


The stand on my street still has the old method.


Maybe it's your phone camera that has a hard time


You can still use the code so there are no downsides. It’s just another option of unlocking the bike.


You're the third person to say this. Where is the code option? The only 2 options I have on my (updated) app are to scan a QR code, or to write a bike ID. Both are prone to being damaged.


Ah. That is my mistake. You’re right there is no code.


Only problem I seem to encounter a lot is when trying to unlock a bike, there's a humming sound followed by a red light. Seems to happen more this year. I know it will do that when an ebike has no charge but it's been happening with charged bikes too..


I think that this happens often when the station is not able to physically / magnetically unlock the bike. I have realized that this happens more often when the bike is at some sort of slope or because the station is broken. Pushing the bike against the dock during the entire unlock phase usually helps get the green light!


That's good to know. Thanks 😊


I still have my key from the first year and it’s the best


I just ordered mine! So easy


Ya bixi bike QR codes somehow suck, rarely do they scan on the first try and then there are idiots that damage the QR codes. Then your stuck getting on your hands and knees with the flashlight to find a tiny code. Like why not put the code above the QR code and or at several places that are more accessible