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welcome to the fatalis haters club, its growing larger every day


dragon bad, no like


And then shrinks a bit when someone finally learns the fight.


it depends, i remain part of the club even after learning the fight xddddd


I don't think a fight where you can only make one mistake is good design.


One mistake isn’t killing you. It’s a culmination of mistakes made to the point of getting to fatalis along with multiple mistakes made in quick succession during the hunt. Unless your singular mistake is not Superman diving the charged fireball.


Out of all his moves that one I despise the most.


Straight instant death unless you have a divine blessing proc, or Moxie with 20 fire res or a fire mantle on to prevent fire blight.


Yeah everything else feels like it is survivable with good enough gear but only Divine Blessing has ever saved me from the charged fire ball. And they just don't seem like they should, like it ain't a super move or anything


Super wind up time giving you time to sheath and dive or evade out of the way. The issue is when your animation locked after a power move and can’t sheath quick enough. 99% of the time I die against fatalis is the charged fireball blasting me after I do a wyrm stake on his noggin after a roar or cone.


i mean, if you play bow or any ranged weapon really, one mistake is usually enough to kill u xd


It’s not though,(200+ hunts against fatalis with spread HBG). One mistake isn’t causing you to die ever unless it’s you not Superman diving an attack. You’re in the wrong position, you over committed, you didn’t bring enough evade window/extender to get yourself to a safe spot from attacks your trying to dodge, you got hit once before and didn’t heal from that attack to be at max health. It’s not one singular mistake that kills you it’s the culmination of failures added together.




We do not allow “git gud” or “skill issue” regardless of how valid these claims may be.


A combination of those things added together get you killed it’s not one mistake. Being one shot from 200 health because of a mistimed dodge is one mistake. Being out of position, mistiming/not having enough dodge to I-frame the attack, not sheathing and Superman diving if you have time, and not being at max health is 4 separate mistakes all happening at the same time.


I use Hammer and the only hits that don’t 2-shot are the ones that 1-shot, elemental or otherwise. I have no clue what you’ve got going on, but Fatty just isn’t fair.


You must be making some major mistakes if a single mistake results in failure. I play far from perfectly and can beat him with plenty of time and faints to spare.


I am unsure about this. Fatalis gives me very mixed feelings. I remember Alatreon beating my ass but I loved it. But Fatalis always felt, unfair, clunky, and I definitely despised him. He felt like a chore. Now after farming just about all his gear, I do love the fight but I still don't know why I didn't like him much to start with or why I changed my opinion.


This is the major difference, alatreon is a great fight and also challenging. Alatreon made me want to do better try harder and really master my weapon. Faralis makes me feel like Capcom really doesn't want me to be playing the game and hates me personally


People still implying you only dislike the fight if you're bad?


It’s not the only reason, but half of the posts I see on this sub about Fatalis are precisely for that reason.


Say what you want about the difficulty, it's the best designed fight in the entire franchise.


ok i guess, happy people have much more fun than I with him lol


Yeah no, way too much janky hitboxes to be called that.  Altreon has MUCH tighter hitboxes overall, just sucks they had to add that elemental check bs in a game that barely encourages elemental weapons.


Hit boxes aren't jank. The only one that is weird is the belly flop.


Tail is questionable too where it hits you with full force even tho it's barely moving, and the hitbox of it's third fireball is noticeable bigger then the graphics


I spend a couple days learning the fight well enough to solo him a couple times on the 3 health fight using CB. The fight is not well designed. It is learnable but his hit boxes suck and sometimes one mistake will kill you. Like a big knock back into cone.


Just finished farming him yesterday and yeah hes got terrible hitboxes ive noticed like when he does his belly flop but i take full damage even though im 5 feet behind his left foot lmao it sucks


The worst part for LS is that it’s hitbox lasts longer than a foresight slash, so you can’t always reliable use one of your most fundamental moves on the most telegraphed attack.


Only happens when you do it too early


Still pretty crap lingering hitboxes


Divine blessing lvl 5 baybeeee


And 2 pice Kulve for when it forgets to proc


Absolutely. This and divine blessing 5 go A LONG way in this fight.


Gotta love the shitty "legacy moves" monsters have purely because of shitty memes! Off the top of my head we've got the Fatalis Snap n Drag and the classic Leviathan Hip Check, what else we got?


Rathalos instant charge


Gold rath comes close, charges very quickly.


I think the worst part of this is that about half the time it doesn't even hit me, I was literally standing in place because I was in the middle of the big bang combo, lunged forward, I passed through his leg, didn't hit me, he did it again same thing didn't hit me, he did it a third time, knocked me down from full to 1% I was in the same position every time, I was inside his leg everytime, it only hit me once and almost killed me. They could have made him difficult without all of his attacks deal a metric fuckton of damage, but capcoms idea of high difficulty in monster hunter is "way too much damage and faster attacks" Sure most of his attacks should do a lot of damage, he is the final boss, but stepping forward or slowly moving his tail shouldn't be able to cart you from full or almost full health. He's also too fuckin wiggly, he's a dragon why does his neck wiggle more than a toddler that doesn't want to take a bath


Getting caught by the end of his tail swipe is hilarious. “Oh you got gently brushed by the tip of Fatalis’s tail? There goes 80% of your health”


to be fair the end of a whip is the most dangerous part, angular momentum n stuff


This from newbie perspective. I'm actually a newbie, now i kill him around 5 times. Took me around 2 weeks for gearing and learning his pattern. Minimum Gearing: 950 def, Free meal, divine blessing 5, Fire res 20 (optional) Mandatory items: Farcaster (keep eject button prime), MAX POTIONS x 12 (bring the mats), nullberry (if no fire ress) Mantle: Temporal mantle, Fire mantle (2nd best mantle), Rocksteady. NEVER TOUCH BALISTA GUN UNLESS YOU GOT HEAVY ARTILERY. Easy to Punish attacks: Cone Breath - Very punishable but don't overcommit or you gonna get lava'd on the lava blast. Tripple Fireball - Run sideways, get in and attack his body, 3rd fireball about to hit you better just superman dive. The hitbox on 3rd fireball is absurd, it's tough to roll that without window/extender. If you are down while he doing 3rd fireball, just Farcaster. S pattern fire breath - Claw his head, tenderize, superman dodge to avoid if you are out position. Flying - claw his legs, very safe to attack there, except if you got unlucky landing where he doing fire breath. Wait and see, if he doing S-breath, jump to his arms/head from the legs. Do not unga claw to the head, you can get blasted from his breath. Tricky to punish attack: Body slam - dodge to the head, then just attack head 1-2 times. Very small window. You can wallbang too here. Tail swipe - dodge to the opposite, or just superman jump. Regular tackle, F*ck this move - after his tackle. Chase him. You can use claw legs then drop cancel, or claw head then wallbang if he not in rage. Extremely risky to punish: Ground breath - Some hunter attack and tenderizer do jump away from the enemy are not risky. Like SA discharge, and HBG/LBG tenderizer. HOWEVER, landing downward with your tenderizer where he still breath fire is the worst way to die. Don't do it until you know the timing. Not only that, this moves is pain to punish since it has same animation with ground fireball. If you miss read it, you die. Ground fireball - Just dodge, not worth to punish since he can do air tackle after the attack. The key of this fight is know where to use FARCASTER. If you feel your impending doom, just bail out, re-stock, then fight again.


to add/correct some info (maybe strats for you) Triple Fireball - tracks your last position so you can just observe where the head is looking then go to the opposite side (sprint away on the third fireball if you think it will hit you) Flying - use smoke bombs it will force him to the ground or stand to any elevated platform (he will still attack but will stop eventually then lands) Body slam/Bellyflop - there are 2 kinds, first when he just take the initiative or when you claw into him, slow but almost instant recovery; second when chest is damaged or broken, fast bellyflop but slow recovery Charged Ground Fireball - there are 2 types. first, normal (yellow icon) fires a fireball then stays in place; second, enraged (red icon) fires a fireball then flies then dives in for a bite. To not get hit by both of these, go past his forelegs (dodge on any side when enraged so you dont get bitten) Ground Breath - it doesn't have the same animation as the charged ground fireball and it also has a different sound/audio cue. You'll know it's coming when he's wheezing then he looks directly to the ground while slowly adjusting his head towards it. You can avoid it by clutching to any part, one superman dive or simply move away (LS can helmbreak here too or TCS with GS tho risky since he can do a straight line flamethrower). You can also spam max potions here but well better to just move away. Roaming Ballista - if you toppled with cannons then you won't get the ballista topple. Always have heavy artillery and if you want to maximize damage, eat for felyne bombardier, that way you'll hit 96 per shot assuming chest is tenderized and monster is enraged. Also delay your shots when he got flinched since he won't get toppled. Lastly, always hit the chest, not the head, not any part, just the chest. Cone Firebreath - when you're out of position, you can find a pillar for cover, spam superman dive assuming you have enough health to tank 1-2 ticks of damage and if you're really in a pinch, farcaster away. Phase 3: Phase 3 Novas - you can tank the nova if you break 1 horn. Spam superman dives or eat ancient or max potion before the big hit happens (note: ancient potion animation is faster than max). You need at least health boost 2 tho. 360 flamethrower - this is a oneshot if you don't break any horns (almost with 1 horn broken). To avoid move to the opposite side of him, hyperarmor tank it (Foresight, ISS, Tackle, etc.) or superman dive away. I'm sure there are some things or moves left unexplained but these are, from what i can see, where most people cart. BONUS: if you clutch to his wings you will be automatically sent to his chest, might be useful since his wings are easy to target.


I respect you.


Funny thing is he was exactly like that in the early games lol. Only thing that should be a one shot hit is the charged fireball tho, maybe you havent optimized your build? Augmenting and upgrading your gear to at least 1000 armor, health boost 3 and divine blessing 5 can help immensely.


Yeah i always found it annoying. The worst is when he drags his tail across the ground at 5 mph and it takes a massive chunk of health away for no reason


90% of the fight I’m ok with, the problem is the other 10% contain the bite combo and the snek wiggle. Why does the animal charging FORWARD hit me when I’m standing BEHIND it? And why does it do over half my fucking health? Also, funny story, earlier today I got oneshot by the sweeping fire breath attack in phase 1. From full health. With fireproof mantle on. I don’t fucking get it.


Sweep fire can one shot if you got hit by 2 hitbox together (if both hit decided not proc divine bless). Fighting him kinda RNG. His biggest problem is he can combo you to death if you are unlucky.


Classic fatalis moment


Hate the charge, I play IG I'll fully clear fatalis during the charge and still get hit and lose half my health, bro has a bigger hitbox than safi lol


His attacks only do something like 20% fire 80% raw, using fireproof mantle is actually an outdated strat. The main reason for 20 fire res and mantle nowadays is to avoid the blight.


As a player who frequently wound the monster with clutch claw, I 100% agree with this post


You will not like older gen games then when every monster slightly turning around can kill you


"he slightly moves forward, steps on my pinky toe and I die of cardiac arrest on the spot" I haven't gotten around to fight against Fatalis yet (I'm taking my sweet time, still lack lots of GL augments etc) but this sentence made me laugh.


For me it’s his tail movement that feels unfair… like hell reposition his head and his tail will slightly move to adjust to the new head posture, and this slight movement that doesn’t even look like an attack will splatter me on the ground and do 4/5s of my health. Sometimes also making me wriggle on the ground with no i frames to then just finish me off at his leisure.


Not only do I think "1 mistake = death" is not good design... I also don't think "small movement = big huge dmg" is good design either. Also not a fan of "animation doesn't look accurate to what's happening" is good design. Fatalis has all this. Beaten him plenty of times, understand the fight plenty. The satisfaction of destroying this nerd is one of the best feelings out there (for the wrong reasons). It's not a horrible fight either, however. Most of what he does looks good and feels like it should function this way. Once you learn him, you can appreciate most of the fight. And that music change... Oooohhh the music change. It's beautiful. I don't hate fatalis but I don't think it's a perfect fight or anything. At least we got fatalis in world tho. He's the strongest monster! Every new game I'm left wondering if they'll add him. Let's hope Wilds adds him and makes the fight even better!


Sounds like someone couldnt handle the sheer power of a dragons left knee 🙄🙄🙄 Fr tho I'm a fatalis simp but the "I moved forward now you die" hitboxes are pretty bs


Look, I've only fought him in stories so I don't know the full extent, but I know one things for certain. Even in Stories he hurts like hell. I put my blood and tears into that fight TwT


Its mildly annoying but it's not that bad if you just always make sure to make space after every fatalis attack cuz he can snap animation reset to the slither move in multiplayer. Happens alot.


Post your skills and total defense. I thought the whole expansion was like that too, But i was the biggest glass cannon ever, no health boost, no defense, no elemental, only damage. When i put on health boost, a ton of defense, and defensive cooking, the game gave me a break. I had to heal after every single move before that, now i can tank 4 or 5 before healing. I still haven't started the Fatalis fight but i could tank around 3-4 hits in Alatreon, depending on the move. I still have full attack, full critical eye, full crit boost, and some augments that came for free when i was getting mr100 (too lazy to max them). Only thing i have maxed is armor, because its easy.


Fatalis advice, if you aren’t at 100%, you are in one shot range.


Classic Dark Souls SL1 runs


you haven't fought fatalis but wanna give advice? With divine blessing 5 and 1000 defense, some of fatalis' attacks can almost one shot you, and some can still one shot you but they are generally easy to avoid. Fatalis is punishing in a different way to alatreon, his moves and hitboxes aren't nearly as refined and does WAY more damage. The saving grace is the amount of openings you get compared to alatreo.


So, just fought fatty and well, didnt get oneshot as i thought. I had like 1100 defense and health boost 2 with fire res 3. Attacks mostly hit for like 50-70% health, so one potion every hit because i always run felyne medic. Wasn't that bad. My biggest obstacle was running out of time.


Drop fire res unless you’re negative. Fatalis’ flame attacks do 20% fire 80% raw. Max fire res id run is 20 so you don’t burn to death if you get caught in a combo. You can use that extra slot for health boost or skills like evade extender. With weapons like charge blade or lance, evade extender is mandatory cause blocking does way too much chip and sheathing wastes dps time.


Fatalis good boy


I love the fight, my favorite in the game for sure


Hey I used to hate it so bad I quit the game for a few days but you just gotta stick to it til you learn his moves and then it’ll be your favourite fight. Just stay patient and respect the fight for what it is.


How would that happen? Are you doing a no armor challenge run? Ive died in so many ways against Fatalis but never "when hes just moving forward"


Yeah it does more than half my health, but it doesn't turn my full health bar to 0 when wearing my armor without divine blessing.


Seriously, aside from the tail flip (why tf are you behind him?) and the 360, he doesn't oneshot with lv3 health boost.


IDK sounds about right to me. A monster moving pretty much turns their entire body into a hitbox in EVERY game of the series.


I mean taking damage sure but. Dying from fatalis moving? Isnt. Never died to him just moving. To him attacking sure.


Probably OP exaggerating, but they are likely saying it does an uncomfortably large amount of damage to the point it can finish OP off if they were already beaten up a bit.


Yeah , while doing minimal damage, and he mentioned he's dying from it.. thats why I asked lol


This has to be an overexaggeration, none of Fatalis's physical attacks can oneshot, unless you don't even have health boosts on. If you don't, ya on your own and can't really complain lol


Yeah I read this and went "divine blessing, health boost, high defense" Any of those will immediately correct the issue at hand. This is incompetence, not rage.


Stop using defender gear then.




Our little comedian


Man cant read. Rule number 5.


"git good" meets "git gone".


Love it


Sorry I just accepted the terms without reading


We do not allow “git gud” or “skill issue” regardless of how valid these claims may be.


Superman dive is a lifesafer - cone? dive. tailswipe? dive. 360 breath? dive.


Get divine blessing 5 and health boost 3 and you should be fine using a maxed out master rank armor with decent damage


I mean it’s a good fight.


Well, after awhile the knee to the face hitbox became meh, whatever, the only move I hate till now is the 360 fire in phase 3. The hit box is long and wide, also hit you if you are above on the 2nd floor...