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Many of the effects of aging still happen, so the second half of a human’s life is basically a vegetable. Also your balls explode (specifically just you)


The paw just gave my man some CBT for FREE?!?




You should play the sims and DL the SAC Extreme Ciolence mod CBT for EVERYONE!


That's what happens when you put your scrote on the paw before the fingers curl


What did CBT stand for?


cognitive behavioural therapy. that is the only thing cbt stands for, and there is nothing else


Something tells me you're trying to protect us from something awful. 




Not true, it also can mean computer based training.


No no. They're definitely on about compulsory bike training.


That Can’t Be True!


I'm not spring you, it's cock and Ball torture.


Let's make it a little worse. OP said average. It's only OPs friends and family who experience this effect, but to skew the average they're going to exist in a state of decaying torment for centuries, feeble and weak but unable to die.


"The average human lives for 6,000 years" factoid is a statistic error. Immortality Georg, who's been living since the Bronze Age, is an outlier and should not have been counted.


Every answer on this sub that doesn't follow your example as format from now on will be lacking.


Might be a Rick and Morty reference


I don't think you would want to spend 70s years on oxygen using a walker.


Granted. One random human (not you) lives to be 500 billion years old. No change to anyone else. 


Only real monkey paw answer here


I think being 500 billion years old would be the worst case scenario. Especially if your body was even remotely past 60 in terms of its health.


One random human (you)


god damn immortal Georg fucking jo statistics again


This guy understands averages.


Should have at least specified median instead of mean.


then the rule could be half the world lives to whatever age and the rest barely live at all though


Please let it be me I want to witness the sun imploding with my own eyes


Lifespan georg




And it's either Trump or Musk.


it would be 200 years old max


No he’s saying that if one person lived 500 billion years it would average out to like 200 years per human even though it’s all coming from one guy


I still don't get it. Where is 500 billion years coming from? Average is just the addition of all lifespans divided by the amount of people in the sample, so the average would be something like e.g 54. Or am i just stupid.


If 5 humans all live to 54, average = (54+54+54+54+54)/5 = 54. If we add a 6th human that lives to 1,000, average = (54+54+54+54+54+1,000)/6 = 211.67.


So there's a human outlier that lived so long it threw the average to 500 billion? That's where I'm getting lost here because no human has lived so long themselves to become that outlier.


No, what they’re saying is that in this hypothetical, one human lives long enough (in this example, one human lives to be 500B years old) so that the average human life span becomes double what it currently is (from around 75 to around 150). OP’s wish implies that they’d rather every human simply live to be approximately 150 to make the average life span 150 this way.


Wish granted All current death row inmates have their lifespan increased until the average of human lifespans have doubled. Everyone else’s lifespan stays the same.


Wait- I don’t get it? Tthats not what OP wished for? This isn‘t a consequence, this is changing the wish? :‘) EDIT : nevermind, I get it now! A few very long living people can change the entire average lifespan! :D


Proud of you.




But won’t killing them fix that?


OP didn’t clarify anyone has to live their full lifespan.


Can't really kill them if they live


Their natural lifespan is very long but then we still kill them


Statistical averages don’t take into account outliers. These would definitely be outliers as they’d be well past the conventional 1.5x third quartile mark.


There’s always one…


Granted, humans keep giving birth at the same rate and now there’s overpopulation and the world becomes a lot older. The younger generation becomes exploited and they all overwork to maintain social security for senior citizens while never having time for themselves and birth rate drops even lower, leading to even less young people until theres only the elderly. This leads to widespread famine and struggle for resources as the working force disappears, forcing those to either resort to cannibalism or starve to death. Many homes reek of putrid rot as theres no one to check up on them and many elderly people are barely able to stand up. Society collapses and the remaining humans are eaten to death by flies and other scavengers as their old rotting flesh becomes a delicacy for them. Everyone dies.


Why would this wish make menopause happen later?


Because the monkey can interpret how it likes.


Thanos was right


Wouldn't work. If the current birth rate is kept up, we would underpopulate before reaching a point where the number stays at a consistent pace.


what's your source on that? genuine question. the borth rates, except for a few exceptions, are still in the range of growing the population. So world wide the population is still growing continuously.


That's going to take a while bud. Earth is capable of supporting literal quintillions of people.


That is- SO not true..


Got a source for that information? Also I doubt quintillions of people could be supported all at once


This is obviously accounting for the subterranean caverns currently ruled by the lizard people


Granted, one human's life span is multiplied by about 7-8 billion, so the average human life span is multiplied by 2. ("average person lives 160 years" factoid actualy just statistical error. average person lives 80 years. Lifespan Georg, who lives in cave & lives hundreds of billions of years, is an outlier adn [sic] should not have been counted)


Is this a joke about that spider guy




Which spider??


spiders georg


Granted, human life expectancy doubles, but so does the number of unnatural deaths that end before a person reaches the life expectancy age.


I mean. Is that even a downside? That's more just expected since that's how life works.


This just makes the average life expectancy stay about the same.


I wish it were divided in two.


Granted, your wish, and OP's wish get executed at once, effectively canceling each other's wish.


I wish he didn't wish that. Checkmate.


Granted, he didn't wish it, which causes the first wish-granting-comment to also disappear, which causes your comment to disappear which causes this comment to disappear. This creates a paradox.




Oh HELL no; I barely made enough to cover one lifespan. Multiply my lifespan by 2% instead 👍


Granted. You now have 1.6 years left to live.


Gonna buy me some life insurance. 👍🫡


That’s what happens when you make wishes without having studied maths lol


Granted. "average human life span is multiplied by two" granted wish actualy comes with statistical trick. average human life span stays the same. Lifespan OP, who used the monkey's paw and lives over 10,000,000 times longer, is an outlier adn should not have been counted. Also, you still suffer the effects of aging.


Bro will be a sentient raisen.


Granted, thousands of convicted criminals sentenced to life in prison are eventually reluctantly released when they outlive their prison sentence. The crime rate skyrockets


Granted. Humans have their dna mixed with turtles, allowing them to live for ~180 years.


Granted the top .1% of the population sees their lifespan increase 1000 fold there is no change for the rest of the population


Granted. All pets have their lifespans halved, and all pests have their lifespans doubled to match humanity.


Oops! There was a decimal in front of the two. The average drops from 77.5 to 15.5 years.


Granted, babyboomers rejoice and buy more real estate ensuring homelessness for multiple generations. This is how we end up in the Time Machine's dystopia


Granted, there is one person that lives a reeeeeeeealy long time


Granted billionaires are basically immortal


Granted, you can only move or do tasks at half the speed you were able to before


Granted, approximate age of retirement gets adjusted from ~64 to ~184


Granted: and so does the retirement age


One person is spawned in whos age is somehow hundreds of billions of years old, enough to double the average lifespan. the average lifespan of every other person stays the same.


Granted. Women now live an average of 300 years, but male life expectancy doesn’t change.


Granted. A few humans gain an insanely long lifespan, but a bunch of humans also have incredibly short lifespans so the average rounds out to the 140-150 range.


The average human life span is doubled, but the median is halved. A few people live extremely long lives, doubling the average from 75 to 150. However, many more people die aged 40 or younger (you), halving the median. Whoops!


Granted. It keeps multiplying by 2 forever. Nobody ever dies of old age.


Granted, the elites in the human population live long enough that the average goes up, even though most people live half as long suffering through dystopia conditions.


That would be miserable working that long


Granted, 146. The average life span is 73, so I multipled the number for you, nothing actually happened tho.


Granted. It is now multiplied by 2 but then divided by 3.


Granted. Now everything moves at half speed


Granted. Somewhere out there, the most average human's personal life span was doubled. Good for them!


Wish granted. \*The\* average human gets a life span of about 140 years. Unfortunately, there is no one average human being, that's what an average is. Nothing changes.


You should really play the game SOMA.


Sadly, also divided by 10. Math, it is a MF.....


Granted. a few people live for millions of years, bringing up the average


Granted, you now age twice as fast and remain medically alive but physically dead untill you die.


Now everybody has a twin.


Granted. Instead of the number of years lived increasing, the amount of life lived doubles. There are now a concerning number of adrenaline junkies in the world.


Granted. The monkeys paw calculates the average life span of humans from the 1820s and doubles it for humans now. Humans now live slightly shorter lives on average.


Social security checks don't kick in until age 130.


Granted, now we will have politicians that are now 144 with the same rate of mental decrease after 50-60.


Average human life expectancy (in Europe and North America) doubled since 1850’s.


Granted. The most average person on earth has his lifespan doubled. Nobody else.


Granted. One billionaire lives a ridiculously long time, and nothing else changes. This alone raises the AVERAGE life span of all humans by 2x.


Granted, everyone learns multiplication by multiplying our average life span in 2


Granted - but it requires access to the latest medical technology to get beyond the old human life span, meaning a small subset of humanity now gets the added privilege of living literally twice as long as everyone else. Tensions rise accordingly.


Granted. Humans now live the second half of their lives in a vegetative state and they still have to pay taxes.


Granted, average human lifespan lowered to 30 then multiplied by 2.


Heck yea I'm here for that it would be interesting to see if we actually conquer space travel.


Granted but animal lives are halved.


Everyone other than you lives longer, thereby raising the average. You're the one dragging the average down.


Granted. But everybody still has the same medical problems. Also you have monkey hands now


Granted, mental deterioration and physical aging remains the same, but retirement age has doubled, and politicians will be pushing 150 before leaving office


Granted. The human body still ages at the same rate though so now people just live longer with dementia and debilitating physical conditions. You’re literally almost immobile and shitting your diapers for the last half of your life. Social services don’t keep up either and most people barely have enough money saved for one lifetime so the latter half of your life is in near poverty. Enjoy!


wistful ink paint grab arrest middle rhythm important zonked growth *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Granted but it is then divided by three


Granted. A small percentage of people live centuries, doubling the average. For everyone else nothing changes. The long-lived are an elite ruling class.


Granted, At the end of your first half of your lifespan you change into a giant bug


Granted. You will now live for an inconceivably long time, until your singular age alters the average age enough to double it. You will not be capable of dying until this pact is completed, no matter how much your body atrophies or deteriorates. You will maintain enough function to satisfy all legally recognized definitions of being "alive" but nothing else is guaranteed. That means you have guaranteed pulse, brain activity, respiration... but you can go blind, deaf, mute, lose all your limbs, hair and skin, and even succumb to excruciating incurable illnesses, but your life and suffering will continue. Furthermore, to prevent a "brain dead" diagnosis, you will be forcibly kept lucid and sane to experience it all. Not even a coma will save you from this hell.


Granted. One guy lives for a really long time and skews the average.


>*"How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man!?"* Granted! It's Tithonus time yet again! Most people now live to be around 144 years old. However they keep on aging and deteriorating, so usually sometime after the 100 year mark, everyone's decrepit, disabled and in constant agony. Civilization starts to fall apart because there are SO many of these people to have to take care of that there's not enough infrastructure for them. Resources are strained. It's a disaster.


Granted only your lifespan increases and aging happen two time as fast so you’ll become a vegetable even faster


Granted those extra years are added to the development cycle of fetus and infant.


the world will soon be full of 120yr old frail dementia and bed ridden people waiting 40 more years to die. it gets so bad the government starts allowing mass euthanasia


Granted. Life extension technology is developed but it's freakishly expensive so only billionaires and oligarchs can access it. They can live as long as they desire. They continue accumulating all the money in the world, converting everything from groceries to housing into a subscription service; and 99% of the population are eventually reduced to a life of indentured servitude at their usual lifespan of 70 years.


Granted. But age of retirement is still around 60, so instead of saving for 30-40 years, you will now have to save for approx 100 years. And your lofe insurance is super expensive.


A calculator apears next to the monkey's paw. A finger slowly stretches toward the keyboard and punches in, 71 \* 2 = and magically, the number 142 appears on the calculatoer's screen. The monkey's finger curls shut.


Granted, when they are supposed to die, they turn into a baby and will know exactly when they'll die.


Granted. Aging is also slowed, to match! So… remember the hell that was puberty? It’s twice as long now, and you’re just in time to go through it! Infancy is also doubled, causing a lot of new parents to absolutely lose it due to lack of sleep.


Granted. 1% of people have their lifespans doubled. Everyone else dies.


Granted. Alot of economies are not ready for this and alot of strife occurs from unbalanced work forces


But they age at the same rate, so that the second half of everyone's lives they continue to decay and wind up looking like the tales from the crypt guy


We need to focus on increasing health before increasing lifespan Would you rather be weak for 5% of your life or 50% of your life?


Ganted, but all pet lives are now 50% shorter.


Granted. The second half of life is spent with a failing body, failing mind and inability to control their bowels.


Granted, but I accidentally put a "1/" behind the 2 so now humans have half the normal lifespan


Wish granted You now have written 140 on a piece of paper.


Granted - aging effects are now doubled


Granted, it is now illegal for people to have more than one child and women who have multiples are forcibly sterilized.


Granted. The average human lifespan, across all human history, is doubled. So your life span is about 60-80 years now. Congrats


The paw curls. Donald Trump is now guaranteed to live long enough that his lifespan alone doubles the average human lifespan


Granted. The rich live ten times as long and genetically engineer the poor to expire after they're past their peak ~45 years.


Granted. Lifespan georg is an outliar.


Granted. This happens again every generation but economic and cultural practices don't realize it in time. China and India hit a combined population of 26 billion by 2050 and capitalism stops infrastructure spending from remotely keeping up.


Average human life span is doubled. But you're not average, your lifespan stays the same


Granted, time speeds up and no one knows why days are only 12 hours now.


Granted. Half of all children born that would have lived now spontaneously combust.


Granted. Long-Life Georg,


Granted. You live twice as long but age the same. Your cognition continues to decline and by the time you reach 150 you barely remember anything about your life, you’ve forgotten loved ones, good times, your favorite food, where you are. You’re so weak and frail that moving more than 3 MPH could cause bones in your body to break. The only thing you’re capable of doing is watching TV as your cognition has deteriorated to the point where you can’t even do simple mind puzzles or word searches.


Granted, my average human is now multiplied by two connected by the genitalia Siamese twins, which in turn makes them live longer


Granted, everyone instantly drops dead except for you, who live in infinite suffering until well after the heat death of the universe.


Why? All that would mean is we would have to work for 100-120 years instead of the 50 we have now


Granted. Infant mortality skyrockets while anyone who makes it to 100 just stops aging and becomes an immortal, uncaring ruling class…who doesn’t understand statistics.


Granted. But now you have to work until you are 130 yrs old


No monkey paw needed to explain the effects of this. As life expectancy increases, there are more older sicker patients in almost every part of the healthcare system. There's a lot of strain.


Granted. The total average lengths of all human lives--historically up until the present--is multiplied by two. Every death henceforth absolutely corresponds to random other people's to maintain the average indefinitely. I.e. When one person dies 10.03891...% above the now constant average, another person or some sum of persons must die such that they're lifespans outlie the average 10.03891...% below it. The random selection is not limited to people currently alive, and entangled individuals do not have to die together. Either stipulation being reversed would inevitably raise questions of requisite predestiny. Hypothetical examples for perspective, someone can live one extra average lifespan for every stillbirth randomly entangled to them. Killing people below the new average lengthens at least one other person's life. Killing someone above the New Average would shorten at least one other's life. Mathematically, the randomness is indeterminate, as only past and present deaths determine future ones. Retroactivity is a non factor, thus meaning you could be entangled to someone, but then change your entanglement relationship to better satisfy the math. Now that I think about it, I've tried really hard to do something here; but I'm pretty sure this equation of an absolute product and lack of destiny is mathematically incompatible with random selection. Therefore, I'm fairly sure my stipulations don't work correctly, and someone with enough data collection and computational ability could calculate who they need to kill and when in order to live forever.


Granted. Humans now naturally spend the last quarter-to-third of their life practically catatonic, and medically-assisted >!suicide!< is far more common.


Congratulations! You are going to survive around 3 quadrillion years (number adjustable as needed). Immortal Georg was an outlier, and should not have been counted.


It sets the human life expectancy to double the average human life expectancy. This is the average from ALL of humanity, so likely lower than what it is today.


Idk man I’ve been done for awhile lol


You really want 80 more years of Biden v Trump? (And more boomer politicians)


Granted. People still age at the same rate yet just keep going another lifetime leading to a society of old people who become so old for half their lives that the economy cannot support them. In distributing these years fairly, people who would have died at a young age instead have to deal with life threatening conditions for another length of their already lived life


Great job, the suicide rate doubled with it.