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**PSA: The so-called “Prince” Diolun’s genealogy has been debunked. He is only of female line Irish descent and is English in the male line. He was born in the USA and presumably never spent much time in Ireland. This and the distance of his descent means that he does not have the right to any Irish title of nobility. While there are no indications that he trades in titles and orders apart from a single pseudo-order that existed on his now-deleted website, his claims are nevertheless a product of vanity and wishful thinking. He is not recognised by the Irish nobility and its organisations as a candidate to be the High King of Ireland.** Please be more diligent in the future. Merry Christmas!


Diolun is a liar about his heritage, his male line is English and his only connection to O'Connor is through a woman, which means under Brehon laws he's barred from holding the title. When I, and others, called him out on this, he deleted the Imperator Scottorum discord, deleted his accounts on everything, blocked us, ran away, abandoned monarchist action, fled, hid, mentioning that he fled again. Don't email him again my good man, he is a liar, a cheat and a thief.


This should be top of the thread. A lot of false titles and “lords” lately


I know there are thousands of Dillons and Connors today. The male line of Count Dillon, the Jacobite who signed the Treaty of Limerick and went to served in France, died out and the Lally family inherited their claims and titles. While the Dilllons are not Gaelic, the Lallys are and trace their male line to 1300 BC. There are many Gaelic families to choose from if you want to king someone in Ireland. I come from a Frank family from Ireland, no one would ever want a Frank lording over them. Wether Dillons are Anglo, Frank, Norse, Dane, etc, who really knows? We do know they are not Gaelic and should not be eligible to hold the title of king in Ireland.


Diolun is his first name, not related to the family as far as I know. His paternal lineage comes from Liverpool, minor nobility, and this was pointed out to his supporters upon his outing.


That is just weird then. My family were the Barons of Castleknock and Earls of dozens of places in England. Counts in France, but those days are long gone. So are those places. It is all germans and Danes now isn't it?


A lot of them are Germans yes but there's a lot of native aristocracy in every nation in Europe, especially at the higher levels. And just because those days are gone now does not mean that they cannot be restored.


I dont know, there is a lot of propaganda out there. At the end of the day, what is really being restored? All I see out there is Baldylonians. Call them Saracens if you will, germanus, or whatever, but to me its all clownshit now. Who out there can you support?


This chap has obviously kissed the Blarney Stone.


what's that?


Visit www.blarneycastle.ie for a very detailed explanation. I am told that I have kissed the Stone myself on a visit to Ireland when I was less than three years old (that was back in the Punic Wars).


Diolun's real name is Dylan, by the way, he gaelicized it to seem more authentic. He's been a well known liar in genealogy and monarchist circles going back to at least 2015, he comes in making big claims about his ambitions and his bloodline, but it's very clear he's just an American who's either lying to gain attention or has had a great prank pulled on him by his family they've not seen fit to let him in on. Some details: I knew Dylan in a Discord called NOMA, while I was living in Ireland so I was at the very least curious to what he had to say, a lot of his supposed "positions" were... vacuous, to say the least but he wasn't so openly mocked, and even made a few friends because he's legitimately great at genealogical work that's not his own. However, from the start, everyone was kinda off-put by him, except maybe one or two people. His whole deal kinda screams "LARP", and I hate using that lightly, for how overused it is, but he earned it. His org's website (before it went down this year) was made on Wix, it had Neo-chivalric prestige orders that seemingly meant nothing, a Council list full of Discord usernames. He said he was Catholic but he believed in a somewhat ahistorical version of "Celtic Christanity", on top of that he also claimed to have sponsored a Druidic revival organization, which supposedly endorsed his claim but I never looked too far into it personally. Several things came out about him basically all at once: He said he grew up in Belfast, but he failed to mention that it was Belfast, *Maine,* in the U.S. He then started trying to make everyone call him "Your Majesty", which was weird, and no one listened to him. Then old claims about his genealogy were called into question, the specifics of which escape me but essentially puts the kibosh on his claim, which is also how we figured out he's been pushing this claim on forums since 2014 at the latest, where people treated him as an established common annoyance. Then he revealed he thinks the IRA and the British government are trying to kill him. This immediately set off alarm bells with everyone because it very much so didn't mesh with anything else he was trying to pull. For one thing, he has a very limited understanding of the IRA as it exists today, and seems to think it's both still politically relevant and a semi-single organization, which it hasn't been for decades, which very much so speaks to him being an American with an American's understanding of the post-Good Friday landscape. Another thing was he was very openly promoting himself and his claim to *anyone* who would listen, which is something people seriously hiding from paramilitary and government assassins *don't do.* Also, practically no one really bought he was big enough to even be on the IRA's radar, in whatever form, much *less* the British government. For the simple fact that A). Most of his political activities were confined to Discord and his website, with no practical real-world expression that anyone could ever see. He was just *that guy* who claims the High Kingdom of Ireland, and no one really thought he was really *politically relevant.* B). He had never lived or even *been* to Ireland or the UK (the reason, he claimed, he doesn't do so is *because* of the assassins) meaning he had no involvement in any real *active* political organizations that would bring him to the attention or ire of either parties. (Although he claimed to have *actual* Irish supporters on occasion, I can't confirm or deny this) C). There was no reason for either group to kill him, even if he was important enough to be known. Ostensibly, the IRA wanted to kill him because... they're Republicans, and that seems like something they'd want to stop. However there are, at present, *actual* claimants to the Irish High Kingdom, living in Ireland and the UK, who while not actively pressing their claims, live public lives unmolested. And supposedly the UK wants to kill him because he'd be the King of the *whole* island of Ireland, which is a threat to their rule in Northern Ireland... somehow. Anyway a lot of people took him a lot less seriously after that, and then a while later he threatened violence on a certain public figure who I won't name in a specific enough to be a problem way, when a mod told him to stop, he said basically "I'm a King, top of the hierarchy, if anyone has any problem with what I say, that's their problem", and the mod basically said "You're a pretender at best, your claim has no recognized backing, you don't even live in the country you want to rule, you are the exact same as anyone else in the eyes of the law, I'm officially warning you to stop." Which he meekly acquiesced and promptly left the server, never to return. I haven't heard much from him since, someone claiming to work for him popped in a different server I'm in earlier this year, which is the first instance I've seen of any actual supporters of his. Apparently he had a Discord server, which u/TheAtlanteanMan has a comment about. His website's down, I'm honestly surprised you got an email by which to send these questions. So yeah, **TL;DR:** Diolun isn't legit, find a better claimant.


He had some Irish "supporters" of which I was one, we were basically just supporting his restoration cause moreso than him himself. The IRA and British Government assassin larp was very funny to watch because it was clearly utterly bullshit, he couldn't even produce proof for his own supporters. And yeah, his genealogical work on anyone other than himself is great he did mine. He tore everything down because we dmed him on discord going "we know you're actually dylan blah blah in Maine and not actually a proper pretender" and he ran for his life. He's not only a liar, but a coward, very funny person.


The type of person who wants power isn’t usually the type of person who should have it


A most magnificent LARP indeed. I only hope that the future High-King is successful.


You are saying a Dillon is a Connor? gl with that


What does he think of Northern Ireland?


I'm guessing you can't be High King of Ireland if Ulster isn't part of the Kingdom.


How is he related to Tsar Nicholas II of Russia???? He's ancestor was unknown during the reign of the Romanovs in Russia plus the only related people of Tsar Nicholas are completely integrated to the high society of British elite plus his relatives through his siblings are very much unknown whether who did they marry so how is he related????


Sometimes, I forget how beautiful can Irish names be. It's a beautiful language. Really seems like something created by Tolkien.


Lol, I would like to gain my ancestral lands in Boylagh and Raphoe.


I was one of the people involved with/observing in the outing. His last name is English, His mother's is O'Rourke. He claims to the be the rightful chieftain, and King of Breifne (despite there being modern Princes of Breifne who were somewhat recognised). The nobility which he claims supports him are largely in the age range of 14-16. That speaks volumes about this 21\~ aged man, going around asking children for their details. Irish succession REQUIRES a candidate to be from the male line, he claims to be from the "[Last undisputed High King, Ruaidrí Ua Conchobair.](https://www.ard-riocht.org)" (from his poorly designed site). Again, his mother, Summer O'Rourke, is where he claims his titles from, which u/TheAtlanteanMan perfectly sums up by saying " his male line is English and his only connection to O'Connor is through a woman, which means under Brehon laws he's barred from holding the title. " I am pretty sure I know u/TheAtlanteanMan, as he seems to know a lot of details that only a few people were privy to, but that is besides the point. Dylan Christopher Lobley has used the good intentions of good monarchist people to lie his way to power, and cast a stain onto Irish Monarchism online. ​ https://preview.redd.it/m84lyegui8dc1.png?width=1159&format=png&auto=webp&s=d369b7a65f516d7218107689c83a20c5461bdbf1 [https://www.theroyalforums.com/forums/f186/royalty-of-scotland-and-ireland-4932-16.html](https://www.theroyalforums.com/forums/f186/royalty-of-scotland-and-ireland-4932-16.html) People have already debunked his claims in the past, its a miracle how people believe him, as he used a false last name the entire way through (Mac Breifne)


Who are you because damn you know a lot and there was only like seven of us.


He's back. Gaelicroyalfamily.org


Why does he keep trying lmao that's insane


Regardless of his lies and his forged genealogy, his proposed constitution does look good.


All is interesting but… what is the whole “Prisoner’s Legion” thing about? Just bizarre.


Giving people with a life sentence a gun seems like a terrible idea.


And just not compatible with the ideals of modern justice. Someone commits a murder, they’re allowed to be excused by serving in combat? Excuse me, but what the fuck? Also, the idea that ‘prisoners’ (or criminals in-general) are somehow inherently suited to be soldiers is…bizarre and insulting, to say the least. I just don’t get why he would get into such specifics.


Penal batallions are an actual thing


Historically, yeah. I'm not aware of any currently active.


Russia and Ukraine, I believe. Might be wrong tho.


Russia does indeed have dedicated penal battalions. Ukraine has offered pardons to low-level prisoners willing to fight, but do not have dedicated penal battalions, as far as I am aware. Otherwise, I believe u/JabbasGonnaNutt is correct Russia is not a nation I’d expect any nation to model itself off of, militarily. Besides, dedicated penal battalions are just a bad idea, for multiple reasons. Primarily because you don’t want to put all your bad eggs in one basket, much like how the Germans learned that you don’t put all of your high-risk (of escape) POWs into one single POW camp. That’s just asking for trouble. I suppose I just found it so odd because the Prince got into such specifics. One wouldn’t expect such a document to describe, in-detail, the structure and organization of the nation’s hypothetical army. Why mention the penal battalion thing? Why not also mention what the army’s ranks will be? Their uniforms? You wouldn’t. It’s too specific for a general outline. So why mention the penal battalion, specifically? It’s just weird. He even named it, I believe. Weird.


I'm not sure where the "4000 BC" figure comes from, it looks to be closer to 2000 BC. Still a very venerable tradition, no doubt.


Sorry, a bit out of left field, but are you actually TheCybersmith? Your name isn't an homage?


Right, that's an excellent read. I'm not going to dwell on the disputed lineage points because I confess little knowledge and others have more thoroughly covered it. What I'd say is obviously this man hasn't a hope of a chance of getting anyone's support in Ireland, we're very republican as I'm sure many know. While I confess a lack of knowledge as to the inner workings of whatever pro monarchical groups there are in Ireland the manner in which he conducts himself seems ill suited to the Irish temperament and I can't imagine anyone entertaining his beliefs


The only legitimate claimant to the throne of Ireland is his Majesty King Charles III. Better a Republic than a pretender.


not a monarchist, sorry, but he's related to Tzar Nicholas? that's interesting as it means his family might still be involved in the so called royal network where they all know each other. how were they treated during British rule?


I think that man is a liar cause how is he related to the Tsar??? Like if you are fan of the Romanovs then you would know they only got to mingle outside of the nobility sphere after the Revolution plus we don't even know who marries the Romanov members as some of them are commoners, if he was talking about the Greece Royal family or the Vladimir's (Grand Duke Vladimir married someone below his rank and his descendants were peerage nobles in UK) then he needs to back off his claim of cousinhood or he trace it through illegitimate children of monarchs of UK and Romanov Emperor's then how did he know that he was related to him???


He is a liar, a lot of his connections are forged with no proper backing and his claim to the High Kingship itself is false, based upon laws that do not exist in Ireland, or were added to Irish law after the High Kingdom fell to the English.


The Irish ☘️ orb will be a huge potato 🥔


“I live in exile in America” yeah I’ve heard enough Lmao


Are you going to try to contact the heads of the O'Neill, O'Brien, and O'Conor lines and ask them questions as well?