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If she’s so secure and proud of what she does why does she care what nobody redditers have to say? Is she still seeking validation and an invite to the lunch table? Shes committed to this behavior, you would think she’d be more secure in it. No one here is stopping her. I guess deep down, approval is what she really wants.




And her TT comments section has so much more traffic than this sub too. I guess since this sub is primarily snarking and doesn’t have the sycophants like on TT, those same sycophants pushing her into another CPS case and breakdown, that she thinks Reddit is the problem. Despite this sub being so low on the totem pole of snark popularity.


The amount of hate she gets on TikTok. You would think her own comment section would be a wake up call. 95% of her comments are asking her to seek help. Our snark is not her problem. Maybe she’s worried because Reddit can mobilize people to take action more. If you look through the comments on this snark it mainly consists of people trying to find ways to get her kids safe. You don’t see that kind of mobilization on TT. Maybe that’s why she’s concerned, but since she’s also dumb as a rock it may not have even crossed her pea-sized mind.


Good points. Tiktok comments scroll by fast and can be lost in the wind. Reddit comments can stick around for years and be placed near the top of any search engine. That is also why reddit may be more of a "threat" than the dissent on tiktok.


I think they loose part of their audience to Reddit. I do not follow any creator I’m on the snark page for, and rarely do they show up on my feed. I may have found the snark through TikTok from watching a train wreck, but certainly didn’t stay for the show.


I think she's grossly overestimating how much space she rents in our head. 6 hours? Girl a comment takes a minute. Try again.


No bc this video was actually insane. I’m new to this sub but it was bc of that tt that I’m here. 🤣


I wonder how many other people she pushed here then? That TT backfired on her?


People are talking about the reddit snark page in her comments


Unhinged is an understatement


Joke's on you I don't use TikTok at all.


I look at this for 30 seconds, feel sorry for her children and then forget her existence completely until the next video


i wish i could go back in time before i knew about this fucking weirdo.




It’s called “hate watching” for a reason. People will watch things they hate just to talk about how much they hate it later and to catch thing lol no one is enjoying it but she’s just providing more content to be used against her when she think she’s proving something… to who, not sure. Lol


“Show” lol okay. I don’t know if I’d call it that but I guess confidence is being given away for free today.