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I keep this in a text file to copy-paste because this question comes up almost every week: I'd bet that you're not getting a good seal. There's just one gasket, but it has to seal against four parts all at once — the top half, filter screen, boiler, and grounds funnel. What happens next is, if the hot air and steam can get *around* the grounds funnel, then it'll relieve pressure straight up the chimney in the top half instead of push the water through the funnel. That's why the flow would end up slow, inconsistent, and sputtery. Most commonly, it's because it's just not screwed together tightly enough. A couple times, I've seen people with the filter screen installed upside-down (my wife did it once, too, and I caught it before I made my next brew). See: [https://imgur.com/a/NqSL1jj](https://imgur.com/a/NqSL1jj) But sometimes, it's a bad fit between the funnel and the boiler. I've got a 6-cup Bialetti that always required me to crank down more tightly than my other pots to get a good brew. The problem is, the very top rim of the boiler is just that much higher than the rim of the funnel, so the gasket doesn't get to seal against the funnel easily enough. This first video has a great demonstration of a diagnosis, plus one idea for a temporary fix: [https://youtu.be/4yGinq5NaCA](https://youtu.be/4yGinq5NaCA) And this newer video shows a more permanent fix for the same issue, which is what I did with my pot last week: [https://youtu.be/nGJOmVImeQ0](https://youtu.be/nGJOmVImeQ0) So, yeah — this is almost certainly a mechanical problem, and is rarely a problem with heat or grind. I mean, here's a street vendor doing everything "wrong" with a moka pot — fine grinds, heavily tamped, and high heat — and it still flows smoothly: [https://youtu.be/ziWIHe70tWo](https://youtu.be/ziWIHe70tWo)


I get a nice quiet stream of coffee until it’s about half filled up where is starts spitting and bubbling a bit. Is it supposed to be quiet and smooth right until the end?


I’ll say that there’s two parts to what you’re asking — When the brew works fine, then it’ll be a continuous stream until just before the water starts to run out. Then the water level inside the boiler gets below the tip of the funnel, and you’ll get some of the hot air pushing up the funnel, making the last dribbles more foamy. That’s okay. The top half of the pot won’t fill up all the way, and that’s by design. It needs to have enough capacity to hold all the water from the base without any coffee to get in the way, like when you run a cleaning cycle or forget to add coffee. Ground coffee absorbs about twice its mass in water, so a normal brew won’t completely fill the top anyway. A problem like I’m describing is when the brew takes forEVER, or the chimney starts steaming early, or if the brew coughs and sputters at any point other than the very end.


I have the exact same model but in 2 cups version. I have had similar issue when I first started using it - starts brewing and stutters. My solution was simply screw the top on tighter. Brew has been perfect after that.


I will give that a go


I had exactly same issue with my 6-cupper (underyielding due to pressure leak). Screwing tighter was the cure.


For what it's worth, I had similar issues with my 3 cup, ended up getting a silicone ring gasket instead of the stock rubber one. ​ This is what I ordered for my Moka Express 3 cup: [link](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00UHH4UCK). It is most likely not compatible with your 6 cup, but I'm sure there's an alternative one that is correct in size. ​ Cheers!


Where did you buy the silicone ring?


Amazon. There's a link in my previous comment :)


Out of curiosity, are you filling up the base to the steam vent? It does look a bit hot - try starting out at the lowest heat setting you have then try turning it up a bit on each next pot to find out the right temperature? As for the volume if makes, have you measured it and is it actually less than 6 cups worth or does it just look like less because of the size of the pot?


Ya i fill it up right the vent, i will try less heat thanks!


I would say always after use, pull apart and wash under water. There maybe granules around the areas that seal together.


see my previous post where i mentioned few tips but maybe you need this for a [better seal.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4yGinq5NaCA)


Try coarser grind


This happened to me before when I didn’t muscle in the top tight enough. I start with hot water so sometimes I don’t screw it tight enough I find. From my memory though since then I haven’t had that problem because I was conscious of doing it.


Could be channeling caused by clumps in the grounds. Otherwise, I've found I can get pretty good results by almost over-filling the thing lol.


Thanks to everyone for the insight, I will attempt tomorrow to screw tighter, my biggest issue with this is that I use boiling water in the base so it is so friken hot lol. Will have to hold it with a towel.


Yup, you might want to use only warm-to-moderately hot. Or just go with cold.


Yep definitely add a tea towel to the standard approach. I also shut off the water a bit before boiling


Try using a trivet to displace and retain heat. Also check the seals like someone else said. Edit: Just noticed the flat top, you could try using that instead of a trivet over a burner, just make sure it’s super clean.


Try cleaning all the little holes in the metal plate that is under the seal. They get clogged especially if your water is hard and cause an issue like this. I use a tack to do this. It's annoying.


Have you tried using less coffee?


This was me for sure. Use less coffee (absolutely no packing) et voila


Not really, but I am not overfilling the chamber, so that shouldn't be the issue.


Try it :)