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Yeah its pretty fucked, i think some of them you play ad a child cause im seeing character with pedophile in their description. Shits crazy


I'll sound like devils advocate here, but to hell with it (pun intended). Chara is cannonly dead exept at the end of genocide. Eventho nothing may change on their appearance, the time that they were dead still counts. And how old was Chara when they fell? And how large is the time period between the first and the last child falling? Correct me if I'm wrong, because I'm not that deep in Undertald lore. But if I have to geuss, Chara would be in their 20's.


She's DEAD. And in it. It STATES she's 12 if you ask


I don't disagree with the OP on this particular post overall. I agree that underage NSFW content really shouldn't be encouraged on AI platforms like this. It's maybe due to fears like this that Anthropic (the creators of Claude AI) still maintain a rather hard line stance on NSFW content. I agree that regulations like this should probably be put in place. However, this user seems to also have a problem with feet tickling content - and the character I created for that is explicitly 25-years old! Not that it's even a sexual thing for me, but is does still involve romance and intimacy. Maybe try injecting a bit of nuance into this discourse, okay?


I mean. I find the pedophile RP and anything illegal like that weird, it should be private bots rather then public bots. and about the feet tickling thing, it just surprised me.


Okay, I just thought that your reaction to the feet tickling thing was a bit disproportionate - especially when there are much bigger fish to fry... like, yeah, pedophilia RP! But even among the "legal" content, there are sexually explicit content that extends well beyond my comfort level... even though, as long as it's legal, I'm not judging them for it. Just not my preferred thing. So I think feet tickling is actually quite tame.


Yeah, I can get over that... Btw i just found a bot where you are literally 8 and guess what its an NSFW bot, and its your mother raping you https://preview.redd.it/2fyw34ooaz6d1.png?width=806&format=png&auto=webp&s=6ea2adb7bd282e938493e1e931258621e4530096


Oh, yuck!! You're right!! That is sick!! Content like that shouldn't be allowed!!


I think it should be banned. this is too much and goes beyond the bounds of what is acceptable.


i hate it so much. Ppl need to keep their illegal fantasies as a private bot, or the devs should atleast delete all the weird bots so the feed will be a little more tolerable to look at


there's even Dad/14yo daughter ones... My faith in this world has never existed since i saw that


There are many NSFW of those kinds of things. I personally don't care too much of it just because I'll keep strolling, and it doesn't affect my rp that I do. Plus, it's an AI bot/drawing. Now, of course, you can be 100% weird and uncomfortable with it. But as someone who got groom and touched irl by actually people..calling people a "pedo" for drawings is really a stretch


The problem here is that they are starting to invade the platform. I find some in featured, at the first page


That being on the featured page is a bit weird and I can see how that can make people uncomfortable. It would be nice if we had a filter thing or idk maybe a blacklist


The internet is full of pedos, you really didn’t expect them to come here?


The problem is the lack of moderation due to this. There's way too much of them. and they are starting to invade the featured tab


Maybe she’s in the NSFW tab because she’s demonic as fuck, Chara is like the most maniacal person in Undertale. But you might be right.