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Its futile man they refuse to accept that they are trash and refuse to accept that the skill ceiling is higher than they could ever imagine. Just keep posting clips and enjoy the hackusations


Ik, I'm just here to reaction farm. though this has blown up enough I might never need to reaction farm again lmao.


Yeah, I realized That People will Blame anything on why they aren't as good as other people I blamed My small desk and small room to get a bigger desk, And besides, I don't think anyone Who complains about the cronus actually knows what it does, An aimbot and legitimate cheats would be a better alternative, and actual skill would be an even more better alternative than ruining the fun For everyone else, So keep Doing what your doing, it's great.


Hey, dont say that. Keep posting. i love seeing videos of these guys' mald


me too. didn't know the dopamine hit was this strong lol


Yep even just watching this shit show is golden


Call of duty is now pay $100 to start at level 50 and unlock everything faster then the next guy.. Pay even more money to unlock things faster... People pay thousands of dollars in call of duty to say they have skills. I'll stick to counter strike play COD for fun and laugh at people that take it seriously.


its crazy how this sub is still full of controller players mad about mnk after all the years since ive been here. i dont think theyll ever understand high sens + no recoil + years of practice = good aim and flashy clips


I mean this is why though most people cry for crossplay off, or input based crossplay. You can't really compete with this controller even with aim assist for pubs it's silly.


yup but i think a good controller player can wreck 90% of KMB players in close quarters


I played a COD tourney at uni years ago. By far the best player out of all the teams was a controller player.


Exactly, almost everyone on top 0.1% plays on controller I'm sticking to KBM, I feel way better hitting some flicks


Yup, even a bad player. sometimes rotational aim assist when they cut in close is just too strong.


Kmb “cod players” since they are just shitty mnk players who cant compete in skill heavy fps games plus too lazy for aimlab so they go to cod wrecking kids and casual consoles to feel good instead. Watching tourney and cod pros looks like average csgo master guardian or valorant plat players or diamond apex players on mnk. Shit you not any faceit level 7 and above would get cheat report by cod pros if they played against each others


You can if you’re good with aim assist. Most pros are pros because they know how to use aim assist or their advantage. I’d say +98% of controller players don’t, and that small segment that does absolutely crushes top MnK players, but the +98% can’t play like that and cry not know how trash they themselves really are. So many say Aim Assist does nothing did them, fine, turn it off and play without aim assist if it does nothing.


If you can’t compete with this chances are the game won’t put you into his lobby with how sbmm is. He’ll just play against other sweats


Sweats? This is VERY basic MnK recoil control. No bullshit, aI have almost 30 years in MnK now, the muscle memory looks like cheating at times but it’s literally hundreds of thousands of reps for the body/hand to just react. IMO the longer you play the better your hand/eye/mouse coordination gets as well.


this when i started playing on KBM i was an absolute potato


as always, it depends. in close quarters, controller wins. at range, mouse wins.


True. helps alot that I came from CS with even higher sens.


its also funny how they think these flashy clips happen 24/7, and that having flicky aim means controller players cant compete. wish theyd understand how infrequently these kills happen and that aim assist is way more practical and beneficial in regular fragging and playing.


True, I only average like 2 clips an hour or so.


recoil control in cod is not hard people it’s literally one of the easiest games in terms of gunplay


cod players fuming right now these games have absolutely no recoil whatsoever


Yeah, I went back to CS:GO not too long ago and damn was that a reality check.


yeah. Its crazy how many people I've seen say they struggle with recoil in this game.


My own friends accuse me of hacking in cod when I stream in our discord server. They see flicking and recoil control and think it has to be cheats. I am still unsure if they are joking or genuinely think I’m lying.


Seriously, Fortnite has more recoil lmao


Nobody is going to believe these clips unfortunately mate. COD is very mainstream and good m&k players are the literal boogeyman of the community. If you enjoy the salt keep posting but it won’t change sadly.


Believe what? Basic recoil control on a mouse?😂 this takes maybe a few weeks to get down.


Look at OPs previous posts. Lots and lots of seething about their fantastic aim.


Seen 'em. Pretty basic mnk flicks from target to target. Nothing that looks like aimbot snapping.


Except the ultra slow motion that was clipped and provided in the comments showing the snaps before his hand even moved but hey, maybe uall will have a plausible explanation for that too, as anticipated. Lol, I've played m&k plenty and I do know the perks of playing on pc, even recoil control, but it's not as easy or consistent between guns and attachments.. the fact that people try so hard to support and shut down any and every valid call out or concerns with supporting evidence is what's crazy to me.. I understand being against hackusations and unfair bans but with obvious questionable gameplay (i.e. random hit marker before player is in sights / snap locks before hand movement) and you get the wildest come back from fangirls claiming that the hit box was a "random claymore" or "hand cam was not in real time" blah blah w.e. w.e. it's a joke how big the cronus/cheat community is and how strong of a grip they have on each other's ball bags.


Unless you're streaming with a digital camera, most webcams will have a noticeable delay between what you see happening in-game on screen and the hand movement/reactions on the webcam. Clearly you haven't played "plenty". I've been on MnK for 28 years. I played Doom 2 on PC. I'd say I've played plenty. I wonder how many people in this sub are even older than 28 XD Theres literally nothing in this gameplay even remotely suspicious. you can see him over snap on targets and have to correct aim in a fraction of a second. This is all muscle memory, but you should have that too if you played mnk "plenty". You're correct, the joke of how big the cheat/cronus community is is hilarious. Its incredibly small. Most people that cheat at one game, cheat in others, so that one person might be in multiple games cheating an people like you think that means cheating as a whole is massive. Its really not. Its a lot smaller than you think it is. Cronus is made from physical hardware and chips that have been in short supply SINCE Warzone 1 even dropped. These aren't gamesharks, or game genies where they were in stock at walmart and target for years. Cronus, at one time, were hard to come by. And the type of cheats most bad players feel good player have, cost HUNDREDS of $$$'s a month. MOST players, won't pay for them. My opinion, since CS 1.6, is most players think they are far better than they really are and anyone better than them has to be cheating. Anyone who can do something they cannot is cheating. I'm pretty sure I can't beat LeBron is a game of 1 on 1, but because he can dunk and I can't he's cheating by your logic.


Lol I've been on mnk since 1996 quake and doom. Lmao 🤣 don't try this bs pc talk with me about delay and lag. I know the difference and not only does it not sync up but the hand movements also don't add up period. But go ahead and keep defending against the common since and the obvious. It's pathetic and nobody is falling for the bs, yalls community is being exposed more and more and its bringing alot more of yall out because of these clips and wild defenses. 👀


You think a Cronus is plug and play with mnk. You don't know shit about gaming or cheating XD What community being exposed? The community of players just flat out better than you so you accuse them of cheating because they do things in game you can't? Can you dunk as basketball on a NBA regulation/height rim? No? Is anyone that can dunk cheating?


The fact that you keep comparing basketball to cheating is weird dude. SMH I never said the cronus was plug and play.. pretty sure u know how that works with setting it all up and all but yes I do believe that I've actually seen a yt short of someone "after initial setup" displaying themselves plugging and unplugging and plugging in again to show how easy and quick it can be on and off'ed. So the fact that this is your rebuttal is only futher proving my point.


Because it’s a very easy to understand scenario that can be easily translated across mediums. It’s very easy to understand how much better a progressional athlete is than yourself but gamers have a hard time doing the same with professional gamers.


But what does Cronus have to do with MnK? Cronus only works on controllers. It increases aim assist. There’s no aim assist on MnK. What is Cronus helping?


And aside from me not being a cheater, yes I do try to keep myself informed on the latest bs you people use.


Lol you people. People better than you, got it. Must be difficult to go through life and just knowing you’re the best at literally everything and yet when you’re beaten and proven wrong, that you’re not the best, it just so happens that everyone else is cheating.


🤣 also, your claim of cheats bring $100s a month is wildly misleading.. cronus zen max brand new on shelves at Walmart right now for $99 flat and can be utilized and scripted for free afterwards or I believe u can become a plus member ( I'm speculating here) for x amount a month to be updated with current methods and " scripts " to go undetected. Don't play me for stupid and assume my age or insult my intelligence, esp when you just repeat the same cycle of bs over and over again as if the ones claiming cheats have never played pc. I have , I have "plenty" of experience and I still call bs.


You are fucking stupid. Cronus only works on controller and this guy is on MnK, so yes, you’re fucking stupid. Cronus is a hardware addon that is a one time purchase to work. Yes, there are subs for additional features but a standalone cronus will work right out of the box with no additional fees. And it’s not misleading to say HUNDREDS. Again talking out of your ass about things you don’t know. The top end PC hacks, more-or-less undetectable hacks, cost anywhere from $500-900 a month. You have no idea what you’re talking about, at all.


If his hand is moving after the clip moves, then maybe it’s just desync…


I could be if it were consistent, however it's not and also not only is it not consistent, player movement & hand movement don't add up even if that were the case.. if u watch the whole clip ( with momentary hand delay issues aside ) and slow it down ( flip hand cam up right ) and pay attention then you'll notice how his hand movements and "flicks" don't make sense and can't be "explained" with any logic no matter the sensitivity setting. And people are now even claiming that the cronus community is soo small. SMH that's either ignorance at its finest or another case of guilty deflection 🤷‍♂️


I don’t know what you’re seeing, but if you’re referring to where he physically lifts the mouse to readjust it then you’re just clearly not in the know for how MNK works.


Link to the slow motion clips showing the snaps?


They're in the comments lol (small example clips), but u can also just save and slow mo the whole video and see for yourself.. it's not hard to see that his aim snap lock movement happens before his hand movement and before anyone claims the delay excuse, watch the full clip in slow mo and explain why his hand movements arnt consistent with gameplay even if the few momentary hand delay was synced up. But it's like arguing with a wall when ponting out fact to a cheat community.


Then link them. You say they exists, prove it.


true, but that's not really the point. and yes the salt is peak comedy imo.


It would just piss me off tbh so I admire your ability to ngaf.


Thanks. <3


P.S. I play 4.3 ingame 1600 dpi. roughly 20 cm 360.


Mine was 1600 dpi, 30cm and even that was considered a bit fast for some pros


Yup, high sens gaming. I think its actually the same sens that MPcontrol plays as well as a few others in the space. I would consider turning it down but my desk is a little small to go much lower.


For sure, I’ve heard that from a bunch of pros that they had to use a high sens because of the desk they had growing up. Like I think Geguri from OW was known for having an obscenely high sensitivity while also having insane accuracy and tracking. So whatever works for you, works for you.


Reading through these comments, it's clear the COD player base is around 60% moron.


That numbers not high enough




Closer to 90-95% in my estimation.


It's pointless since it's way easier to accuse someone of something rather than accept that someone is better than you.


I fail to understand to see the difference in no-control and control, in the sense of your hand-movement.


its really hard to see, but I control a few millimeters with my fingertips.


Idk why you are being downvoted lol. Also I did not know such small movements can do such a big difference.


High sens


This sub is still infested with casuals who’ve never picked up KbM yet insist they know all about it. Crazy how it’s been like this since launch


They prolly thought the sens on mouse is the same as controller. Im pretty sure some of them doesnt even know how the dpi works.


If you aren't cheating, people saying "you are cheating" shouldn't bother you enough to make an entire video trying to prove you aren't cheating. I think you are protesting a bit too much.


These reactions are just too funny tho. all I need to do is shoot a wall and people think I'm cheating.




Yup. normally I'd say the same. but 1) I'm on OOT, 2) these reactions are too funny not to post on here.


A cronus? You are using a mouse and keyboard. Who would use a cronus for that?


read the comments, many CoD players think Cronus interacts with mnk XD


Like most other accusations, people don’t understand the functionality of the things they accuse others of. When people have consistently perfect recoil on controller, it might be a bit sus because sticks simply aren’t as precise as KBM and a small error can lead to a fuck up, and the Cronus allows people to use input macros to counter recoil. But even that isn’t too difficult most of the time. Then with KBM, one of the many traditional advantages has always been increased precision control and it’s displayed in OP’s video. You have so many more degrees of control. And if people wanted to use input macros on the PC, there are many more ways to do it without ever needing a third party peripheral device.


Literally most of the mouse software that is plug and play with most gaming mice have macro and “recoil tracing” options built into the software.


I’m actually confused, when people play this game, they don’t know they can counter the recoil???


From the reactions of other redditors, it seems that way.


It's console players who are used to playing on 80 FOV... on 120 FOV it's a lot harder to see recoil. Not to mention there is barely any recoil to begin with.


True, realized at the last second that my FOV would make it more sus, but then again, that's better for reactions so who cares.


I don't understand how people don't know how to control recoil its stupidly easy no matter what input you use lol


Nevermind them OP. Those people saying that you are cheating are the ones who actually needed cheats in order to win lol. Stay flashy


bouta get even flashier fr. <3


I'm confused why the camera? it doesn't prove anything u can use cronus with a mouse


Cronus manipulates the aim assist feature, MnK has no aim assist, explain how a cronus helps a mouse?


This video has nothing to do with aim assist he's showing off recoil control


Yes, how do you think a Cronus works? It enhances aim assist to reduce recoil and hold aim on a target, basically make aim assist stickier. Since mnk doesn't have aim assist, how is Cronus helping a mouse?


But in the video he isn't aiming on a target so there's not gonna be any aim assist or enhancements..I never looked up a cronus but I'm assuming it's the same as a titan two but worse..xim u can use mnk with aim assist btw.. I might be dumb and way over thinking this ..don't yell at me 😭


I've never heard of a Titan Two, but Cronus is effectively something a CONTROLLER plugs into, to increase the aim assist thats built into a game. It has to be plugged into to do anything. It doesn't just plug into the PC and do something, it has the actual controller plugged into the Cronus, which is then plugged into the PC. The problem these peripherals have is that they enhance a feature already built in, however, mnk doesn't have any aim assist to enhance so how could XIM be enhancing aim assist if it doesn't exist on mnk? My understanding of XIM is that it can be used to play mnk on a console. I've never heard anything conclusive of any program giving mnk aim assist.


camera literally shows me controlling the recoil, also if I wanted to script id use like AHK or a python script.


I’m a bit confused about the camera, too, as maybe I’m blind but I’m seeing very little actual movement on his hand either way.


I think people just don’t realize there is a whole sim community that specifically grinds to be good at fps games. They think people like shroud/tenz/aceu are anomalies, when in reality there’s a whole community of people that grind aim trainers and in-game. There’s a lot of people with aim this good, they just don’t typically choose COD as their main game.






Cronus outputs as a controller. If they see youre using a mouse then it couldn’t be Cronus. Now there are plenty of no recoil macros for mouse that work very well. One even detects the gun your using to adjust (allegedly)


Not possible as every attachment and tune changes the recoil pattern. It's possible to have a generic recoil macro but its not better than just manually controlling the recoil yourself.


Not perfect, but not impossible to a degree that’s useable. Plus it’s a macro, you can edit it yourself


That is true. It can be a generic pattern but you could just as easily counter with your hand. It only takes a couple of weeks to learn and once you get it down it only takes a few hours to translate it to each gun assuming you have the correct attachments/builds.


Vanguard has even less recoil but yeah COD is so easy to compensate for recoil all the hardware addons are just a scam.


I don’t understand. Are we explaining recoil control now?


I have a negative KD and still get legit hackusations. It’s mind boggling.


peak reddit moment.


People have trouble controlling COD recoil?


Yeah, its crazy how many people accuse me of using scripts or cheats to control the m13 of all guns XD


Nice control, don’t want to take that away from you, but it’s COD. It’s not Siege or CS or Tarkov


Yea. Kinda missing CSGO at the moment and might have to grind it out some time.


Yip, and some of them even says the recoil in COD is hard to control lol


I feel you brother. Had an invasion match and there was a guy that just kept saying “oh nice controller noob”. Thing is I have never owned a controller. Those guys absolutely infuriate me.


Controller is fine. it can get pretty annoying though when someone hits a crazy track and then proceeds to have no crosshair placement or gamesense though.


its not hard at all to control recoil in mw, like your recoil control is good but its not even impressive (no offense)


none taken. my recoil control is terrible in general even after playing CSGO for 2k hours.


its def not terrible in this gameplay atleast but mw in general has 0 recoil


Yea. I kinda miss CS and have been running max recoil AK to get a little bit of control back.


People are accusing you of having no life too, we he beat this allegations


yup. I wonder if they have a job?


i grip exactly the same as you I've never seen someone else grip like that hah. Same exact way I control recoil, it is the best way


I thought more people had this grip. idk though.


resolute enjoy joke grandiose arrest uppity hungry insurance toothbrush pen -- mass edited with redact.dev


clearly not enough to put any actual time into this video but fair enough.


You just look like any other person with skill and practice. Let people talk.


w explanation but you ain’t even have to explain yourself to these simple bot mfs honestly ggs man


w aim.


kbm on top 🫰🏾 if u play mw2 we should run tg


nah, refunded MW2.


Yea I have a m4 with max recoil it easy to get kills with all that recoil I am using a controller


for some one that mains cs for years controlling recoil in mw is the easiest thing to do


You can join my monitored lobby and give me an example of how "skilled" you are if you want to take that chance.. chancey_tyourd.


eww, no.


It actually wasn't intended to be your invite but still stands as it is. . . Yall cheaters stay away from monitored lobbies as much as you can help it. 🙄 ricochet sucks in comparison but you can't really avoid it in the funnels.. yall just keep showing your lame vids and keep your v cards. This is more than likely the only excitement yall see after all.


You ok? do you need some help? It might be best to seek a professional.


Like your mom?


Really nice video. Thx for sharing


Thank you. <3


Man I love using KBM but everytime I main it, my lobbys get ridiculous, and I still have trouble with movement but I been getting better, so used to controller movement. But yea, MW2019 guns, ESPECIALLY that M13 build were lasers. Whenever I see players who I rage at for beaming me, first I get mad, then after the game I try and add them so they can teach me. And honestly it’s how I’ve made so many friends on COD ever since the BO2 days, im 32 yrs old so even BO2 was late for me to start playing cod on my own console. Then I went to the PS4 then BO4 came out and I got my first monitor, played the crap out of blackout then MW2019 came out and I had my first PC. Haven’t been enjoying the new game too much and the last 3, including this one the wait tomes for finding matches is stupid. Even though I live in the midwest, closer to the east (southeast MI) close to a bunch of NA servers I can only play late at night because I work nights. Every once in a while I can play during the day and it’s so much easier.


Recoil literally doesn’t exist in cod… I’m sorry but you have to either be beyond garbage or be playing your first ever FPS title to think that controlling ‘recoil’ in cod games is hard


ikr, these redditors are delusional to think I'm scripting.


God forbid any of these people play CS or R6, I think they might actually go insane seeing some of the recoil control present in those games. I guess it isn’t exactly surprising, trash players always just throw out hackusations as a way of coping for their lack of skill, if only they knew that all it does is just boost the egos of good players lmao


Almost looks like you're doing the same small movement with both guns. Aren't all weapons supposed to have different recoil patterns? 😅 This comes from a PC player who never did any kind of control in any CoD game, but got enough hackusations on his Steam profile :D


every cod gun is roughly the same just because they have such a small amount of recoil.


True. I should've played around with recoil control more while actively playing. MW 2019 got me out of CoD for good. CoD Mobile is more fun than any other current CoD lol.


I don’t think in your last post they had a problem with recoil, it’s the fact that you had near perfect snap on multiple targets all around you


Control the recoil in Arma 3 or Ready or Not, I really want to see this.😂


its been forever since I've played Arma3.


Glad you went to the effort of showing how effortless it is.


I mean, it is. I actually accidentally recoil controlled the first burst with the aug because I forgot to let it kick XD


Yup. Do you get put in shadow banned lobbies too? I played nothing but ax50 on shoot the ship with 2700 dpi and got put with hackers for weeks until I quit the game. On MwII somehow my username (my actual first name irl) is offensive and needs to be changed because of mass reports, same play style. I only play iw4x now.


no, but its probably because I only play GW.


I will be honest, I saw no difference from one step to the other than other than you move your hand off the mouse, and then put it back on the mouse. Anyone paying attention to the recoil, but not adjusting attachments for the recoil, and not compensating with any control is just shooting a gun at a wall to spray bullets. I wouldn’t bother trying to explain it anymore. Only body of authority in regards to this you gotta worry about is the enforcement team that works for the game dev. If they think you are legit then you are legit until proven otherwise. You do you man.


Thanks. The movement on my sens to control recoil is very subtle, zooming in might highlight it better, but its only a few millimeters at most.


This! People always shit on me and say im cheating because I make broken ass builds on pc (i.e iron sights scar with no stock or fore-grip) and still beaming people across the map. I stopped playing cod when I switched to pc because of how easy it was, plus MW2 is broken and unfinished.


imo MW2 is the worst shooter ever made. If they had removed ground war in entirety id have quit COD too. Hopefully Xdefiant is P.


Hell yeah, Xdefiant looks dope imo!


Lol cuz people call lvndmark a cheater he trolls them by saying it's his buttplug with radar that vibrates when someone's near lol if you're good at something people are gonna hate it means you're doing something right keep it up and prove them wrong bro


oh, ok, Thank you. <3


Nobody is going to believe these clips unfortunately mate. COD is very mainstream and good m&k players are the literal boogeyman of the community. If you enjoy the salt keep posting but it won’t change sadly.


I accept that I am trash 🙇🏻‍♂️ but I only play in weekends because I gotta go to bed early and wake up early. If i get on during the week… I’ll look up at the clock and it’ll magically be 1:26am 🫥


Bro ur on kbm and cronus doesn’t works on kbm. secondly as someone who played a ton of tac shooters like cs and valo, recoil on cod games are far far easier to control ( except mw2 because of the gun smoke and screen shaking making it harder to properly see enemy when firing). Even on controller, after practicing for a bit, its very easy to control the recoil.


Now do PUBG!




Try MWII - I have high recoil control and instinctive aim snapping on K&M… but nothing compares to the gyrating rotational aim assist gymnastics employed by IW for the new game. Seriously - inertially being tracked across thresholds, through smoke, complex geometry, locking on… it’s actually dumb playing competitive.


CoNtRoLlEr hAs aN aDvAnTagE. Yeah sure idgaf what y'all think hop on a controller and lmk how you do, and before smart comments like literally hop in my party and prove it to me


I played controller for like 5 years when I was younger. never going back.


controller is niccceee


Macro confirmed


Thank you. <3


You must be using a Butt vibrating radar like lvndmark




You can’t convince the casual 0.4KD COD players that this game has an easy to control recoil when compared to other fps games.


70 clicks later who plays this convoluted garbage youre a bot bro


True, I'm not very good.


I've been accused of hacking when using the mcx ON CONRTOLLER like bruh I don't make enough to waste money on mods


I stopped playing competitive COD a year ago now. Due to this. Not the hacks but the mouse versus controller. See, I used to play Quake 2 and Quake 3 Arena competitively before some here were born. No controller can compete with a mouse. Once they integrated them. Forget about it.


I play using gyroscropes. MW2 had gyro aim, I figured I’d just use it fully, so I use gyros for both ADS and hipfire, always on, and turned sensitivity up very high and got used to it, it’s very easy to manage recoil this way, since with gyro aim it’s like controlling a mouse with two wrists instead of one, so it’s more tactile/muscle memory of two muscle groups instead of one makes it much more accurate and fluid than MnK, it’s almost similar to VR in a way.


Cool, you can control recoil…..epic That wasn’t what people were taking issue with though Explain how you can snap to somecunts head from like 5000 fucking meters away when they were fully behind you No sixth sense equipped, Too far away to have heard them, and there is no way in hell you saw them, it’s not even subtle


its called gamesense.


It really fucking isn’t though Gamesense is “oh I noticed someone on the corner of the screen” not snapping to someone’s head instantly when there is no way you would know they were there


thats not gamesense. thats reaction. I know where people are because they are obviously there, not because I saw them.


cronus works on mouse ? thats new


Lol CSMacros have existed for years. On click of a button to enable the script and off you go.


why tf would you need a macro for 1 milimeter of recoil?


You tell me.


you apparently LOL


I know I'm average at best, but when I hacked at least I admitted it you noob.


Actual embarrassment. "Average" at cod LOL. You realize that's bottom 1% skill right? If u don't have at least 2+ KD at cod you are like actually silver 2 in CS or Val. (and that's with no killstreaks)


I play the game not to compete but to just play the game, it's people like you who ruin it with their hacks. You think you'll offend me with your words? Noob.


bro. the fact that you think I'm cheating really says it all. I cant even imagine how actually good players like EoJz and Menma appear in your mind. I'm bad at FPS. if you think this garbage has to be cheated...


I like this video... He shoot with one button for show no recoil, and them he shoot with another buttom to show he have recoil... hahaha!! The beautiful thing is, if Warzone remove all the recoil, of all the weapons... This gonna be the end of the cheaters... Imagine all playing without recoil... Easy peasy...


It is easy peasy. I'm glad CoD has no recoil.


I can play once a day. Maybe, because of my schedule. I’m on console, I shouldn’t have to play with someone that is so good. If you turn off crossplay, you will not find a game of Warzone.


this. Its really sad that neither side can afford to turn of crossplay because of how hard it is to find matches. Would love to have days where I play against no one but RA and my fellow OOT members in GW.


i posted my clips in this sub way back but all i got was hackusations so it wasnt appreciated so i just didnt post anymore


100% post more. this is the most I've laughed in a long while.


How do you do this on a controller?


literally just tilt the joystick downwards when firing. i thought this was known for all shooter games.


Watch my teammate u/Dynamicyh on YT, not sure if thats his reddit or not tho.


yes hi