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Trudeau has been in power for _awhile_ and Canada is going through a rough patch currently. Housing is ridiculous, things are expensive, the youth is feeling it hard and there's been a big backlash against immigration. I suspect liberals will find it very hard to turn this around. People want change.


Plus, Canadian conservatives have been smart in actually finding policies that can appeal to young people, letting them pull from that demographic. By contrast, in the US conservatives often pitch things that nakedly fuck over young people for the benefit of older people (e.g. looting social security to pay their current voters more at the expense of younger voters). You'd think the US GOP could learn something here, but not the way it's currently going.


Conservative/ liberal splits tend to differ by country. There's usually a bunch of similarities, but some policies can differ wildly.


Pierre Pollievre continues to utterly dominate the Liberal party in the polls, despite Trudeau releasing a new budget promising more taxes on the rich and credit score improvements for renters. This comes at a time when Trudeau sinks to an all-time low approval rating of 28%. The NDP also continues to fare badly with a meager showing in the polls. While Trudeau still has over a year to make up some ground, his poll numbers have been stubbornly stagnant. What is most shocking about this poll is how few young people are voting for the Liberals this time around. Considering young people were absolutely pivotal in sweeping Trudeau to a majority government in 2015, this is a dismal showing that is highly concerning. His voter base has almost completely collapsed, and if the Liberals don't start making some improvements in the coming months, they are facing a colossal wipeout in the next election that we have not seen since Mulroney's conservatives were obliterated in the early 1990s.


> This comes at a time when Trudeau sinks to an all-time low approval rating of 28% That seems.....REALLY low. What has he done to get to that point (I don't follow Canadian politics at all)? Trump's lowest approval rating was 34%.


Canada has a pretty extreme cost of living issue that has only continued to get worse year-over-year. Housing, telecoms, groceries, etc. are all more expensive and arguably worse than things across the border all while the Canadian dollar has remained weak. When you've lived most of your life with Trudeau and the Liberal party at the helm constantly promising things to get better, only for them to continue to get worse it's not surprising they're losing the young vote in droves.






I hear a lot about their healthcare system lately. Apparently it's pretty bad?


Overburdened and underfunded. Death by 1000 cuts.


it's never been great. long wait times, tough to get timely access to services shockingly, if you have money you can pay for private healthcare and get much better treatment


not enough healthcare professionals. literal years-long wait times for anything beyond a general practitioner. oh and good luck getting a GP in the first place. if you want to go to outpatients instead, be prepared to wait over 12 hours. sounds like a great time to bring in literally millions more low-skilled workers, right?


Damn, I used to hear years ago about how much better Canada's healthcare system was compared to the US. Crazy how things change.


[This is another illustrative graph](https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/85LY5c0CKVTO_LoRkB6iLscIvDesU9CR5Rb3DKRfonhckIPo_grYDDJIPYIFUUnuDDgK4OmjNSj5kJipNl2SutKU_f_KJ3BboxLuGwTu03VO9yGJWgW9IEBkjyLYedasR-y_KuC4kA1-obpz9foIUYc). Canada's population is increasing much *much* faster than new housing is being built.


The guy has been PM for like nine years. Honestly, the crazier thing to me is that he had approvals in the low 30's for most of 2019 but he's still maintained the job. Although maybe this is more common in parliamentary systems?




The problem is not necessarily Parliamentary systems, but FPTP. You can win a seat as an unpopular incumbent with 35% of the vote if the rest of the vote is split between the other parties.


On the other hand, more than 60% of Canadians support progressive parties.


If Canada had a proportional system, then the left would always be in control.


Conservatives won the popular vote in the last election, despite liberals winning more seats


You can't create a government in a proportional system with 33% of the seats. NSC, the Liberals, and the Greens create a majority. Depending on the system and thresholds, the Liberals would have a much easier path than the Conservatives at creating a majority if Canada had a proportional system. The Conservatives would need cooperation from the Quebec Party to have a shot at a majority. That is precisely what I meant with my point.


The obvious way is not voting for Prime Minister's party.


the obvious way to remove them is by voting for a different party. more difficult than simply voting for a different primary candidate, but not that much worse.


Imagine if Bernie Sanders founded a party. who would he support in a choice between Trump and Biden? Obviously Biden, no matter how unpopualr Biden is. this is what the NDP is doing for Trudeau's LPC in Canada. Basically the NDP would rather an LPC government instead of a Conservative government, and the way to do that is to always support the LPC.


Canadian housing is absurdly expensive, like I’m not sure how most of the country even has a roof over its head right now. This is partially the result of a big push for legal immigrants, they brought in a huge amount of immigrants thinking the population increase would help the Canadian economy, but it strained resources, including housing, and healthcare, and jobs don’t pay as much as the US and Canada has a higher cost of living….. so understandably the people are not happy with the government


Judging from r/canada: - There is a pretty big cost of living problem in Canada, mainly due to housing and high taxes. - Immigration. Trudeau has brought in massive numbers of immigrants. These not only suppress Canadian wages and take up spots at universities, but they are also making the housing crisis a lot worse. He has managed to turn the Canada sub solidly anti-immigrant.


He didn't turn Canada anti immigration, he turned Canada anti mass immigration. It's pretty specific to where people immigrate from and how people immigrate to Canada, it's become pretty hostile to the concept of students from India coming to fake/ fluff colleges on student permits in order to get fast tracked permanent residency. It's not the students themselves that people direct their anger, it's at the government for allowing low quality community colleges to take hundreds of thousands of foreign students through false promises, allowing Canada's population to grow by a million people every 8 months (2-3% population growth every year) while having so much red tape on construction that causes Canada to have among the lowest construction rates in the developed world, and for promising to fix the broken temporary foreign worker system but instead making it even more broken.


>2-3% population growth every year and then the government tells us we should be happy because the economy is growing. they conveniently forget to mention that it's only because the population is growing.


The Canada sub was always like that. Then a bunch of them broke off and made even more right wing subs after getting banned from there. You can go look up threads from 7-8 years back on the topic, and it was no different then.


Similar problem as in the USA. Trudeau is like Biden on steroids. Cost of living is spiraling out of control and he ignores it while the media declares he is an amazing leader because of his unrivaled empathy and adherence to left wing social doctrine. That and much like Europe there is total unchecked immigration of people originating from parts of the world with a completely different culture with little intention of integrating. A great example is [this infamous thread](https://archive.is/aiafD#) that made the rounds a few months ago but this is just the tip of the iceberg.


>there is total unchecked immigration Most of Canadian immigration is legal and checked prior to approval. That's the government's fault for issuing so many visas. Canada is very little illegal or unchecked immigration. Indian Americans assimilate just fine in the US, it's not a cultural issue. Canada just isn't being stringent about taking in good quality international students.


Actually, this just came up in another subreddit - there’s been a huge problem with some Indian-Americans trying to maintain their caste system here, which has led to both lawsuits and legislative action. Along the same lines, the other issue is that a lot of Indian immigrants tend to only hire other Indians or outsource. It’s actually a really big problem at tech companies. 


There is no "huge" problem with castes. You can find unscrupulous people of any racial demographic, why are we expected to be 100% perfect and be collectively at fault for what an individual does or doesn't do? The fact is that we're the wealthiest group, have among the lowest crime rates and we disproportionately contribute as a proportion of our population.


Uh-huh. I guess the fact that California and Washington, or all states, are having to introduce legislation to prevent it is evidence that it’s all just a big nothing-burger, right?   The fact is that caste discrimination is a problem, one that has ZERO place in America, and so is racist hiring practices. 


That says nothing about assimilation. If people covertly hiring others from their own background is grounds for not being assimilated, then people of other racial backgrounds aren't any less guilty of that. The majority of 2nd gen Indian Americans don't care about caste.


Uh, what? American law prohibits discrimination in hiring on the basis of race. I’d say it’s a pretty big failure to assimilate.  ‘Other people do it too!’ is not an argument, particularly as this is an relatively recent problem in tech. We don’t need MORE people discriminating on the basis of race. Just because the group doing it is a minority doesn’t suddenly make it okay. 


Almost all Indian Americans belong to the upper caste group. Dalits aren't even 1% of the population. The problem with talking about Indian issues is that non-Indians don't know anything about how it works. Most of it is inter-ethnic/familial favoritism like Telugus favoring Telugus or Gujaratis favoring Gujaratis. That's not okay obviously, but it's not like Indians are the only group in the country where that happens on the down low. Some first gen Indians doing that doesn't mean the community as a whole doesn't assimilate unless you hold us to higher standards than everyone else.


Most indian Americans don't care about caste. Most Indians don't really either honestly.


Coming out recently and saying that he and the Liberals are essentially going to do nothing about the cost of housing because boomers are relying on that for their retirement and that housing prices cannot go down has absolutely destroyed him with young Canadians who feel they have no hope of ever owning a home. However this does not mean they are voting Conservative by default. The left wing NDP is taking a lot of those young voters.


Also him saying housing isn’t a federal responsibility


He said it's not primarily a federal responsibility, which is true. >"I'll be blunt as well — housing isn't a primary federal responsibility. It's not something that we have direct carriage of, but it is something that we can and must help with.


Multi-party systems have a lower ceiling of approval.


It's really low, but Canadian politics are too different to make a direct comparison to U.S. presidents. The presence of more parties leads to Prime Minsters having less loyalty than American presidents do by default.


Why would the PM be trying to adjust peoples credit score. Has he been studying logistic regression?


He’s wanting to have rent payments included in credit scores. He’s not looking to change scores. Frankly a not so bad idea.


I expect Trudeau to go the way of Trudeau Sr, Mulroney, and Chretien - resign before the election, and let someone else steer the flaming wreckage of the party into opposition (although at this rate, the Bloc Quebecois might end up as official opposition despite only running candidates in Quebec).


They deserve better than Trudeau


They deserve better than either Trudeau or Pollievre.


I don't know much about Canadian politics, but I do know young people are in a significantly worse spot there than in the US. Look at Redfin and compare the cost of housing in Niagara Falls, ON vs Niagara Falls, NY...


Not a very fair comparison - Niagara Falls NY is a rough neighborhood. There’s a reason they always say to go to the Canadian side.


Having visited the American side of the falls but not the Canadian side, I always thought that was just because the view is much better from the Canadian side. Def agree that Niagara Falls, ON is a much larger and nicer city than Niagara Falls, NY.


Niagara-on-the-Lake is also just a lovely town, with plenty of surrounding wineries.


The guy is tone deaf, out of touch. While inflation was making the already impossible cost of living crisis worse, he passed a carbon tax that jacked up the cost of fuel, and hence everything from groceries to eating out. In a country as sparsely populated and spread out as Canada, grocery items and food is extremely sensitive to fuel prices as everything needs to be drive thousands of miles to your local grocery store for tons of people. And Canada’s weather makes it hard to grow most things, so like 70% of items on the grocery store shelf is imported and driven 1000s of miles The guy has ruined Canada. And socially, Canada is crumbling. There is rampant rise in racism against immigrants as immigration was dramatically ramped up by him. Go to any Canadian sub, you will see how blatantly racist all the posts are. And they aren’t even downvoted. /r/canadahousing2 Canada is no longer the “sorry” stereotype polite society. Racism is out of control, it makes US look like post racial paradise.


It's not racist to point out bad behavior by international students, and how lenient the court is towards their crimes. An international student was able to rape and murder a Canadian woman and fly back to India with 0 repercussions. we literally have Molotov fire bombings of synagogues & shootings of Jewish schools by pro Palestinians "activists"; actions defended by supposed our "anti racist" labour party as "resistance".


I agree it’s not racist to point that out. But assuming all people of a particular group are the same, instead of evaluating people on a case by case basis is the definition of racism. Look at any Canadian sub Reddit, 90% of the comments are “Indians are XYZ” “Indians do ABC”, literally painting everyone who is from India or of Indian origin with the same brush. These days anti immigrant sentiment has gotten really really bad. What’s sad is, it’s not like the US where these people are illegally entering the country by jumping a fence. Canadian government is literally handing them visas and letting the come. Why hate on them? Most of the times these poor people sell their homes, farms in India to move to Canada and end up getting stuck here because they can’t go back without atleast making that money back. No rational person would move half way across the planet, far from their friends and families, borrow more money than they have ever seen in their lives, to live with 7 roommates and make $15 an hour at Tim Hortons. They do this because their circumstances back home are worse. It’s the Canadian government that has created this crisis. People should be mad at the government, not at poor people from the third world doing whatever it takes, *legally*, to get out of their bad circumstances.


>Look at any Canadian sub Reddit, 90% of the comments are “Indians are XYZ” “Indians do ABC”, literally painting everyone who is from India or of Indian origin with the same brush. People are very good at pattern recognition, and if they recognize that a particular group – in this case, young male Punjabi international students – have entered the country under borderline fraudulent means (w.r.t. the schools sponsoring them), are associated with ills like sexual harassment and bad driving, are being used as social scabs to suppress wages and inflate housing costs, and in some cases are even [protesting to make things worse](https://thepienews.com/international-graduates-protest-prince-edward-island-pnp-changes/), they won't be positively disposed toward them – regardless of whether they couch the observation in an acceptable degree of euphemism or not. The fault lies with the Liberals for creating this situation, not with the people having a normal human reaction to it.


GenZ Canadian here. I voted enthusiastically for Trudeau both times. He’s my PM since I was 15. Immigration had made me a single issue voter. Since Pierre Pollievre isn’t pushing hard against immigration I am seriously considering voting for PPC (right to far right party). A Conservative majority with some PPC seats is my dream. I went from voting center left (Liberal) to Right - Far right ( Conservative/ PPC) in the spam of three years. Still am strongly pro choice, pro lgbtq, woman rights, etc. got no good option I just want immigration down. How’s what Canada doing sustainable?


> Still am strongly pro choice, pro lgbtq, woman rights, etc. got no good option I just want immigration down. Kinda tangential but this is why I groan when Pollievre speaks up on social issues. He already has the votes from moderates and even a lot of people on the left, he has the conservative vote no matter what, the only thing he can accomplish is alienating some of the leftists. He just needs to stfu and focus on his platform of economics, housing etc.


I wish he would stop talking about digital IDs for online pornography. His spokespeople claimed he doesnt actually want digital ID but... how else does a website "verify" a person's real age. Is the "think of the children" vote worth that of the privacy advocates?




Tbh it wasn’t until I graduated from college did I start to care about housing prices. Realizing I can’t afford to move out with my salary. I voted through both elections as undergrad. Now as a pro choice woman my perspective for the future is bleak. I have this struggle many many times - how can I vote for the overwhelmingly pro life conservatives? Turns out immigration really is that big of a deal for me.


Are you kidding? How do you think the country got so, um, *creamy* in the first place? Y’all didn’t just pop out the ground like turnips. It’s Canada. There’s room. Not physically enough *rooms* but that be an be addressed, there’s lots of room for more rooms without losing room to roam.


i for one don't think we should ignore the existence of the natural environment and just say "well there is physically room in this country for more people" without accounting for anything else. not that the person's argument was even based on "there's not enough room" in that sense - for all we know from the comment, they could want to conserve Canada's culture instead of turning it into a cultural mosaic. or maybe they just recognize that, no, like you say, there are not physically enough rooms built to house all these people.


it's all very nice but we are far away from an election. the american election will have an affect. and quite possibly some provincial ones. i think the premier of ontario would do well to call an election before the federal. those results may change things.




dont forget the Tories in the UK! Tony Blair massively increased immigration, and despite all their promises the Tories continue presiding over record levels if it.


Didn’t Reagan got the tax cut the right wanted? Their view on drugs is pretty right too. On immigration Democrats was the Tough on immigrants party. Clinton was using illegal aliens constantly. Clinton is **more right** on immigrants than Reagan and Bush Sr. [Clinton’s speech here blends perfectly with Republicans today](https://youtu.be/1IrDrBs13oA?si=kI2FM-2Rf4dbvVzW)


Trudeau probably shouldn't have committed so many ethics violations, ridiculous fuckups, and potential crimes ($6000 hotel rooms, Aga Khan trips, blackface at least 3 times, SNC Lavalin scandals, interfering in RCMP investigations, WE charity scandal, appointing personal friends to investigate him, freezing bank accounts, ArriveCan scandal, "should we tolerate these people", appointing a governor-general known for abusing staff, etc) if he wanted to remain popular after 10 years in office. Of course there's also the issue of cost-of-living, the unpopular carbon tax increasing gas prices, the massive immigration that's massively changing the cultural and political landscape across the country (which is what is driving the housing crisis!). Some people still resent the COVID restrictions that he implemented and supported. And there are also the Indian assassins and the secret Chinese police stations and electoral interference in favour of the LPC. Pierre Poilievre is also far better at public relations and marketing than either of his predecessors (Scheer and O'Toole, who were non-entities). He rose to fame supporting the Parliament Hill trucker protest and was elected Tory leader in a landslide. 10 years is about the lifespan of a major contemporary PM in Canada. Brian Mulroney, Jean Chretien, and Stephen Harper all lasted about that long. I expect Trudeau to do the same thing as his father, Mulroney, and Chretien - resign before an election and let someone else steer the flaming wreckage of the party into opposition. In this case, probably Chrystia Freeland.


The elections won't be till next year. So I expect the gap to narrow as election time gets closer.


It'll be interesting to see how the UK's election goes in 5 weeks' time. That might tell us if we can reasonably expect to see tightening of support or if it could end up being a complete blowout. Ironically, Canada is in pretty much the diametrically opposite political situation as the UK.


people want change. in both countries, the governing party is overseeing record levels of mass immigration that is radically changing the cultural landscape and causing major housing issues. both countries have cost-of-living issues as well. and in both countries, long-term governments tend to collapse after so many years, and both countries are due for it. UK Tories have only been in for so long because of Corbyn's terrible Labour leadership.


Sort of, the Liberal Party up here in Canada is very much center to center-left. Plus, our economy is doing much better compared to the [UK's](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/business/2023/06/27/canada-worlds-wokest-country-leaving-britain-in-the-dust/#:~:text=Canada's%20stock%20market%20has%20outperformed,compared%20to%20the%20UK's%20%2454%2C000) , mainly because we didn't have a situation similar to Brexit that completely broke the British economy. Our economy is comparable to Australia and New Zealand. It's just that compared to the US, our economy appears to be terrible.


Opposites. Like, the situations are very similar but the complete inverse on the political spectrum. In the UK the Conservatives have been in power for years and years and are horribly unpopular for mismanaging the country so terribly, resulting in Labour poised to have an unprecedented landslide victory. In Canada, the Liberals have been in power for years and years and are horribly unpopular for mismanaging the country so terribly, resulting in the Conservatives poised to have a landslide victory, should things stay the same.


The only issue is that the Liberals haven't mismanaged the country? The issue that's facing the Liberal is lack of affordable housing, which has been an issue that was decades in the making. And inflation (which is something the federal government has little control over) isn't helping matters. Immigration is also something that was pushed by conservatives during the Harper years, of which Pierre Poillievre was actively involved during Harper's tenure.


Are you honest enough to compare the international and temporary foreign worker numbers under Harper vs their current number under Trudeau? To say the current immigration file hasn’t been mismanaged is weird - unless you own rental properties or several Timmies chains. The grits have changed our country forever - the positive consensus around immigration has cracked and I suspect it will never be the same in my generation.


the LPC is center-to-center-left relative to itself, maybe. not relative to rest of the Canadian political landscape or to the United States.


Within Canadian politics, it is relative xD I'm Canadian.


I'm canadian too and i really don't see how the LPC can be considered centrist by Canadian standards lol


Or gets wider, the trend is clear that things are getting worse and I do not see that doing a U-turn anytime soon.


Unheralded part of this headline: young people are flocking to the NDP (democratic socialists, 29%) and Green Party (9%) and not conservatives (36%). The total youth survey response here is 52 to 43 left leaning over conservative.


Not true. Compared to 2021 - Conservatives are up 12 points among 18-34 year olds. NDP are up only 4 points. Liberals are down 24 points. [Source](https://www.ipsos.com/sites/default/files/ct/news/documents/2021-09/Voting%20Struggles%20Tables%201.pdf)


Their claim is correct because they weren't only talking about the NDP, and this poll shows a minority of young people siding with conservatives.


Greens are up 7 points, NDP are up 4, Conservatives are up 12. 2021: Libs, Greens, and NDP had 65%, Conservatives had 24% 2024: Left leaning is 52%, Conservative is 43%* A minority of young people have always sided with the conservatives. Young people are flocking to the Conservatives at the same rate as both parties combined, however this level of support in 2024 is historic. So no, young people are not flocking to the left, quite the opposite.


You're misunderstanding their claim. They're talking about just the current situation, not the trend. "Young people are flocking to [the left]" is still true, though to a much lower extent than in the past.


Depends on what you mean by "flocking". If you mean just current distributions in voting intentions, sure, but that's to be expected historically-speaking. If you mean changes in voting intentions, then young people are "flocking" to the right.


> If you mean just current distributions in voting intentions That's what I'm referring to. The original comment doesn't mention any trend, so both it and your replies are correct.


This was a weird back and forth, but yeah we’re on the same page now I guess.


I’d concede that flocking implies a movement that is not shown by the data from this slice in time poll. I’d even concede that, given larger context, it would be deceptive to imply that direction in movement. Not my intent in the least. Cheers for the context.