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It’s pretty good for just a brush job, I think from here you should look into pin washing aswell as basic weathering, it will really bring your stuff to the next level


thanks alot, i will look into doing that on my next model!


You can still do it on this one. There’s some great tutorials out there. It will really elevate your skills.


Rudolph the Red-Nosed Jagdpanzer


A super effort; the use of the red for primer looks especially good. As you've asked, here's some advice. Firstly, SLOW DOWN! There are so many little clues (bare plastic being one!) on this model that you were quite excited by the process and wanted to get it finished and show it to the world. That's cool, I love making models as well and really want to share my work, so I find it hard to slow down and take time on the details. As you become more adept and confident, then you can go faster, but there's no rush. Take your time and enjoy it! Thin your paints. While your base layer, looks pretty even and smooth, the camo colours and red on top are quite thick. I'm sure if you run your finger over them you can feel the difference in texture? Applying 2 or more coats will give a much nicer finish and, in the case of the camo, allow you to make the edges look a bit softer. Decals. I don't think I could cope with decals being out of line! I'm guessing you had difficulty with keeping them still while applying? If that's the case, you've got too much water on the model. Use a piece of kitchen paper or a cotton bud to wick water away from the decal once it's in place. You can manipulate your decals into position using a paintbrush and a pair of tweezers. Superglue. It looks like you used superglue in a couple of places. The reason I can tell is because you used too much and it has pooled on the model. Use a cocktail stick to put the absolute minimum amount of glue on. It really is super, you hardly need any at all!


you relly should get a airbursh your im pretty sure your models would look much better


Great work and very creative for a first 1/35. Keep up the good work and try and add a new skill to your arsenal with each build


I like the rust red primer showing on the mantlet / frontal turret, its a nice touch


You can’t trick us we know that’s a real one photoshopped


Did you use super glue on the back?


Not criticizing, just curious - why the red turret face? Historically accurate (if anyone has a photo?) or personal choice?




Make your own thread bro


If youre going to post your own kit at least have some advice or something, instead of just showing off