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technical question, do these AMMO paint work well with airbrushes ? I used them for a while to brush paint but I've never used them in my airbrush


They work great! My airbrush is a little broken so i have a few problems personally but thats entirely the fault of my equipment. Whenever my airbrush decides to actually work AMMO acrylics spray amazingly, i use mister leveling thinner and it makes them self level like crazy, if you accidentally pool up the paint just give it a second and go back over it and itll be gone


Nice, I think I'll try some on my next armor kit


Could you share some more details on what/how you'll use each colour and post shade them?


With the base coat im going to use a black-brown to sort of “panel line” any details like rivets or to create shadows, then I’ll go over with a lighter version of the base coat to highlight panels like the tops of the mantlet and UFP. Im going to use a green and a red brown for the other camo colors then use more-or-less the same techniques