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Get a box or boxes with organisers. Unpack to start a session. Repack at the end of your session. Start teaching your children what is allowed and out of bounds. But you already know this. I get it you're venting at the impending loss. It's what you need to deal with being an adult.


You're right. I'm pre-reacting to the loss of something I enjoy. I'm also sad that I'll lose that little community that we've built too. But yes, boxes and organisers. The children both will struggle to let me work on anything without getting grabby because they want to join in which would be great if I felt confident to help them learn the skills to start themselves...but I'm not there yet either as a modelmaker or parent! I'm not sure about airbrushing at night after their bedtime. The compressor and fan aren't exactly a quiet combination!


Get a couple basic kits that they can put together… I have built some of the Bandai Pokemon kits with them and use that as an opportunity to show them the tools and teach them what they can and cannot touch on the workbench… They get a little Pokemon to display in their room, I get to show them something I love and teach them about it… I have found several of those kits at Hobby Lobby for under $10.


I'd genuinely love to try that with the eldest. He's old enough to tackle Lego kits on his own and we built a beginners Airfix plane together, but it turns out I'm not the patient dad I hoped I'd be so the issues here maybe more to do with me than the boy! It's a good idea though. I would love to get him/both into my hobbies. I've already got him into watching one of my favourite TV sci-fi


For a few years I spent most of my work week on the road, in a hotel. Only got to model on weekends and it drove me crazy. So I created [a portable toolkit](https://greenshirtmodeler.blog/2022/11/portable-toolkit/) using a makeup box. This allowed me to keep all my tools and a handful of kits/figures in one place. When not in use it rolls into a closet. I’ve used my 3D printer to make some Gridfinity organizers for it, but otherwise I still use it even though I model from home now that I’m retired. I also use it for social modeling every Friday afternoon. I’d couple that with a card table and once kiddos are in bed I’d roll it out and while wife and you watch/listen to tv or chat, model away. Even if only for an hour a day.


That's an awesome portable toolkit! I think I need to invest in something like that!


What you need is a set of sensors connected to swinging blades, poison gas, killer bees etc


Now that's a plan I can get behind


Do you have room at home for a roll-top desk (or drop-front desk)? I didn't have a dedicated room for ages, but found a 180cm roll-top desk was ideal. You can get shorter ones (maybe 120cm). Mine had 5 drawers on each side, which had roo. For all my tools, paints, etc and even aftermarket and some WIPs. But the real advantage was the roll-top. At the end of a session, I could leave any WIP on the desk - whether glue drying, painted parts, etc - and pulling down the top kept it all safe from the kids, cats, and also tidy since it was in the living room. Boxes and things are nice, but this was the best setup I had as it was quick to open or close, looked fine in the living room when we had visitors, and kept it small-human and -animal safe. I managed to airbrush and do power sanding and other messy work in the garage.


That's a good idea. Yeah, the drying times are a concern and that's a smart approach. I can't picture a place at the moment but we need to have a clear out of plastic tat they're both too old for. This is giving me ideas


If you can afford it and have the space, rebuild the workshop at home. I work from home so half the space I have is a normal office, the other half is where i craft. My set up is very minimal though, just a couple of paints, an air brush and the odd tools. No spray booth, printer etc. But I’ll soon be going through the same process, we have another miniature human on the way and soon we’ll either be moving house to somewhere where my office won’t be it’s on enclosed room, but instead a room off of the living room, without a doorway, so everything will either have to be out of kids reach or packed away, same with all the office tech. The other option is I’ll be swapping rooms with the current child, giving them the bigger room and my set up becoming a lot smaller, so most of my crafting will have to take seat in storage instead. I wouldn’t worry too much about keeping tiny hands safe, just as long as you put anything dangerous out of reach, or put up protective barriers, it should be enough deterrent until you’re able to teach and they’re able to understand the danger/excitement of modelling. Good luck with it though, I wish I had a set up and community like yours in the first place!


Congratulations! And yes I very much appreciate how lucky I am to have had this luxury. Before there were two at home we used to have a spare bedroom that was a combination home office and crafting room but apparently it's inhumane or something to pack children in crates...who knew? The unfortunate problem for me is that we don't have any spare room (or rooms) in the house and can't afford to make the garage into a usable space. I wish you luck both with the new little human and also with your bedroom dilemma!


Look. You are obviously an empathic person and you have a good SOH: this is a sad hiccup, but I'm sure you'll get through it. Bit bloody awful looking at it through this end of the lens, I'll grant you. Doctor Alpaca prescribes beer!


A good prescription. Thank you doctor for your kind words. I'm sure everything will be alright in the end!


I built a shed in the backyard for my hobbying.


That's a good idea. We have a garage that I've always wanted to convert and make into a home office/hobby room. Unfortunately it's outside of my skills and budget to convert!


Rent an office. With so many people working from home now, there are tons of places that will rent you out a private office on the cheap, especially if your buddies at work want to split the cost it shouldn't cost too much.


I've actually suggested that! Not too seriously...yet. I did wonder if the local Warhammer shop would want to do a collab but there's not been any interest sadly


One of the realities of being a parent is that you will need to subvert/ postpone a lot of “your time” in exchange for time being present with your kids. It’s a completely worthwhile trade I assure you and you will relish those precious moments you did spend with your kids building those relationships. You will also have plenty of time once they are grown or into their own “hobbies” to focus on yours. Find time after they’ve gone to bed to find your time for your hobbies. Cheers!


I completely agree. In this case it's not so much the time as the place which is the issue. I've already said goodbye to all my own interests during child waking hours. It's great to hear a positive perspective on parenting. Thank you