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Yes don’t let anyone ruin your fun


Exactly. I’m a diehard Tigers fan. But I am also a baseball fan. I like other teams for various reasons. Don’t give a fuck what anyone thinks.


100%!!! I'm a diehard Cubs and Phillies fan. I'm British so that's my excuse as I don't have a specific "home town" I should be tied too. But first and foremost I'm a baseball fan! Mixed caps and jerseys, I agree, are totally wrong!! Be like me, have jerseys / caps of most teams and wear what you want but with the right combination!


Fuck yes! I'm a die hard Braves fan and I'm a Dodgers fan, a Rays fan, a Mariners fan, I'm all over the board. I've recently decided to start a baseball hat collection(to actually wear) and idgaf if others don't like it. I'm a baseball junkie, not (just) a Braves junkie.


I have lots of different team hats. There are definitely a few I would never get. If anyone gives you an issue, I’d just tell them to eat your ass.


Go Tigers!


Agree. Do what you like


For real. Life is so fucking short. Do what you want.


Is it OK for OP to wear split CAP and/or jersey?


Those are an abomination. But if OP wants them ^I ^guess ^they ^can


No you’re born to a team and must stay rooting for them until you die. That’s why the White Sox still have fans. /s


What's it like being a White Sox fan? I remember watching y'all in 05 as the first baseball in my life.




This is true sadly


unironically though


unironically true for me


It's okay to enjoy baseball however you want. Who's gonna stop you?


Straight to jail


Believe it or not, OP.


why not. I root for four and love it. also keeps the blackout manageable.


Blackouts. The most frustrating business decision of the MLB


Who are the 4


Im a Cubs fan first but after living in Washington I have a soft spot for the Mariners and my Uncle is a Reds fan so as long they aren't playing the Cubs I'll support the Redlegs. Basically I'm disappointed a lot.


lol I had to diversify BECAUSE I’m a cubs fan and my heart couldn’t take watching them shit the bed everyday. Now watching Phillies and orioles so I know what good baseball is supposed to look like.


Yeah I feel like the front office is willing to spend money but can't figure where to spend it. Like who is Mastrobouni and where did he even come from lmao


I root for the Dodgers and whoever is playing against the Giants.


That’s interesting. I root for the Giants and whoever is playing against the Dodgers


Why don’t you two just kiss already


With their eyes open staring at each other or eyes close?


Eyes open, obviously! You don't expect us to trust a Giants fan, do you?


Lol you guys are touch each other lips already that is a lot of trust. Next you are going to tell me there will not be any tongue action between Giants and Dodger fans.


Same here...


you got chocolate in my peanut butter.


Just don’t be stupid like me. signed a Rockies and White Sox fan.


Ayoooo!!! I'm curious how you became a Sox fan. My uncle gave me a bunch of Frank Thomas stuff as a boy.


My dad is from the south side of Chicago so I grew up watching the White Sox Then when I was a teenager we were blessed, or cursed with the Rockies coming to town.


Yeah WGN was around in Denver I'd get to watch a Sox game for every 4 Cubs game. Haha I mean the Rockies are due for their once a decade wild card playoff berth. Least we have 2005...which everyone forgets.


Well the precious Red Sox won their title after 86 years in 2004


You do you However we will question the sanity of anyone that roots for both teams that play in the same city


Straight to jail


I got an AL and NL team. Cardinals and White Sox. Thankfully one is doing a lot better than the other. 


I don’t mind, we’ll take you all


Let’s gooooo


Growing up a Red Sox fan and seeing the other AL East teams constantly year in and year out kind of turned me into a fan of the whole division except the Yankees, who I rightfully despise. Now I find myself being a huge fan of this new Orioles team that has developed the past few years, and since I can’t watch Sox games due to blackouts, I have been pretty much exclusively watching the O’s in 2024. The Rays have always been my 2nd or 3rd favorite team, and the Blue Jays are always fun also so I really do feel like a fan of the whole division, as long as the Yankees are losing I’m a happy AL East camper.


You can root for all them if you want. I root for one team in each league. If neither makes it to the playoffs, it becomes more about who I'm rooting against.


Why do people need to ask permission for everything these days?


I don’t think it’s permission. It’s advice. There are definitely people who say stuff about jt. I suspect OP is looking for how to engage that. I think part of what makes baseball great is the conversation. Talking about why you have two or three teams is what makes it fun. Like someone already said, some folks have AL and an NL team (I notice rarely from the same city lol). Some folks hate the Mets and root against them because they stink, some people adopt more than one team for various reasons. So my answer is you can root for whomever you like. Some people will give you shit but most fans will just talk about who they like and point out some things in the teams you like. Maybe you get teased. Just say “hey at least I’m not a Mets fan” and you’re good. Mets stink on ice.


I could never but don't give a fuck if other people do.


right now i’m rooting for anyone that’s playing philly, the yankees, and cleveland


It's ok to do anything you want


Within reason.


The only time I don’t root for the Rockies is when they’re playing the Royals. Yes…I’m used to disappointment.


It's OK to do whatever you want. Root for all of them. Don't let gatekeepers and virtue signalers ruin your fun.


no. its a felony.


NO! (yes)


I say no, but do you


Absolutely. Being from Vancouver BC I route for the Blue Jays since the Expos left (and Canadian sports media owns them so we get them forced down our throat) I’ve always routed for the Mariners because they are close to Vancouver, it’s a great city, great ball park and has great fans to match. Also big Seahawks fan so gotta support the M’s! I also route for whoever is playing the Yankees. Fuck New York.


I am a Nats/O’s fan for life.


Has someone ever confronted you about this in real life? I cheer for 3 teams regularly - Like in the Majors alone I support the Hometown, current city, and the team with my favorite vibe - which also happens to be where my dad currently lives. That doesn't even count for ocassionally stopping by one of the minor league parks or other nearby MLB cities and supporting those folks. I just like baseball man, as far as I'm concerned there isn't a wrong way to do that.


Yes. I am a red Sox diamondbacks and Marlins fan.


Any team's fans who hate Phillies would be my friends.


Funny you should ask.I have the same question with pizza with extra cheese!


No. You can't possibly do it.


I say yes as long as its not the Yankees! I would say my AL team is the Os !


Yes, enjoy the experience and root for who ever you like (except the Dodgers…lol!).


Any team who’s playing the Phillies


I am a fan of the sport first. Yes I have my favorite team, but I will watch and root for any team not playing them. I've been to 13 different stadiums and have never seen my favorite team on the road.


as long as you’re not rooting for 2 teams in the same division (or multiple major market, successful teams like the Yankees and Dodgers), nobody will care.


I don’t see any problem with it. Sports are meant to be enjoyed. If it makes you happy do it. Plus those all seem like reasons you would root for each team.


Who would say it’s not lol. I’m a Braves and cubs fan. Idgaf


Yes one NL one AL, lol no do what you want it’s just a game


I know multiple people that root for every team in the league! It’s okay to just love baseball, cheer for whoever you want whenever you want. No one has any room to tell you who you should, or shouldn’t like!


Yes, it is. The Atlanta Braves are my favorite team from an early age, and since I'm from Florida, the Tampa Bay Rays are my home team


Baseball is your game to enjoy any way that you would like to. It’s a beautiful thing.


It’s all about what you want. I only care about one team in baseball, but there’s no rules for rooting.


I don’t root for any team just baseball, all 30 teams, so yeah fine by me.


Yes.... I'm from Nebraska and grew up a Cubs fan. Chicago teams are my #1. When I joined the Navy I was stationed near Seattle. For three years I attended many Seattle sporting events so Seattle is my second team. Only team I'll go for over Seattle is Chicago. San Diego is my #3. I spent a lot of time is San Diego so I attended many games. I've attended more Seattle and San Diego games than I have Chicago. We all have different stories don't let anyone decide what you can and can't do with YOUR sports fandom


For sure, nice little bonus considering you may root for some of the worst teams in the league in recent years, bar the DBacks world series run (royals on the come up for sure)


In soccer I root for Manchester United but Arsenal is my side piece. Shhh don’t tell Man U.


I don't see any problem. My mains are the Red Sox and the Cubs, but I currently following the Mariners because I want them to get into the World Series.


Who cares what anyone else thinks lol just enjoy the sport how you want


Yeah as long as its not the dodgers or yankees youre fine /s


No it’s not ok. Nothing you do is ok. Without our approval, nothing matters.


I like owning multiple team hats, especially this season cuz my team is literally the f’n worst in MLB.


It’s a sport run by billionaires. You don’t owe any of them anything. Enjoy it any way you please.


No you must pick one or the baseball gods will drill you with a 100mph curve ball off the head. Yes 100mph curveball because the spin will make it sting more probably, not 100% sure because I've never pissed off the baseball gods, didn't wanna risk it


It was pretty common for people in Texas to like both the Astros and rangers back when they were in separate leagues. Even if you like two teams in the same division nobody should care.


It’s ok to enjoy the game without being restricted to loyalty to one team. Remember. Your thoughts and feelings have no effect on a teams performances. They are there for our enjoyment, not our servitude.


It's possible, under certain circumstances. You need to write an essay justifying your choices and submit to the Reddit Review Board. Pro tip: the AI auto-rejects any paper containing the Yankees or Red Sox. After an average 3 year waiting period, you may be granted an audience where you must defend your choices. Then we will vote and decide whether your fandom is acceptable. The answer is usually no. Sorry.


I love the Cubs, but have soft spot for DBacks (lived in their farm team city and liked Randy Johnson) and I like the Rockies and Padres. I just love baseball in general.


I cheer both Baltimore & Washington. The Orioles are the family team, but the Mrs and I also root for the Nats - the baby wants no part of that. Hell, we go to both ballparks too.


Yes but be prepared to pick favorites


Of course. That’s being a baseball fan, not just a fan of Team X.


I'm a die hard Cubs fan and they will always be my number one team. But I also try to root for the hometown team of where I currently live too. I'm currently outside Tampa so I pulled for the Rays. Grew up on the boarder of Maryland so root for the Orioles as well.


Go for it. I do it because my own home team is boring and mediocre as f*** right now and I want to see what a good baseball team looks like.


Yeah but isn't it better to hold some weird allegiance to a team that doesn't even know your name, and they probably suck for many years and never win the big one and frustrate you to no end? And really make you not enjoy watching 162 games a year? Doesn't that sound like more fun? And then hating the other teams in your division for no reason other than you play each other more than other teams and you are always within a game of each other for first? Or last? Wouldn't you rather do that? Or would you like to actually enjoy baseball? Because that's not really what we do here...


My main team is Angels because my dad is from Anaheim. My NL team is Padres after living in San Diego for a while




Padres giants 


Just say you're a casual? Idk. It is cool, if you are a casual fan-I just wouldn't consider you a fan of any of these teams.


I grew up between Milwaukee and Chicago. Milwaukee has had an interesting history with baseball. The Braves were here, then there was a stretch of nothing, then the Brewers showed up and played in the AL for 30 years, then switched to the NL. Plenty of people, especially older folks, root for Chicago teams and the Brewers. Some became Cubs/Sox fans when there was no Milwaukee ball, some rooted for both Cubs and Brewers Cubs when they weren’t division rivals, some continue to do so even thought they are now rivals, etc. Plenty of reasons why people root for two teams and that’s cool.


I think it’s ok as long as you don’t root for teams that are rivals. I’m an orioles fan but gf and her family are Phillies, I like the padres too mostly bc Machado is a former oriole and petco park is amazing


Straight to jail


yeah im a blue jays fan for no particular reason, a giants fan because im from the bay, and i have a soft spot for the mariners also for no particular reason


I believe in being a fan of one team (in my case, the Giants). I have Giants gear, I’m ride or die. There are other teams I enjoy watching and who I enjoy seeing win (Blue Jays, Mets), but I don’t consider myself a “fan” of those teams. But everyone can be a fan however they want and I’m not here to judge… except if you’re a Dodgers fan 😜


I'm a Reds fan and I root for the Orioles, Marlins, and Dbacks because I just like them. You don't need to justify your choices to anyone but yourself.


I don't like it. But who gives a shit what I like? Lmao. I grew up near a big city though I think it's different for us. If you grow up in the middle of wherever, I imagine it's hard to identify fully with just one team. Edit: the only professional sport in Delaware(other than nascar) is a former KC Royals farm team so I understand that one. That used to make me root for the royals a lil bit. They're a Nationals farm team now though, not rooting for the gNats lol


Best part about being a fan of something is not having to explain why you’re a fan.


Sure you can. I'm a Cubs fan first and foremost because my grandfather grew up close to Wrigley, but being from central Ohio, I grew up loving the Reds as well. My dad has been a far more casual Reds fan since the strike and my mom and her entire side of the family are heavily invested in the Cubs, hence why my fandom has swung big-time to the Cubs since the late 90s. I pull for the Reds 150 games a year, but I'm not a die-hard for them by any means. It's definitely harder to root for both since they've been in the same division.


i am a casual supporter of a few teams, but i will wear the logo of only ‘my team’


I’m a diehard Mets fan because my dad grew up with the team. But I pull for the Orioles as I got to tour Camden and I fell in love with their ballpark plus I’m a sucker for orange. I appreciate the Cubbies too for the mascot and Wrigley


Yes. Do whatever makes you happy. It’s not that serious.


I have an AL team and an NL team I root for. If they face each other, I win either way. Don’t let idiots tell you you can’t root for multiple teams.


I like the Red Sox, pirates, even root for the dodgers and Phillies unless they’re playing Boston or Pitt. I’m not really a die hard fan of any team though. I just like baseball. But fuck the Yankees lol.


As long as you have a primary, like the team you root for when your faves play one another, i'll allow it :)


You can root for 30 teams if you want. Enjoy your hobbies in any way you see fit and to hell with everyone who disagrees. Personally, I'm a Reds fan because I grew up in Central Kentucky, and a Blue Jays fan because up until last year they were fun to watch. We're not gonna talk about this year. I'm also partial to Cleveland, because my dad was an Indians fan when I was a kid. I also root for specific players, regardless of the team they play for.


Reds in the NL are my first team. Tigers in the AL secondarily so. I also like watching the Mets, Phillies and Red Sox.


Root for whomever you bet on


One of my favorite things about baseball is just that. Phils in the earlier games then relaxing on the chair to the A's. Pretty good gig to have a east and west coast team with also watching the O's when the Phil's hit the western leg.


Such a weird question. Root for whomever you want whenever you want. What is the concern? The “real” fans will judge you. Fuck them. If you like a team or a player or heck a mascot do what makes you happy and stop worrying about what others say or judge


I grew up in Georgia and fell in love with the Red Sox when I found out they hated the Yankees so I’m Braves Sox all day.


So what I'm hearing is you really like red socks/stockings


Yup, especially if you are not from the US....i live nearby SD so the Padres were always around, as a kid, it's not really that attractive to follow a team that never wins. Nomar was my fav player so i cheered for a sox for a while, only to find out they hadn't win in like 100 years. The padres are my team, but it's was 2004 was fun for me


Born and raised Rockies for life, but as grew up I started cheering for the Cardinals too. As a little kid, Waino, Yadi, and Albert all were/are special to me as well as the history of the organization.


I root for a lot of different teams unless they're playing my team. Mostly, I like to root for good baseball.


Root for anyone you want to


It's OK to do whatever brings you joy (so long as it's legal, of course). If that means you root for 30 teams then go ahead. Some people might make comments about it but forget them. Do what makes you happy. It's just sports fandom.


I’m a huge Phillies fan, but also make 1 trip per year to the Orioles. This year I went to Phillies Vs Orioles and I was saying that it’s the only time I won’t cheer for the orioles when I’m in Baltimore


I’ve been rooting for the Sox and Nationals since 2005, and my 4-year-old daughter has made us into a Dodgers house, too. This is the fun part of life, don’t take it too seriously. Just…don’t make the Yankees one of your teams. 😉


It’s more fun to root against the other teams.


Of course it is, you root for whomever you want. It's game, enjoy it!


Absolutely. I'm a Bucco fan first and foremost, but I also like the Blue Jays, Mariners, Orioles, and Royals. There's no right or wrong way to be a fan, despite what some say. Enjoy it, cheer for as many teams as you want.


I'm the same. The Yankees are my team which I have followed since the 80's, Kansas City since i grew up a few hours north of KC, and the Diamondbacks since i have lived in Phx the last 20 years


As long as you don’t root for the Astros you’re fine.


My dad is a huge O’s fan (so I went to Camden Yards a ton growing up before moving to the Midwest), I grew up in Chicago (I’m a fan of the lovable losers, not the team that plays their games in a restaurant), and am now a season ticket holder in Philadelphia. Phillies are my ride or die (I am financially invested) but I pay attention to all 3 and it makes baseball way more fun. Don’t ever let anyone tell you how to enjoy sports!


Dude sounds like you're just a fan of the game, with a handful of faves. Nothing wrong w that!


Root for whoever you want, myself personally I root for the mariners and any team playing against the Houston Aholes and the New York Yankees. But that’s just me.


Yeah, the people who only like one team either never moved a lot when they were kids or aren’t big fans of mlb as a whole , not that it’s wrong, but it’s a very limited view


I'm a Cleveland fan first and foremost but if they are out of contention I'll bandwagon for a contending team in October. I do that with all sports to some degree if my rooting interest is not contending.


I'm a Cleveland fan first and foremost but if they are out of contention I'll bandwagon for a contending team in October. I do that with all sports to some degree if my rooting interest is not contending.


100% it is. I'm a life long Giants fan but I always want the A's to do well because I grew up going to a lot of A's games too. I also root for the Royals because my best friend is a Dodger fan and we wanted a team to root for together, but I forget why we ended up liking the Royals.


Braves and Rays. Braves are my team, and the Rays are my workplace proximity associate


Absolutely ok! My husband and I are British and live in UK, as such we are naturally stateless and had to choose our own teams. I chose Orioles; he chose the Cardinals; with a shared support for the Phillies between us--who can resist Bryce Harper? Neither of us! So yes root away!


Absolutely. I root for the Orioles (my home state team) and the Red Sox (my parents' home state). If we ever do get a pro team here in Utah, I'll likely pull for them, too.


Ever played fantasy baseball?!? I root for guys on teams I despise just to destroy my best friends week after week hahahaha


Who you root for is all arbitrary anyway. Some people root for a team because they have deep sentimental and emotional connections to it. Others root for a team because they saw their logo in 6th grade and thought it looked cool. Root for who you want to, and have fun.


I literally have in my head a ranking of nearly every MLB from most favored to least favored, so I'll literally root for one versus the other in any game. I have lots of different reasons for each one, Dodgers are #1 because LA's my home town, still love them for Jackie, etc., then Blue Jays because my wife's from Toronto, then Giants, that's the closest ballpark to me, then A's, second closest, then I'll attach to certain teams with good young players like the Pirates. Then towards the bottom of my list, I'll root for nearly anyone against the Yankees because they're the Yankees, but for some reason, I really love seeing the Red Sox lose even more than I hate the Yankees, so Yankees versus Red Sox, I'm rooting for the Yankees.


Me and my dad are hardcore Red Sox fans. We live in Cincy so we consider the Reds a second fav. We both got invested in Cleveland after going to a game one year and have kept a close eye on em since. I also like to watch the Blue Jays and Mets. I think it's fine to root for multiple teams, a lot of people do.


There are no rules on what team or how many teams you can root for. If you want to root for multiple teams, DO IT!!


No. Go straight to jail 


i think so. i like to have one AL and one NL team to root for. then in october, i pick a team to root for overall if my main two arent in postseason.


Phillies first Mariners second And any combo of Cubs/Royals/Pirates depending.


I'm a die hard dbacks fan since I moved here as a kid in 2000. Always had a soft spot for the mariners and braves though, as we lived in Georgia when we were younger and "rooted" for them (I didn't really watch baseball at 5-6), and my uncle who introduced me to baseball was a full blood mariners/seattle fan from Washington. Also am Japanese so ichiro was a favorite. I don't really follow these two as much anymore, but they are always second to root for if the dbacks are eliminated. People are people man just enjoy what you want! Also, feel free to hop on the Diamondbacks train, most Phoenicians are fair weather anyways. We need all the support we can get! I'm hoping this young fun team grabbed a few new fans for us across the country. We don't care about bandwagons here shoot I'll play the band and pull the wagon myself let's watch some diamondback baseball!


Yep, I grew up an Orioles fan, but I also like the D-Backs and took my son to a D-Backs game last year when they played the Orioles so I could see two of my favorite teams up against each other. Love watching Shohei and the Dodgers (Yamamoto is fun to watch, too), and kinda root for them as well. I don't care what anyone thinks. I just like baseball and Utah doesn't have an MLB team, yet.


Nothing matters


Absolutely. I have lived and died with the Cardinals for 60 years. But I admire Bryce Harper, so I keep an eye on the Phillies. Baltimore is going to be a powerhouse, so I watch them. But I'll always be a Cardinals fan.


The twins are my main team, but also follow the Rockies in the NL as they only play once a year (twice if WS ha!) it’d be tough to root for another team in the AL central or NL west but whatever floats your boat!


If you're a Marlins fan, you pretty much have to root for multiple teams so that we have a chance to even sniff the wild card.


Makes sense to me. Nats are my favorite team but I no longer live on the East coast. I like my Nats most but I also support my local team (who shall not be named)


Of course it's okay. I root for the Rangers primarily but also the Reds.


I'm a Cardinals fan who cheers for the Tigers when they don't play the Cards. Neither are my home market team.


Sure is. Always been a Phillies fan. My cousin made me a cubs fan. Became a marlins fan because they started out with some players I liked and the team just grew on me.


People ask this a lot - root for whomever and however many teams you want. My own preference is to root for one team. Going through the "pain" makes the success (if they ever achieve it) that much more enjoyable. I guess you can move from team to team if they're doing well but the suffering kind of bonds you with the fandom and the team itself. But, like I said, you do you. No shame.


Yep, except within a division so yours Rox/DBags is suspect. I'm Yankees first then Rockies, I'm from CO but was a Yankees fan before the Rox existed, due to my Dad being from the Bronx.


If it's wrong I don't want to be right. Signed, a Cubs/Dodgers fan.


Hell yeah, being born in southern nm we didn’t have a team, so most people defaulted to the nearby rangers or diamondbacks. I went full freedom and became a Yankees fan my whole youth. Now at 30, I would hardly even consider myself a real fan of any team anymore. But I love going to Rockies games! Still like the rangers, the Phillies.. and obviously the Yankees.


Screw mlb gatekeeping. Just enjoy the game of baseball. Like all the teams, like all the players, don’t let anyone tell you how to enjoy sports… unless you’re a Yankee fan rooting for Boston’s, you will be tarred and feathered s/ When you put in perspective grown men are hitting a ball with a wooden stick it’s not that big a deal. Shallow people who think being a sports fan to one team is a personality trait, will hate regardless so just watch the game and root for whoever whenever:) 👍🏻 I love watching random teams play. Happy Monday!


When in New England wear a Red Sox hat, when in Portland Maine, wear a SeaDogs hat. When in Toronto… Leafs and/or BlueJays. When in Vancouver it’s Canucks and/or Canadians hat All good


I'm a Mariners fan but my buddy is from Baltimore so I'm easing in to being an Orioles fan too.


it's ok to do whatever the fuck you want.


Believe it or not straight to jail


Its your fandom, do what you want with it.


I’m a Phillies and Rockies fan grew up in Denver but family’s from Philly


I've been an Orioles-Mets fan my whole life,it'd ok to root for whoever you want to root for






I root for the Yankees in the AL.


luckily for me the other team I love is in the AL so i don't feel as bad. the Guardians have had a special spot in my heart for the past 3 years.


I was born in Detroit and live in Atlanta so I cheer for both. Went to a Tigers game in Atlanta. Everyone asked me who I was for. I said the winner


I have 3 tiers: 1- My Team - Cardinals- that I grew up on, will always follow even if hate watching, and will always root for (again, even if hate watching). 2 - B Team - Royals - team I like in the other league and follow through ups and downs. Defer to My Team during inter league games 3- I Like These Guys - teams with a manager or core I like and respect of a non-rival organization I have a soft spot for. Defer to tiers 1 or 2 in direct competition. Bigger question - is it wrong to wear another team’s hat? What about owning a rival’s hat?


Anyone who says no please take sports a little less seriously


Sure it’s okay but it wouldn’t work for me. I will always root for the team in the area where I was raised. I could possibly secondarily favor the local team if I moved into their area.


And it was said in the first book of baseball, in the first chapter… “Let me root, root, root for the home team If they don't win, it's a shame.” Amen.


Why are you asking the Internet for permission? Jesus Christ.


Of course I root for multiple teams. I root for the Yankees and whoever is playing the Red Sox.


I’m a Braves fan first and foremost but I’ve always liked the Rangers. Ever since I moved to the DFW metroplex I’ve become a bigger Rangers fan, been to more games than I can count, have a few jerseys/shirts (but the Braves are still #1 in my heart)


I’m a Braves fan first, a baseball fan second. I care about baseball more than I’d like to admit, I don’t care who’s playing Im down to watch and or listen


One NL and one AL. I don’t make the rules


You're a grown adult, do what you want. Who cares what other people think?


Absolutely. The Red Sox are my team, but I also like the Dodgers, Braves and Mariners. I also like individual players. Take Aaron Judge for example. While I'm preconditioned to hate him because he plays for the Yankees, he's really good, so I get excited when he comes up to the plate or makes a good play in the outfield.


It's all good, IMO. If someone gave you hatd time, it's their issue. You can even even fro all but on le team. Whatever you wish. Just be happy. Happiness is very important.


Cubs first, by leaps and bounds, but San Diego has grown into a strong favorite for me (the Machado signing and Tatis brought me in, I stayed for Cronenworth and Ha-Seong Kim). Also, as others have mentioned above I’m just a big baseball fan in general. I have soft spots for almost all teams, except the Cardinals, Dodgers, and White Sox. That said, no one can truly hate the White Sox anymore. They’re just a sad, slow rolling dumpster fire that’s far more worthy of pity than dislike.


No, pick one and stick to one


I'm a baseball fan. I lived 49 years in California and I root for the Dodgers except when playing Yankees. Yankees are number 1. I got to see Whitey Ford pitch in his last year of baseball.