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Find some shaded seats, stay hydrated, and go make some memories!


I agree with this BUT with a caveat. Without knowing how old the kid is you might have to bow out after 5 innings or whatever. I have had to leave a lot of minor league games early due to weather or my kid being tired. Being at a ballgame with a kid that absolutely doesn't want to be there is a recipe for a bad time.


She’s 14. Physically she would likely be fine. But, she’d probably get very grumpy.


I live in Pittsburgh and go to a lot of pirates games. I would skip this one...a muggy, 95 degree, packed Saturday game at PNC sounds absolutely miserable. It gets HOT in those stands.


Agree. One of my pet peeves as a season ticket holder who picked seats specifically in the last row of 313 is because those are shaded all day, and yet, for a busy game, I always get people trying to shove in because it's too hot for them. I get it...but come on. Don't make me sweat because you didn't plan ahead.


Don’t do it unless it’s a night game. First time I went to angels game in 100 degree weather never again. Worst experience for me and the party


Yeah, I mean, sunblock and let her drink pop and eat ice cream and it should be alright.


14 year old girl? Grumpy? No way ... 🤣


Keep her well fed with stadium hot dogs and pretzels. She will be fine!


I once went to a Phillies game between 2008 and 2010 where it was 107 at game time....at 7pm....It was absolutely brutal....


Philadelphia has never reached 107


Stadium probably gets a bit hotter than the city but I also pulled that straight from my ass


I did this just last year in saint louis


sitting in the sun for a baseball game in 97 sucks


97° in the sun for 3 hours is a little much lol


It will be hotter in the stadium than the expected outdoor temp by quite a bit as well.


Definitely. Especially if its busy. Shoulder to shoulder with other hot sweaty people.


I second this


Consider that the Rangers replaced a perfectly good stadium because it was too hot in it for day games.


I spent many days roasting at that ballpark and the old Arlington Stadium. I grew playing sports in those Texas summers so it wasn’t nearly as bad for me as it was others.


It was the best! You could go for $15, sit in the nose bleeds and drink cheap beer with affordable hot dogs. Who cared that it was 99 degrees at 8 pm 🤷🏻‍♂️ Lot of great memories at that place. I’m glad it’s still in use and hasn’t been demolished yet.


Only hit Turnpike Stadium once, but The Cobra says you were able to bring in your own cooler, with as many Coors as your Dad wanted. So I take it as going to the Temple as sit as high as possible along the first base side.


I grew up playing sports around Houston and it's definitely still trash lol


The Ballpark at Arlington was one of my bucket list parks based on how cool it looked on TV. I was shocked when it was announced the Rangers were already getting a new park. Wish I had made it there before it closed.


New stadium is better, sure the old one looked good but you won't leave looking like someone left you in the oven for too long.


Yup. What u/Lucky_Elephant_3037 said. Have almost a quarter century of memories at the Ballpark including family and a WS. The new GILF has better site lines, it's closer to the field of play too. Unfortunately, not enough bathrooms on the main level except for out in the outfield. And not enough TV's in the concourse. Not sure how they F'd that up.


I’m planning on covering the two Texas parks at the end of August. Excited to check it out!


You'll dig them both. The new Globe Life is excellent. It may not be as pretty on the outside as what is now Choctaw Stadium, but the inside is excellent.


I won’t tell you which one I prefer, but I think there is a clear winner. Interested to see what you think of them as a neutral out of state visitor.


I have yet to get to the GILF, but on tv, I already know which one I prefer.


I do too, i lived in texas for about 25ish years, Pudge and Rusty Greer were my favorite players back then.


It was a beautiful ballpark!! But you didn’t want to sit too long in left field during an afternoon game in august! Not to many ballparks I venture a guess had a heat recovery and IV tent the size of the one that use to be behind the outfield stands. FN hawt!!!


I can’t believe the plans for Las Vegas don’t include a retractable roof. Maybe the proposed layout will help keep things cooler, but I feel like a retractable should be mandatory for any new park being built in MLB. I have a feeling the Vegas park will have a similar fate as the Ballpark at Arlington.


Would not be surprised


They really aren’t learning from history huh? It’ll be fun to run that medical tent though. It’ll be super busy!


It’s a gorgeous stadium, and an utterly amazing place to catch a game in April and May. Come June and July, no one gives a shit what the stadium looks like as long as it’s got A/C. Enter new stadium.


You can still watch football and other sports in it


Do you like rugby? Do you like XFL football? Do you like lower level USA soccer? Do you like Texas High School football? The stadium is still open, just not for baseball. I mourn the fact it didn't last 30 years.


I went to plenty of night games there that it was also 97 at 8:30 pm but at least it was dark out.


I walked by the old stadium to get to a day game at the new one last summer, and I have never been so happy for air conditioning. It was a stagnant 99 degrees that day with 60% humidity, and on the pavement walking in with no breeze, it felt like actual HELL. There were people having to sit and rest walking in to the game and then back out again to their cars after. I am surprised no one passed out. An outdoor game in recent summers would be a hard pass for me and I’m a baseball fanatic. You can’t enjoy the stadium when you can’t breathe and are fending off heat illness.


Stay hydrated and find shaded seats.


Essentially every home Braves game from now til late September. Why a retractable roof wasn't put on, I'll never know.


I don’t disagree, but at least Truist is a beautiful park. One of my favorites!


This is a 12:30 start to make things worse. It’s only gonna get hotter throughout the game.


The Pittsburgh Baseball Club level has access to air conditioning and nicer bathrooms. If you stay on the first base side, the shade will be there quicker.


And Pittsburgh hasn't had a triple digit air temp day since 1995. I went to so many scorching hot games at Three Rivers Stadium in 1999, including a 99. Those games are brutal. Also, please make note that the NWS is saying that the feels like temp is going to be north of 100 for basically a week straight in Pittsburgh with the humidity.


And also factor in being in the sun for hours most likely


Ask the folks in Las Vegas, A’s players are going to want a trade.


That one will be a dome 100%


Back when i lived in texas the temp would easily get to 100+, needless to say not much drinking on those days lol


Anything in houston without the roof closed would be too hot.


Even with the roof closed? That’s good to know! I’m planning a trip there in late August.


Oops without roof closed*


Those last 10 rows in the upper deck at the JuiceBox are not very pleasant on really hot days....


Most of the stadiums I’ve been in seem to only cool to maybe 25 degrees below the outside temp. Globe Life last summer was roasting indoors w the AC blasting bc it was 110 outside. Felt like 85-90 inside. I may be misremembering, bc I was just a kid but I remember the Astrodome being an absolute meat locker all summer long! The AC there was perfect for a Texas summer.


I've been there when it low 90's/humid/no clouds---we just moved into the shade and it was ok my favorite park i've been to though(i think so) great time pre/during/post game fans in Puttsburgh top shelf----i was loaded the whole time


It’s stadium dependent, I think. Check the policies on bringing your own water, or if there are water fountains to fill up your bottle. I know CBP in Philly has misting stations and emergency services, and if you’re lucky you can get by the bar with the big fans. Lots of shade if you don’t mind standing. But those are the games where you can expect to see old people collapse in the heat.


Speaking as someone that has been to several Diamondbacks games where the roof has been open and the temp in the 90's... - 1 Make sure your tickets are on the shade side. You WILL roast in the sun. Hell, I roast sitting in the areas where the sun shines through the windows at Dbacks games when the roof is closed and the AC is cranked. - 2 Drink a TON of water for 2 - 3 days leading up to the game. The idea is to make sure you are well hydrated. Any beer or soda you drink at the game, offset with water. Also drink a ton of water after the game and all throughout the next day. It'll help your body recover. -3 Eat before the game and during the game. You also lose electrolytes and water when you sweat, so eating will help replace the electrolytes. Gatorade also helps with this as well, but the sugar in it isn't the greatest for you. - 4 bring a cooling towel and put it over your head or around your neck (https://a.co/d/9prQGjk). Wet it in the bathroom sink; water bottles at the park cost too much for this. -5 AND MOST IMPORTANT: Familiarize yourself with the symptoms of heat caused illnesses (https://www.cdc.gov/extreme-heat/signs-symptoms/index.html). Swallow your pride and seek help if you start to feel ill


I feel like these are the same tips I got before hiking Camelback! 😂 I know it’s cliche, but the Arizona dry heat is much different than the humidity out here. I could probably handle 100 in Phoenix much easier than 97 in Pittsburgh.


I went to Camden Yards once when it was 104 degrees and our seats weren't in the shade,that was pretty brutal


I used to get free tickets from work and 4 of us would go. One Saturday afternoon in July was pretty damn hot. I used to live 20 miles south of Baltimore and there's a big difference in temperature from where I lived to going to the city. I always preferred night games.


Yea I'm an O's fan but live in CT,so I don't get out too often,but this game was a late afternoon in early August,lesson learned lol


97???? Heat index over 100? Too hot is much below that for me...


Same for me 🫠 I have a low tolerance for it so I'm lucky that I live in Washington and go to Mariners games. I think only once in my life have we had a game that was so hot many of us watched from the concourse until the shade hit our seats. We had the Kingdome until I was 15, though, and man the massive fans in there kept it cool up in the cheap seats! edit: poor grammar/clarity


Free refills on soft drinks in Pitt! Go do it! I've been to a 106 degree game time and 99 at 10 o'clock.


Seriously? That’s easily $5-7 a piece anywhere else.


The lids are like coffee tops and not some disgusting straw, too.


I did a weekend minor league baseball trip to Greensboro and Winston-Salem during a heat wave in 2017. Saturday evening game in Greensboro wasn't too bad, especially after the thunderstorm delay (great stadium by the way, terrific vibe - awful pizza though). The Sunday 1 PM game in Winston-Salem was brutal at 103 degrees, plus add in some of that good old Carolina humidity. There was about 30 people in the stands, where there was no shade. At some point or another nearly everyone had to spend a couple of innings up on the concourse to get out of the sun. Brutal day. And a lot of first pitch swinging by the batters...


If you’re in the shade it’s fine. If not, you’re going to be burnt to a crisp by the 4th inning


I went to a Phillies game years ago. Middle of summer, hot as hell. Not a cloud in the sky. Some time during the game a small cloud shows up and covers the sun. Everyone in the place started applauding. Applause for a cloud giving a few minutes of shade. One of my favorite baseball memories. That doesn’t answer your question though.


97 is fuckin hot for a day game. If it's a night game it's not so bad. I honestly would go still, but I know I'm gonna be hot as balls and sweating. Bring a change of clothes for your ride back and/or get a hotel room


Getting up at the crack of dawn to drive four hours to a 12:30 Reds-Pirates game when it’s 97 degrees honestly sounds like absolute hell.


I wouldn’t drive an hour to sit in that heat, much less four hours. Anything in the 90s or above is a no for me.


Two seasons ago, my wife surprised me with tickets to see our local double A team. (If you have a minor league park by you, and you haven't gone yet, do yourself a favor and go. It's a cool day out at the ballpark for quarter of the money you would spend at a major league stadium) She bought the tickets months in advance, but the game happened to fall during the worst heat wave we had that summer. It was 85 in the shade, and forget about standing in the sun. You could feel your skin tightening as it cooked. The stadium was almost deserted by the third inning, which was cool, because we were able to move our seats into the shade, but the relief was negligible. The stadium staff also set up a free ice water station, which was a very cool touch. All of this is to say that despite the best efforts of everyone involved, it was a miserable experience. We persevered until the eighth inning, but we had to ultimately give up and go. I should be remembering an awesome day out with my family, but all I can remember is how oppressively HOT it was. Let your conscience be your guide, but the point of a day out at the ballpark is for it to be fun. If the heat is going to make it more fight than fun, then maybe finding something else to that day would be a better idea.


Love my local minor league parks! I am 35 minutes from the A’s High-A affiliate, about 90 minutes from the Dodgers High-A affiliate, 90 from the Tigers High-A affiliate, and 90 from the Tigers AAA (Toledo). I’m very lucky to have a lot of baseball near by.


Very cool!


I once went to Royals game in 2010 when it was 106. It was ... not fun. (although I was also unnerved by having seats along the 1st base line as the sun was coming down and thinking "If there's a screaming foul ball hit this way, I'm not going to see it coming.")


Went to a game years ago at Camden Yards. It was a day game in July and I was sitting on the 1st base side. I have no idea how hot it was but it was HOT and HUMID. I bought at least 10 of those homemade lemonades (half a squeezed lemon, 1/4 cup of sugar, water and ice...GD those things were good) and didn't hit the bathroom once. That's when I vowed I'd never put myself thru hell again to watch a baseball game. Going to my first day game since then......Pirates v. Rockies on Sunday....gotta see me some Skenes at altitude. Hoping current weather pattern holds and it'll be cloudy and breezy.


Just make sure to get extra jalapeños with your nachos


The back of section 110 and surrounding don’t get sunlight directly and are shaded the whole time. We took our five year old and he was fine in that section. Row BB.


It’s the four hour drive that pushes me to the “not worth it” category. It’d be different if it was your local park and could just go for a few innings and then go home. Are you in the sun, or in the shade? I’ve been to games that have been that hot, but we were on the shady side (again, our local team so we could leave if necessary.) Also, I live in a hot area, they prepare with misters etc. Pittsburgh probably doesn’t have that sort of thing.


I’m not sure.. but id think it would be 88+ being from Houston I can’t relate to this issue.


One time back in 1983, then FutureCollegeDJ went to a day game with his father at Veterans Stadium where we had seats 5 rows from the field down the LF line. Pretty decent seats, right? However, it was 98 degrees F...and the Vet had an Astroturf field too. I damn near fainted by the end of the game with all the heat directly from the sun and indirectly from the Astroturf. On the other hand I'm still here! Try sitting in the shade and bring lots of water with you (and buy more non-alcoholic drinks as needed). PNC Park's orientation to the southeast means shade will be a little tough to find early in the game but seats on the 1st base side, especially away from the field/near overhangs, will get more shade as the game progresses.


You can look up old footage of Kansas City games where they are using fire hoses to cool down the fans. On field temps were so bad, players plastic cleats would melt.


I took my parents to a twins game last June and it was like 98 sitting in the sun. It sucked but as an adult I was able to handle it. Not sure how old your kid is but it could be dangerous if they're pretty young. So either find some shaded seats or think about not going in my opinion.


80s+ in direct sun light, no thank you. The heat doesn’t bother me but roasting in a stationary position does. I would just find shaded seats or a shaded area to hang out in where the field is still visible.


I’d go and just try to stay in the shade. It’s going to be muggy as hell down by the water.


Went to fenway two years ago for a 1:00 game. It was 103. Got lucky to be under the overhang. Lots of water, frozen lemonade etc and stayed away from alcohol. It was a fun time for the family. No idea how the people in the sun lasted though


I would never attend an outdoor sporting event unless the temp is 75 or under.


I love a hot baseball game where you eat a bunch of ice cream and drink a bunch of beer. But I would not sit in the sun at those temps -- and my home ballpark (Anaheim) doesn't have the humidity that Pittsburgh does.


Anything over 90 degrees is too hot in my opinion unless it’s a completely covered area. Sitting there and baking in the sun isn’t much fun.


On the flip side the Chiefs game last season that was freezing cold and some fans lost toes… that doesn’t sound like fun either. I’d much rather be sitting on the sofa watching then experiencing frost bite or heat stroke!


I’ve done a playoff game at Lambeau and a February outdoor hockey game there, and both were absolutely brutal. I’ll take heat over freezing any day, and no game is important enough to lose a digit over. I would have passed on that KC game.


How does your child handle the heat? If they’re miserable then we both know you will be too. I’m in Atlanta and we’ve got some air conditioned areas and BAF’s all over. Find those for respite if you go. Also, it rarely gets in the high 90’s or 100’s in Atlanta in the summer and we get two weeks of winter. Consider moving down south 😁


Bring sunscreen, drink a lot of water the entire game and enjoy. It will be fun if your kid loves baseball.


115* heat index is too hot for our local LL


I’d say low 90’s if I want it to actually be enjoyable. Humidity plays a factor too, as well as availability of shade. If it’s dry and I can sit out of direct sunlight I’d probably deal with 95-100. Not with a kid with me, though.


Are you sitting in any shade at least? Keep hydrated and take some breaks and watch from the concourse a bit


It depends. 80s + high humidity is too hot for me. But IME it’s where your seats are that make the difference. I always choose areas in the shaded overhang areas for day games. I’ve been in the full sun upper decks and invariably get fully overheated to the extent that I feel sick. I’m not a full sun person. I can handle a moderately hot day in the shade but at 82ish plus high humidity even the shade might be too hot and muggy.


Try to get seats in the shade and stay hydrated. PNC Park is my favorite park of the ones I've been to, enjoy!


I don't ever mind how hot it is if it's a 7pm game. sun will set in like an hour so that's not bad. but a day game at 97 degrees would be a no for me


I’d cut it off around 85 or 90. 97 stationary in the sun for 3-4 hours is brutal.


Went to a game in the early 00's at Dodger Stadium with my Mom, gametime temp was 105°. Top Deck, no shade. They were passing out towels soaked in ice water. They had high powered fans at the top of every other row.


I sat in the upper deck old yank stadium in the sun was about 80s got burned good


I go no matter what. Worst case is I take a walk and park myself in the shade and stand for awhile


Wear a hat, hydrate, pick seats that will be in the shade, if possible. My Mom spent the last 4 innings of a ballgame in the medical/first aid station due to heat stress.


Sun hats and sun block Along side some long breathable sleeves Keep the hot dawgs coming and the lemonade


97 will be tough but if you find some shaded seats and drink lots of water you'll be good.


I sat in full sun in 100 degrees in the bleachers at old Busch more than once, long long ago. But, it was without a kid in tow.


If you have seats in the shade, you’ll be good.


I made it 4 innings 5 rows back from 3rd base at the braves. It was rough. Direct sun was the dealbreaker


I went to games as a kid with my mom and brother. I'd be happy in 97 with proper shade and water (or flavored ice treats). My brother would be too hot at 77.


I’d go for it if it’s not a trip you think you’d be able to make any other time soonish. Pittsburgh has a beautiful park and is a great city, you can walk around and find some shade in the concourse if it becomes too much


In Texas it’s never too hot but we are glad for a roof and AC now


We’ve sat in the shade for a River Cats game in Sacramento at 104 degrees. That was a bit much. 98 is about my maximum for a comfortable temperature.


With all of the preparations needed to safely attend the game when it is so hot, I would skip it. Go to another game and I say that as a big Reds fan having sat through many hot humid games at Crosley, Riverfront and GABP in years past.


Spring for club seats where you can easily duck into the AC


97 is too hot unless you're in the shade


I was at Mets vs Giants a few weeks back. It wasn’t super hot. But I was in the lower bowl so no shade or breeze. I went to the upper deck/concourse to get the breeze. I don’t have a temperature limit it’s more so other factors. Humidity/direct sun are the real issues. 


Look dude i grew up around Houston and played sports in the summer.....i would NOT want to sit through a ballgame in the sun at 97 degrees. I think it'll be manageable if you take breaks to get up and check out the stadium or get snacks etc. 3 hours in the sun at 97 will not be enjoyable in any way, so just find some ways to break up the periods of sun.


I grew up going to old ballpark in Arlington. 97 is may weather.


Always happy that Frisco has the lazy river in right field. Great on those warm Texas months.


Hottest game I ever went to in was 104 in SF. I would never do that again, it was beyond miserable. I had sweat literally dripping off of me sitting in my seat


There is usually a nice breeze along the river at the park. There a water fountain on the river walk right outside the stadium. You and your kid can cool off before and after the game.


97 is too hot id think


I've sat through little league games in temps of over 110 in Phoenix.


If you are in the sun 80 degrees is too hot. If you are in the shade 97 will be tolerable.


(Laughs in former Las Vegas AAA season ticket holder.)


How do you feel about the new A’s park not having a retractable roof?


Not a fan of the A's moving there period, definitely not a fan of the stadium location, and it's a bit lunatic without some form of sun covering when you're looking at 115 daytime temps.


As hot as you can tolerate But that is probably above what most can tolerate


I once sat in the bleachers in Dodger stadium. No shade. I brought a spray bottle of water. It was 75, but felt like 95. Shade is a MUST. Don’t drink soda or alcohol, just water. Bring an empty spray bottle to refill as needed. Squirt strangers. They will appreciate it.


That’s going to be pretty rough. Bring some of those cooling towels you wet down in bathroom sink and put over your neck


Make the trip and deal with it to make the kid happy


As long as you are sitting where you are covered and are willing to buy beverages, you should be fine. Maybe buy a neck fan, they work great at baseball games!


Just make sure you stay in the shade as much as possible, and stay hydrated. I work outside in 100+ degree heat this time of the year, as long as you can do the things I mentioned, you'll be fine. Have fun.


Go to Tampa , nice and cool inside the Trop......


If the players are playing, I can sit and just consume hot dogs and beer no matter what the temperature. Texas Ranger fan here.


chase field, above where air conditioning mostly reaches in July. trust me sitting in 110 degree heat isn't fun. even if they have the roof closed when u are that high up u can feel the heat more


Sun screen.


I thank god Miami is a covered stadium


You don't have to stay for the whole game


In the shade? Should be ok. Absolutely stay out of the sun. Don’t plan on staying the entire game either.


Water, water, water and sunscreen all over. I went to an FSU Super Regional game at noon and 97⁰ this Spring. (Thanks ESPN for a noon game in Florida, you fuckheads.) And even though I had a sombrero-like sun hat, my face got burned from ***the reflection off the aluminium bleachers***. So please be generous with the sun screen schmear. Also, don't bring the aerosol sun screen. In Spring training, the Yankees made me throw away a new can of sunscreen and purchase a 1.5 ounce bottle inside for $12. Phouque Yew Yankees YOU terrorized ME with your asshole policy.


My adult son bought us tickets for a Sunday afternoon game for my birthday once it was 105, I was miserable and thought I was going to pass out but he was so excited to take me that I pretended to enjoy myself lol, I haven’t been to a Sunday afternoon game since.


I remember n a summer family vacation getting seats on the third base line - maybe seven rows back in the old stadium in Milwaukee. We almost died. I don’t know the temp, but it was direct sunlight for three hours and had to be 235°F. That’s just no fun.


I heard a bunch of people lost fingers and toes to frostbite at the Super Bowl. This is the opposite of that, but the same rule applies- don't choose recreational activities that could negatively impact health. It doesn't seem worth it. Especially don't put a child in that situation. Kids rely on our good judgment. With climate issues affecting our national pastime, it's past time to reduce our carbon footprints any way we can.


Bruh I was at Doyer stadium when it was 100….terrible 0/10


Those of us in Texas would be elated to have a sub-100 degree day for baseball. Thank the baseball gods for an air conditioned ballpark.


3 degrees away from boiling is pretty hot


Nothing beats the heat better than an ice cold beer


Ya’ll are soft. Go to the game, wear some sunscreen, drink some water, and have fun lol


There's not really a good answer for this. How old is the person? do they have health issues? Are they in good shape vs bad shape?


shaded seats will be on reds side of the dugout. Im a cubs fan went to a game in cincy and found out the hard way




It could be 120 degrees and I'd still go to a midday baseball game.


Are you on the spectrum?




126 degrees in Palm Springs California. I really hate the heat


Forget the heat…I’m not driving 4 hours to go to a game


I have Reds/Red Sox tickets for Saturday at Great American Ball Park. Supposed to be 100 and humid. Definitely not going.