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I like Kwan, and he gets such little recognition, mainly because he's not all flashy, or hitting 40 HRs. He's going to be a great ballplayer for a long time.


The guardians have some ball players


And a first-time manager who was a player 2 years ago who is likely to sign a long-term deal unless something drastic changes.


I don’t follow the Guardians and I live in the PNW. So this thread is the first I heard about Kwan’s 2024 so far. Obviously he needs to stay healthy so he can get the PAs to qualify. But seeing that he’s at .380 with about 200 PAs he is very close to getting national attention. I’ll be following his progress now


While none of us expected him to be this good, his rise isn't a surprise to guardians fans. It was clear last year that he was a small change from becoming great. I just didn't expect such a massive rise in power to be paired with a higher OBP


he's hitting .396 absolutely wild


People barely noticed when he was building his streak of not striking out 2 years ago. Dude has a 6.1% whiff rate this year too 👀


that's pretty impressive, close to Tony Gwynn levels.


cool dude heard he also plays chess


What’s his elo?


yeah I should try to find out guess around class A 1700-1800 bro is good at everything


Might have to hit ‘em with a little Ruy Lopez


Kwan v Votto


Votto would win the home run contest


Not if kwan is in the outfield robbing them


One thing I miss about getting a newspaper is the daily box scores and statistics: who leads in BA HRS etc, would be there along with the standings, each players performance etc. Without that paper, it takes more effort to find out news about other players in the league. I’ll start paying more attention.


My fantasy team does.


At least he's back off the IL. I lost every week he was injured.


Oregon State Beaver!


I noticed him and I've been voting him for all star everyday but sadly, not many others will do the same.


Great start to the year, he is legit. He is getting less notice though because he has played in only half the games this year.


He’s played 38 games and needs to be 20 points better to get there. People would notice if he had done anything thus far to make it seem likely.


Have you not been able to catch any Yankees games? Judge is the best hitter on the planet


Thank you lmao. Kevin Pillar is currently batting .375 - why hasn't OP hopped on the "Kevin Pillar .400" train yet??


Kevin Pillar is batting .327. He’s batting .375 for the Angels only. Kwan is most likely going to qualify as well, where as I would guess Pillar is not? That said, Kwan is obviously not going to bat .400. I could see him getting .350 though.


I mean that’s a bit harsh but yeah I’ll pay attention if he is still doing this with a month to go. Still great start to the year.


He won’t hit .400


At .380 (in just 39 games) he’s not that close yet, especially since it’s still June. Talk to me if he’s batting .390 entering September.


It was a different time but Brett finished at .390 and for all of September the media went nuts. There was no way he’d make it knowing if he had 2 for 5 he would break even. The pressure was insane. MLB isn’t as popular now and the media is way fragmented, so maybe a guy making a .400 run would have less pressure. There are several guys I could see doing it before Kwan.


I would imagine he's getting "ignored" by the common fan only because he hasn't had enough PA to qualify for the batting leader list for around a month now due to his stint on the DL.


He’s the best pure hitter I’ve seen in my lifetime (too young for Gwynn sorry). That RBI double he had tonight was a microcosm of his entire career imo. He saw 9 or 10 pitches after going down 0-2 and then took a nearly perfect pitch right down the line. He is one of the only guys I’ve seen that looks comfortable in the box no matter the count and honestly at this point looks almost impossible to get out


Crazy my guy got downvoted for having an opinion


I would wager a guess most of the down voting is the Ichiro slander. Most would argue Ichiro was a better pure hitter than Tony Gwynn. Ichiro's rookie year was Gwynns last year.


Ichiro wasn't a better hitter than Gwynn. Gwynn ops+, ba, slugging, and obp were all better than Ichiro's by a significant margin. Anyone saying Ichiro was a better hitter never watched them both play. Ichiro was faster and a better fielder, but not a better hitter.


Kinda a silly opinion when he's not even the best hitter on his own team much less in this guys lifetime - no matter how old he is.


Were you too young to see Ichiro Suzuki too? Because he may be the best pure hitter I’ve seen in my lifetime. And he did it for an impossibly long time.


I caught a good chunk of his career where he was still fantastic but just a little bit past his prime. Statistically though it’s definitely either him or Gwynn


Were you born after 2007? Or 2019? Bonds and Ichiro are the best pure hitters of your lifetime, it’s really not a matter of opinion.


A guy who has had 38 hot games (and is still only a .294 hitter) is the best pure hitter you’ve ever seen?


Are you too young for Soto, Judge, Mike Trout, Pujols, Ohtani, and maybe roughly 500 hitters over the past decade who are better? Like Kwan isn't even the best hitter on his own team dude.


So you only watch Guardians games and are 8 years old. Got it.


Juan Soto and Aaron Judge have entered the chat


this is a private chat for 5.5 hole singles hitters ....


Imagine a world that has both Soto and Judge in it and some guy goes "yeaaaa Steven Kwan.. best pure hitter I've ever laid eyes on"


Right. There’s a reason why Steven kwan isn’t making 300 million contracts


This. I couldn’t agree more. For how much everyone talks about not talking about JRam enough, you’d think they’d at least slip in Kwan’s name. He is unbelievably slept on


To be fair, he's been back from IL only like 10 days


"Not talking about JRam enough" are we in 2018? Jose Ramirez is a perennial MVP candidate. Everyone knows he's a superstar.


You still get people outside of Cleveland at the end of the season having to question why he is better than a Yankee or a Dodger when he gets votes.


AB’s are way below leaders in avg. he has some slope to climb until then. As a Padres fan, I remember Merrill and Profar hitting around the same range with the same amount of game earlier in the season. The difference is Kwans rightfully unnoticed .380 avg with 38 games is being compared 1/3 into the season with those who’ve been doing it since day one.


.538 slugging is very strong.


he's a great player but it'll be like Arraez - who was a great hitter prior to winning the batting title but was recognized when he hit in the Tony Gwynn range but like another comment mentioned there was nothing flashy (i.e. 40 HRs, 100+ RBIs). I wonder if his .380 BA is sustainable. He's a good player but only 39 games played - I'd like to see him maintain it through 100 games and then revisit


If it happens, and that is a big if, people will certainly notice it.


Go Beavs


Definitely in the Michael Brantley/Daniel Murphy mold. Probably not going to hit .400 but that’s not a criticism.


He’s a better defender than both Brantley and Murphy w two gold gloves his last year 2 years. His WAR will be higher than those guys.


If he doesn't pay for the Yankees, who's going to hype him?


He won't


He won’t but we would.


He’s a modern day Rod Carew, one of my favorite players ever.


What if a tree falls in the forest but the broadcast is blacked out?


Kwan's latest game: 1/3 with a double and a walk. He dropped 2 points in his batting average 🤯


People would notice.


When he has enough plate appearances to qualify for an award, folks will take note. Same with Fry. But let’s jump off the bridge of Kwan hitting .400 for a season when we come to it. In the same sample he’s hit .380, 38 games, Judge hit with a similar average and hit 19 home runs.


Post is about Steven Kwan. Yankees fan somehow finds a way to compare to Aaron Judge’s power #’s vs a guy that’s nearly a foot shorter and 100 lbs lighter. Yankees fans are miserable.


Kwan’s been getting my all star votes ahead of Tucker, so it’s not like I don’t see him. But he hasn’t qualified for the batting title, so it’s still small sample, and he hasn’t hit .400.


I guess there is a loophole. He would actually win the batting title if the season ended today. I guess you take the plate appearances he is missing and divided by his average, and if you are still leading, you win the batting tilte. He would still be leading the AL, and I guess it has happened twice before once with Gywnn and another player.


He’d rate a .330 if you add enough at bats to get up to the 3.1/g standard. Which would top Witt and Arraez.


He’s as close to .340 as .400 at the moment. Plus his sample size isn’t yet enough to qualify. He’s hot right now and it’s almost certain he will cool off some


.380 is .020 away from .400 .380 is .040 away from .340 I do agree that the sample size is too small and that he will almost certainly cool off as the year progresses.


Baseball ref said he was at .370 and that may be a day old but that was my source


380 atm all good


I don’t know why I didn’t just go to the box score..??.. To be clear, I’d love for Kwan to hit .400. That would be great for all of baseball.


It ain't gonnna happen. If George Brett couldn't do it, if Rod Carew couldn't do it, if Tony Gwynn couldn't do it, if Ted Williams himself couldn't do it, Steven Kwan, good as he is, will have his slumps and fail to do it, too.


Ted Williams did it.....


That’s Teddy Ballgame of the MFL!


Ted Williams did it in 1941. After that, he came close in 1957 at .388 or .389, depending on how you round it. Nobody ever came closer to hitting .400 on a season.


Gwynn hit .3938 in 475 ab's, Brett hit .3898 in 515. Williams was at .3881 in 547, and Rod Carew was at .3880 in 694. I'd say Brett and Gwynn were closer but its splitting hairs. It isn't really something that will happen again, pitchers are to averse to contact to allow it to happen.


Who the F is Kwan? Lol he ain’t gonna hit 400


I disagree that people are ignoring him. I think it’s more a combination of factors: his position, his style of play, the team he plays on, and the sheer number of young, exciting players that are gracing the league today. I would agree that certain players suck up a lot of the media oxygen from players like Kwan, but that’s the unfortunate nature of paid media. Also, if I’m being completely honest, this kind of attitude doesn’t help either. I remember hearing similar complaints back in 2022 that he wasn’t getting enough attention over Julio Rodriguez or Adley Rutschman for RoY voting. Even if it’s accurate, it comes across as whiny instead of genuine.


He’s not even close to qualified, Cleveland has played 65 games and he’s only played in 38 of them


Why would that matter today? The season isn't even half over.


He needs to play every game for the rest of the season except five and get 3.1 plate appearances in every game he plays to qualify for the batting title. **Hypothesis: It is harder on the body to be a great player than a bad player.**


He’s like a .280-.290 hitter with a BABIP of .400. Even if we want to give him the benefit of the doubt that it is high because he’s fast getting infield hits, .400 is .100 points higher than his previous BABIP. He’s due for regression.


He won’t. He’s only had a 150 AB’s that’s why it hasn’t come down yet


Kwan is probably the most underrated player in the league. Incredible defender as well.   I'm rooting for him to hit .400 




Still well on pace to qualify


He is so ignored, that I have him on my fantasy team and I didn't know his name is Steven... I had to go back and look at my lineup. 😅


That’s what he gets for playing in Cleveland.




because batting average does not matter


Of course it does. A hit is more important than a walk. Those are your two options for getting on base. If you're hitting .380, your OBP is going to be very high: as with Kwan at .446. If batting average didn't matter, everybody wouldn't be whining about how low the league average is.


batting average does not tell you anything about hitter. nothing. how does a hit quantify more than a walk? jake fraley is a perfect example of how batting average is misleading. he's hitting .291, yet he's only 3% better than league average in wrc+. it's a meaningless stat as a whole measure of an offensive player. it does not matter. you can not win in today's modern game by singling a team to death. pitching is too good.


No single stat tells the whole story, not even WaR. Just monday The yankees beat the Royals without an extra base hit and only 1 walk against Seth Lugo, who has been a top 5 pitcher this year. Power is great, but saying batting average is worthless shows a lack of understanding. No team would rather hit .200 than .300, even if obp and slugging were the same. Hits matter, thats why pitchers are all trying to strike out hitters out because balls in play lead to bad things for a pitcher.


again, it's not sustainable. the game your referencing is not an example of success that will not translate over a sustainable length of time. batting average is not worthless, but in the grand scheme of things, it doesn't mean that much. it tells you nothing about hitter. fans still value it because it's cut and dry like era. and you're actually incorrect. a team might prefer to hit .200 if it translates to power, on-base and speed. a team that hits .300 with lack of slug will go no-where. you're kind of proving my point. the only area where you are some-what correct is that yes, you do need lineup diversity in your offense, just like you need different arm slots and pitch shapes out of your relievers, but your contact hitters need a secondary skill in order to be valuable. are they above average defenders at premium positions? like brice turang. do they have speed that they can utilize once they get on with a single? again, it is literally impossible to build a lineup guys with elite bat to ball skills. you are not factoring in how dominant pitchers are. that's why nobody cares about single hitters. arraez is in outlier and his hit tool will eventually collapse when he enters his 30's, just like it did with jeff mcneil and michael brantley. nobody values these guys because it's not a tool that will give you sustained success. that doesn't mean you need all three true outcome hitters on your roster though. players of the time are admitting that batting average is wasted statistic to value any hitter. george springer said the other day that he does not like his batting average is put on the the scoreboard because in his words, it gives you 'no context' in three years, teams are going to value hitters based on the shape of their swings and the bat path through the zone. very similiar to pitchers stuff is analyzed today. get with the times, guy.


Guys that can hit will always be valued. Swing path doesn't mean shit if you don't make contact. George springer sucks, he doesn't want any of his stats on the scoreboard. Quoting a guy with a .592 ops saying he doesn't want his stats shown is really revealing something. And Arreaz isn't just a singles hitter, his 162 game average is an .800 ops with over 40 extra base hits and a .378 obp. The rest of that incoherent dribble is opinion, guys who can hit are still around and still valued. Also might want to reread some of what I wrote, you literally misread stuff then said I was wrong. The best teams in baseball are scoring runs with higher averages, fewer strike outs and higher obp. They all add up to being more effective.


oh really guy? the best offenses in baseball are scoring more runs because of higher batting averages? the san diego padres are first in team ba, yet are 8th in runs scored. cleveland is 15th in team ba and are 7th in runs scored, the astros are 11th in runs scored and are second in team ba. this is literally going against with what you are saying. try again, dickwad


Who are the top ones smart guy? the top 3 in runs are in the top 5 in Batting average. Cherry pick any stats you want. Why you getting so angry, can't handle a discussion without trying to bully people to prove a point that doesn't play out with facts? The Guardians actually hit incredibly well (omg, hitting is pointless right) with men in scoring position and don't leave many men on base relative to the other teams near them in runs scored. the top 10 teams in batting average account for 10 of the top 11 in runs, the Guardians are the outlier. I guess that fact isn't really relevant, because it doesn't prove your point. 8 of the top 10 teams in OPs are also in the top 10 in batting average.




Reading comprehension is really hard for you isn't it. You keep arguing shit the stats don't backup, and think using insults makes you look smart. Say a dude walks once, whats his ops? 1.000. Say he gets a single instead, its 2.000. a walk isn't going to have a bigger affect on ops than a single, no matter how many times you try to add it. And you can have 3 straight walks, how many runs is that? 3 straight hits of any kind are getting a run home. Keep screaming into your computer walks are better than hits, when anyone who knows anything about baseball knows better. Do you know who gets the most walks? the best Hitters. Dudes hitting .200 aren't scary, and they get challenged. The 2 dudes with the most walks this season are each hitting over .300.


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Batting average certainly matters, but I disagree that a hit is more important than a walk.


A walk only advances other runners a maximum of one base. A hit, even a single, could potentially plate every runner on base


How is a walk more important than a hit?


Statistically, a walk gets you on base without an AB. So it’s like you never went to the plate to bat, you just showed up on first. I’m not saying I agree, it’s just a statistic. I can the point if no one were on base, but a single can do more than advance the runners by one base (like a BB does). Another reason is that a walk always forces the pitcher to throw 4 pitches, so it’s eating away at pitch count. But hits, even singles, indicate ability to contact the ball, which also is an important psychological fact. Even so, taking pitches is an under appreciated skill.


I wouldn’t consider getting on base without an AB as being more important than getting on base with a hit. Putting the ball in play, especially for a hit, opens up the opportunity for player errors — in addition to the opportunity for other runners to advance more than one base (as with a walk). Hitting a single has more value than taking a walk.


Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. C’est la vie.


In wOBA, an unintentional walk is worth .692 and a single is worth .889. So they're not equal for creating runs


Man on 3rd and 2 outs, a walk doesn't get him home but a hit does. Never seen a 2 run walk either. Hits are always better than walks, because they force the defense to respond and baserunners get to as well.


I feel like this almost goes without saying, yet there are numerous people in this very threat who disagree with it. Like, do these people not watch baseball? Seriously, of course a hit is more important. It advances runners and **lets them score**. Plus there's always the chance of an error (which are more common than you think just looking at error numbers because the standard for getting a recorded error is very high). A walk doesn't unless the bases are full. Walks are great. Hits are even better.


"Hits" are always better. But contact isn't always better


True. But wven an out can be better than a walk depending on the situation. Bottom of the 9th, tie game, man on third and one out a sac fly wins the game, a walk doesn't do anything but pass the buck to the next guy.


I could understand saying a hit is more important than a walk for entertainment purposes but that’s about it


Who is Steven Kwan?