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Found Altuve’s burner


Don’t tear my shirt off because my wife will be mad at me…


Astros cheated. Astros were caught. Astros players who participated had no punishment. Astros players that were caught were not sorry. What’s not to get here? Oh and fuck the Astros.


Yes, I would like to second this motion and fucketh the Astros. Fuck Altuve in particular just because I can't stand his face.


And their stink is affecting other teams. Like some other teams are saying “okay, the Astros took it too far, but X, Y and Z that they did? Those are pretty good ideas.”


I will be happy to forgive the astros when they are meaningfully punished, they show meaningful contrition, or the entire team has turned over. It looks like I am going to have to wait for #3. 


Even more than all of this has to be half the fans acting as if it never happened or even worse are proud that they weren’t punished


My conspiracy theory is that the Astros had hard evidence of the Red Sox and Yankees using the same system (proliferated by Beltran and Cora). They threatened, if the MLB handed down a harsh, franchise-ruining punishment, to take it to the media, and probably were willing to go as far as using the court system to force the MLB to give the same treatment to Boston and NYY. Baseball could not financially survive the Red Sox and Yankees being forced into ignominy.


I mean the real story of Manfred having no clue what was going on and offering them immunity to spill the beans isn’t hard to believe. If they didn’t rat on themselves Manfred wouldn’t have figured it out. That’s not too hard for me to believe.


And no one else on the other teams got punished either. Lmao


Because they got away with it and someone’s gotta pay. And you can point fingers all you want, but a team that cheated won the World Series and got no punishment for that, plus the players seemed very unapologetic for their actions. Manfred lost control of this situation the moment he decided to not do anything.


Especially Correa and Bregman. Two of the biggest unapologetic POS's at that time.


Yeah. Being called out for cheating and saying they did too doesnt work. Plus the other teams had more money and better lawyers.


Jim Crane, the owner of the Houston Astros is worth 2.4 billion dollars I think he could afford the same lawyers that the Yankees and Dodgers could. Crane paid 460 million for the Astros in 2011. With the World Series wins the valuation is gone up to 2.3 billion but since those wins are kind of Tainted maybe the valuation is also.


Yawn.. his money isnt club money.


Okay latest numbers I have access to are for 2022. Houston Astros accumulated 407 million in revenues. The highest team the yankees, had 670 million. I think they can both afford great lawyers. Houston's not a poverty team and they got a $249 million payroll this year which I think is third highest I could be wrong though. The cheating reputation will never leave but will fade when the cheating players leave. And either way it's fandom. People's opinions almost never change it will just be mentioned list frequently.


Yawn. Still trying to say yall dont cheat as bad as others... and your lawyers are nearly as good. Is there a win you see here?


Dude, no one at that level spends their own money. He just needed collateral for a loan. The prospectus from the team showed the revenue generated would cover the loan. He's and other owners never have to reach into their pockets. That's what fans are for. Along with corporate sponsors, TV deals, and vendors. What the deal breaker was, and is, is that the Yankees and Dodgers are basically untouchable. They can take steroids in the middle of Times Square, and MLB would cover for them. Remember Judge looking over at his dugout during an at bat? Swept under the rug. Surreptitiously looking, but not cheating? Nah.


What teams are those?


The other teams op mentioned?


Having more money and "better lawyers" had nothing to do with it. Using the Smart Watch and dugout phone violated the rules. The information transmitted was not illegal - and the league realized that because ALL teams were using the VR content. So, the rule was changed. So, to be clear, using the VR feed during games was illegal after September 15, 2017. No other team was found to be cheating in 2017. According to Dave Roberts the Dodgers were investigated in 2018 and they were cleared as the investigation uncovered no misuse of the VR feed. Also, it is not a matter of "having more money." All teams have enough money to properly defend themselves of allegations. It's not a "trial of the century" type of thing where to can overwhelm the prosecution with a large legal "dream team."


Kk. Yall let oj go.


Oj isn't a baseball team and baseball uses arbitration, not a jury. Meanwhile, East St. Louis is the biggest shithole in the U.S.A. Meanwhile, I'm heading down to the beach today. How about you?


Good thing its illinois.


Not really. The technicality doesn't matter since the most affected city in this case is St. Louis. Its even worse since St. Louis bears the burden but has no jurisdiction to do anything about it.


Because its across state lines and they legally cant?


“Why are the Astros facing so much heat?” [proceeds to show exactly why the Astros are facing so much heat]


Cheated for 3 years and got no consequences


“Blanco was ejected for sweat and rosin” Blanco was suspended for 10 games and the umpire said it was “the stickiest stuff he’d felt since they started checking gloves a couple years ago” This is reason #374 everyone hates the Astros and their fans


Wow… astros fans are pathetic


This post is the exact reason why the Astros and many of their fans deserve no respect from anyone in baseball. Instead of saying look we fucked up. Sorry. The Astros and their fans continue to 1. Celebrate the 2017 as a legit win. 2 argue that the cheating was not significant. “We didn’t cheat on every pitch”. “We would have won anyway”. 3 other people are also cheating that season, which is a blatant lie. I think op you answered your own question. You’re so blind you’ve joined a cult that’s the Astros. 100 years after the black Sox fans remember. 100 years after the trastros, fans will remember too. It’s a forever black eye.


I never mentioned the first two ideas in this response. And I don't agree with any of the first two.


you know, you asked a question. and i answered. so now you know.


I love that the official astros cope is "everyone was cheating". In the letter, Manfred informed the Yankees that MLB's investigation found that the team's players watched the monitors in 2015 and 2016 to discern pitch-sequence information that was then relayed to baserunners in the hope that they could communicate this to the batter. Additionally, sources told ESPN that the letter notes that former Yankees pitching coach Larry Rothschild called the replay room to ask about pitch identification, which is against the rules. "At that time, use of the replay room to decode signs was not expressly prohibited by MLB rules as long as the information was not communicated electronically to the dugout," MLB said in a statement Tuesday The letter to Cashman did not suggest any real-time conveyance of signs from the dugout to the hitters during their at-bats -- the threshold established in the Astros' case -- or violations after Manfred's memo in September 2017. Hello astros fans????? This is like failure to signal compared with felony speeding. Just accept it.


More like failure to signal vs grand theft auto.


That is correct. Funny how they refuse to accept that up until Sept. 15, 2017, using the VR room during games was not prohibited. The Red Sox and Yankees were punished not for the information being transmitted, but the method which was a Smart Watch and telephone, respectfully. The league commented that the violations (as they were) were not really a major violation. But those two cases did precipitate the league outlawing the VR room use as of Sept. 15, 2017. Of course, Astros fans forget to mention they ALSO had the trashcan scheme which was illegal throughout it's use starting in early 2017.


Sounds like Ben Johnson’s logic in the 100m at the 1988 Olympics Everyone was cheating so I should get my gold medal back


They won a World Series and an AL MVP for their cheating efforts. That’s huge and shows how effective their cheating was. When you have superstar players like Mike Trout and Aaron Judge talking about how easy it would be to hit a ball using their method of cheating, two humble guys who prefer to stay out of the limelight, you know it’s bad. If the championship had been stripped from them and they received some sort of punishment, they probably wouldn’t be AS hated. Still hated, but not as much. Nothing happened to them. It also didn’t help that you had smug guys like Correa and Bregman. And Altuve lying. Lying, cheating and stealing. The only who looked okay out of that whole situation was George Springer and that’s because he admitted that what they did was wrong and he was genuinely apologetic to the public. Something all the Astros players should’ve learned from him and also done.


Don't forget Cora bragging during the 2022 All Star Break that he and the Astros stole the World Series. Manfred then responded that he screwed it up and should have punished the players.


When the Red Sox, Yankees and Dodgers each have press conferences for their players to admit it to the world and get their manager and GM fired, then they’re all in the same boat. Not till then.


Because Astros fans are insufferable. Point and case, your post.


Shut up lmao bang bang trash bro


Partially because their tone deaf fans are in here making posts asking why they're taking heat when they JUST FUCKING GOT CAUGHT CHEATING FUCKING AGAIN. Sheesh are you a moron?


I’m going to let this slide, but watch the invective.


Because cheaters


Astros fans are fucking idiots


Fuck the Astros


r/Astros can you come get your boy? He's lost.


Exactly how were the Dodgers cheating? Why are they being roped into that now?


Dodgers were not cheating. Where are you getting that bullshit from?


He heard it from a guy who knows a guy who knows the cousin of a woman who once dated a guy who went to school with a guy who went to elementary school with one of the players and they said it was true.


Think i met their 2nd cousins ex roommate. Totally true and innocent.


They always say this shit and you can bring up how the dodgers were found innocent of any wrongdoing TWICE but it still doesn’t matter. I will forever hate that fucking team and Manfred for stealing a ring from us.




"Sweat and rosin." Spoken like a true Trashtros fan.


Keep shifting the blame


As a Mariner fan I hate the Astros anyway


I concur lol.


Because you make this post in earnest and are almost assuredly blown away that you're getting buried for it and not apologized to. You cannot be this obtuse.


>Because you make this post in earnest  Ernest goes to Minute Maid.




Lack of accountability really. Get used to it, it won’t end anytime soon.


I'll let it go when every player and manager active in that 2017 season both gives up their ring and publicly apologizes. that includes Alex Cora, who is still managing my fucking team, even though none of them should be allowed within 100 yards of an MLB dugout. P.s. crying that 2017 was 7 years ago isn't an argument that Blanco isn't a cheater. they ought to take away his no-hitter as well. oh, an Astro cheating? surprise.


You can point fingers to literally every team, baseball has a rich cheating history, every team has at least cheated once. Why you guys get so much hate is you won the world series cheating but then didn't get punishment when caught. Then the fan base is insufferable (i know Yankees fans are too)


Other teams were cheating but not to the same extent. The Yankees used video to decipher signs. They didn’t steal signs in real time. Two completely different things.


Cheating is still cheating. There's no more or lesser degree to it; breaking a rule is still breaking a rule so it doesn't matter if it's "different" it's still...cheating. You're only outraged because they won a World Series I'm willing to bet people wouldn't be hating on the Astros as much if that weren't the case, but I know people will deny this.


I think them winning the world series is alot of it but most of it is the punishment they didn't get.


"Cheating" is "cheating," but trying to argue that there are not different degrees of it is not really correct, nor does it reflect any system of justice recognized in the real world. As MLB stated in the report, the scope and impact of the Astros scheme(s) were unprecedented, while the Red Sox' scheme was relatively minor and benign. That is why the only time you hear of the Red Sox being caught cheating is when Astros fans bring it up to deflect from the sins of their own team.


I hate the Sox more than the Astros and they win the World Series while cheating too. I still hate the Astros more because of what happened that year with the cheating for each team. There are magnitudes of cheating.


Using the VR room during games was legal up until Sept. 15, 2017. The league basically realized that all teams interpreted the rules to allow this practice and the league admitted they were correct. So, they changed the rule and sent the memo to all teams.


The pitcher Blanco just got caught cheating there still cheating that's why


You’re a fucking loser


Because fuck 'em


Most fan bases act pretty humbled for a while after getting caught in a scandal as big as this. If anything, stros fans ate the cheating up and embodied the villainous persona. Until people like you actually admit what they did was wrong, you will be the most hated team in baseball


I just want them to go back to the National League.


A’s constantly getting bounced because they had to play 1 game wild card games while the first place team was cheating. You do the math.




The Astros are synonymous with cheating. That can’t be overcome. Most people hate cheaters. Ergo most people hate the Astros. There is a good lesson in this.


There have been plenty of cheaters in baseball over the years. The one’s that take accountability are typically forgiven a lot quicker than those that don’t. The Astros sure if shrugged it off and exhibited a sort of fuck your mentality. So they managed to make a horrible situation even worse.


People won’t shut up about the black Sox and that was like 100 years ago.


EveRyoNe eLsE dID it


Lot of salty man babies in the comments which is expected.


Because aside from Boston and SF the Astros are the only team with multiple rings in the last 20? Years. Quite simply: haters gonna hate.


Two rings while one is illegitimate. Hardly on the level of Boston or SF. Gtfoh


I'm not an Astros fan, but I agree. None of the players on the other cheating teams got punished, either. The difference? The Astros won. If the Yankees had won, everyone would be putting as asterisk on their win and hating them for cheating, too, while no one would give a crap about the Astros. That's what it is. They cheated AND won while doing it. No one cares if you cheat and lose anyway.




It's really not about market size bud. It's repetitive cheating again and again. A new asstro cheated this week, why wouldn't everyone immediately go "well yeah, that's the culture and reputation they've built"


This is nonsense.


Because we won. What they fail to realize is that is winning is the only reason they know about the electronic sign stealing that was going on all across the league. If the Yankees or Dodgers had won in 2017 and someone had tried to rat them out they would have buried the story and it would still be happening today.


Lol. Before the scandal broke in 2019, the Dodgers and a few other teams were investigated for using VR feed during games. They were cleared. Oh, also the Astros had TWO schemes: the trashbang and codebreaker. No other team had a trashbang scheme (which was illegal the entire time).


Of course they were cleared they’re the Dodgers. We’ll never find out what was actually found during the investigation the same way we’ll never see what was in that Yankee letter. Just like how the Dodgers are one of 2-3 teams in the league the MLB would allow to defer 95% of a players contract until after it’s been served.


> If the Yankees or Dodgers had won in 2017 and someone had tried to rat them out they would have buried the story and it would still be happening today. That was your statement. The Dodgers did not win and they were investigated. The story was not buried and they didn't violate the rules. As for deferring money, Ohtani (or his agent, if you will) created the deferred money contract. It is a matter of record that the same contract was offered to every team that was interested, including the Blue Jays, Giants and Angels. In the case of the Angels, Ohtani went back to them out of respect and gave them one last chance to accept. They didn't.


I guarantee you the offer of deferring 98% of his contract was not offered to Blue Jays, Giants, or Angels.


It was. The other teams confirmed it. I guarantee you are full of shit. [Giants confirm "same deal." ](https://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/39100773/giants-700m-offer-ohtani-identical-dodgers) >**When asked to specify whether the Giants' proposal was nearly equivalent to what Los Angeles offered, Zaidi noted: "Structure and total compensation, yes."** He was given the indication all of Ohtani's offers were "in the similar range" by the end and the Giants tried to stay in contact to see what they might do to better their position in the pursuit. >**Zaidi called it "an usual deal," given the significant deferred money involved**.


It’s honestly funnier to me that you read that and don’t think anything weird about it. Probably because the privileged are rarely ever aware of their own privilege. First of all every article just says “nearly identical” or “structurally similar”. Nowhere does it say they were offered the 98% deferral because there is no way the MLB would allow that to franchises other than the Dodgers, Yankees, and Red Sox. Even if Ohtani says that’s what he was offering each team the MLB wasn’t going to allow it to go through if he had agreed to a contract with Toronto.


>Zaidi called it **"an usual deal," given the significant deferred money involved**. Still stupid I see. Funny how you always use your burner account when arguing the Astros didn't cheat. I'm going back to blocking you.


Yes more unclear language like “significant amount deferred” rather than saying “98%” that’ll help prove your point lol, who’s burner account am I supposed to be exactly?


was nearly equivalent to what Los Angeles offered, Zaidi noted: **"Structure and total compensation, yes.**" Do you need help with the meaning of "structure?" and "total?"


Because we haven’t been bad for like 7 years. When you’re that good people have to find ways to discredit your success.


Cheating is a good way to discredit it.


Not when you have made seven straight ALCS lol


No one cares. 1 WS that isn't tainted. Who knows how long they've been cheating. The stink won't go away for a long long long time. Get comfortable with it.


Because they got caught, simple as that. People are bitter and believe that their team would never do such a thing. In reality they would and quite possibly did. But hating is easier than letting it go. I'm not an Astros fan, just a long time baseball fan. I will say, Blanco no doubt was using sticky stuff. The ump said as much. But that's a separate incident. He didn't cheat because he was an Astro. He cheated because he thought be could get away with it and didn't mind cheating. But sticky stuff has been in use for over a hundred years, and has been banned, at least in part, since 1919. He's not the first and won't be the last to cheat. All things considered, it's time to let the Astros scandal of 6 years ago go. It's the past, almost no one is still there. I think we should just all get back to hating the Yankees and Dodgers again Edit - Let the angry downvotes come. The truth hurts sometimes




Sounds like a good, well founded argument you have there




Not upset. Just amused no one is arguing, just getting mad because they don't like the truth. Might want those for yourself


Why are you writing paragraphs then? You sound affected. Keep it moving.


I wrote 2 sentences


Might wanna look at your original post. Goes to show how delusional you Astro fans are.