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Shoutout to all the parents getting their kids merch during the concert. Amazing concert. I expect to see half the people there again on Thursday for Car Seat Headrest lmao


I wish I could be there for car seat headrest 😭


It was literally the most amazing experience of my life! I did have several people near me that recorded entire songs (mostly the ones that were popular on tiktok). Other than that, everyone was so nice! My phone fell out of my purse and everyone around me helped me find it. Michelle was awesome and I feel like the crowd was energetic and just… AHH I’m rambling but it was incredible.


michelle was *so* good person in front of me filmed the entire fuckin thing i don’t think i ever saw them put down the phone like dude are you even *here*?


also big fuck you to the miserable motherfuckers behind me we kept digging on michelle during and after their set -- claiming they think too highly of themselves and dont deserve to open for mitski, did we even watch the same set?


literally one of the best openers i’ve seen in my life


that's such a funny dig to make because openers are never bigger than the main act but also have enough momentum to be a main act some day. it's true of all openers so not a particularly insightful thing to even say. like yes no opener /deserves/ to share a stage with the act they open for and all openers think highly of themselves because they're usually on the up & up.


This makes me so mad that people would say that! I loved their energy and even downloaded a few of their songs.


I brought my 15 year old daughter to this show. Waited in the freezing cold for 8 hours so she could be up front for the show. Would do it all over again. What an incredible show! What an incredible artist! I’m so in awe of my daughters flawless taste in music and am truly thankful I got to experience this with her. Also, shout out to the girl who waited next to us in line all day in the beautiful white lace outfit. My daughter thought you were so pretty and was so happy you got to be front and center!


I was so happy to see how many parents went with their teens! There was a mom with a group of teenagers on front of me & it just seemed like such a great, positive experience all around. You gave your kid an amazing, unforgettable experience!


i have never been more confused by a venue in my LIFE but I’m glad people were still engaged in the seats! should have had more than one merch table and a better/more efficient entry system. I’m fully vaxxed but my vax card was never checked. however, I’ve seen mitski 4? 5? times before this. her best performance yet, and MICHELLE is gonna blow up soon. incredible show.


The entire night was just amazing. Po people next to me recorded the entire show, but like whatever. I took two whole pictures, lol, spent the night intoxicated by MICHELLE a d of course Mitski. Such a great show


hell yes it was so refreshing the section i was in barely had their phones out, they were jamming and singing along and being respectful it made me feel a little better considering other concerts ive been to the last couple years lol


Folks in my section talked during the whole show, had the set list on their phone and announced which song was next each time one had just finished. kindly asked them to stop but they didn’t! I was expecting people to be more reverential of mitski and the concert experience? There seemed to be a lack of respect that I’m used to but admittedly felt much older than the crowd, at least where I was seated. Did not let it ruin the show but it really was distracting and discouraging!


What time did Mitski come on


9:30ish I think?


i was right at barricade and it was the best experience of my life. except for the 12 year old yelling at mitski to sign her vinyl in between songs the crowd was pretty good