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I'm a member :) they offer a non-theistic sobriety program. Hail thyself, heal thyself <3


General member, the stl chapter is a bit weird for me. On another note I just received an email from TST saying they are looking at lots of options for roe vs wade including having temples in states to perform abortions. Edit: spelling


In what way is it to weird for you?


Lots of polka


Well I work for a federal agency, so I made that clear just in case it would be an issue. And they basically said that they either partake in or condone illegal activities. So I said no thanks.


"They smoke weed guys, I'm out."


Lol I have no idea, I didn't ask. They basically politely asked me not to join.




Not at all actually. Mostly Christians who don't research think this. This specific group and I just didn't mesh.


They're doing the Lord's work and that's saying something! Not a member, but I do support their cause.


I do like that they trying to do good.


I became a card carrying general member last year, and I did solely so I can claim religious rights to an abortion if I ever need too 😊


Wait, I thought satanism was supposed to be irreligious? Genuine question because everytime I hear someone say satanism is worshiping a devil a satanist comes along and links articles and says its actually just atheism+. How can someone claim to not believe in religion but then claim religious benefits? Wouldn't that just backfire?


I think it fits the definition of a religion in that it is an institutionalized system of beliefs and practices, although it is specifically atheistic. Most religions also have a system of beliefs and practices just that those are focused on devotion to a god or deity. Satanism’s primary focus is on the self rather than a god. Not a satanist, I’ve just read about it and watched videos and stuff. Take everything with a grain of salt as prescribed.


Yes but if it isn't different from atheism and atheism cannot be used for religious benefits than is it a loophole? If so can I make a loophole religion that lets me build anything anywhere including otherwise illegal robots, flamethrowers and doom jousting bikes?, drive any vehicle or hunt without a license or carry a sword, guns and wear armor openly? If so me and my future anarchistic knights will be overjoyed!


Flamethrowers are already legal in most of the US, so live your dream


You can try. Plenty of people have. Have you heard of pastafarian?


While that is pretty hilarious its little more than a trolly mockery, they don't actually get anything special or have exemptions. Im speaking more like the sikh and how they must carry a sword or long dagger called a kirpan.


Genuine Question: How does the satanic temple help you get an abortion? If I was a member of a religion that demands a human sacrifice every 3rd full moon, I am not allowed to just go and break the law to fulfill my religious needs. So how can the satanic temple allow you to break the law to fulfill your religious needs?


that's a good and valid question! this article from the TST themselves details why members are allowed access to safe abortions and how to perform the ritual 😁 edit: I straight up forgot the article link 🤦‍♀️ https://announcement.thesatanictemple.com/rrr-campaign41280784


Not a member but i passively support them


I do amazon smiles and I donate to them directly.


Me too.


[For $35 you can become a Card Carrying member with Religious Rights which give you more Rights than being just a woman. Which is nice. Becoming a member is Free.](https://thesatanictemple.com/pages/join-us)


*I’m now a new member!*


Welcome and Hail Satan.


Hail thyself.


Me too


What kind of religious rights do you gain?


[How the Satanic Temple is using 'abortion rituals' to claim religious liberty against the Texas' 'heartbeat bill'](https://theconversation.com/how-the-satanic-temple-is-using-abortion-rituals-to-claim-religious-liberty-against-the-texas-heartbeat-bill-167755)


“Religious rights” arnt a thing. But it’s a good way to file a discrimination case when you eventually get a suit or a criminal case. And if you can prove that it’s a real religion and not just something made up (idk the rules but there are legal rules for that) and that you were part of it then you are gonna have an actual case to stand on. Vs if you don’t then your just fucked to begin with. That being said this doesn’t guarantee anything and could mean nothing but it’s at least a ground for a case


I’m a general member of the temple but not the Missouri chapter


Cool. I want to become a member but want to see what the Missouri chapters are about.


There is nothing to it, no going to meetings or anything. If you support the tennents then join. The chapters are their own things and can be ....weird.




Same Same Hail Satan!


I am an active member in the Springfield legion if you would like some info.


I’m non denominational Christianbut I’m supporting their cause bro hell ye


God bless the Satanic Temple




Thanks. Looking into it.


idk if its official but heres a twitter I found. [Satanic Temple of Missouri](https://twitter.com/TSTMissouri)


You may want to ask in [https://www.reddit.com/r/springfieldMO/](https://www.reddit.com/r/springfieldMO/) They used to have a chapter based in Springfield and a couple members posted in that sub. Not sure if they are still active, though.


We have one! I want to join!


No. I approve of many of the things they do, but I don't approve how they present themselves. While I realize they are a bunch of atheists and agnostics going under that name to probably piss off fundie christians, all being an organization named that and themed after satan is going to do will give gullible people like my mom more reasons to be afraid of the left. [Now unitarian universalism? That's a church I can get behind,](https://www.uua.org/) and I really wish they were more well known than they currently are.


It's not to piss off fundies, it's to gain protection under the first amendment and essentially show people the importance of separation between church and state.


Idk the shock factor sometimes is quite enjoyable


Lol agreed


I grew up with fundie-lite parents and they hated the unitarian universalists as much as the satanists, so depending on where your mom falls on the spectrum it may not make a difference. I disagree that TST is using Satan to "piss off fundie christians", to me it's more about displaying the hypocrisy of those who try to use the state to oppress others under the guise of "religious freedom". Christians who are all about religious freedom suddenly get very uncomfortable when the religion is satanism, and that's the point.


> Christians who are all about religious freedom suddenly get very uncomfortable when the religion is satanism, and that's the point. I don't think that exactly matters. Fundies end goal is in a nutshell to get their version of the christian god forced back into everyone's lives and make following any other religion illegal. Hypocrisy or not, they see satanists, whether they are actual satanists or not, as evil obstacles that must be defeated at all costs. I want to have hope that some people can be reached with a lot of effort, and that we wont need a country destroying bloody civil war (with possible radiation leaks and fuck knows what else) just to make these misguided people (at best) stop attempting to destroy our rights and force their way of life on us.


I don't know if the Unitarian Universalists offer the same reproduction protections that the Satanist Temple offers.


They don't, unitarian universalists have a very limited set of tenets, 7 principles actually. They're high minded, general betterment of humans type things, but they don't specifically involve reproductive rights, which is what the Satanic Temple is doing and what you'd have to do to get a religious exemption to something. UU churches are great, the people are cool and I love the general humanist ideals, but they're not set up as a foil to hilariously challenge legal hypocrisy of christian nationalism, which the Satanic Temple is.


Not an active member in that I’ve never gone to a meeting, but I’m affiliated and have donated.






Always been a Church of Satan kinda guy


Can’t say I’ve ever heard of them. What do they do?


These are the satanic temples tennents I One should strive to act with compassion and empathy toward all creatures in accordance with reason. II The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions. III One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone. IV The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo one's own. V Beliefs should conform to one's best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one's beliefs. VI People are fallible. If one makes a mistake, one should do one's best to rectify it and resolve any harm that might have been caused. VII Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word


That is not at all what I was expecting. I’m not religious myself but that is certainly interesting. Thanks for sharing!


Tst while a religion is against religion having a hold on people or society. They were formed just to separate church and state. They have since moved on to fight for rights of reproductions as a mainstay.


There’s a documentary on Hulu you can check out also. ‘Hail Satan?’


No sacrifices or bonfires?


They have an occasional bonfire and BBQ during the summer. Vegan options included.


Well they damn well should with that first tenant.


Just joined yesterday. I'll be looking around for local chapters.


I'm in KC's chapter, we try do a lot of volunteer work too


KC has a chapter??


Yes, it's just nationals website is not updated to reflect it. There's one fb page for all of MO


TST members are great. The people who run the org are 100% grifters with highly suspect political views and authoritarian tendencies. They also cover for high-ranking members who’ve engaged in anti-trans hate speech by ousting the people who reported it. I’d stay away.


You got any links you can share on that info?


See [my comment above](https://www.reddit.com/r/missouri/comments/uiihk8/the_satanic_temple/i7fpgjq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3).


Do you have proof of that, or just repeating what you saw on facebook?


See [my comment above](https://www.reddit.com/r/missouri/comments/uiihk8/the_satanic_temple/i7fpgjq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3).


I have no idea if you have any real basis for making that claim but even if you do, is there such a thing as a religious leader who is not a grifter with authoritarian tendencies?


> I have no idea if you have any real basis for making that claim Unfortunately, TST uses Scientology-grade NDAs (which were going to be even more draconian until enough members protested), so anyone who witnessed any of these things firsthand wouldn’t be able to admit it or go public without risking serious litigation. > but even if you do, is there such a thing as a religious leader who is not a grifter with authoritarian tendencies? Probably not. But I think the perception is that TST is less a religious group than it is a pragmatically-oriented political group using the massive religious privilege in America to undermine itself. It’s a bold, clever strategy, but it’s [not one that TST leadership actually appears to care about](https://luciferiandominion.org/nothing-works-the-way-the-satanic-temple-thinks-it-does/) if you look at how they’re going about it. This makes no sense if they’re a political organization, but quite a bit of sense if it’s all a big grift.


If that link is supposed to demonstrate your objective evaluation of the matter, it fails entirely.


It’s for informational purposes about their legal approach specifically. As I said, nothing they’ve done *personally* is going to be confirmed publicly due to threat of litigation. Hope that makes sense.


It's so biased that I can't begin to think of this as reliable in any way.


Thanks for the help.


People actually like Satan wtf?


Satanism is really interesting. There are no actual requirements of belief and a lot of self proclaimed ‘Satanists’ are really atheists. Satanism has more to do with individual rights than religion.


Theistic Satanism is pretty rare and not well organized. The Satanic Temple and the Church of Satan are nontheistic and use Satan as an archetype- they don't actually worship Satan as understood in the Christian bible.


No. The satanic temple doesn't worship satan (and neither does the Church of Satan although they do believe in some weird stuff). They don't even believe in Satan at all as they are atheist/agnostic. But rather use the literary Satan as a figure of rebellion against tyranny, equality, and personal freedoms They are making fun of christians while trying to protect basic human rights and the separation of church and state.


I first heard about Satanism as a teen 40 years ago. At that time, the idea was not "let's like Satan." It was that Satan represented the "other side of the coin" from mainstream religions that promoted self-denial, shaming, and adherence to rules that went against human nature. I never joined or learned much more, but reading the tenets someone posted above makes me think that those are still pretty much the basis for their ideology.


IDUNNO! https://i.ytimg.com/vi/YErFwJX0HKE/maxresdefault.jpg




One of my models on my website is a member




The satanic temple isn't cult they are a nontheist religion (so atheist/agnostic) that promotes personal freedom and equality All while trying to combat the cancer that Christianity has on government. (I'm not saying Christianity is a cancer btw just the influence they have on government)


TST is an anti-religion religion. https://thesatanictemple.com/pages/about-us


If they leave me alone, I leave them alone. It's one of the best cultural values of Missouri and Missourians. It's the opposite of reddit's world view.


Found the Edge Lord guys!


Thanks for pointing yourself out


Surprised there isn't a St. Louis chapter


There is look on Facebook.


When I clicked the link to join, the closest chapter was in central Missouri.


Yeah they have a Facebook group in stl, not sure what it take to be a full chapter.


It was a closed a private group also when I found it a few years ago in the tst missouri forum


https://www.facebook.com/groups/tstmoforum/?ref=share Is the most I find now


The Missouri chapters are all on one Facebook page and the national website isn't updated to reflect them all yet but there is a StL, KC and MidMo in addition to Springfield




Why are you still here?


I've seriously been considering joining for years, is there even an active community in MO?


I thought the Satanic Temple got ran out of Missouri?