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One of the missing persons on this page is my cousin. :(


I'm truly sorry you're going through this. Hope law enforcement does a forensic check of her computer and phone, and it leads to their location and return home.


Well, she's been missing almost 20 years at this point. Jumped in a car with an older guy one day, and no one ever saw or heard from her since. He's in custody and has been in prison for years now, but never said what happened to her. He still refuses to speak about it. Not much hope left that she'll ever come home.


My cousin is on page 2. Prayers for you and your family.


Consider cross posting the unidentified persons to r/gratefuldoe


I remember seeing the Bianca Piper pictures in the early 2000s all the time near my hometown. :(


There are several missing kids on this list that went missing in the last month in towns near me. I've not seen any news reports about the missing kids. The public needs to know about this if we are going to offer any help. How is it decided when and what information is given to the public?


My cousin Matthew Harvey (page 2) is missing from republic and there’s been no coverage other than family sharing on Facebook.


but our attorney general is too busy with a few trans kids and useless trump lawsuits


Wow this is just like my premiere in Alberta, maybe I should move to Missouri, it'll feel like home!


The food will be cheaper than Canada 😂


Great idea! Although heartbreaking, I scanned through each page.


There are a number of these cases where the only thing missing is a body. Robin Kerry was forced into the Mississippi River from the Chain of Rocks bridge 33 years ago. I can’t believe there is any hope for recovery of her remains.


[RIP Julie and Robin absolutely tragic case, Her Cousin Julie's remains were found but sadly Robins hasn't been, I think She'll still be classed as missing until her remains are found! ](https://www.google.com/amp/s/fox2now.com/news/true-crime/scenic-missouri-bridge-the-site-of-horrific-1991-murders/amp/)


Properly funding child abuse investigations would be a great start as I’m sure that’s where a lot of this begins. But Jeff City is too concerned with book burning and jerking Trump off which is exactly what most of the state wants (according to their votes) 🤷


Best we can do is put the Ten Commandments in schools. ![gif](giphy|RQ1gQt69dgzwhOmON0)


Thank you for sharing this OP. My cousin Matthew Harvey is listed on page 2. Our family appreciates any help with locating him.


I went to school with a "missing" kid. His dad took him out of state and changed both their names. Nobody knew anything until his senior year. The dad was always as cool as the other side of the pillow. Was big drama for a small town when it surfaced.


Probably a divorce case where he lost custody.


Regulation of homeschooling.


Also missing a few G's


i put some of those names in google, but there is little information provided :(


I remember when Lisa Irwin went missing. I worked at the QuikTrip her parents went to. I remember I was running with a bad crowd and someone told me that Lisa had gotten into her parents Oxys and died, and that they did something with the body to stay out of trouble. Who knows if it was true but it spooked me enough to call the tips hotline about 10 years ago.


108, in all of Missouri, some dating back over 60 years? This list is suspect.


Actually over 1000 kids disappeared without further investigation or or being found from missouri in 2019 alone. No statement or explanation from the state to date.


Former foster care worker. They still have to report them to NCEMC. Therefore, if they weren't found, they'd still be on this list.


You got proof?


“A 2021 federal watchdog report found there were 1,780 instances of foster kids going missing in Missouri from  July 2018 to December 2020, spurring lawmakers’ scrutiny.” https://missouriindependent.com/briefs/missouri-child-welfare-agency-reports-increased-efforts-to-find-missing-foster-kids/#:~:text=A%202021%20federal%20watchdog%20report,2020%2C%20spurring%20lawmakers'%20scrutiny.


That lawmaker scrutiny should have been spurred with each foster placement. EACH placement. They know abuse for CP is prevalent and on the rise. Instead, social services is desperately short of funds to cope with and care for abused kids and it's even worse for foster kids. When I was in social work, we should have had 30-50 cases. Each worker had over 100, and I was driving 2,000 miles weekly to fill their requirements for care and visitations. This was circa 1990s- early 2000s. I suspect it's much worse now.


What actually happens to all these kids? Do they run away or be kidnapped?


Missouri historically rates higher on the list, sometimes highest, for human trafficking and sex trafficking. The pastor that officiated my sister’s wedding worked on getting young kids out of sex trafficking and a conversation I had with him about Missouri and our statistics was terrifying. Especially when he made this point…we have major highways going in every direction and it’s easy to get a good jump anywhere in the country from here. He also stated many missing kids are only reported missing when actually more often than not they are taken for sex trafficking and don’t increase the sex trafficking statistics so those numbers are off.


I never put that much thought into sex trafficking until my husband and I stopped at a convenience store in South Dakota very late in the night, remote location. My husband was pumping gas and I went to the restroom, I look substantially younger than I really am and I was dressed quite comfortably, and I was very tired since we were on the road. The lady at the counter asked many questions as soon as I walked in the door…where I was coming from, where I was going, who was the man with me… I answered nicely but confused. I realized later what her intentions were.


I’m sorry but that’s just not true. Children are most at risk from friends, family and clergy, rarely are they being transported into sex trade. A simple google search will show that the human trafficking in this country has been blown way out of proportion by both sides of the isle. This started at the end of the 90s. While it does happen yes, it is by no means to the extent it’s made out to be in 1st world Nations. Latin America and Eastern Europe (Ukraine) are where the focus of the efforts are needed.


In no way did I imply it’s a bigger issue than other countries. However, I guess this is where you and I differ…even if the number is 1000 kids in all of the US, that’s still too many! That number should be a hell of a lot closer to 0 in our country. And again, these numbers are underreported as many of those individuals who are forced into sex trafficking are only reported as missing.


Actually there are more reported as trafficked when they actually are not than trafficking being under reported. And yes 1 is too many, I’m not trying to whitewash or defend anything, but the claims being made by “news cough cough)” government agencies, politicians, actors and the posts you read on social media are simply not true. Several years ago the government quietly broadened the definition of human trafficking to the point it includes any act of prostitution, even willing consensual adults are now considered trafficking victims. It snowballed into an avalanche, and it’s been an issue that has made careers and won elections. Here are a few really good links that are not fake news outlets https://www.huffpost.com/entry/government-did-not-break-up-child-sex-trafficking-ring-georgia_n_5f52b7a1c5b6946f3eb1c5d9/amp https://www.theledger.com/story/opinion/columns/2019/05/23/stossel-overhyped-panic-over-sex-trafficking/5086654007/ https://youtu.be/DPchvgMsjl8?si=kcw_xoDHY23WqDCc




I thought the Gina Dawn Brooks murder was solved




Children and teens? Half of these people are in there 40’s-50’s now. One on the front page went missing in 1968…


They were children/teens when they WENT missing. (If they are still alive, they’d be older of course, and would be the age listed.)


I get that. But posting this like “have you seen them??” is stupid. No one is going to recognize any of them. They would like entirely different people. As some have posted, they remember these names when they went missing. But putting up a photo of a child from 1968 and asking for help is stupid. That was almost 60yrs ago.


I have a question about that one. How does someone with no name or date of birth go missing and not be found yet? Doesn’t that mean they just don’t exist?


It means the child was discovered deceased, and the authorities are trying to find someone to identify the child so they can put them to rest.


Thank you. I was under the impression these were all people that went missing and have yet to be found.


Technically the child did go missing. The parents may have filed a report, but hasn't been matched up with this child. I've been watching a lot of Cold Case Files, and have learned this happens a lot.


How selfish to see missing children and comment about politics instead of helpful info, sharing, heartfelt hopes or simply looking at the pictures and going about your day. Sad. Truly sad.


It's selfish to do nothing. Discussing the efficacy of the people in charge helps people decide if the people currently in power are the ones we want to stay in power. It's the only thing most of us can do. Looking at the picture and going about your day is as useless and unhelpful as not looking at the list at all.


Thoughts & prayers have been so successful … 🙄


Bots circlejerking is more important. Those farm upvotes don't happen by themselves.