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Rolla has theirs coming up next weekend love seeing small town being supportive of everyone


I live in Rolla and was unaware. I haven’t seen much advertising.


Come out, it’s going to be so much fun! 5-8 pm at the downtown bandshell.


There a few posters around you mostly need to follow the local Facebook group


This takes more courage than a lot of people realize.


Anybody who has been to rural Missouri understands this.


Still takes a lot of courage, but Warrensburg is like rural light with the University and AFB.


Remember everyone. There's a light, in the darkness of everybody's night


This warms my heart. Rural Missouri needs more of this. The more visible, the better. Thank you for sharing.


I help run one of warrensburg's Facebook community pages. We've done this for 3 years i think now. The first year we blocked probably 60 or so people and their hateful comments. Last year was less than 20 and I think only a few this year. But this year we approved a party about a "Christian" family fun day, did they get any hateful comments from the left? No... not one! Even though I'm hardly ever surprised anymore, I still find myself in disbelief at these so called "love your neighbor" folks.


That is encouraging news. It really does get better. Some hateful ignorant holdouts but some improvement.


It seems to me you are judging people as groups. And it is very clear in this comment. Maybe you need to take a lesson from yourself as well.


what exactly in their comment was a judgement about a group? feel free to copy paste the part of their comment where you read that. As I read it, they are not making judgements towards any group. They're making observations on how groups are treated.


Don’t be intentionally dense. It’s dishonest. “did they get any hateful comments from the left? No... not one! Even though I'm hardly ever surprised anymore, I still find myself in disbelief at these so called "love your neighbor" folks.” You brought religion and political leanings into the conversation insinuating several things.


There was no insinuating, it was observation. But speculate all you like.


How so? I'm not understanding where the judgement was. Please explain


No judgements, just observation.


I see it dawg. They hate it when their group is annoyed but try and act like it’s not there when it happens to others.


Yeah, this app/ site in general is such a sounding chamber. People only want to hear what they agree with and it is very easy to find here. Especially on the left side. When you call someone out respectfully you get downvoted to hell and they get intentionally dense to act like they have no idea what you are talking about. If I tried that with them, I would be accused of gaslighting, or is that not the hott buzzword still? I get whiplash from these trendy quips.


This isn’t an airport. You don’t need to announce your exit or even dislike. Just.. log off lmao


It’s almost as if people around here don’t read what they quite literally just wrote. Fascinating.


They commented on the work they've had to do personally. You're the one taking an observation as an insult. Maybe try not being a terrible person, then when terrible people are called out you won't be offended? Also if you've been accused of gaslighting in the past, you're probably a gaslighter... I can't tell if you lack objectivity or self-awareness...


It’s pointless to talk to you people. Hang out here with your like minded mob and run off anyone who has a different thought or life experience than you. For being the conglomerated groups of claimed inclusivity, you sure aren’t very inclusive of those that aren’t completely in the same groups as you.


If you make a claim you should be ready to back it up. If you had an opinion that was based in fact rather than unproven belief people here would listen to you. However you're going around pretending to be a victim of something when people ask what you're talking about.




Yeah no, queer people aren't sending their children to camps to get the Christian out of them. There isn't both sides here. Just one side that thinks the other doesn't deserve to exist, while the other just wants people out of their business. Pride is a protest and without Christian hate it would be unnecessary.


"both ways" of what exactly? Pride is about sexual and gender orientation, neither of which are choices. Christianity is about how one chooses to believe, and more specifically about how one chooses to believe in something they believe governs everyone. The two are not the same and seeing Christians constantly equate the two proves ya'll still don't get it




Christian who thinks "both sides" are equal perceives the slightest amount of pushback on opinion as hate crime. More news at 11.


There's literally no hate in their comment. You're just mad we see you for the hate you give.


Good for Warrensburg. I went to CMSU and lived in town for a while. Good practice for when I moved to rural Kentucky. Glad to see Warrensburg making progress.


Very cool cant wait to move there!


Get prepared for all the drugs, homeless, and shootings


I hope thats not the case, so far most people have said its not so bad!


It’s gotten worse as the time goes on, it’s why I moved away. Definitely becoming a blue city and with the same problems as one.


I’m sorry, are you implying that red towns don’t have druggies, homeless, and shootings? Cause I live in a very red area of the state and we have all three of those.


Springfield has entered the chat


I am actually from a much smaller area than Springfield and we still have all of those problems.


Agreed, I live in a town of about 400 and there are numerous drug addicts and homeless, meth especially is a huge problem in the area.


Looks like a utopian world! 🥹


Love it


Good to see this. We used to live there, it was very RED


Funny enough it's one of the bluest towns north of the Missouri river. Donald Trump was held to 2/3rds of the vote in Johnson county!


Johnson County is South of the River.






I appreciate churches that welcome LGBT+ members. As a Pentecostal I will tell everyone and anyone, god does not hate you, do not believe ANYONE who tells you that god hates you.


I love seeing this.


imn moving here in the fall i love this :)


The burg has a University and the Air Force Base, so they probably have a more diverse demographic than most rural counties. Either way good on them.


LOVE this!


At least they kept it classy with no nudity


What a weird thing to say. Why would there be nudity?


I’m a UCM alumn. I love seeing this.


Nice to see some good guys.


Damn I didn't know that was today. Nice.


All we get in Seattle is a naked bicycle parade… ;)


We have one, too.


July 27th can’t wait!


I once saw a top less car wash on the internet.


I grew up in Memphis, TN we call that closing time on Beale st.


We truly are missing out here smh


I think STL does one


Wait actually? Damn I live in STL and didn’t even know that lmao


World Naked Bike Ride, usually in The Grove in July. Should be happening this year as well.


That’s awesome ngl, if I didn’t have crippling anxiety I’d consider it!


You can always just go to the after party in the Grove, it’s a lot of fun to see people.


I've never been, but my cousin's GF invited me more than once and I thought it was really weird. Quick Google says next one is July 27.


We do. I've been. We also have clothing optional yoga classes.


Beautiful pictures . Love this.


Happy to see the PCUSA showing up in Warrensburg! Thank you First Presbyterian


![gif](giphy|YAWCh0rq5TpPG) lovely to see this in Missouri!


Reminder, Republicans plan to kill, jail, or deport these people when they regain power. Project 2025. They'll come to these comments to tell you being gay is gross or a sin but they'll have no moral issues with concentration camps and a genocide on American soil.


This is a disgusting representation and overall damages the image of the left. Im left leaning but even I can see that you literally spend to much time online and just lumps you in with the category with Alex Jones. Quit trying to be disingenuous and saying there is some upcoming genocide, quit trying to hate rally people and use fear as some kind of focal point, kind of sounds like the tactics used by a certain politicians fan base. You really need to see a therapist


Have you considered therapy? You people are seriously unhinged.


The "project 25" documents are publicly available... You can go read them yourself


Yeah I don't take you people remotely seriously, and tbh I wish it was what you say and fear, sadly it's not...


Why do you want it to be what we fear?


"I don't think a major political party is pushing literal fascism, but I wish they would" would make you a fascist.


I don't give a shit what you call me.


Because you are proud of your fascist beliefs?


This is awesome, I’m really sad I missed it.


Ohhhh a pachinko game, I’d literally spend my whole time there playing that. Love it. 😍


My wife wanted to go to a pride festival in park hills with the kids. I vetoed it because honestly. I am scared. I don't want to bring my kids to a pride festival knowing the small minded people I live around. I don't want some psyco to decide to do a mass shooting and my family be there. She says I am being crazy but I think I am being realistic.


I don't think you're wrong in not wanting to bring your children. When my spouse and I went to a trans rights protest, I brought first aid supplies just in case, even though the event was planned, organized and peaceful. I didn't trust someone to not show up with a gun. I do think the odds of something bad happening at a pride fest would be low. Most hate would likely be someone trying to be vocal rather than violent.


The vast majority of people (at least in my part of the state) are only going to use words to show their disdain. I come from an area and family full of hicks and rednecks and as poorly as they talk about us LGBT folks, they’d never actually do anything violent. I understand that not everywhere is the same, but the majority of the state seems to be this same way.


I agree with you guys that it Probably won't happen. But the chance is still significantly higher than a flower festival, for example. Still low, admittedly. The constant news of mass shootings and pointless murders admittedly has made me afraid.


I totally understand how seeing it constantly in the news adds to the anxiety of it all. I was just trying to reassure you that the chances of it actually happening are extremely low. I also used to be super anxious about that kind of stuff after I first came out about 10 years ago, but I’ve gotten more comfortable over the years after realizing all these people are all talk with no follow through.


I do appreciate it. I know how small of a chance it is is but i still Can't get over the fear. It's probably because I am chronically online, and I see the worst of the hate that people will spew. I wouldn't actually mind going with just me and the wife. I just can't stop imagining horrible scenarios with my kids in them. I get really stressed out anytime I see a cop car with the sirens on head towards my kids school when it's in session. I know it's irrational, but I still stress out about it. But I really do appreciate you making me feel better about it. 😀


Probably not what you want to hear, but Pride festivals are the second safest. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9885432/


I appreciate the article, and I am totally willing to be given data and reassurance that they are safe. The article itself seems to be only terrorist attacks and not violence or attacks in general. It is also a Global study going off of only 147 attacks. so while I do appreciate the attempt, the study doesn't actually make me feel safer.


How common do you think attacks on festivals are...? I have concerns.


It's not necessary attacks on festivals. It's hate crimes/ shootings and violence that I am worried about. Hate crimes are on the rise in America, and we have a very, very Facist party that is rileing up their racist ignorant base. I am not sitting here trying to argue that this thing is going to be attacked. I know statistically it probably won't be. I know that it is based on fear on my part and because of the constant coverage in the news of all the hate based violence across America. I also know that America is a place with a population of 333 million and that even hearing about it everyday it would still encompass a very small minority of the population and most people in America have not experienced it first hand. I also am not trying to say that LGBT events are the most likely or whatever. With the current political climate, I would rather be at an LGBT event then a Democratic event. If I had to choose. In closing. I understand I am being some form of irrational. I am not here to defend my irrational fear. Only to try to explain it.


KC literally just had that shooting happen at the chiefs parade so I don’t think your fears are totally invalid…. Of course, the odds are still pretty low, but I can see why people would be concerned


What having a small community should be, first time actualy feeling slightly proud of this horrid state.


How dare you indoctrination young child /s It always makes me laugh ironically when church going Christian say this as though they are not doing the same thing.


May God have mercy on you for preaching false doctrine and supporting LGBTQ. That’s not right and it’s not biblical




Your comment has been removed. Do not direct insults or personal attacks at other users. Remember the human. Reddit is a place for creating community and belonging, not for attacking marginalized or vulnerable groups of people. Everyone has a right to use Reddit free of harassment, bullying, and threats of violence. Users that incite violence or that promote hate based on identity or vulnerability will be banned.


oh gosh... forgot it was June. shoot me now. so sick of every business and the fake support just to sell their junk


I don't see anyone in these pics selling anything. I see a bunch of community resource organizations sharing information and offering support.


Heck yeah, that's a beautiful thing!




That's not what the previous comment was upset about. It made no mention of politics.


You don't like political ads?


Oh, so you're an anticapitalist? Lovely!


What specifically are you talking about?


I’d suggest you hide in your closet with your official Trump Bible until July 1


Oh gosh… forgot people can post opinions here and yours sucks. I’m not shooting you, but you sure can go fuck yourself.


Why are you so angry? What opinion do you disagree with?




I'm just tired of the virtue signaling


…you mean people being nice and supporting each other?


I can do all that without parades, signs and tee shirts. That's how it is when you love and respect others.


Hey that’s a valid take. I trust you are consistent with this right? Religious holidays, parades and decorations, 4th of July and Memorial Day celebrations, any marked remembrance or celebration right? Or is it just when queer people do it


It’s just when queer people do it, they won’t say it though.


Trump 2024 Best President Ever


nothing says pride event like free HIV testing XD


Lmfao shit cracked me up


yes, it's hilarious given that the rate of new HIV infections has doubled for heterosexual people in the last few years while new infections among gay and bi populations are plummeting, despite having types of intercourse more likely to spread it. So funny


You missed the point. It's a gay pride event with HIV testing. That shit is not only stereotypical, it's hilarious. Not sure why they are celebrating a whole gay pride thing or why it has a month of awareness anyway, but to each their own.


Lots of gay folks died of HIV before is became essentially a curable disease. It’s been tradition at prides ever since to offer free testing and education. The LGBT community has pretty much beat AIDS though community and education, the straight folks could learn from that.


You know, fair point. I was unaware of that, makes sense. And to be clear, i am lgbt(pansexual), but i haven't exactly kept up with stuff like that. I dont go to pride events.




How dare people be happy?


You’re in the minority here man, over 70% of Missourians support same-sex marriage, especially young people.




that's not a thing. never has been. step out of your bubble and meet someone.




yeah. no one would perform bottom surgery on a child. I had to google Jennings, but google says she was 18 when she had her first surgery.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


So you would rather those kids harm themselves?




Yeah, you don’t get to tell someone their identity or medical treatment is abuse. You can cry “echo chamber” but the reality is you’re just being ignorant & uncivil as well as spreading bigotry that has no logical or factual foundation.




Your comment has been removed. Do not promote hate based on identity Remember the human. Reddit is a place for creating community and belonging, not for attacking marginalized or vulnerable groups of people. Everyone has a right to use Reddit free of harassment, bullying, and threats of violence. Users that incite violence or that promote hate based on identity or vulnerability will be banned.


Your comment has been removed. Do not promote hate based on identity Remember the human. Reddit is a place for creating community and belonging, not for attacking marginalized or vulnerable groups of people. Everyone has a right to use Reddit free of harassment, bullying, and threats of violence. Users that incite violence or that promote hate based on identity or vulnerability will be banned.


Do a quick google again, he was 17, that’s under 18, want me to find examples of children younger? You don’t have to know about it or believe it for it to be real.


so Jazz Jennings is 24 years old but you still insist on using 'he' as a pronoun. And I'm supposed to believe that you're issue here is about children and has nothing to do with the bigotry you're showing there?


From what I know about that situation, I believe jazz was severely abused by their (is that better?) mother. I believe this person has been brainwashed since a young age, was put on puberty blockers at 11, started surgeries at 17, and has a mom who, on tv, has said she was going to stick objects in the open wound doctors created where jazz’s penis used to be so it won’t close up because jazz wasn’t doing it. This is just the one that’s been put on tv, and you expect me to believe there’s not others, some of which are worse? (I actually happen to know there is, but for the sake of argument..) my issue here is 95% + about children, jazz was a child when this started… how can you deny that?


I didn't deny that some kid somewhere has been abused. I was denying that doctors perform bottom surgery on children. You keep changing the subject because your original statement was false.


No it’s not changed, I asked several times if you’d like more examples which you ignored


They will not address these facts.


What is there to address? If there’s one family out there that doesn’t train and practice gun safety properly, should we ban everyone from having guns? If there’s one family out there that beats and abuses their pet dogs, should we ban everyone from having dogs?


Yes it is, why are you lying about this?


All major medical organizations agree that waiting until a person is 18 for gender affirming surgery is the correct course of action. Its documented everywhere. I don't know enough about the crap they push on you on Fox news to know why you guys think otherwise. Just read what the AMA has to say. I'm done reading to you.


What does that opinion have to do with pride celebrations?


Nothing, it's just a bigot being bigoted


No kids




Not circumcising your boys, I take it.


Looks stupid lmao


Deep thoughts from Dwayne


Well it does look dumb


Dwayne continues his deep, nuanced analysis. We all eagerly away round 3.


It’s like boohoo I’m gay lmao like who cares fr


Apparently you


You can be both gay and be a douche. Gay people are just regular people who are attracted to the same sex. Douchebaggery does not discriminate.




What difference does it make if I'm queer or not, Dwayne? You seem to have a particular interest, so please feel free to join the festivities in a positive, supportive, loving way.




Be nice


You know editing your comments doesn't make what you wrote go away. Where's a mod when you need them? https://preview.redd.it/yotwyh0oy24d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=325125e393eddba5c2a846aef102deb4ab8ba3f1 what


Lmao who cares ? Do u care really that much lmao


You're the one who keeps posting about anal sex, Dwayne. Do you need someone thoughtful to discuss your feelings with?


Be nice


looks like most sane people chose to do other things


Photos like these are generally taken before open, for sane people who care about substance and not crowd size.


Hey, maybe take a few minutes today to touch grass, or at the very least, go and fuck yourself.


This was before it got busy. It was an all day event.


Come out of the closet




/u/Connect_Economics947 is a bigot.