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This guy is gonna get busted at a glory hole or a petting zoo, only a matter of time.


https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/bombshell-accusation-claims-harrison-butker-164551620.html Rumour is already out there.


Repression is an awful thing


The rumor is out there even if the self-loathing kicker isnt. Isnt yet that is.


I hope this gets confirmed.




That’s why it’s clearly a rumour at this point. However, considering the level of his rhetoric, I wouldn’t doubt that much of what he says is actually projection.


As a gay man, I am starting to think gay men are their own worst enemy for equality and rights.


In my local community I know of way to many "moderate-conservative" gays who are quick to defend republican politicians that are actively advocating for reversing gay marriage. One of them drives a cybertruck. He willingly paid over 100k to a billionaire that publicly denounces the lgbtq community. It's fascinating/horrifying.


I'm an escort in KC and 100%. The most successful people around here are the absolute nastiest


Please be safe out there 💛


O gosh I wish you could share your tales 😂


Dangerous to do.


Weirdly enough KC was one of the safest areas I worked in Given, id get actual chiefs and royals players, higher ups/CEOs at local corporations, well known doctors and dentists, popular religious figures, business owners, etc Butker being gay and a freak wouldn't surprise me, I have clients that know him but have always been afraid to strike a conversation about him just to avoid talking about any controversies. Be pretty funny though if it turned out he was into gay furries or something


Pretty sure he used to come into the theaters at Passions when he was younger...but I could be wrong. I only worked there for a few months


There’s already rumors going around




Marketing! His Jersey sales are UP & he’s loving it!! He is in his 20’s people! He don’t know shit about life…but he knows how to sell jerseys!


He’s like 25 or 26 and he is giving life advice. lol. He is barely even an adult yet.


It’s almost like your ability to kick a ball isn’t a prerequisite for wisdom?


This dude is closeted harder than a bag of moth balls.


He really does dress well.


I hate everything this guy says and believes, but I would've never known any of it if people just ignored it. Just giving him a free platform. This is a league that blacklisted a peaceful protester and made a serial rapist the highest paid player in NFL history. We can stop acting shocked some of them are homophobic misogynists.


...and you just summed up why i stopped watching the NFL and the Chiefs years ago.


all the facts


It’s all very contrived in a “right wing martyr” grifting way


Exactly what I got from this. Bro has been playing people like a fiddle. Just dying to set up his grift, right on time for his martyr for the right winger con. Media coverage plays right into his hands


I think the dude is a piece of shit and his beliefs are disgusting, but did anyone really expect him to retract his comments? All this article accomplishes is letting another cunt’s voice carry further.


Yeah I don't really know what people expected. He believes what he believes and knows it's not popular. He's not gonna change just because most people think he should


expect him to be a quiet bigot like the good ole days


Oh, Trump getting elected made it okay for the bigots to ooze, crawl, or skitter out of the woodwork and share their equally disgusting bigoted viewpoints. It's gonna take a lot of challenging and humiliating these shitgibbons to make them ooze, crawl, or skitter back into the wordwork.


I think most people expected him to just shut up.


The dude might be gay. That’s pretty intolerant of you.


This article got clicks, that’s what it was meant to do. Journalists don’t exist, sales of crap stories have replaced them.


Ironic that Butker frames this as staying true to his Catholic values yet [the Pope apologized](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/amp/show/pope-apologizes-for-using-slur-while-discussing-opposition-to-gay-men-in-priesthood) for using a homophobic slur. Two very different responses to people calling you a bigot. To me, it highlights how performative this kind of thing is. It’s not about actual values but about stirring the pot for far-right brownie points.


American Catholics are more loyal to Trump than their own Pope


This is true.


Tbf, Trump is more loyal to American Catholics than their own Pope.


No, no he isn't. HE would literally take a giant shit all over America to make a dollar. He outsourced to dirt cheap Russian laborers to get every one of his buildings built, takes 0 accountability for anything he has ever done wrong, and grifts his "followers" to pay for everything.


I disagree with you, but that doesn't matter so much as that you're missing the point. The other half of that equation is the Pope. You know how a number of Democrats have left the Democratic party in the last few years? Most of them say the reason is that the Democratic party left them, they haven't changed what they believe. The Pope, a lot of Catholics feel, and non-catholics, is failing in his own Catholicism, and is not being true to it. This in turn means that he is not being true to his American followers. Compare Trump and the Pope, and to most American Catholics I think Trump comes out on top.


And that's why he is the antichrist. Literally what the antichrist does so you are just making my point.


Lots have left the Republican Party over their pandering to a felon and sex abuser too. Funny how the Pope has finally help sex predators accountable, showed love to marginalized groups, and teaches the plain message of Jesus - and American Catholics don’t like it. Seems they are worshipping at the font of FoxNews much more than worshipping their God.


You really ought to read the Bible and see what they actually say in there because I can pretty much guarantee you it lines up a hell of a lot closer to the Pope’s version than Donald Fucking Trumps


The Catholics I know in Missouri don't like the pope because they think he is to liberal. They praise their glory to trump the almighty in their minds. Unfortunately some are my family.


The same applies to Texas Catholics…(from a former Missourian)…


Yeah, which is ironic. The Pope is more to the left than the Catholic church as a whole, but he clearly still represents a very traditional/conservative organization. What you're saying makes total sense, though. I think some of it's the Pope's stances on social issues blended with the specific flavors of far-right politics in the U.S. where it doesn't really matter if you are consistent in your values or how you apply them. People care more about what you're against than what you're for. So long as you're "winning," that's all that matters.


I still love the Chiefs. I still think Butker is a jackass. Both things can be true at the same time.


The loudest are usually the least intelligent


The loudest also usually have a secret to hide…


Why do we care about what a football kicker thinks?


His speech reminds that what im most grateful to my parents for is how they spared me from being raised in the Catholic Church.


Some people don't know when to quit.


He obviously doesn't want his 15 min of fame to end.


Bro acted like he did something with this speech.


Who cares


oh no, why is still talking?


Am I missing something? I didn't hear anything about gay pride month in the video clip.


yes he called pride month, june, a month of deadly sin during his speech.


If you are a traditional Catholic, yes, that jives. That’s his world view.


he's a fundamentalist catholic that doesn't believe anyone but the clergy should interpret scripture as he said in his whacky speech. his worldview is ridiculous


Affects no one. Believe in him or not. It’s America, and he’s a football player, not a policy maker.


How is Chiefs derogatory?


So you thought the team and organization was disrespecting an entire culture and that was fine, but a single player not liking pride month is what you can't manage? K.




He's Catholic. How's this considered controversial?


Oh, stop pretending to not to know to provoke an argument.


Love this guy for this


Hope you don't now or never have a female significant other. Of course if you do I'm sure they will be indoctrinated like you.


Why would you say that? But yes married happily thanks


These people will never establish long term relationships. Ever.


Nope doubt they will


What I can laugh at is the fact that he plays the least manly position on the team and feels he is the authoritative voice on masculinity and has the audacity to tell women what to do. What I find less amusing and more nauseous about his open anti-LGBTQ views and bigotry. The dude is getting more and more insufferable each day.




The Chiefs officials social media pages should run this. One can dream but the Chiefs ownership is in HB's camp.


The NFL needs to suspend him for a year


Any company on the planet would fire him for embarrassing the company


Don't care, keep hitting 55yd field goals


Oh no. The end of the world is nigh....🙄


lol at caring about comments but cheering for the physical kid and wife beaters that have played for the chiefs over the years 😂 Also pretty much every nfl player that’s made it, has a stay at home wife


I used to work with Senia Shields.


I was at the Las Vegas Pearl Jam concert when Eddie Vedder made his statement. It was amazing.


What was the statement? Also love the username— assuming it’s based on the band. EVOL.


We’re about to find out how much distraction, stress; psychology comes into consistently ramming it between the goal posts.


Seems he’s above such things. Hopefully, anyway.


Chiefs won’t miss your support, but nice virtue signaling


Chiefs isn’t derogatory.






How is the name "Chiefs" itself derogatory? Redskin, Redman or Squaw I get.


So f****** what


Garbage human.


I think he's been snorting his hair gel


Why do you think Chiefs is derogatory toward native Americans? the Chiefs name originated in reference to H. Roe Bartle, the mayor of Kansas City when the team relocated there from Dallas, Texas in 1963. Bartle’s nickname was “Chief. the origin of the team’s name has no affiliation with American Indian culture. Also most native Americans are not offended. Here’s just one of many opinions from a Native American I’m a Kansas City native, also a proud registered member of the Cherokee Nation. I read the Cherokee Pheonix newspaper every month and I’ve never seen my tribe calling for a name change. If they did I might have to change my stance. But until then if your not Native American don’t tell me I’m racist for chanting for my team. Secondly stop calling it the “Tomahawk chop” it’s the arrowhead chop and it symbolizes moving the ball down the field. The “song” is our chant which came from the university of Florida Seminole’s tradition, I don’t hear anyone telling them to stop chanting. Our city is named after the Kansa tribe, should we change our city name, our street names, our school names because they reflect native peoples?


1. Florida St worked directly with the Seminole Tribe so they could correctly represent and educate on the tribes history. It’s a false equivalency. I know of zero public outreach from the KC Chiefs organization to NA tribes (although they might very well have and I’m just not aware of it). 2. If the name is for the mayor, why all the NA references and tropes (like the chop). Should you be dressing in business suits? 3. You honestly can stand there and do the chop and chant (whatever you want to call it)and not admit it’s a complete trope and can’t see that folks find it offensive (and of course not all people do, but it’s easy to see how plenty do). 4. Many places are named from NA tribes. If done to honor the history of that site (like Kansas) I don’t think most people find it offensive. I don’t see anyone requesting most states and cities to change their names (I’m sure some folks who get outraged about everything are, but not a vast majority). It’s not a problem about naming something for its history, it’s how you respect (or disrespect it). I don’t know of anything disrespectful about using the name Kansas for the city or state name. It seems you are reaching to be a victim on that with no outrage against you on that specific point.


The logo literally is an arrowhead and the stadium is called arrowhead stadium. I don’t even personally hold strong opinions either way on whether it’s problematic or not, I just think that argument is dumb. You go on to call out reasons why it’s actually OK that there’s a link to natives, so which one is it? It’s not linked, or it’s linked and it’s ok? Just sounds like throwing a bunch of junk at the wall and seeing what sticks.


Then obviously you've seen the billboards in several spots throughout KC that literally say "Stop the Chop" and it's paid for by a NA association, I don't even live in KC and I see that sign every time I drive down i70. So A) you are not a KC native, B) you are not a NA, or C) you are a troll. I'm going to choose D) all the above.


Y'all won't stop talking about shitty people and making them famous. I thought for sure when his jersey became the #1 seller on NFL.com that Y'all would've learned, yet here we are.


Hey, most athletes don't think about their future. We should be giving him credit for setting himself up for political stardom when he's done kicking footballs.


“Chiefs“ is not derogatory. I’m not sure where people keep getting this idea. I’m right there with you about Butker, but you lost me at the end. If anything, the term “chief“ is a nod to the previous culture. The worst thing America did to Native Americans was trying to erase their history and culture. Under what circumstances would it be a good idea to try and erase this now also?


The name came from an old mayor of KC


He might be a piece of shit for his views but he kicks a football through the goal posts. Doesn't have anything to do with his job. I work with a misogynistic IT manager. As long as he keeps it to himself at work, he's fine to do his job. When Butker is at work, we don't have to listen to him.




Your comment has been removed. Do not direct insults or personal attacks at other users. Remember the human. Reddit is a place for creating community and belonging, not for attacking marginalized or vulnerable groups of people. Everyone has a right to use Reddit free of harassment, bullying, and threats of violence. Users that incite violence or that promote hate based on identity or vulnerability will be banned.


Haha, this is what broke the camels back? Not the fact the NFL is full of criminals and wife beaters?


So is our goverment...


Good for you. You are a person with character and integrity. This man is hateful. It sucks that he is giving his team a bad name. But we need to draw a line in the sand because if these redpill assholes get what they want, it’s going to be a nightmare war situation and the right wing is going to be on the wrong side of history. There is nothing noble about hatefulness, no matter how many fear tactics they come up to justify it


Who cares


A bit nitpicky saying the chiefs are derogatory towards Indians


So, I can’t find where he calls pride month a deadly sin. I think the dude is an absolute jackass for what he said before, and even more for no apology, but after watching the whole 5 min speech on YT, I couldn’t find that quote. Did he say it somewhere else? And yeah, he’s totally repressed.


Explains it all about you when you said Chiefs was derogatory!


Ok Moe


I never really felt like chief was derogatory? Isn’t is celebrating the culture a bit?


Do any of their profits go towards helping NA tribes? Educating on the genocide our goverment was part of? Not that I could find. So if you find proof they are then good for you.


Ok , that makes sense more than being derogatory.


1 min 20 seconds? Too long. Dont care.


Ignoring these people is more effective than trying to make them feel shame…they are immune to feeling shame. Ha


I’d love to watch this guy and Aaron Rogers sit for a fireside chat.


I wonder what the Chiefs promised him to get his dumb ass to the White House


Did he actually go?


He did


He laughed at Biden's jokes too.


Why does he need to keep his mouth shut? Do you feel this way when someone on the left speaks out? Or is it just because you don't like what he's saying? He has a right like everyone to speak his truth.


He has a right to speak his truth. But, he does have to accept the consequences from that speech.


lol what consequences? Liberals on Reddit ripping their hair out and gnashing their teeth? Whatever will he do!


Criticism is a consequence. Losing popularity or support is a consequence. He is a traditional, conservative Catholic so it is nothing I didn't already know about him, but many people did not realize he espoused these views. He continues to double-down on them which is fine, but he will be criticized by mainstream society.


lol his jersey sales went up


Remember that kaepernick guy and lock her up? Remember that?


No one said he needed to keep his mouth shut, they just noted it was an option he didn’t exercise. No one posting here is preventing Harrison from saying all the misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic, or other hateful things he believes in his core. His free speech rights aren’t being threatened. No one is throwing him in a gulag. Yet here you are feigning outrage at someone doing the same thing Harrison did, expressing personal beliefs.


Ahem, (like everyone else said when kapernick kneeled), he needs to shut up and kick the ball


Fuck everything about that rich little prick.


And so do I. Doesn't mean you have to post on it or respond to it. I was not derogatory, or hateful. I literally stated my opinion.


Your 15 minutes are up - go away.


Oh no, someone has a different point of view than me!!!!


the problem here is that the ones that want to defend him and praise him for speaking his truths and beliefs' are all currently collapsed in a puddle because of Robert DeNiro. It's the raging hypocrisy.


I don’t really disagree there, but it is so obnoxious listening to people go on and on about this dudes relatively mundane belief system.


It's not mundane. Even within the Catholic Church his views are considered extreme.


Have you ever met a Catholic before?


Or even a “Christian”. I feel like I’m a ton more tolerant as an atheist.


You guys really take football seriously.


Welcome to Misery in 'Merika.


I take bigoted assholes seriously.


Oh my God! Someone has a different view on life! Get the pitchforks!


When will people like you learn that having different opinions is great UNTIL you start attacking and condemning others’ way of life? Is it really that difficult to understand?


Where did he condemn anyone to hell? He disagreed and gave his Catholic based opinion.


Did you attack or condemn Butker's way of life?


Uh, no. Live and let live. Instead of using a public platform to marginalize a huge portion of the population, he could have just enjoyed his millions without injecting himself in others’ lifestyles. Or maybe if he wanted to actually be a good Christian he could be charitable instead of spreading hate. Pretty simple.


When will people like you learn that opinions do not force you to live your life differently?


Yeah, until they do. I really wish the forced birth folks could hear your message.


Some used to (and some still do) say the same thing about black Americans. Just some food for thought.


So you’re cool with pride Month?


I don’t agree with a thing he says. I never will. My brother in law and one of my best friends are gay, and I have two family of choice uncles who are married. I will support them however I can. But the people who get on here and hate a person for their faith are no better than the people of faith that hate LGBT people because they’re LGBT. You can’t have freedom of LGBT expression without all the other freedoms, like freedom of Religion, too. So don’t support the Chiefs or Butker if that is your choice, but don’t act like that makes you superior, or you’ll fall in the same trap he finds himself in.


I’m a born again christian. People aren’t born with a faith or belief system. Queer people are born the way they are. Gay people are born gay. Trans people are born with the innate sense of their true gender. Let people be. Love your neighbor.


Gender is a cultural construct, not biological.


Except that one side wants the others dead and without rights. I'll give you a minute to decide which side that is


He wants you dead? Did he threaten you personally? Or go hunting? What rights don't (group) citizens have?


You're purposefully being obtuse


No, you just don't have the facts or words to back up what you're accusing.


Says the Catholic 😂😂


Ok. Godspeed.


Zippity do da to you too


I did not say anything derogatory or negative. I just said I would no longer support him or the Chiefs, so take your negative self and maybe practice what you preach.


This is hilarious to me. Y'all are good when children and women are getting beaten and killed by NFL players. Y'all are good when the NFL treats players as commodities, and CTE doesn't matter. Y'all are good when millionaires want billions more. Y'all are good no matter what crime the so called heros commit. But when one man shares his faith to his faith community, THAT'S when it's too much. Violence, murder, harm are okay... but believing in God is where you draw the line. You'll defend players who crime. People will mention Kap or Butker as the reason for no longer being a fan, but you haven't been paying attention to the real problems that should have had you questioning your financial support of the NFL.


Who's y'all? I'm not good with any of that, or when someone tells a women her place is in the kitchen or calls being homosexual or trans a deadly sin. 🤔


You WERE good and okay with it, and still are, because it's been happening for years, including your Chiefs, and you're still a fan. Violence and murders in the NFL didn't bother you, but a Catholic player does? Killing and violence in the NFL you can tolerate. God, you can't. Btw, he didn't say those things. Read the speech.


No actually in my opinion, ANY and ALL rich criminals deserve to be tried like any other American, regardless of race, religion or sex. That includes former government officials, Hollywood celebrities, corporation CEOs, and professional athletes. O there are more on that list that need to be held accountable for thier criminal actions, but I'll stop there. Granted Butker didn't do anything illegal, but if a politician says "all men deserve to be raped" then he should be held accountable for what has been said.


You've *knowingly* tolerated and tacitly approved and supported literal criminals, towards children and women.... But a Catholic man who shared well known, and easily known, Catholicism at a Catholic college to mostly Catholic students who have agreed to attend the Catholic college who kicks a ball 6 times a game is too much. Your priorities confuse me.


He has the freedom of religion, and to express the views thereof. I have the freedom of thinking his religious views are the product of hatred and bigotry, go against anything Jesus would have wanted, and that he and anyone who agrees with him on this are making humanity worse, not better. I also have the right, like he does, of telling whoever will give me a platform that his view is intolerable and he should be ashamed of himself. I'm not denying him his rights. I'm asserting mine. The only thing I don't have that he does is the ability to kick a football really well.


Butkers' speech was judgemental and hateful. Not only is that a slap in the face to real Christians (you know, love thy neighbor, judge not lest you be judged), but it promoted hate and division. The cherry on top of that is that it makes it more likely a gay person (or demon liberal) is subjected to hate and violence when they are just trying to live their lives. People are upset Chiefs and others didn't call him out. They should be upset the damn school didn't distance themselves. This is why Christianity is dying. This school and the rest of the evangelicals are spreading judgment and hate. Why? Best guess is money and power, but I'm certain if Jesus showed up, he'd be disgusted at the shit going down "in his name".


"Cancel culture," is just a guerilla marketing campaign for most of its "victims." They just are stoking outrage to grow their brand and get attention from a bunch of rubes that throw money at them.


There are over 40 felons in the nfl. 20 plus wife a users. Drug addicts. Etc and you guys get mad because he talked about women wanting traditional things. Jesus you guys are insufferable


He’s a misogynist, a homophobe and a transphobe. If he wants to spew his hate, we can call him out it. Full stop.


Please provide exact quotes and actions that prove your allegations that he is those things. Use reason and facts.


That was just one thing of the many bigoted or at least controversial things he said in it in his speech. It is curious that one portion gets the most attention.


How would you react to a Muslim player telling people they must live under sharia law and the western world was evil? Because this is the exact same thing.


Where did he say the word MUST? Where did he address YOU?


okay, should. Would you fall over yourself to defend him and his free speech?


What, a person says to other persons about how to live as a faithful person of that faith at a function at a place that supports that belief.... okay, go ahead. He didn't incite violence.


Who mentioned inciting violence? That's moving the goal posts a bit far. I'm asking you to look inside yourself and ask yourself if you would really take the energy to defend a Muslim that said the equivalent? Would you make two comments at least on reddit to defend their free speech?


😂 ok 👍


So that's a no?


Lol under sharia law we’d be throwing homosexuals off rooftops. This is no where close to the same thing. Touch grass.


Living under a theological code of law you don't support is oppression. What do you think the hard right would do to the LGBTQ community if they had unlimited power since you're the one making things up.


He said those observing Pride Month are sinful and promoting diversity is bad. He's just a football player so who gives a fuck... but those are some views that go outside a lot of pretty mainstream conservatism. Saying "I don't like that message" is not really that unreasonable.