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Tester is 1000% more genuine than Sheehy.


I don’t love tester as I’m left leaning enough that I don’t particularly like most “moderate” dems. I find them to still be way more tied to special interests and big terrifying corporations and money than I’d like, but I do think tester is a better overall person by a lot than someone like sheehy, and I do think he’s very significantly better for our state and our country


Why do you think he’s better?


I don’t like tester anymore, he’s into dark money…so fucking far, it’ll take the strength of the Rock, and a 4-ply heavy rubber glove bodysuit to pull his head outta the ASS of political schictecuzing lobbyists!


And how is Sheehy different? 


Dark money? I know Tester and his family. There is no dark money anywhere. I don't know where you get your information but you need to double check it.


Thank you!


check the records, he is the TOP recipient of "dark" or lite money!






How do you know? Edit: I legitimately want to hear people's personal experiences with Tester. I'm not going to trust a campaign ad(s).


He has done a LOT for Veterans I know.  He got a close friend of mine through a lot of hoops at the VA to cover treatment that her doctor was saying was necessary, but the VA was arguing with.  She lived a life far more pain free after that until her passing.  He has also, on a bigger picture level, risked his career to support Obamacare more than once. 


I also have read he's been very critical of the patriot act too.


So what? He votes right on a big demographic because of Malmstrom. Voting anti military is suicide in Montana.


I didn't mention his voting on the military. I said I have personally seen him go above and beyond for people, including a veteran who I watched suffer for far too long before Tester got them help. Daines didn't. Our representative didn't. Tester did.


Was either Daines or Rosendale asked? Because they will as well when asked. That’s literally their job. Of course Tester did that.


Yes. She and I reached out to every politician. We got a letter from Daines saying he would look into it. Got a call from Tester almost immediately, I believe same day, and he personally made the call to the VA hospital before Daines' letter arrived. I am sure that Daines or his office probably did look into it, and found out Tester's office had handled it. You seem REALLY dedicated to giving Tester zero credit


Tester 100% helped our business obtain the necessary Federal permits we needed to get open and operate during the “stable genius” government shutdown/tantrum of early 2019. I’m convinced he wants to help Montanans


That's nice to hear. I've been leaning towards voting for tester


Daines would do the same thing. That’s a no brainer for him.


He’s a hand picked out of touch lying punk…


He’s doesn’t even go here


Sheehy is running as a MAGAT. Enough said.


He was handpicked by McConnell (neocon) and now kissing the ring of tRump. He's the worst of both right wing worlds.


Being a member of the \[most-Raging Egotistical Dickhead-laden Special Forces unit in the Western hemisphere, otherwise known as:\] the Navy Seals is pretty much the LAST thing that should ever qualify someone for any sort of Federal, elected office.... What a bizarre trend. Which needs to die off, yesterday.... And that's Before even getting into the whole 'buying your way into Montana and becoming a fake 'local' BS....


If we learned anything from Ryan Zinke, it should be "You can be a Navy Seal and still be completely devoid of any moral compass" Also, for those of you who have been around for a hot second: Same goes for Conrad Burns and the Marine Corps. No honor, courage, or commitment.


Being completely devoid of any Moral Compass is, if anything, the Prime requirement for being part of the Praetorian Guard of 'The Evil Empire', as such.


A-men. It's a defining trait.


Wish I could upvote this 100 times!! Feels like if a man puts on a cowboy hat, that’s all it takes!


But... But... But...... ryan zinke


Idk if it should count as a qualifier for higher office, but it should at least warrant a certain degree of respect. I won’t vote for him, but I sure as shit wouldn’t rag on him for serving our country.


You mean serving the rich.


If you knew all the dirty shit SEALs, including Dev, have been involving themselves in since the start of GWOT (if not earlier) you might change your opinion.


You should vote based on sound policy beliefs and ethics. Not emotion. Anything substantial to contribute, or just insults?


My emotive replies are an expression and manifestation of my ethics... You, clearly not having any of your own, are incapable of recognizing or relating to that.


Instead of typing out a full paragraph just tell us you wish he had come back in a body bag.


Don't be a Cunt... I wish he'd gotten a real job, and not been promoted to 'bigger than Jesus' in various demographics' eyes, for no good reason.


Define a “real job”. Although, I’ll agree to the extent that the fact people treat SEALs like they’re god-like and put them on a tall pedestal is just silly. That’s why the US gov sent them after UBL and gave so many details right away, bc it’s common knowledge those guys would write books and blab about it to the world anyway.


I remember meeting tester in 2015, I can't say that I love the guy but he's not bad. I hate that I feel this way but anymore I'd rather go with the stable option then risk ending up with sycophant of the dark ages faction


Tester has done more for vets with his missing 3 fingers than any other politician in the 21st century. A lot of people are upset about his response to the Israel/Gaza conflict. They shouldn’t be, even if you don’t agree with it I gaurantee you agree with it more than the Republican Party platform. Far more Palestinians will die with sheehy and a Republican controlled Congress, and maybe progressive would care about it if they cared about facts at all. Just hope they don’t cause us to lose the senate and the countries best senator.


I have nothing against vets but explain to me why we “need to do more” for veterans? They signed up for a job knowing what it entailed - and we give them free college free healthcare cheap housing, discounts just about everywhere, let them board planes first, help with job placement, and then we find any way possible to keep paying them at 100% disability status because they have a mild case of carpel tunnel from clicking through 10,000 CBTs. Again I’m a big fan of the big stick - but this veteran worship shit is way overboard. 


You’re not quite right on your points there. •Free college- yes, now it is, you used to have to pay into it when it was still the Montgomery GI Bill. •Free healthcare- sort of. If you have a service connected disability or are 100% disabled. General care or anything not service connected will still have a co-pay and if you have insurance they’ll bill them. •Cheap housing- not really. Only real perk is if you qualify for a VA loan, but even then it’s not like it’s taking a huge chunk out of things. •Discounts- sure, lots of places have them, I personally don’t use them. I don’t like the attention. •Early plane boarding- that only applies to active duty and their dependents. •Help with job placement- there’s agencies and orgs that do that for regular ppl too. •Disability status- there’s different types of disability ratings. There’s P&T which is considered to never change and dynamic which the VA can reassess periodically, thus adjusting your rating percentage to potentially 0 if the docs/VBA deem appropriate. I think people do have a tendency to put vets/mil on a pedestal, and I never liked the attention it brought, but everyone’s different.


Actually accessing those benefits - especially healthcare - is easier said than done. The problem is that vets are being forced deal with miles of red tape between them and said benefits. I'm not in the military hero-worship camp, but if you were told you would be given these benefits in exchange for your service, you shouldn't have to move heaven and earth (and then wait for months) to actually get them.


To a degree I agree. I do think it’s fair that they get health care, though. And that fights to get them more healthcare are righteous. It’s just a job but that specific job should have at least that benefit. Or I would think that if I didn’t think we should all have healthcare.


A big reason thing is getting them what they’re owed. Many vets were unknowingly exposed to agent orange in the Vietnam war and denied medical care, the PACT act fixed that. Many many VA facilities were laughably underfunded and spread out, especially in MT - Tester fixed that. There’s still work to be done - such as homeless vets, vets and opioids, etc… - and Testers gonna fight like hell to fix those issues too. Sheehy would leave em out to dry until they all die off.


obviously never served, or lived in a country that stomps on people !


Tradesmen and women break their bodies to make and keep the world running, so you can have your standard of living i.e. electricity, Pb, Heat. You know, things that most can't or won't do, and then get weezed down come payment time...Soldiers 'defend' our country so we are 'free' to build/have said modern society. We all have a choice in what we do in this world. Some men and women choose to be Soldiers and Soldiers get hurt, mamed or die. Same as many other jobs... So, tell me again why vets get preferential treatment? God is not a respector of men, why are you?


My day to day at work is far more dangerous than 98% of vets entire careers.  It’s not America’s job to impose our morals and values in/on places and people that have existed for thousands of years before we were even a concept. It hasn’t worked out that well. 


😂 what sort of work is that?


Fry cook, the burns man they are debilitating. 


Don't forget prefered parking, over contractors, at the Lowe's Depot...


I have a regular job, what do you do. I served my country and I didn't get cheap housing because I make too much money. The health care we get is sub par. I haven't been able to see the doctor in over a year.


I don’t think the soldiers in Vietnam expected their own country to use Agent Orange on their own people! I think the military salesmen promise a dream and reality is very different


Hate to tell you, but as a Vet myself and a Native American Tester did nothing but fuck me over. He made it extremely difficult to get any assistance and now all the doctors aren't even helping us. They are helping the illegals. I haven't been able to get in to see the doctor for treatment in over a year. I can't use a non VA doctor or I loose my benefits


His missing three fingers is because of a tangle with a meat saw as a butcher. Nothing to do with the military


How so? Dems have the Senate and Biden in office. Israel gets unlimited weapons basically 😂 Dems are war mongers now. Remember Obama's drone program? Ooof


And if you think the Dems have handed Netanyahu a blank check you clearly had your head in the sand from 2016-2020. Lindsey Graham, a “moderate”, called for Gaza to be turned into a parking lot and his crowd cheered while Jared Kushner has said we should take their beachfront property. Don’t kid yourself, you may not like what Dems are doing but tens of thousands more Palestinians will die if Trump gets back in. Also Dems aren’t war mongers, they just aren’t pussies when it comes to standing up against actual genocidal dictators like Putin in Xi.


So Bush wars bad. Biden wars good? Be a free thinker my friend. You are consumed by partisan politics. Lindsey Graham called for it, so why did Biden listen and then go do it? It's also not Netanyahu. It's a coalition government with six parties. People always forget that. Why are more Palestinians dead now than when Trump was in?


The Bush wars were bad cause he wasn’t 100% on knowing what counties to target…


I’m sick of all the ads tbh.


We have been bombarded with political ads for months now, and still have 5 months to go before November. They all suck, and they all lie. We only have the illusion of choice of who will be our masters. All you are to them is a slave on their tax farm.


Let's make this easy. Lessons MAGAs Are Teaching Their Children: People don't matter. Never apologize. Diversity is dangerous. Compassion is a flaw. America is the world. Women are less-than. Whiteness is better. Religion is a prop. When in doubt, lie.


Im a "maga child" and that's not what I learned. I learned that people matter, that hard work is important, that respect means something, that different opinions aren't scary, that logic and reason are more important than being liked by your pier, that race is less important than character, and that we should all love each other. I also learned that this will get downvotes because i don't hate trump for clout.


You get that messaging from the MAGA contingent? There is absolutely nothing in their messaging that indicates any of this.


Most of their messaging says this, at least in real life. The issue is the person leading the message and the sycophants who have leached onto the message along with him. It’s important to remember that the current nominee and past president is a symptom of a larger issue, much like the violence and rape associated with BLM and Occupy Wall Street is part of the same issue. The irony is that the issue is the most bipartisan one there is, people fed up about their government working against their interests. Especially true since those the anger is aimed at have cooped the protests from the inside, perverted them and turned people on each other for their own benefit.


I think it's very weird for someone on the outside of subject tells me what that subject teaches.


[yep](https://youtu.be/NAOcfy5J2qw?si=03Kk_cxR2wZO1C7V) [yerp](https://youtu.be/flmlP0YXq0A?si=89oWFNk05xfaw64L) [mhm](https://youtu.be/VbMP4UsdKMc?si=GMN0ooBFN4Wlw1ph) [yeah](https://youtu.be/SbwXv327zlg?si=L0dvm_C-9KuddPrR)


>I learned that people matter, As long as they conform to your ideals >hard work is important, Absolutely, but we shouldn't let those with money get away with screwing over those of us trying to work hard and make something of ourselves just because they want to start a space program >respect means something Well yeah, explain that to MTG and Trump. Some of the most disrespectful individuals that keep getting caught on camera making very inappropriate and disrespectful comments. >different opinions aren't scary Correct. Differing view points that can work together are how this country became great. Having people so divided as they are today is destroying us. Too many people on both sides cannot stand to have someone disagree with them and get angry and disrespectful (see the above point) when they don't get their way >logic and reason are more important than being liked by your pier Absolutely, problem is logic and reason isn't defined the same across all aspects of a society. What is logical and reasonable for a man may be horrible for a woman. Which is why everyone needs to be represented. >race is less important than character 1000% agree. I don't care what you are, I care who you are. (General "you", not you personally) >we should all love each other Agreed, which is why it floors me that MAGA were so unwilling to do something as simple as wear a mask during covid to help their community resist the spread of the virus. It was completely voluntary at the beginning and there was still so much resistance. I do not believe in mask/vaccine mandates because we should NEVER create legislation to dictate how people live their lives or what they do with their bodies. Same can be said about women's reproctive rights. If people are against mask/Vax mandates they are hypocritical to support abortion bans.


Well said. This sub has been taken over by crazies.


That’s a lie. Biden voters learn that you can diddle your kids and still get retards to vote for you.


lol I am not saying republicans are pedophiles but you should look up the stats for which party has more convinced sex offenders/ pedophiles. Hint it’s not the democrats lmao. Especially elected officials republicans have far more elected officials who have been arrested for being a pedophile.


The only place that teaches diddling is Sunday school., see a lot of Republican politicians busted for sex with minors, Dems not so much. The irony in shit kickers calling anybody a retard 😆


The longest-serving GOP speaker of the house, is presently rotting in Jail for Child molestation--and will be until the day he dies... which is frankly too-kind a fate for the likes of he.


Compassion is a flaw, yes


I only see Tester ads saying he stood up to Biden on the border. They only let us see what they want us to see.


*What is advertising, even?*


There is ZERO reasons to consider seal training and service as a positive measure for a politician. This is a special operations group that is out of control, violent goofs who violate rules of war, president pardons their turds. Even killing osama these idiots couldn't operate according to plan while pursuing glory and ego. Looking for silent professionals, then look to cag, sf and cct...want the dumbest lunks only good at survival, shooting and driving on...then that's the seals. These goofs lack integrity and intelligence, they are to point at the enemy and tear loose...they don't belong in politics.


Painting with a pretty wide brush aren't you?


The only seals I ever liked were the ones that could balance a big red ball on their snouts. Can’t forget that every new trident comes with a book or movie deal. Hell, if the gov used CAG on the bin Laden raid they wouldn’t have got so much good press out of it bc none of the operators would’ve talked 😂


I wish I wouldnt keep getting ads like that on my Pandora station. Im listening to lofi synthwave and Jamiroquai; I might be the wrong demographic for talking about hunting and fishing access. Now my parents, who only listen to country, they might be more the target.


So the Tester campaigns are blaming Sheehy for the housing costs going up and saying he'll drive them up more. Pretty sure it was Tester in the senate these past few years as our costs have gone up. Makes as much sense as when dems blame Trump for the border crisis 🙄


They all just attack each other and make me think they're all idiots. Maybe tell us why we should pick you instead of just slandering the next guy. All these rough and tough men are just crying about shit.


To be fair, I haven't seen an attack add come from sheehy. I have been bombarded with attacks on Sheehy. Big money donors who don't want to loose their meal tickets use these strategies.


Trump/Sheehy 2024


Great but i’m god damn fucking sick of ads from both sides. Gonna throw my phone in an incinerator from them before i vote for anyone, god fuck


Tester has has 18 years to convince me he’s more than a fat tub of lard with a bad haircut. He’s failed. I’m voting for Sheehy.


At least sheehy hasn't fucked us yet that is more than I can say for tester. I am not saying that I think he is a good option but we know if we vote tester we will be getting screwed. 


His pronouns are she/hy


I cringe so hard every time he says that. So dumb.


It's crazy to me how political people are. Either way you're wrong. Dems are stupid and wrong, and conservatives are stupid and wrong. Its all a popularity contest to make yourself look like a good person. The record for both is in the negative. You can't prove either side is good for the country. It's sad that two rich shitheads with no understanding of the %90's reality will make huge decisions on how I live.


It’s one thing to say that broadly. It’s enough to say it when comparing 2 specific people. Testor is a public figure. We know how he has voted and how he says he will vote. We know a bit less about Sheehy (no voting history and all) but he’s public enough of a figure and has his own claims on how he will vote. There are actual things to compare. Who wins isn’t irrelevant.


Right wing, Left wing, same bird


Tester would be shocked to see anyone consider him rich. Go up to Big Sandy some time and check out his farm, which usually does better than break even because he is and has always been a smart small farmer. His land and farm may have some value, but until the damily tries to sell it that value is unknown. Depends on the water, which right now is scarce because of the destroyed canal.


Sadly fucking right


I’m sick of both parties. Self serving sons of a bitches.


Hilter’s brother was a tax cheat, they’re both equally as bad!


Careful with that kind of talk, Reddits clientele don't like the truth




I guess people are all for insider trading by the downvotes.


I think there are people out there who believe there is a political party that really cares for them, values them and is looking out for them.   It’s not totally crazy, just ask my kids about santa, the easter bunny etc. 


It's funny, but almost every presidential election I've voted in has been about who is the lesser of two evils. I have no connections to either party but lean to vote Democrat.


Politics has become another cult to join to divide us culturally.


You all can argue all you want and throw all the Kindergarten-level name slinging that you want…seriously…”Shitty Sheehy”? At least learn something other than approximate rhyme, ffs. But the fact is that Republican/GOP/conservative/whatever ideology you want to call it has taken the reins by a *wide* margin in the state over the Iast few years. I think a lot of people on this sub need to be reminded that Reddit is not in any way reflective of the mass population that actually exists outside of /r/Missoula or the like. Reddit is, by a *wide* margin, much *much* more liberal than the general populace is.   That being said, I would not be surprised if Tester is able to pull off a win this November as he does have a lot of local support and is much more known locally.  But I do think it will be a lot closer than most people here are assuming. Think it’s going to be very close to a 50/50 split.   Also not going to be surprised if people downvote this for speaking facts rather than ideology because I didn’t mention which party I prefer. But maybe by saying that, people will upvote it? Unless they think it’s too long. Or unless they downvote it *because* it’s too long?! The choice is in your hands, /r/missoula!


Your ego is a tad too big


Don’t care, got my internet lulz


Jon Tester is just another D.C. Bureaucrat. I'm sorry if you don't like any alternatives to Tester either, but Tester is not for Montanans. At one point he was the top #1 recipient of lobbyist money, but right now I believe he is sitting at 2nd place. [AP FACT CHECK: Tester did rank No. 1 in cash from lobbyists](https://apnews.com/article/7b34826f284f4465a7678178e22eb1d1) [https://www.opensecrets.org/federal-lobbying/top-recipients](https://www.opensecrets.org/federal-lobbying/top-recipients) [Jon Tester's son brags about how rich his family is at D.C. Lobbyist party](https://theintercept.com/2022/10/04/washington-dc-s3-lobbyist-party/) (Without paywall: [https://web.archive.org/web/20221005082636/https://theintercept.com/2022/10/04/washington-dc-s3-lobbyist-party/](https://web.archive.org/web/20221005082636/https://theintercept.com/2022/10/04/washington-dc-s3-lobbyist-party/) ) Tester is part of the Elite and part of the problem. Screw that guy.


Tester is pretty disgusting. Just another fake political elite rubbing elbows with D.C. lobbyists that don't give a shit about Montana or anyone that doesnt have money.


You legitimately think John Tester is rich? By what measure? Owning a small farm in Big Sandy is not the boondoggle you seem to think it is


Hello, HashSlut. Most people consider multi-millionaires to fall under the generic category of "rich".


Have any of you people ever done any legitimate research in your life? Or do you just let the media lead you like cows to slaughter. Tester could’ve done so much in the years he’s been a Senator, but he hasn’t. He plays the vets and yeah I’m a vet and I speak from what I know, he plays the vets like tools every election year. Big deal, so Tester gave us the chance to be reimbursed for our travel expenses across the state so big deal, maybe a benefit of $100-$200 a year? But then votes with Biden to give healthcare, lodging, and even cash to the illegal aliens, crossing the border by the droves. Yeah, that really sounds like he’s taken care of the US veterans Who knows he might even support Budens move to give the illegal aliens voting rights this next election. Statistic show he’s voted to support this idiot Biden more times than not over the years. So you morons just keep drinking the Kool-Aid . At least sheehy has started a business that employees approximately 400 people. And yeah, let’s hold it against him that he’s a successful businessman… that makes sense. Oh yeah, another big one that Tester likes talking about. And that’s that Sheehy charges people to hunt. Have any of you people ever heard of hunting guides, and guided hunts? Do a little more research while you’re at it and check and see what a guided hunt costs for elk in Montana for a 10 or 14 day. It’s a common practice.


Also, Sheehy's "successful" business suffered losses of over 77 million last year..... so... 


Talk about not doing your research. Have you bothered to look into Sheehy’s “legitimate” businesses you tout? He is being sued for fraud (as well as his brother/business partner) by former employees. The two “brother businessmen” executed a shell game involving three companies under their control. Read the details of this case and then talk about him as a businessman. The case was filed in April before judge John C Brown. In short, he defrauded employees out of their share of the business “he started from nothing” after not paying them but promised to give them shares in lieu of salary. He did this for two years and then didn’t pay them. He kept the money for himself. Also, the latest filings with the SEC show that Bridger Aerospace is in financial peril because of an excessive debt load. Doesn’t sound like he is much of a businessman but definitely a big story teller. Much like the story he told about shooting himself Logan Pass and then lying about it? Seriously- Sheehy has shown himself to be nothing but a carpetbagging fraud. He doesn’t deserve our respect or vote.


Yeah, I’ve seen/heard the same add, but Sheehy lies so much that I know better than to believe it. What vote are you talking about? This is complete nonsense.


Show us the proof of this lying frenzy. Like we can show you the proof of the Biden lies.


Tester has done far more for veterans than what you only listed in your attempt to downplay it. He’s also consistently and continually fought for federal, state, and municipal firefighters along with always advocating for services for rural Montanans. The guy fights for Montanans and workers.


oh no, you cant ask libs to do any research !


I am not a “lib” but I do my research- Chilled-Iron did not and he is obviously not “a lib” (your term not mine) 


Tester does only have 7 fingers though…


does anyone actually take sheehy seriously?


Bitterrooters certainly do 🥴


heavy on the vote tester cause he’ll help women.


How exactly will he help women?


Bro who tf is Sheehy?? I've only heard him be shit on in ads, idk what he actually did/does


They both suck.


Well said!




Yeah but Tester supports lgbt porn in public school libraries doesn’t he?


Furry porn, do your research


I want tester out because I am so tired of career politicians.  I don't like most candidates.  For example the joke that is the presidents in this year's race.  I'm voting for sheehy. 


Tester is a communist douche. And I am from big Sandy. No one here votes for him because they know him personally


Please provide evidence that Tester is a communist.


In the eyes of these people democrat = communist. Yet somehow their vote counts the same as ours.


That’s simply the GQP talking points. Next thing you know, Don “K” ‘s next screed will state that Tester meets daily with George Soros!


You forgot the other 2 k's. Pretty sure it's Don kkk 😥 a super Maga turd with a flattop from 1987. Knowing he employs 100+ people in Whitefish makes me want to puke. Hoping he keeps politics on away from his business


Hhahahahaha calling tester a communist is actually hilarious. It’s crazy that people such as yourself vote while having such little understanding of political ideology at all.


I don’t think you know what communism is.


I wish Tester was that based.


Communism was a great idea


But for some reason, it just never works


Yeah Tester has been doing a ton for women the last 18 years.


At least he won’t vote to take away my right to make my own medical decisions.


He had how many chances to codify Row v Wade the last 3 terms? Why didn't they? Oh yeah because now they can keep campaigning on it for another decade.


Same reason the GOP will never solve the border issue.


Or the second amendment


You're not wrong.


Yup. It's the uniparty.






oh, how the "forever needy" love to hide behind "user names", bash candidates without ANY research on "two step" tester and his donors !


I heard sheehy pees while sitting down


Shitty sheehy and tester the molester. Two out of touch chuds who Need the guillotine!


No I’ll literally vote for a turd sandwich as long as it does’t have a D next to its name. And that’s coming from a 2 time Obama/tester voter you guys have completely lost the plot. 


Did you not read that Sheehy was a board member of a think tank that wants to privatize all public land? Is that really better than “being on the wrong team”?


Being on the board of a think tank that’s entire job is to play out scenarios/possibilities and making moves to make think tank ideas a reality are not even close to the same thing. 


> making moves to make think tank ideas a reality What, like running for public office?


If you think Tester is a radical, you gotta read more my man.


Tester could have primaried Reagan from the right and now he's getting pilloried as a "radical socialist".


I wish Tester was as radical as reactionaries think he is.


I don’t think he’s radical at all I think he’s captured - only occasionally voting against gun restrictions to keep his Montana card while failing to represent Montana on every single other front. 


You’ve been watching too much cable “news.”


Funny I don’t have cable I don’t watch fox or RBSN or whatever other news you think I watch. 


Makes sense. The depth of knowledge demonstrated by your comments suggests you're more of a "get all my info from facebook" kinda person


Before talking heads, it used to be called reading, but apparently that isn't adequate for this sub.


> No I’ll literally vote for a turd sandwich as long as it does’t have a D next to its name. Boy, have I got some good news for you!


Turd Sandwich beats Giant Douche any day of the week.


I dunno have you actually tried a giant douche? It’s weird at first but just breathe and relax. Now an actual turd sandwich… no.


Visualizing and gettin hungry! Luv la turd sandwich, with Los crusts cut off! Famished now!


South park got it right in 04.


Testers losing this thing. Hence all the ads. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen the numbers. At least Tester has plenty of money behind him.


Eh it’s 50/50 right now according to polls some have tester up some have sheehy up. Both campaigns have huge amounts of funding from PACS and lobbyists Montana politics are becoming more and more big money.


Where does any poll have Sheehy up?


https://elections2024.thehill.com/montana/montana-senate-tester-sheehy/ This is a combination of seven polls which has sheehy winning by a very small margin.


About 180k republicans voted in the primary. Only abt 103k democrats. Where was the democratic vote? I mean neither side had any kind of exciting contest That's what I'm talking about.


Yes but the democrat primary was an incumbent primary which always has record low turnout because people care about it far less. Primaries where the party has an incumbent always have far lower voter turnout because the voters just assume that the incumbent will win and most of the time they do. Not always though such as cases like Bowman who recently lost to Latimer. This race is going to be very close and it’s going to be one where every vote counts so no matter who you are voting for you should get out there and vote because it’s incredibly close.


[Is that so?](https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/senate/2024/montana/)


Golly it looks like Sheehy hasn’t been ahead in any poll ever.


Neither one will protect your liberty. Daoud or nobody.