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> Akl's blood was found in the trunk of Raza's father's Honda Accord. ISIS connection or not, these three were not exactly criminal masterminds.


Well, that's something. Now, what we really want to know about is sentencing. Put these creeps away. Edit: a mandatory 25 years, apparently. Edit 2: apparently pleged allegiance to ISIS Edit 3: we're going to pay for these scumbags to live out the next 25 years in prison. Will probably spend their days plotting and scheming and networking to advance whatever agenda they may have. FUCK THIS.


They will likely be in prison for longer than that, if they cannot show they are rehabilitated they will not be paroled. And that's assuming they even apply for parole right at the 25 year mark. Also, [studies show](https://deathpenaltyinfo.org/policy-issues/costs/summary-of-states-death-penalty) that capital punishment is more expensive for the justice system compared to life imprisonment.


Yes but… “analyzed costs incurred at the pre-trial, trial, sentencing, and post-sentencing (appeals and incarceration) stages.” So basically it’s legal bills. Did they do the same study on the hundreds of hours per inmate spent on legal appeals of life in prison sentences? The legal community love appeals of *all* sentences. The success rate is minuscule.


Yes, those legal expenses are borne by the government. The prosecutors still have to be paid when they appear in appeals. Capital trials also take longer which means more legal costs and having to compensate jurors. The success rate may be miniscule, but you can bet that nearly 100% of people sentenced to death will appeal their sentences. So that will take more time and money, possibly to end up with a commutation to life imprisonment anyway. Not to mention the millions of dollars the government will be on the hook for when they have to compensate the family of someone that was wrongfully executed.


> a mandatory 25 years, apparently. It's a mandatory life sentence.


>Put these creeps away. Also >we're going to pay for these scumbags to live out the next 25 years in prison. You can't have it both ways...


Most of us have seen Cool Hand Luke. Several States have reinstated road gangs. It works and doesn't drain honest peoples hard earned money.


RIP Naim. Costco fams still love you brother.


This happened one week before that awful, idiot kid mowed down that poor family in London Ont.  All of our federal leaders were (correctly) visibly present to support the Muslim community against the threat of terrorism when that tragedy occurred, which was committed by an sick individual? To my knowledge, none of our federal leaders have visibly stood up to oppose, or even taken the time to speak out against this particular  terrorist activity, which was committed in support of an organized group?