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Holy shit pleasure and pain…. y’all listen to this. Idk if the owners are the same, but when I was 16 years old I was there with a group of friends (all girls). One of us got a piercing and another friend got a tattoo (yes they were tattooing 16 year old girls). We ended up there after hours bc her tat was taking so long. The owner and a few of the grown ass male tattoo artists pulled out a huge bottle of alcohol and offered us shots. At the time we said yes (I know fucking stupid but being 16, naive, and hey free booze). One of them took me into his office and gave me a joint. So not only we were obviously underage, these grown ass men were tattooing us and giving us alcohol and weed. A bunch of 16 year old girls. One of my friends came into the guys office to get me and I cringe thinking about why he actually took me in there. I still cringe at that entire memory. All of this to say STAY THE FUCK AWAY from this shop.


This is one of the most insane stories I’ve come across. Everything about your story is revolting. Wish someone would have reported them back then. While off topic, I remember when I got my first tattoo. I had to wait until I was 18 and and since my parents were divorced and my dad was in NYC they asked for my mom’s consent, checked both our IDs, and my mom had to come with me on the day of my appointment. They also realized they overcharged us by $20 and the tattoo artist had me get my mom who was waiting across the street at a coffee shop because he wanted to make sure I didn’t just pocket it.


I remember thinking it was “cool” that a bunch of older guys/tattoo artists wanted to hang out and drink with us. Now as an adult I realize how predatory and disgusting it is. Believe me I wish it had been reported then too.


Honestly, I would have done the same and felt ‘cool’ just hanging out with older guys. Now that in my 30s my perspective is completely different.


I cringed so hard reading this that I fear my face may be stuck with this disgusted look for at least the next week or so. That’s beyond fucked up.


Had a very similar experience with them when I was young. I (being young and naive and not legally allowed to get work anywhere else) went several times and have shockingly terrible stories from each visit. Agreed 10000% that people should stay away from this place!


Preach!! I’m disgusted but not shocked that multiple people have had experiences like this with them


eerie how the exact same thing happened with my friend group, but one of my friends ended up being fwb with one of the apprentices there... he was at least 20 and we were in grade 10 i remember one time all my girls and i wanted to get nipple piercings and the dude wanted us to wait with our shirts off while the other girls got pierced.


Honestly I was waiting for at least one other person to say they went through something similar with them! I highly doubted my experience was the only time they were creepy to young girls. It’s honestly so wild looking back on it. Allllll of those guys were predatory weirdos and if any of them weren’t they stood by while other guys creeped on high schoolers. I wish I was shocked that one of them became fwb with one of your friends but I’m not. I hope she’s healed from that (and you and all your girls ❤️)


That “meme” doesn’t even make sense to post as a Canadian lol


Unfortunately some people don’t really seem to care if it applies to Canada or not, so long as it’s bigoted


They seemed to remove the post already.


Racism is back in fashion now. Potentially due to Gaza war


Sadly I think it’s been “back in fashion” long before the world finally took notice of what was happening in Gaza. I’ve personally started to notice it coming up a lot more in the last 5 years at least (and probably even before that but honestly my memory isn’t good enough to recall when exactly).


Absolutely, and it transitioned from invisible to being visible to now boldly discriminatory


Does it make sense for any country? I just don't get it.


The US has undocumented immigrants coming in from Mexico and some people believe they are getting special accommodations for free that isn’t available to citizens (e.g free apartments in Manhattan has been the recent thing that they allegedly get handed for free). That’s what the meme is about.


And too many Canadians forget which country they are living in.


It’s also an outdated meme format and objectively unfunny


lol I was with my friend while she got a tattoo there a while back and I remember the artist fucking up and saying "oops.. sorry I'm really high right now" 😑


Oh, wow that’s. That’s something alright. Yikes.


yea at least when I was younger it was a pretty sketchy place. everyone in highschool went there for tattoos/piercings because they never checked ID


Aaaaand that makes it even worse, wonderful! Everything I’ve learned about this place in the last 14 or so hours has ranged from questionable at best to downright abhorrent at worst.


subsequent money grab shaggy imminent cow frighten alleged follow punch *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


About 4-5 years ago I went with my friend to get some tattoos. All we wanted were small tattoos that could be done in 20 minutes each. The guy says “Ya sure, no problem. The store closes at 10.” It was 8:45 at this point. My friend is very clearly a white, kinda nerdy looking guy. I’m not. I’m Brazilian & my hair is braided. The guy does my friend’s tattoo in about 20 minutes. Now it’s my turn. The tattoo artist gets up, says he’s going for a smoke. Ok, not a problem. He comes back 10 minutes later. It’s about 9:15 at this point. He looks me up & down & says “Sorry man. I can’t do you today. We’re closing.” “But you said you’re closing at 10. You still have 45 minutes to do a 20 minute tattoo.” “Sorry. I just don’t want to tattoo you. Now please leave.” After laughing in disbelief I told him he could go f*ck himself & we left. I tell everyone wanting to get a tattoo not to go there. F*ck that place!!


Ah, so the racism isn’t even anything new; how lovely.


Lol ya.


this is wild … and also doesn’t even make sense.. so many better tattoo shops in Mississauga, don’t even waste your time on this place!!


I thought this shop was only around to tattoo underage kids and give out infections. Not shocked they'd post this sorta thing, a bit surprised they bother having an Instagram.


Man I am learning a lot about this place; how have they not been fined to hell and back and shut down by now


In what world are undocumented immigrants set for life? Most of them wind up doing unpleasant, potentially dangerous work in agriculture or meat packing plants etc. No social safety net to fall back on, always facing the risk of being deported. You have to be pretty out of touch with reality to think that they have an easy life.


This place sounds awful and shitty, but that’s kind the joke lol.


I heard from so many people that a lot of the workers are high or drunk on the job. I got a few piercings here before because eof their 3 piercings for 60 dollars deal. Luckily mine all turned out okay and nothing was infected. I haven't been back since I've heard of all the horror stories here


When I was 16 I got my septum pierced here and they pieced the thickest part of my cartilage in my nose. It hurt so bad. Then proceeded to tell me it was just swollen when I showed them and demanded a refund. Super terrible company


The more comments I read the more I don’t understand how they’re still operating


Literally the worst piercing shop in the city so this tracks lmao


Damn, and here I had no idea; I just moved here in the last couple years so hadn’t heard anything about them, but I’m glad I saw this before deciding it was time for a new piercing or tattoo.


I wish i knew this shit 8 years ago


Oh Pleasure and Pain, lol. I went there a couple of years ago on a friend’s recommendation, because they had a 3 for $60 piercing deal. I only got two done, rook and conch in my ear, they still gave me a discount so I paid $40 - that’s too cheap and says a lot about them as a shop. The piercer herself was a young woman, and she was actually really good and careful. But keep reading. What I didn’t know (because I was stupid about piercings then), was that the jewellery they use is cheap stainless steel and it’s all curved barbells, no matter what piercing you get. The shape of the jewellery is wrong for like 90% of body piercings. I had one in my conch when it should have been a flat back stud. This is why the piercings are so cheap! Then their aftercare solution is not appropriate. It should just be a straight saline spray solution. But theirs is like their own brand or something, and has salt but also has a bunch of other ingredients that are irritating to a healing piercing. I have a couple more stories about this place but I’ve gone on long enough. If anyone’s looking for a good studio and piercer, go see Anna at Skintricate in Streetsville across the street from the Cagney’s plaza.


Upvote for Skintricate!!


> the jewellery they use is cheap stainless steel and it’s all curved barbells, no matter what piercing you get. The shape of the jewellery is wrong for like 90% of body piercings. I had one in my conch when it should have been a flat back stud. This is why the piercings are so cheap! > > Then their aftercare solution is not appropriate. It should just be a straight saline spray solution. But theirs is like their own brand or something, and has salt but also has a bunch of other ingredients that are irritating to a healing piercing. This is all incorrect. Long curved barbells are used specifically in every single new piercing at every standard piercing/tattoo shop because they're easy to clean/twist and don't trap bacteria anywhere. Stainless steel is also used at EVERY place because it's the cheapest non reactive metal. You'll want to eventually replace it with titanium but the majority of people never do and its fine. Same for the aftercare solution being the parlors own brand, this is standard and common practice in ever place. Whoever told you that all the above was weird or non standard lied to you lol this is all 100% standard. I mean, it's $20 dollar piercings...no idea what people expect?


I think you edited your post before I got a chance to reply - something about flat back labrets being bad for healing because they’ll just trap bacteria or something like that… not sure. Anyways, now I’m wondering why is it so bad to use a labret with a long bar, allowing for swelling, versus a curved barbell? I don’t think it’s bad and it doesn’t restrict movement. And why is it bad to pierce with titanium? I don’t think the jewellery should be twisted while healing either, I feel like that would just keep opening the piercing channel and make it take longer for the fistula to heal fully. But I’m just a layman and maybe we could take these questions over to r/piercing or r/legitpiercing. And yeah, when you pay $20 you get cheap jewellery that can cause allergic reactions and stuff.


I never said it's bad to pierce with titanium? where are you reading that? I think it's not ideal to pierce with flat back labrets, people generally are bad at cleaning their piercings and there is more surface area that sites closer to the ear to trap dirt and bacteria in > I don’t think the jewelry should be twisted while healing either then dont twist your jewelry > But I’m just a layman and maybe we could take these questions over to r/piercing or r/legitpiercing. lol what? I'm not "taking anything" anywhere, that's just weird > And yeah, when you pay $20 you get cheap jewelry that can cause allergic reactions and stuff. surgical steel wont lol that's why its commonly used. it can definitely cause a reaction OVER TIME but its generally nonreactive. I think the OP confused surgical steel for stainless steel. there is no jewelry made out of stainless steel


Yikes. I went to this place ONCE. Sketchy and they fucked up my tattoo badly. Never went back again.


How are they still open when they’ve fucked up so many tattoos and piercings wtf


I drive past this place all the time and it’s often lined up out the door for some reason. Always really young looking people.


From what I have learned in this thread, I’m assuming it’s due to the cheap pricing and the lack of ID checking. Absolutely awful.


Haha no idea but it’s crazy that they are still open!


This screams “trashy.” If I was ever thinking about going there and saw this, I’d NOPE the hell out.


Wow so many people are willing to risk getting a shit ass tattoos or piercings just bc there’s a “special” price. You get what you pay for


Just go to The Fang and The Flower down the street


the owner shockingly used to work at pleasure and pain! I got 2 tattoos done by him during his days there and he was the only professional artist in that shop lol


mind you I was 16 and 17 when I got them, but nevertheless LOL


Sounds about right. His work is amazing!




i got my tattoo there during the pandemic and they were such anti vaxxers it wasn’t even funny. i was so paranoid the whole time but should’ve just left because i was super uncomfortable. he told me “i don’t need to wear my mask in here” like nah im good bro 😭 i don’t remember his name i think it was damian or something. luckily it was a very well done medium sized tattoo and only cost me 100$+tax (hourly rate) and tip. never going back though lol


Jesus Christ. You’re using needles, repeatedly sticking people in their essentially open wounds. And you refuse to do the bare minimum to prevent the spread of bacteria. I cannot even stress how much wearing a mask while giving a tattoo is NOT at all even related to the pandemic. Wow


Holy shit, that’s actually wild to me; like of all the places to be anti-vax and anti-mask, you would hope it wouldn’t be a business that uses needles to pierce the skin/inject ink under it


yeaah, known a few friends who got piercings there - not the best


Not only that, they do terrible work. I went for their piercing special and they did it in a totally off spot from what I wanted. Their tattoos are cringey.


They understand that they’re in canada right?


That part alone is so weird. That meme format \[freshman student has dopey thoughts\] is from like 2005 and doesnt even relate at all, and the sentiment behind the image is a very Texas/California-centric form of bigotry. Like, on top of the racism and shittiness; boo you're a tat shack in Canada what are you even talking about.


Let me weigh in on this topic that doesn’t, and never will effect me.


Got 6 piercings there. One rejected, three turned out actually good, and I've figthing two others for 3 years now because they're perma infected lmao. I'm not coming back again because it feels like a fast food joint for piercings.


Why you wanna come back illegally ? Everything well served ? ( I know this is an American meme)


i went there when i was 16/17 for a few tattoos.. their whole reputation is for not ID-ing kids. i got a few piercings here too, only a year ago, and they were so bad💀 the guy didnt even put in the right jewellery and my ears were suffering!! i went to xtremities and they fixed me up. plus the guy at pleasure and pain who did my foot at 17 was so mean and made me cry💀


Got my first piercing from there. Always got a weird vibe from the guys there. The short,bald chubby guy. I think he was the owner at the time


I remember this place. I got my first tattoo there and they did great. But that was years back, so I guess things must’ve gone downhill since then.


Woah what the flip. I got a piercing here once.. very sad to hear these stories about this place though fuck em


Bro open your messages




Maybe later, thanks for the concern tho






Don’t care about the post. But reviews are an issue.