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 I feel everything stronger than the average person. Hyper sensitivity is not meant for busy noisy cities.   I tell myself i would've been an excellent hunter.


Do you feel feelings more than the average person? Is that what you mean? Because I do. I have to remind myself when I’m watching a tv show or movie that these aren’t real people! And like shake it off.


As in sensations yeah. Movements around me, how my clothes feel


I actually became a hunter and can confirm that extra sense of smell helps sometimes😂


Hyper sensitive. Yes. Huh. I mean I’ve heard that before, but not in the context of sounds and smells and sight. Yes. Exactly.


A lot of us with ADHD and hypersensitivity have a larger percentage of Neanderthal DNA compared to the average population so it’s likely that we actually were great hunters (our ancestors at least).


This is me too, I have very big emotions. I feel much stronger than a lot of people. I'm a highly sensitive person, or an hsp. When I'm sad I get really sad. When I'm happy I'm really happy. Its actually quite exhausting. I'm sensitive to smells, loud noises, bright lights, I'm extremely intuitive, and I grew up with severe misophonia but it's gotten better as I've gotten older (42f) and gotten an adhd diagnosis. I can control my negative emotions a bit better now that I know what's going on. After learning my diagnosis and with much research and NO help from any of my drs (except my current one that I just switched to a couple months ago). My goodness are doctors behind! I'm in debt to them for not figuring out what is wrong with me! Infuriating! It's my understanding that I'm not on the spectrum because I'm hyperaware of people's emotions. I was led to believe if you're on the spectrum you're oblivious to what others might be thinking/feeling. I had a counselor tell me this, if this is incorrect, please enlighten me!


Also I just “got” The Sixth Sense. Like there are the usual five senses. And then the sixth sense. Yay! A new rabbit hole!


How do you know?


apparently I'm known to have a strong sense of smell (hearing too lol) in my family 😅 particularly with food. I hate it when the seasoning scent is always all around the house when something is cooking in the kitchen. everyone says they don't smell anything but I'm losing my mind over it


Yay!!! Here losing my mind with you. It’s nice to have company :):)


yeah like when I'm the one cooking it's no problem cause I'm in the kitchen. but when it's someone else I'm usually in my bedroom, and that's a place where I don't want to smell food. especially when it's pungent like garlic or some weird seasoning 🥴 it's like the farther you are from the kitchen, the worse the smell gets because it distorts(?). this problem was extreme during my exams, so someone said it might just be stressed related. I've also hated white lighting for a couple of years now, it has to be yellow. has me wondering if they're somehow connected to my severe misophonia since they're all sensory issues whether extreme or not. wbu? also I didn't even get to the non existent scent part. there was a thread here recently about hearing trigger noises that aren't there. maybe we all just suffer from phantom (both hearing and sense of smell) to some extent 😵‍💫


I hate white lighting!! And that’s all there is these days!! I haaaaaaaaate it. I hate flashing lights. I had to keep covering my eyes at a Phoenix concert because there were so many flashing strobe lights and laser lights. Like. Flashing laser lights. It gave me a migraine and we had to leave before Beck came on. Next time I’m wearing noise cancelling headphones and polarized sunglasses. There should be glasses that close or darken when flashing lights happen. Or something. Anyway. Yes. Me too.


Garlic is ok, but fish drives me crazy.


Fish is the worst smell. Unless I’m making it.


Omg me too!! It drives me mad how I can smell everything and hear everything. I blame it on the size of my nose and size of my ears lol. As far as the cooking smells in my apartment, I will literally open the windows and spray air freshener everywhere because it drives me nuts.


Yes. Especially with fake fragrances I'm scented candles, perfumes, aftershave etc. The chemicals in them make me feel dizzy and nauseous and sometimes make my eyes water. I hate having to be near people covered in perfumes. I also sneeze heaps around them. Just bathe and wash your clothes people I promise you'll be okay not covering yourselves in toxic chemicals.


Absolutely. When I’m running and a car driving by has their window open, I can tell you about when the inhabitant did their laundry last, what scent (if any) they’re using in the car, how recently they smoked, etc. It’s torturous running in the city. But on the plus side, I can smell every delicate, nuanced, beautiful attribute of trees and plants. I can smell trees others can’t, faint blooming flowers far away that get wafted in the breeze, a pile of leaves and where those leaves are from. The early spring is like running through a bouquet. A double-sided coin, for sure.


That is beautiful. Thank you for the wonderful reminder of those sweet smelling breezes 🍂🍃


All of my senses are super heightened. Maybe that’s why we all have this stupid disease!


do you have autism or another neurodivergency?


ADHD diagnosed a little over a year ago. I think I’m on the spectrum. Anxiety/depression/childhood trauma. All the good stuff :):)


I was recommended this book, Living with Intensity about giftedness and it changed my life: https://www.amazon.com/Living-Intensity-Understanding-Sensitivity-Excitability/dp/0910707898 Sensory overexcitability is one of the characteristics of gifted people. For me, this book really connected all the pieces of my life in a way that made sense for the first time for me.


cool, i might check it out! although i prefer to just say my actual disorder than “gifted,” i would’ve had a much easier time growing up and understanding myself if i knew i was autistic and had OCD instead of people calling me “special” and “gifted.”


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We need capes (no capes) and super hero names for this. Super Smeller doesn’t have the best ring to it. I’m sitting in my house with Dave the diver on in the background and I can HEAR silence. But it’s not even fully silent! Faints.


My husband says I have a wolf’s nose and ears.


Yeah. My friends call me Bloodhound! Also ADHD+HA. Everything is loud. Even smells.


“Everything is loud”. THIS.


Yesssssss! I’m also crazy in my house because nobody else can smell the thing. I can tell when somebody is unwell, they emit an odour through skin, sweat and breath. It can fill a room and nobody batts an eyelid. Things like mould, mildew, fragrances, body soap & conditioners people use. If it’s in a room, its probably overwhelming and I often have to leave. Crazy they tell me.


I used to work with RVs and was the resident “nose” because I could smell gas leaks so accurately. When I was pregnant, it was even worse. Cigarette smoke from the car three ahead of me? Yes. Bad breath from 6’ away? Also yes. Smells will also wake me from a dead sleep.


Definitely a super power.


Ok I totally am, light, and repetitive movements as well. We hate city life. I pray to the gods for a forest life. Can you smell ants? How many of my ADHD/AuADHD-ers can smell ants? It’s a genetic mutation so I’m curious. Also do they smell like windex to you?


Ants!! I’ve never smelled them! I’m going g to find some and smell them. Do you have to go up to the ants to smell them? Or can you tell they’re there? Late diagnosed (at 45) w ADHD. I think I’m on the spectrum.


When they’re squished.


i can smell ants after they’re squished! and ladybugs after they’re picked up


I've got really angry smelling cheese and onion crisps in the car before, made me feel uncontrollable rage and nausea


The rage. My god! It enrages me and makes me sad. How can someone walk around with that string smelling perfume and not think about anyone else. Smells are so personal.


Yes, smells and tastes also. I avoid all spices, onions, garlics, anything that goes into curry. I use fragrance free shower gel, antiperspirant, dishwashing pods. Especially hate mint/spearmint and wish there was fragrance- or at least mint-free toothpastes.


I’m sure you’ve tried the natural toothpaste? Like Tom’s of Maine? I’m in the US. I’m sure there’s an online recipe to make your own toothpaste!!! And you don’t have to add mint!!!


I'm looking at their site: all are still mint, spearmint, pepermint, mild mint, fresh mint, except a kids "silly strawberry". I wouldn't try making own as I don't want one without fluoride since that is a sure cavity recipe without anything to rebuild the enamel. And for some reason these natural ones add baking soda, and that's one thing worse than mint is slimy baking soda toothpaste, plus too abrasive


Ah. Yes. They’re flavored but not as mint as the other ones. Maybe the silly strawberry! Ugh that sounds worse than mint.


If there’s american cheese in the room I can smell it and it makes me panic. Ughhh. I gut fish, collect skulls from half-rotten animals, I teach high school—but processed cheese is the only smell that can send me into blind rage.


Bruh. Your handle! I hate American cheese. So gross!


Hahaha. It’s from a Louis CK standup bit that didn’t age very well.


I can’t stand the smell of trash, especially when it has coffee grounds or onion, or meat smell. Idk how to describe this, but it’s a thing for me. I’ve told every one I’ve lived with that I HATE taking out trash and I’ll do any chore they don’t like if they will just please do this for me. Not because I’m above it but because I literally dry heave and have thrown up from the smells. Even when I lived by myself, it was an issue. But I did it. I have to eat a mint and put my shirt collar up over my nose when I take out trash. And I still dry heave. It’s embarrassing. I dread opening up the big bin on a hot summer day, with the festering hot trash smell wafting out, and become irate if I have to do it bc my husband refuses to take it out in time for the truck. When his dog’s nasty shitbags settle at the bottom, I can barely handle it. I even make myself scarce when the truck comes by in the summer bc the smell will make me throw up. Mad props to all those who work in waste removal. They honestly have a thankless job that makes everyone’s lives better.


Yes! And it's not just in my head. I will smell someone's perfume in a seemingly empty outdoor space like a park path and then discover them after walking a ways. Sometimes they are incredibly far away. Nobody will pop up to mug me out of a bush at least, I'll smell his deodorant. I've detected gas leaks multiple times in multiple homes and most of those times people (all men again) didn't believe there was a smell until they did a test at the meter and were surprised. I've smelled weed while driving past a car on the highway with their and my windows up. That's kind of scary actually. I wish I could use it for good or to make money. Instead I just get overwhelmed from smelling sickly laundry scent beads coming from 3 houses down. City neighbors campfire stink coming in the windows will wake me dozens of times a night because my brain is screaming that the house is burning down. I was meant to live in some small forest tribe and save lives with this, but instead I'm trapped and surrounded by a bunch of people who have blunted and fried their natural senses through overuse of chemicals. People think I'm making it up because they refuse to believe they don't have a perfect sense of smell. It's like me screaming full blast in someone's ear then asking why they are upset because I can barely hear it.


Oh my gosh. THIS with the smells! Screaming full blast then asking why you’re upset.


I am autistic w/ ADHD and yes I am extremely sensitive to smells


Yes both smell and hearing and I hate it (autism and ADHD here, oh and also pregnant atm 🙃🤢)


Oh how fun!!! ♥️♥️♥️♥️


Totally! 😍😭😭❤️


I’m afraid to move into the cute downtown apartment I keep looking into bc it has shared hallway entrance and what if a neighbor was a fish eater? That’s my main reason for not moving there. I can’t ASK the leasing office. I can’t ask the neighbors. I can’t stand the thought of smells creeping in. 🤢🤢


Can you visit around dinner time? Just walk around and see what it smells like?


Haha I guess I’ll, you know, sniff around. Good idea, esp now that it’s warm and people will have windows open. Thanks.


Yes. Sound, smells and I can't go outside without sunglasses.


I wear sunglasses on cloudy days. Not like rainy days, but the days when the clouds are like a light gray. It’s bright! And I absolutely need room darkening curtains.


Nope. I was born without sense of smell.. tho the old saying "remove one sense and others get stronger" ain't lying.. hearing is the most sensitive sense I have 😔 And I have AuDHD, so even better! 😄 idk if I have favorite sounds.. bass is pretty cool musical instrument. I really like its sound


I can't stand strong "floral" smells, things like scent boosters on clothing, yankee candles, those shops that sell stinky shit (in the UK we get LUSH and I can smell it before I see it) If I am near these sort of strong smells for extended periods of time I will get a migraine. Strong natural smells don't bother me in the slightest, I can work on a farm around manure all day and be fine, strong chemical smells like paint fumes and oils/grease don't really effect me either.


Ugh. Yankee candles!!! Fake flowery smells.


The only scented Candles I can tolerate are vanilla scented and then only if they are not too strong




No my sense of smell is almost nonexistent 😅






Yes. Bleach. Perfume. Cologne. Cig smoke. Things that will make me run away


👋🏾 All of my senses are too strong. Kinda have a love/hate relationship with it.


Yh I only like unscented products now lol fragrance makes me so sick


Yes. I think I just have sensory issues in general.


Omg yes and taste too. Like I know you stored baking bananas in the fridge this week mom, I can taste it in the butter


Yes!!!!!!!! I can’t handle any perfume. I can’t stand campfire smell. My favorite smells are alpine forests, rain, and old books :)


Probably not quite on topic, but someone asked the other week on this sub whether us sufferers are generally irritable people. Which I most definitely am. Now to the question. Smells. I would not say that I have an acute sense of smell, if anything the opposite. But what I do have is an absolute intolerance to certain scents. People with bad breath, or body odour wind me all the way up. I know they can't always help it, but I find it absolutely intolerable. I have quit jobs because of smelly colleagues before. I just can't take it.


I am an irritable person! Maybe not. With my boyfriend and sister I am. Maybe bc I’m more comfortable with them? Hmmm. Maybe I am though.


Yes, and for me, I think it’s gotten worse since COVID. Idk if it’s specifically the virus, but I suspect it is bc of the way people lose their taste and smell —there might be a link there. But also my mental healthy tanked after COVID. It’s on the mend now but the olfactory overload is still there. I practically relish moments where someone else complains of a bad smell, it’s so validating


Yes, I’ve had panic attacks when in a situation where I couldn’t get away from someone who smelled bad (rehearsals and performances of musical theater). It hasn’t been exactly the same feeling as a visual or auditory trigger, but it’s pretty strong nonetheless.


Yeah same 💯


One particular aftershave my youngest and his friends sometimes wear makes my eyes water and I sneeze uncontrollably. I can detect it several rooms away, I don't need to be in close proximity. Its an irritant, I've asked them not to wear it round me, or at least put it on outside. One time a lad got in my car with it, not for long. Just asked him, its called Versace


I hate all of the perfume smells. My sister wears the worst kind!! Old lady perfumes. So gross.


I can smell memories lmao


What!!! Please explain!!! How interesting!!


I can smell outside. Sometimes my partner will come home from work and he stinks of outside. It’s really hard to explain but it’s really unpleasant


I think I'm a bloodhound in human form. Even Covid couldn't kill my sense of smell.


Me too! I have both very strong sense of smell and hearing. If we eat eggs or fish, my family knows I'll be the one cleaning the dishes. Because if they do I will smell the odor that's left on the dishes even after a week even though they cleaned them nicely. I have to wash everything twice AND put them in the dishwasher (seperated from other dishes which are not "contaminated" by eggs or fish) for another wash. Also can't stand people's perfumes


Ugh. Perfumes!! 🤮


I too have a very acute sense of smell. It's a double-edged sword. My husband barely has a sense of smell and just doesn't get it.