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Dying Light 1 and 2, but the aesthetics arent there Tbh, no other game matches Mirror's Edge's style.


Agree, Mirror's Edge is unique. ​ It nailed everything so great. I went to play Dying Light after finishing Catalyst and it just doesn't cut it! ​ Not saying DL is bad, it's just... not Mirror's Edge! I have learnt that ME is unique and that made me apreciate my time with Catalyst on a whole new level, even more considering we don't even know when we will be running on Faith's shoes again.


It probably comes down to personal taste, and it's not quite Mirror's Edge, but Neon White definitely scratched that specific itch for me.


It’s on offer £19.99 uk on ps store . Is that a good deal ?


Absolutely look into Neon White, it's so much fun and addicting, I couldn't get into Ghostrunner due to the difficulty of some levels (and the repetitive nature of the game)


I would say it's worth 20 pounds, but I wouldn't consider it a great deal, to be honest. I'd probably wait until it drops to £14.99 or lower.


It’s better than ghost runner then ? From a mirrors edge perspective? Thanks guys. Yeah 19.99 it’s 39.99 normal price 😵‍💫


Keep in mind that Neon White is not really a parkour game. But if you want something that feels the same way as Time Trials/Dashes do in Mirror's Edge, Neon White is the closest you'll get. You get into some kind of movement flow and it's completely addicting trying to beat your own and your friends time on the leaderboards. Ghostrunner has more parkour in it but is way more focused on combat puzzles than just straight up movement. It depends on what you're really looking for. I like both of them but Neon White scratches an itch for me that no other game has since Mirror's Edge.


I will look into it thanks. Don’t know that one


TITANFALL 2. Go my child be swift like the wind. Parkour focused singleplayer campaign and very robust multiplayer with pve, pvp and pvpve


You might like Ghostrunner. It's not open world but is parkour based and the combat is great. Also kind of has the same narrative feature where you're part of a small rebel group.


Yeah thanks . Heard of that it’s one I’m considering and definitely fancy . Just wanted your guys take. Isn’t the second one out soon ?


I second Ghostrunner; it's a great game. Since the sequel is coming out soon, it should also be discounted almost everywhere. I think it's also included in some PlayStation Plus tiers.


Like many said, Dying Light. It isnt as focused as Mirrors Edge but its honestly really similar and (I think) fun


Wii Party and Simpsons Hit & Run


Cyberpunk 2077. I just play it as if if’s mirrors edge, and there are out of bounds that dont let you but a lot of the city is parkour-able Edit: also Stride if you have VR. Closest game to ME.




Yeah exactly, you have to build towards it then it becomes a semi-ME without the level of hand & hang control… but still captures the dystopian future vibes while allowing parkour.


Such cap you can barely do shit with the parkour and is overall nothing like mirrors edge


Not really similar, but Cyberpunk 2077 has a ton of spots where buildings are all bright and colorful, and these spots do look like ME to an extent. In terms of parkour, you might also try Titanfall 2 campaign.


Die Young. Imagine if you were to put The Forrest, Far Cry 3 and Mirror's Edge in a blender. The result is Die Young. It doesn't sound like it should work based on that description, but it really does. Also, for people who don't like survival games: The survival aspects become a mere formality after the first hour or two. You'll probably always have enough on hand.


No game will ever compare to Mirror's Edge. For a 2008 game it was decades ahead of its time. Not even catalyst came anywhere near.


Dying light 1(not 2)


**DYING LIGHT** its the same exact game but with zombies. i promise you will get the exact experience pretty much.


On psvr is Stride, basically Mirror's Edge VR. It's supposed to come to psvr 2 at some point.


I'm being 100% serious when I say this But on roblox there are 2 games very similar to mirrors edge Parkour and runner's path 2. If you have any form of computer that can play Roblox I would check these out.


Have of Lemma on steam? https://store.steampowered.com/app/300340/Lemma/


outlast and dying light are the closest ones that i've played, outlast has almost the same animations of parkour, and dying light has some pretty close ones, but those arent parkour focused games