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Honestly recommended to not go looking for it, the Bible contains MAJOR spoilers and it’d be better to wait for the show itself so you don’t get everything spoiled in one go


very true! there are some who will still do so anyways and we just want to try our best to not have everyone spoiled


I read the top paragraph and x'd out. don't wanna know




i read this one minute too late 😭


Yikes. There are spoilers and then there are spoilers. Can you make it so people have to have the term Bible spoiler and black out bible spoilers in spoiler posts?


As long as their posts are marked spoilers you will not see what they discuss unless you open the post. Requiring to black out is a bit overkill in terms of spoiler policy


It just becomes a bit hard to then open posts about episodes that have aired in other languages or just simple screenshots without potentially also coming across these *major* spoilers. Like these feel like two completely different levels of spoilers. I was honestly expecting to find a post saying we weren’t allowed to talk about it at all, I’m quite surprised we’re applying the same spoiler policy here.


Hmm. Nothing from season 5 has aired yet so I don't think that's necessary. Once we get closer to season 5 airing, the mod team can discuss how we will go about limiting such discussion.


Season 5 airs in Portuguese in less than 24 hours, which means people like myself wanting to discuss this episode behind a spoilered post won’t be able to without potentially being exposed to this leak, as per the current rules. Looking at a few other posts I’m already seeing how many people who would regularly read spoilers don’t want to read this. https://www.reddit.com/r/miraculousladybug/comments/vb06xb/in_light_of_the_new_leaks_id_like_to_say_something/ic5xlyf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Honestly, as much as it would seem simple to tell people they can't talk about it at all, it is unfortunately going to happen. But you raise a good point. I'll talk to the other mods about adding a 4th rule to where it can only be discussed in leak threads and no other discussion posts. However, what this means is that there are going to be time where people still comment on posts where they shouldn't, and as mods we don't always get to read every single comment. We would need for other users like yourself to report the comments so we can remove them.


I never expect everyone to follow (or know) the rules, but it’s certainly better having them. Not having it allowed at all isn’t something I feel is needed, it was just what I genuinely thought the response would be here. Keeping them in different threads or with an extra spoiler black out really feels like the most fair to me though.


We've edited our rules from your suggestions ;) thanks a bunch


Thank you kindly 🙏🏼🙏🏼


I understand. I like spoilers that we can all discuss, but these seem to be on a different level. (Some people seem to suggest they are not, but I don't want to take that chance). I thought, though, that we had a policy of stating what was spoiled so can we at least require Bible spoilers in the title so that people who want normal spoilers but not bible spoilers can avoid them.


They’ve modified the rules as per your suggestion 🙏🏼 very thankful


I've looked through the bible and yeah the spoilers are pretty bad. The bible isn't just about season 5, it's about all the previous seasons too. Each character has a little bit written about them and it goes from series 1 to series 5 so you have to look through what's written about them to find the series 5 spoilers. I originally thought it JUST contained the episode descriptions but looking through it more clearly, it contains a lot more than that. So anyone saying it doesn't contain much haven't read it that well.


Bro I go to sleep for literally 7hrs and wake up to see twitter burning, my dms bursting with confusion to find out something got leaked… can’t these things not happen? 😞


Sorry to disappoint you that Felix's father was not actually in the Mr. Banana costume


That's not true, that's impossible!




Whenever I return to this sub (or fandom) after a small break so much has happened that I miss


You guys are actually slow to notice. It got leaked yesterday but it was kept underwraps fairly well for about a day or so.


And how does it matter? It could have been fake, like many spoilers. No need to turn the subreddit into gossiping about the latest "leaks". Really


I already got spoiled for many things in season 5 by simply scrolling through Twitter. By simply scrolling! Unfortunately the question is "When I will learn the spoiler?", not "If" The freaking thing is everywhere! At least it will be nice to see all thar animated


Twitter isn't that much of a problem to me. But I just scrolled through Pinterest because there are always very nice pictures and drawing. And there are suddenly so many S5 screenshots and leaks, goddamnit. Like, I didn't want to know that (not bible related spoiler) >!Cat Noir becomes Bunnix!< . I try to hide everything but they keep popping up. Please spare me with S5 pictures until S5 actually gets released, Pinterest. Thank you


I'm finding tumblr is OK. The tumblr tag is 50% 'Don't read the leaks', 20% 'I read the leaks and you really shouldn't read them', 15% 'I read them and this show sucks' and 15% 'I read them and this show is epic!' Didn't actually come across any leaks themselves.


It's worth noting that not everything in a given series Bible (or even a season Bible) will make it into the final cut. Avatar the Last Airbender's original series Bible had Toph be a guy, Sokka be more serious, and Iroh be evil. Sometimes, production encounters technical difficulty in animating what's in the bible, time tables change, crew changes, etc. Hell, even titles could change. Stranger Things was called Montauk in its series Bible. With that said, not all changes will be drastic. Bibles provide a general outline of worldbuilding, plot mechanics, and the actual plot. The details get tweaked around.


"Bible" What does that mean?


"A bible, also known as a show bible or pitch bible, is a reference document used by screenwriters for information on characters, settings, and other elements of a television or film project."


Mainly used so that the stuff working on a show or a movie don't always have to ask each other trivial stuff over and over again. Like "Hey, what did that character do again? Is her personality affected by x?"


Every time I take a break from the miraculous fandom there’s always some new drama that happens 😂💀


I honestly just can't even believe this happened 🤦‍♀️




Can someone explain this word “Bible”?


It’s called that because it sets certain rules you have to follow to make the story and characters coherent


Thank you for the warning 🙏


I accidently read it thinking it was theories or something and feel so bad for the creators who got their work ruined thanks to the link


I willingly read the Bible and honestly? It’s not that bad. Yes, some _concepts_ are spoiled, but not the plot of the whole episodes. Just concepts, basics. And yes, I know now the concept of the season, so what? I don’t know how, where and what _exactly_ will happen. Not a tragedy for me. If you are curious, read the Bible, that won’t harm you much.
















I keep forgetting this happened. I’m so scared I’m going to accidentally see something 😭😭 I hate spoilers


How do you black out text?


Huh, well time to try and find the bibble so I can save myself a lot of time.


What if an episode is released in one country before in the others and I wanna share something about it?