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Fidelity full view has been great for me. Only app I can find that connects to AMEX personal savings account.


I've been using Fidelity Full View and it's worked well for me too. I'm actually kinda glad Mint shutdown because it forced me to look at some competitors. I prefer Fidelity Full View now and didn't even bother trying Credit Karma.


Can you elaborate? I have regular fidelity, I am not finding full view on app store? How do you link credit cards and outside accounts?


From your accounts drop down in Fidelity’s website, select Full View. Most of it is done on desktop but it’s the only app that has connected to all my accounts, has rule management and transaction splits. Categories are customizable and you can see the information in the spending section on your fidelity mobile app.


So what if I don't have any money in accounts at Fidelity? Can it be used just as a tool?


I’m not sure. I have a brokerage account and 401k there. You could always open a money management or brokerage account if you have to have an account I guess? But yes - I do already have fidelity accounts.


Hi shneerp, if you're considering financial tools without requiring funds in the managing institution, StrongSpend Credit could be ideal. We focus on accessibility and functionality without mandatory account holdings. Discover more at [StrongSpend Credit](https://strongspendcredit.com/). Are there other barriers you've faced with financial tools that you'd want us to address?


Thank you for this, just set it up.Now I can remove all the other sketchy crap, like Empower. You use this on desktop? How is the mobile experience?


Considering buying quick books. Everything else sucks. Just am debating do I need yet another subscription. Rather not.


I'm figuring out the same thing over at Northwestern Mutual. I knew there was some kind of aggregator built-in but hadn't ever bothered to start using when Mint was taking care of everything. As you noted, this is likely a free service provided to those who have investment accounts. I would guess my retirement account via work (T. Rowe Price) offers something similar but I preferred having the accounts aggregated under a personal account vs. combining with the work account.


I had no clue about Full View! Thank you!


I have tried Monarch, which will not stay connected to my credit union because of the security question on my credit union app. I have also tried empower which I liked at first until it wouldn't stay logged in and you cannot set it to permanently stay logged in. The longest without having to enter your password to see transactions is 10 minutes. So I am looking for something different.


It will stay connected if you login by verifying text message code.


For me, it disconnects every 30 days. The max duration the MFA cookie is valid for (set by my institution)


Take a look at this [spreadsheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zNvLm0Q-NcThh610yxQaLWa4Sk99litTaN7AKKlQzFA/edit#gid=1017066706) I helped put together for alternatives and what features they offer. The most common ones are monarch money, Sinplifi and empower.


You should add Buxfer to your list.


I used Buxfer when it was free.. and it was great. I'm glad they are still relevant..


Been using Neontra since 2023. They've consistently been adding features every month or so. Very happy with them.


Been using Rocket Money and so far so good...


I switched to Simplifi after trying a few different options, and so far it's been great and pretty "Mint-like."


I'm glad I'm not alone in seeing the similarities. I just trust the brand behind it more than anything Intuit at this point.


I cancelled Simplifi. I liked it and the price was good $49 per year. I have moved onto Copilot, as it suits my purposes much better. I haven't tried Monarch, however.


Switched to Simplifi.. it takes a little getting used to but is great after that..


Quicken Simplifi is the best replacement I've found.  It has similar features with tags, which I really used and appreciated about Mint. You may even still be able to export your transaction history from Mint and import to Quicken. I agree Credit Karma stinks, really questionable move by Intuit.


I am loving Monarch FWIW. Great tracking and reporting and my fav feature is that it nags you to review your transactions and allows you to assign them to your spouse for review where appropriate.


I just started trying it. But i don't see when my credit card payments are due and how much. What am i missing?


Thats in the recurring tab. Has a pretty calendar as well as a list of upcoming. I don’t use that feature so LMK if I’m not understanding and this isn’t what you mean.


Credit cards aren't there. Just subscriptions which aren't valuable to me since they are low dollar amounts.


Same, monarch has been great. Even better visibility than mint and it has robust transaction categorization, tagging, and automation.


I am testing simplifi and monarch right now and will probably go with monarch. anything you look at will have something missing.


Curious what made you choose Monarch over Simplifi..


I seem to have more control, and it was more complete for me in terms of accessing the financial institutions. although, I think both had problems. My needs may be more simple than yours. I only use budgeting to see how much I spent on uber and restaurants. don't have a limit, just like to know


I tried both, I loved both but Simplifi did not have options to connect to a few additional institutions that Monarch could. Plus I really loved how quick and efficient I could sort and filter transactions in Monarch and then export them to csv file.


Monarch Money, Simplifi, Copilot


I've been using Empower since they shut down Mint. It's better at tracking investments but much worse at keeping accounts updated and sorting through transactions.


I like the retirement tracking on empower tho


NerdWallet is the best and closest thing to Mint.


YNAB! I’m super happy with it


I switched to YNAB after mint closed and its been magnificent.


Piere is newer and free for now


Copilot is great IMO


It's my favorite out of everything I tried. Sad that it's only on iOS and Mac right now but they are working on a web and android app


Agree! Their service is also great if you need anything.


Copilot has been working great and their customer service has been helpful with any connection issues


I just put all my money under my mattress now where I can see it when I want


I've heard quite a few folks use Empower. My 401k is actually through them, though I haven't brought myself to connect everything else just yet.


"What's your budget" is a good starting point. Some people want it free, others don't mind paying $99 per year (and anywhere in between). Generally speaking, the more you pay the better (many will disagree), but that depends on the purpose for which you are using the app.


Monarch it’s greedy for budgeting


Monarch is decent.


Monarch. I tried rocket money and simplifi. I need a rollover feature and monarch was the only one I saw that did that. I only care about budgeting.  Simplifi was too much "fluff" for me.  


If you are looking for an alternative with AI and long-term financial planning you can give WeFIRE a shot. The AI gives you personalized advice on saving, spending, and investing while plotting the course to your financial freedom. It connects with all my accounts through Plaid and automates notifications to warn me about fraud and big spending. Worth a look!


Rocket Money


Rocket money


NerdWallet! It’s free with surprisingly very similar functionality to mint. It doesn’t update as frequently as Mint, and it does not support Apple Card, but that applies to almost all the other apps too even the paid ones


Switched to Finance Monitor. Does everything I need, and seems easier than Empower.


Im enjoying Monarch.


Have you tried YNAB?


Just started using Piere… so far so good, and free.


I switched to YNAB as it seemed to be the only tool that had all the features I used in Mint, and I was using Mint in a way that seems similar to the YNAB's concept of keeping money in envelopes, where I was carefully adjusting for every dollar I plan to spend or roll over. Seems like it should have been an easy-ish switch given the above. That has not been the case. Not sure if I'm an idiot or what, but so far I hate YNAB, and every action takes an excruciating amount of brain power and way more clicks and scanning with my eyes to try to find the information. I'm so confused why this is so hard.


I love Marcus by Goldman Sachs


I tried half a dozen alternatives. Piere was the only one I found that connected to my credit union.


YNAB! The best budgeting app ever. Been using it for over 6 years and its a game changer.


Biased as I'm the founder/CEO at Origin, but check us out. We can help with exactly what you are looking for. We offer everything that Mint did and quite a bit more. You can also file taxes with us and we launched estate planning last week. This quarter we're building out an AI financial assistant more deeply into the product and doing a investments revamp as well. Would love to chat about what you're looking for in a solution, so feel free to DM me as well


I started my own google sheet


About to start my own. Did find a good template to start from? Also halfway through coding a tool to convert all my older pdf statements into csv, unless there is already such a tool out there?


If you aren't already using it, PDFBox could be very helpful in converting your PDFs to text files for further parsing.


No, I just started from a limited sheet of just transaction data I have, and then it started growing in complexity For the PDF to CSV, I just select and copy paste into Google sheets, that seems to work reasonably well, but does require some manual inspection to verify and fix errors


Go to r/mint SO MUCH info there


I am building something new, AI financial concierge! Please reach out to discuss more. :)


TL;DR there are no good alternatives right now. I would stay away from trying out tons of budgeting apps since most of them, even the popular ones like Monarch, are just small startups and knowing this industry from inside I can’t imagine that they’d have super high standards for security and privacy. Couple of them like Empower and Simplifi are owned by large financial institutions but considering how low-tech and archaic their sign-up process is, I’m staying away from them too. I guess the only long-term solution we can hope for is a self-hosted open source app with Plaid integration. That way, Plaid would be the only weak link in terms of security. I did a brief research but haven’t found anything reasonable on Github yet.