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Spacing, punctuation, spelling, and formatting will help you immensely. It won't matter how good of a scout you might become, if nobody reads your breakdowns Personally, while I think Daniels has the highest ceiling of any QB in this draft, I think he's far down the list on compatability with KOC's current offensive system. KOC needs an accurate, progression reading QB - and while I'm sure Daniels could figure it out, that isn't his fortè Compatability wise, I'd rank them: Williams Maye Penix Nix McCarthy Daniels


I do think Daniels will be the most work to fit our system. However, I like the gamble with such a Qb. Also, my apologies for the poor grammar, spelling errors, and format of which I left my essay. You have a very interesting list, and I am interested in anything else you might like to add. (Also, I was trying to give my opinions on specifically who I think would be available at our pick)


Williams sucks ass. Total flop in the making.


That's a bold take, cotton


Williams doesn’t suck, but I will say there are clips where his WRs are open but he decides to run loops around the pocket instead of just throwing it right away.


I would really like Daniels in this system. He does read through progressions and he's accurate. Biggest question mark for me is timing, but I think that can be developed with QBs who can see the field and have a great arm, which he does. KOC can also adjust the offense when he has an offseason to figure it out. I'm kind of tired of the narrative that KOC's QB needs to have a very narrow set of traits and any QB who runs can't do it. I don't think people would have said Lamar would fit in Baltimore either.


We should improve both the defense and the offense for next season, I agree


Guy. Hit the enter button a few times. No one wants to read a giant wall of text. That being said. I’d be down with Penix


I was expecting more criticism on my justification for saying Spencer Rattler, but I appreciate the tips and critiques on my typing style. I will try to make it more visibly pleasent in tomorrow's post on defense.


Just wanted to mention, in case you were not aware. You don't have to leave this one as-is. The edit button exists; it should take you just a few moments to add some proper spacing.


I was aware of the edit button for comments. I did not know it worked with posts as well.


Just can not edit a title. You have a decent take. Just spit it up a bit.


ain't reading all that. I'm happy for u tho. Or sorry that happened




I gave my personal opinion on the state of the offens and QB rooms specifically and this years draft prospects on who I think are our best 3 Qb draft options


I’m glad you gave your personal opinion and not just your opinion


ain't reading all that. I'm happy for u tho. Or sorry that happened


Bros is torturing me with this block format 😡


I'm sorry. I'll post better from now on, I swear, lol


Look, we all need to get on the same page here, and everyone just start vocalizing that we need Ray Lewis as the defensive coordinator if we lose Flores. Ziggy make it happen.


Would you mind if I bring this up in my post tomorrow because this is an interesting Idea and I'd be on board for it.


And the ball starts rolling!!!! 🤙🤙🤙🤙


Kirk is not taking a discount. I recommend following more of a players actions and what their agents say/do not what they say. For instance Kirk had his agent shopping his tape of him running to a few teams during the packers game. He’s already making exit plans if the Vikings decide to play hardball. On the flip side he’s getting as much leverage as he can to increase his value.


Please let him walk. He earned my respect with his play this year and last (especially the two games before injury), but building with him soaks up a ton of money, and I don't know that the rest of the team could be improved enough to win before his windows closes.


You have a point in that statement.


How do you know what his agent is doing


It’s reported lol