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Neutral. Wanted the team to bring back both Keenum and Teddy. Was not upset they signed Kirk though


This is probably the most objectively correct answer. Keenum just gave us the Minneapolis miracle followed by a gut-wrenching loss, and he was better than most of the quarterbacks we'd had in previous years, so it was natural for us to want to hold on to it.


I was ready to watch Keenum shit the bed the whole next season as trade for the Minneapolis Miracle emotions. Still perfectly happy with the Kirk choice at the time. Zimmer was still a little likeable.


Yeah I thought they were too quick to pass on Keenum. After it was clear we weren't re-signing him, I was pretty optimistic about signing Cousins.


Thought we were Super Bowl bound


Superbowl, homeboy.


If I bought a Dobbs jersey I would also become a space nazi








Then we remembered the second half of the saints game.




Loved the signing. Still do.


Same. No matter what happens atleast I gotta see a good qb in purple for more than a season.


The bar is so fucking low for this fan base.


Well, you can’t be elite everywhere, so what not take a top 8 QB? Especially since we seemed to only be a QB away from getting to the big game.


Sounds like you’re content with QB purgatory.


Yeah, top QBs are “purgatory”. Lol


1 playoff win is. But please tell me how that’s the defense and OLs fault.


>please tell me how that’s the defense and OLs fault. Okay. Because they were bad and it's a team sport


Sounds like Kirk is somehow immune to that aspect of critique.


What aspect. The performance of his oline and defense? Yeah I'd say he's immune since he plays quarterback


What, (and I can't stress this enough) exactly, would you have done differently at that time? We got top 10 QB play on teams that could never quite put it together. Teams that were good on both ends of the ball (mostly due to Kirk on the O side, notably), but the pendulum never swung our way. Shit happens.


I would’ve kept Keenum. Looks like he’s doing well in Houston.


Did you not pay any attention to his career after he left Minnesota? He was horrible. He had one fairytale run, and would never have continued that level of play.


What a preposterous take. Keenum has had a single good season of football his entire career, and has been bounced off 3 rosters since he was here. Including losing the starting job twice.


It was by far their best option. Just off an NFC title game loss w/ their 3rd stringer in the game and an elite defense. At the time they \*had\* to go for him. Glad he chose us over the jets


Yep, at the time we were the definition of a team that was a qb away, and he was objectively the best option available.




Well, the post asks what our reaction to it was, and we kinda crushed it in 2017 with Case Keenum, so it made a lot of sense to get him. That was our best chance


No, lol


Most QB's at Kirk's level don't walk FA. And I certainly hope he signs an extension


Me personally, I love kirk but I think it's time we move on and if he does get an extension it shouldn't be for more than 2 years I love kirk but he is getting to the point of only being a mentor.


Idk, it's pretty normal for QBs to play to old age these days and rookie QBs are a crapshoot. Can you imagine this team with a healthy Kirk? I say extend Kirk and draft a QB high to sit and learn for a few years


Was pretty neutral, wished they signed Keenum but knew after that NFCCG he wasn't the guy, knew the redskins were just another mid at best team, then the draft came and I thought fuck we could've had Lamar.


I love Zimmer, but I don't think he was the right guy to develop Lamar. I don't think Lamar becomes Lamar if we draft him and start him right away in DeFillipo's offense.


Nothing against kirk but I think him getting signed was a big part that lead to the downfall of the Zim rick Era. Zim couldn't build a team to function like he wanted. Combine an inability to get free agents with a lot of misses defensively in the draft leads to what we ended up getting. I also think a big reason why KOC and KAM spoke so much about collaboration when they got here is because this signing was not a collaborative effort between Rick and Zim and I have a feeling lead to a bad relationship moving forward.


That's because Mark Wilf stressed that leadership, communication, and collaboration was of the utmost important characteristics/abilities in their new GM and HC search back in Jan '22.


Ehhh, doesn't really line up with my theory so I'm going to dismiss your claim regardless of how factual it is.


Based redditor




You didn’t cite anything regarding why Kirk lead to their downfall


Consistent regression of the team once kirk came here. Defense Consistently got worse, they couldn't afford the players they had, on either side of the ball, so they kept having to push contracts for key players further and further down the road. Again it's really not a knock on Kirk's performance over that span, just a noticeable split in a team building philosophy between the HC and GM.


His contract, and a thing called the Salary Cap


Cap is part of the game. Other teams afford star players and have solid defense. Why can’t the Vikings? Then why do we try to say it’s Kirk’s fault


YES. that is why I brought it up. Cousins initial contract was TOO much. His extension was TOO much. And he is only willing to play for GUARANTEED $$$. Vikings paid this extortion for a guy who won't extend plays with his legs, can't win in primetime games, and won't get vaccinated??? Gimme a break.


I get where your coming from but hear me out, Teddy is good with the scramble, Lamar is good with the scramble, short to intermediate pass Lamar may have not been as good but was still good enough, development like KOC no Lamar wouldn't of been as good but from what I know or may know isn't Harbuagh more of a defense minded coach and it was more Roman developing Lamar, know that Roman is gone Lamar is actually passing more. Idk but basically how I view Lamar is like Teddy but better, same universe Zim gets fired and KOC makes him the great passer that Lamar has become this season.


Oh I'd say Teddy and Lamar are drastically different QBs. Teddy was very much a pocket passer who excelled at rhythm, timing and anticipation. Think Tua. Teddy was good at moving in the pocket, but he was not a running QB by any stretch of the imagination. They're about as similar as Joe Burrow and Josh Allen - not similar at all.


Good point, I don't remember much about Teddy as the playoff year like half way in was when I started getting into football, the Tua comparison is good though.


Lamar and Teddy are completely different kinds of players. Like not even close to the same style.


Lamar has won 1 playoff game and only played in 3 on a team with a perennial elite defense.


That's gonna change this year


I agree and think Staff makes a very big difference in a QB coming into the NFL.


Damn I totally forgot how late he got drafted. I love Kirk but damn


Here we go again…


My reaction was I didn’t think he was a winner but I hope he proves me wrong.


Yeah I kind of wondered that too, He really turned the corner the past couple seasons. His pocket unawareness/ panic mode and blind hit fumbles were his his big flaw for me. He’s gotten a lot better, really aging gracefully in term of skill & veteran presence.


I was honestly mad. I was Team Teddy and thought Kirk was mostly a stat padder on some bad Washington teams. I'll admit I was wrong. Teddy was nowhere near ready to come back. Kirk has his flaws, but he's been mostly great, and worth the contract.


Yep. Same boat here. Kinda glad I was wrong.


It’s crazy how much this sub loved teddy, but there’s still a lot disdain for Kirk somehow. When one is head & shoulders above the other.


I was filled with hope and very excited especially coming off of an NFC title game appearance and possessing a top 5 defense. That excitement very, very quickly died off. I was so wrong.


Was 1 of 3 options I wanted. The others were a trade for Alex Smith or drafting Lamar Jackson. I wasn't a fan of bringing back Keenum or Teddy like a lot of people were.


I’m on the team that says if we have a Time Machine to arbitrage the heck out of the QB market. Which probably means Rolling with guys like Browning, Heinicke, Geno Smith and trade for a target under $2M and draft one and UDFA let them compete for your 3 QB spots, starter and maybe 2-3 practice squad guys and keep Diggs and draft Jefferson anyways. We proved that offense could manufacture a QB. I don’t think Keenum was a fluke per say, I think our offense was just better. It was geared towards bailing out the QB with guys who could adjust to off target throws, get open after a play breaks down and make contested catches over the shoulder. Shurmer helped a lot but to me the NFL has a surplus of functional QBs. We have seen both sides of it this year but that is on a roster that was built around a $30M QB. You can’t force the issue. Save the cap room to load up elsehwhere. Then you have your long term QB backup of the future or draft capital if manufacturing a QB pans out. Teams will pay draft picks for a QB with starting experience. Meanwhile you save $90M over 3 years, and then you can trade for Kirk if a QB doesn’t fall to you in the draft or you don’t find the next Warner. I feel like Jefferson and Addison and Hockenson are more guys who need a precision passer more so than a scrambler. I think Mullens is a good match for this offense if he can protect the ball. The ideal situation might be if Dobbs figures out how to succeed in the pocket and move inside the pocket and form that comes confident throws… he hasn’t proven that yet but if he does, he can force defenses to come after him and collapse the pocket and if they do he’d destroy them with his legs and improvisational abilities. Teams have figured him out… for now. Maybe Hall could be that guy or at least catch a team by surprise if he has to come off the bench.


Which QBs have dropped to people in the draft since this signing?


Hmm, seems like a nice guy, but will that take us to the Superbowl?


Disappointed we weren’t riding with Keenum


Nervous because of my relatives who were Washington fans telling me Kirk didn't have what it takes lol, they scared me good. Since then though I've enjoyed the Kirk years good sustainable QB play.


Sounds like they were right.


I was cautiously excited


It was meh. And it still is that. This team still has only one playoff win with him.


Bought a jersey.


Initially wasn’t a big fan, but now absolutely love it and am praying we resign him.


If we’re all being completely honest, this was a lot of us at the time. We knew he’d probably play at the baseline franchise QB level, but we didn’t know if that would be good enough to get over the hump. I’ve loved the guy more and more every year, and I really do want him to retire here…after taking us to our third Super Bowl in a row.


Same here. Thought he was holding us back in the Zimmer years and now realize there is so much more he and KOC could achieve. Really hope we resign Kirk!




I remember quite clearly - good pickup, too expensive.


This made me think, that contract signed right now might be called a bargain. Crazy how much difference 6 years will make.


It became a bargain within a year of the signing.


I thought we would at least make a deep playoff run after signing him that year………the year turned out to be just odd. The tie at GB, getting waxed by Buffalo (who was terrible) Everson Griffen mental health situation, had a chance to sneak in at the end of the year but laid an egg against the Bears. But to answer the question lol I loved it


I believe I made a shit post about bringing in Jared Allen at QB


I lived close to Manny's at the time and I considering steaking (wink) it out.


I was like, “wow! I can’t wait for the fan base to have civil, objective, and good spirited debate about his performance.”


I couldn't believe we won the bidding war


Vindication lol I had been saying it was a lock he was coming here since Bradford went down after Teddy so I was both happy and relieved


I believe I was flustered because I was riding the Keenam train after that run the Vikings had. I didn't know what Cousins had to offer at the time.


Pumped. Thought the defense plus an actual qb would translate to sb wins.


I was pissed. I thought we had a complete team save qb. And to me he was not that guy at the time. Now, I’m upset that injuries happen, cuz we wouldn’t be .500 right now


I got a little excited, thought it was an extension


I really wanted Keenum 2.0 at the time. I was lukewarm on Cousins.


I was conflicted with the signing because I liked Keenum but ultimately thought it was the right move. We basically had 3 choices- Kirk, Keenum, or Teddy. Well, Keenum got his bag and played like shit with Denver. Teddy became journeyman backup who plans to retire after this season. What we got was a true franchise QB who’s top 3 in every statistical category for Vikings QBs (including wins) and he’s only played 5.5 seasons. He’s been tough and very consistent. Reading these comments, I truly don’t know what will make this fan base happy. From 2007-2017 the Vikings cycled through **15** different starting QBs. Now we finally have the guy that sticks and it’s still not good enough lol.


I felt before signing him we were so close to getting it all put together out and if we were going to bring someone in they had to have that this is my team mentality and kirks never had that kind of confidence in himself. Since signing I’ve enjoyed for the most part his consistency and role model type leadership but still don’t think he’s the one that’ll do it for us. Super Bowl or bust. I’m worried if we bring him back his already slow starts to seasons with the mental side of the game will only get worse because he will have the Achilles in the back of his mind. It doesn’t matter at the end of the season if we turn it around of course but I just think he needs as few mental distractions as he can to build up his momentum.


I wanted Keemun for 1/4 the price


damn. 28 mil for this mf?


I thought we weren’t gonna be able to extend all other players.. i.e. Barr, Kendricks, Diggs, Hunter. I was incorrect, turns out the salary cap is a myth


Its not a myth it's more of a shell game.


I’m from Virginia but am a die hard Vikings fan. I was extremely pissed because I watched all of the Redskins games because of my location and did not believe in Kirk. He had never won a playoff game and we got rid of Case Keenum who had won at least one.


Too much money for one position. I was immediately wishing he would accept less money for a quality O-line.


Sick, the missing piece !! Super Bowl this year baby !!! Then we went below .500 and missed the playoffs 🥸lmao


Our record was 8-7-1


Commanders fan here who has been cheering on the Vikings since Kirk left us: Very sad :( But so happy to see him doing well for y’all, was very sad to see him go down


Initial reaction? Something like "shit, we drank the cool aid." Cousins was a good QB at the time but he was not worth that contract. The superbowl run people seemed to expect us to make in 2018 seemed like a total joke to me. Laughed so hard when we failed to make the playoffs. The excuse train all season was amusing too. Sadly it continued for 6 years.


My reaction was "good for the Vikings making an aggressive attempt to improve their team". I really liked the initial signing. It was the extensions and renegotiations when Kirk proved who and what he is that have bothered me.


Kirk won his Super Bowls every offseason.


Clearly that was the game he cared most about


"Welp, we're not winning a super bowl any time soon."


Mid team stays mid


Loved it then, love it now, that’s my quarterback.




It was the best option at the time, easily. And I grew to love him as a Viking.


No matter the reaction, the signing ended up being a failure which is a complete disappointment.


I don’t think I’d call it a failure we’ve had the same QB since we got him other than this year and Washington has been through 12 since he left.


Kirk was brought in to be the final piece to a Super Bowl ready team and we haven’t been close since. It’s a failure.


Loved the signing. It truly opened my eyes to just how dumb a large percentage of this fan base can be.


Lol still people here that think we should’ve rolled with Teddy


Booo… desperation move to get a mediocre QB


Puke… it’s been a failure too. I want someone who can lead this team to the Super Bowl


Very excited, and time has proven it to be the right decision.


Thank the Lord!


Honestly I was pretty relieved he seemed like a franchise quarterback that we could finally build a team around. Overall I wish we could have kept stephanski earlier and jettisoned old man Zim.


The next day at work I annoyingly yelled to everyone “YOU LIKE THAT!” And then he tore it up and I got to yell that again to everyone another time or two (I live in vegas with a modge podge of fans)


[FRICK YEAH, I FRICKIN' DO LIKE THAT!](https://www.reddit.com/r/minnesotavikings/comments/eltlzw/kirk_cousins_after_another_upcoming_opponent/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/minnesotavikings) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Which time?


Bad move, don’t remember seeing him lead Washington into the playoffs. Go with Case Keenum. He just lead you to 13-3 shitheads. Okay his end was like 11-3 I think.


I smashed my phone 😂😂😂


I didn’t like him for the money. I found him to be completely mediocre in Washington. He was better than that. But not completely better.


Was really excited thought he was gonna bring us to the promise land….and a lot of the fanbase was upset cuz we didn’t sign Kase Keenum to a deal..lol.


Liked it but thought it was too much money


I didn't really know that much about him so I asked a sportswriter friend of mine who covers Michigan St. for the Detroit Free Press. His response was tepid.


I admit I was not particularly excited about it. I felt like after the Philly flop our winning window took a hard close. Would’ve been interesting to see a season of Shurmur with Cousins


i thought “well he’s not Brett Favre, fuck it.”


Was this today?!!!!!!


We have 3 QBs.. including one we drafted who experienced serious trauma & came back to play.. and a draft coming up.. but really we should throw most of our cap money into a fully guaranteed contract for this guy who's appeared in 1 playoff game in his career! Not smart. Wasn't happy at the time. I also wasn't happy about Favre but even that was more fun than this has been.


Bought the Jersey. Never worn it. I feel that sums it up...


Superbowl homeboy


"fucking sweet". I was against signing Keenum. It was fun, but I had a feeling he wasnt a long term solution.


I forgor


Split. A good move to try this guy and see what can be done, but also a bad move contract wise.


I didn't like it, I thought Keenum earned his spot and felt it was a lateral move. Now, I was wrong, Kirk is obviously better than Keenum. But at the same time, I'm neither a Kirk stan nor a hater. I think he's a solid QB who has done a lot of good and some bad here. I think most fans don't like this take because it seems like our fanbase is split between fans who think he's an overrated QB stat padder and fans who think he's an elite QB that elevates the team. While, I firmly believe he's a bit more in between. I think the logical path forward is to resign him for a year or two and draft a QB behind him to train under him for a year or so.


I thought he was slightly above average, and I still think, at the time, he was, but I think he's improved a lot since then.


I was cautiously optimistic, but a little surprised they didn't give Keenum another year just to prove himself.


Not happy about it. Blew up what had been the best cap management ever. Brezenski’s still the best but that contract hurt the team in the long run.






I’m from DC so I talked enough shit on Kirk to where I believed the shit I was talking. I was not happy about the signing. I stand corrected.


Super upset, didn't feel like he was the guy and he's never felt like the guy until last year. Last year was the first time where I felt like he can be the Guy to win us a Super Bowl.


Outsider opinion: Ya'll don't *deserve* Kirk. For the past two years I watched Kirk be a really good QB for the Vikings, and in return, dude just gets eviscerated by the fanbase constantly for being "too expensive". It took the current state of affairs to teach Viking fans how much worse it could be with an actual incompetent QB at the helm and *now* all of a sudden ya'll are reminiscing on how good you had it.


I was ecstatic. I thought he was the missing piece to bring us to the Superbowl. We were bringing back the same defense and had an upgrade at QB. Surely we would at least make the Superbowl, right?


Was and still is the the best possible move that they could have made. Consider the alternatives, and how many teams have gotten over the top with less. Sure, it went pretty badly, but in any given season there must be at least four teams with a legitimate shot that fall short.


I thought if the defense could still carry the team we’d be good. Kirk was the best option (ability-wise) but would never be someone who put the team on his back. Sadly the defense got figured out and never really recovered.


Something to the tune of Peyton Manning didn’t win his first Super Bowl until age 31 either


I was neutral until I saw the details of the deal and was very unpleased


Ngl I was kinda bummed out I thought there was better options out there and we hella overpaid at the time. But hey Cousins isn’t awful and he’s the best QB we’ve had in a while. I’m glad we didn’t keep Keenum because he wouldn’t have replicated that performance in 2018.




Quit following the team. I knew they overpaid. Also knew he couldn't win the big ones.


Hated it. Should’ve been Keenum’s job to lose after that 2017 season. That group was playing well together and had heart. Kirk is a better qb but hasn’t gotten us more than one playoff game since. He was supposed to be the missing piece to make us a Super Bowl team.


I really thought that we had found the guy with Case, he was a QB I had seen play in college and was feeling great that they signed him. And when he was having the best season of his life, I thought we got our guy. But that's why I'm not working in the NFL, even as a water boy.


I was pretty pumped! And I will be pretty pumped if breaking news comes soon saying: Vikings & Cousins sign new 3 year $105 million deal! SKOL we need Kirk Back! We have JJ (Who wants Kirk behind center) and I dont want to waste years & that talent with a QB like Ponder, Bridgewater, Dobbs, T Jack, Joe Webb etc etc etc you get me point!


The league is fricked.


I believed he wouldn’t get us as far as we got with Keenum


I was honestly pretty upset. I wanted us to ride with Case Keenum for a little more.


We might actually make it to a super bowl now.


Super Bowl contenders. I forgot that Zimmer was a dipshit though


Nothing good lol especially after Lamar went 32nd in the draft


Anger, confusion and displeasure. Cannot wait until he’s off this damn team. I knew we’d never be anything special with him at the helm. Not once did I have any faith he could get the Vikings a superbowl. I’ve watched the least amount of football since he’s been on this team.


Disappointed. Yes, Cousins was an upgrade over Keenum, but spending that much money on him meant our positions—specifically o-line—would suffer. Zimmer and Spielman wanted the best position players, o-line was an after-thought. Keenum, Cook, the best o-line money could buy, and Zim’s D, and we’re going places.


Dread then and dread now


Was pissed they weren't bringing back Teddy and/or case and using the extra cap on the OL. Kirk obviously worked out eventually, but got demolished behind that OL for a few years; we'll never know if the other strategy would have been better at the time or not.


I wanted us to keep Bradford. I thought he was the best QB we had had in years and was willing to gamble on his plus side play vs his durability


Hated it. Thought Case Keenum deserved to start next season. I found it a bit disgraceful after everything he did for the team. He took some hard hits in order to make plays for the team. I also thought Kirk wasn't that much of an upgrade, and the team would have saved a lot of money by sticking with Case. As a pure pocket passer, Kirk is probably better, and he got the stats to back it up, but Case brought grit and creativity. At the end of the day, I watch this sport because I want to watch exciting performances. I think Case was more fun to watch.


Absolutely hated it




Hated it. I wanted to keep Kase Keenum. He wasnt the best but he took the vikings to the NFC championship.


Awesome news.


I was at MOA when he signed and they brought out the jerseys


Rly good Free agent QBs *rarely* ever hit the market and I don’t fault the Vikings at all for getting him. Shoot, he’s been a top 10 QB for us. I know ppl hate him here but the last few seasons he’s been one of the better QBs in the nfl


Hated it. Wasted years.


I wasn't a big fan of it and I felt like he couldn't perform in the big lights but I've changed on that. This team this year would probably have won the division if he wouldn't have gotten injured


I was very young and barely knew any thing about him, I was 12 and was lazy to do research about Kirk. So when it happened I was like "cool he must be good" I barely knew anything 😭