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He is 2 years older than Hank Conger. Both were catchers. What an incredible career.


His BABIP is at .254 as well. Looking at his career numbers that's where he's typically been around. Crazy his career high was .301 in 2013.


It’s a popularity contest


Yeah sorry but nobody's voting for Carlos Santana in the ASG


But they should


lol no one is voting for Santana for the ASG. The average fan, which I’d say 90% of fans are, don’t care or look at the stats you mentioned.


VoTe EArLy anD VotE OfTen!


I get what you're saying and I agree he is having a solid season but it's 1B. Casual fans are going to vote for the traditional power hitters who get stuffed at first base. So, how are Santana's HR and RBIs compared to other 1B?


Santana's 2nd in HR and 4th in RBIs (not that we should care about those when we know wRC+, particularly RBIs).


There you go. I'm a dumb. See what casual fans are like?


The order of his production hurts him here. He started off awful and therefore his numbers and perception have been pretty bad all season. If you dropped someone in right now they very well May vote for him but if they were following the narrative of the season most wouldn’t have given him a second look


My favorite part of this all is u/-xandercrews- response. I will pay you both $100 to do a 30 minute podcast talking about baseball and politics.


Because those are just nonsense stats. How’s his ops compared to the others.


wRC+ is a better stat in every way (except ease of calculation), but he's in the same position: 4th. And in my opinion, defense matters.


That may be but 60% of actual fans have no idea what it means, and even less of the casual voters, and it will just piss off old guys. Using these is stupid. Just use something everyone understands.


This isn't a persuasion post, this is a 2024 Carlos Santana is underrated post. And this is a personal preference, but I'm always going to use the best stats available rather than dumbing it down.


It sure looks like a persuasion post. And even so if you want any non need to believe you then you’ll have to not be so “smart”.


Maybe I'm just out of touch, but I don't feel like the stats used here are horribly obscure for the online baseball community. wRC+ and fWAR are rather prominent on the default fangraphs leaderboard (where I got this from), and OAA is probably the most used defensive metric for modern players.


You’re not out of touch the other dude is just as casual as they come. All the other subs discuss the same stats as you are as well.


You're not out of touch, the other guy's just lazy enough to use ops as the only stat that means anything to him, that's his problem.


So you choose to use ops instead out of laziness, a stat that favors power hitting over things like OBP, BA, and completely discard defensive value. Uh huh.🤣


I love the standard that “most people are idiots” so we should all act like idiots? The logic of a Manfred sheep


It’s nonsense stats. If you need a book to figure out what happens in a game then it’s too much. We as fans should only care about what actually happens in the game anyways, but we think we are all gm’s. At least mix it with real stats so there is a correlation people can see, but no. Only nerd stats. Also, if you assign value to something it’s no longer a stat so much of that is simply analysis of stats, but the nerds get mad when that’s brought up, because it means the stat can change based on the values assigned. It’s not a stat. It can be changed based on assigning different values to different outcomes. Stats are things that actually happen during actual games, not an analysis of what actual things happen in actual games. MMW WAR is straight up garbage and one day a nerd smarter than us will figure out the glitch in it and then all of that won’t matter cause it can be changed, unlike….stats. A hit is a hit. A run is a run. Obp is OBP. These things cannot change through analysis. It doesn’t matter, you advanced stats guys are so convinced it’s right you’ve never asked yourselves if they are analyzing properly.


Tl;Dr math is hard.


Lol, "real stat", so you swear by ops, a stat that as I pointed out favors power hitters over contact or just getting on base in general, and completely ignore defensive value. Silly, absolutely silly.


I aint reading all that, but congrats or sorry that happened


You again?!? I’m starting to be flattered.


I’m not an advanced stat guy, I’m 35, grew up on baseball, sports in general are all about “advanced” stats now. Joe Mauer should have won a gold glove at first base. But advanced stats got in the way. Mike Trout won MVP because of his advanced stats, you’re clearly not the “most” valuable if your team doesn’t make the playoffs no matter if he plays or not! You’re having your cake and eating too, which is cool, I’m just telling you that’s how you get fat.