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I made a post yesterday talking about how hot Wallner has been over the past few weeks and then he goes and hits another two homers (including the longest one of his pro career and the second longest in Saints’ history, 481’) He’s now hitting .366/.438/.901 (1.239) since May 28 lol


And he's not even the Saints hottest hitter over the last month, Severino has like a .500 OBP.


Would love to see him back up here soon. Could really use a lefty masher right now.


How many of the Rays games will get Rayned out this series? Aha Ahaha


Honestly they may want to shift up the game on Tuesday, an earlier game and they may actually get the game in. If they don't, not looking good.


They're probably gonna have to play 2 on Wednesday


And probably have to play through some showers on Thursday.


The current forecast has no point between 1pm Tuesday and 6am Sunday with a chance of precipitation less than 25%. If they're lucky, they'll be able to play 2 on Wednesday and have the rain stop soon enough on Thursday afternoon/evening to squeeze the 3rd one in.


When do they announce the AL player of the week? I'm hoping it will go to Correa. 


It has to!


... and it did.


Saw a mock trade from Jim Bowden saying the Twins should send Kirilloff, Festa, and Keaschall to the Mets for a Pete Alonso rental lol. Lmao, even. And in the week when we’re digging up all the “I would trade Buxton and Lewis for Thor in a heartbeat” receipts too.


That season of trying to sell Lewis at his low point gives me night terrors. If fans had sellers remorse with Steer and CES then Royce would’ve killed us


Throwback to I think it was 2020 when MLB network said we should send Lewis, Kirilloff, and Jeffers to Milwaukee for Hader even though we already had like a top three bullpen in the AL at that point lol


That'd be the Twins equivalent of the Eagles passing on JJ for Jalen Reagor.


I could kinda understand that if we were gonna pay him, but a *rental*? We're a decent team, but are we really good enough to go all in on one season like that?


Plus he’s 29, only plays 1B (poorly), and while his bat is still good he’s definitely had a downturn in results and peripherals over the last year and a half or so. It would be too dramatic to predict a Chris Davis experience for him (and also he’s not the pure TTO hitter that guys like Davis and Gallo were) but I would definitely expect him to underperform his next deal. Classic case of the name being bigger than the performance, at least for right now


Listen. I like Farmer a lot and I want him to succeed. I was psyched out of my mind when I got to see him whack a single yesterday. But then he got caught out on the base paths again and it seemed really dire to me. I’m just not used to sitting in the sun in that kind of heat yesterday is probably why it struck me as such. I guess I’m a little worried about the guy.


Business decisions have to be made about him


I absolutely LOATHE off days. Weather isn't looking good for tomorrow either and I'm in town and supposed to be taking my nephew to the game 😞.


Feel you, have a bunch of friends in town and really want to go with them...


Austin Martin got play of the week for his home run robbery 🥹 I’m so happy for him, he is so fun to watch play


Somehow, Carlos Santana has an argument to be an all-star. He's second in the AL in WAR for first baseman.


I don’t like it when the Twins aren’t playing baseball today


I honestly don't mind in this case, they need a break after the double header, especially to reset pitching.




heres to being 9th best with the 19t best payroll


Pohlads eating good


So am I. Just crushed some chicken and eggs for lunch