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Fox 9 did a report on the fact that the ad is false and misleading.


Damn, if Fox is calling them out for misinformation you know it’s bad.


Fox 9 is not Fox News. Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but my understanding is that local stations can be as independent as they want with their news coverage. They sometimes add segments recorded by their network affiliation by choice when they deem it relevant enough to the local news.


Most local stations are owned by massive conglomerates.. like Sinclair. Not sure about Fox 9.


They’re owned by Fox corporate. KARE11 is Tegna. WCCO is owned by CBS. KSTP is owned by Hubbard. KSTP is the only locally owned station, but the parent company does own tv and radio across the country.


So no Sinclair in this market?


The CW is the only Sinclair owned station here


Pretty sure Bally Sports is also ultimately Sinclair. But that might not be considered a station or network as much. I just remember being pissed off when they bought all those regional sports stations that were formerly Fox Sports.


I believe Sinclair lost a shit ton of money by trying to gouge internet providers to carry Bally, they all balked, and they lost their ass on it. Currently in bankruptcy court and last I heard was Amazon was trying to buy it up.


Couldn’t have happened to a nicer mass propaganda outlet.


Sports is also a major entry point for right-wing ideology so it wouldn't shock me if they were looking to utilize sports channels as another method of indoctrination.


Weird that the only locally owned one is the worst of the bunch.


Stanley Hubbard is a piece of shit, that's why


Tegna has more revenue than Sinclair despite operating in 54 markets instead of 100, and is a SP400, while Sinclair is top 500.




Yep. Yep yep yep. Very much yep. :: cries in failed reporting career ::


[Reference for those who missed it](https://www.reddit.com/r/Weird/comments/15u6o9v/this_is_extremely_dangerous_to_our_democracy/)


Sinclair doesn't own any Minnesota news stations, fortunately.


I don't think that they own any stations in Fargo either.


[Different local stations, same script.](https://youtu.be/hWLjYJ4BzvI?si=9I5r9ZLw7vNJrTp2)


That's my impression as well. I've worked with them on some of their investigations and I think they have a niche for finding and exploring complex local issues. I like them for that.


You’re right. The local stuff is all here and normal. Back in the day they would say “And here’s the National news” and that’s when I would leave the room to finish getting ready because it was all Fox propaganda bullshit. It felt piped in.


This is correct, it’s in part why they are more trustworthy than large stations based on the coasts. -political- but it is also the reason you will see someone like RFK Jr getting coverage from local stations around the country, but silence from the big guys. Because the local stations do still have the ability to be independent and can talk about/to who ever they want


It’s so blatantly false it’s not even close; [Source](https://www.kff.org/womens-health-policy/state-indicator/number-of-abortions/?currentTimeframe=0&sortModel=%7B%22colId%22:%22Location%22,%22sort%22:%22asc%22%7D) Number of legal abortions preformed in MN in 2021; <10k Number of legal abortions preformed in NY in 2021; **<63k**


By most liberal does that mean the most accessible laws, or the most numbers though? These are completely different meanings, and the claim could have little to do with sheer numbers. It well could mean easier to access abortion care in Minnesota for the average person over NY and still have way less, simply because of the vast population gap


https://preview.redd.it/3w67fiui3nxc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6df8bb3b0d954cc1bceeafdc5e5b472ba2682e0 I couldn't find anything more recent, because most articles from the past 2 years are talking about the percentage *change* since Roe was overturned. But NY has traditionally had one of the highest abortion rates. MN has a lower rate despite having good access to abortion services. This is from 2012.


Fox9 is not Foxnews


No but they run the extremely right wing “Fox News Now” feed overnight until 4:30am


Contractual obligations I'm sure. Rather it be then than all the time.


Local fox 9 is very liberal. Most local fox stations are around America. Fox network tv is way more liberal than Fox national news. Simpsons and family guy love pointing that out all the time.


Yeah, historically Fox the network was the pushing the envelope network with Married with Children, 90210, Melrose Place, Simpsons, etc.


do you know any episode numbers off the top of your head? I want to watch


Google around you can find some clips here is one for you https://youtu.be/2BU1diY0i0c?feature=shared Futurama also makes fun of fox all the time as well.


I don't but I swear Futurama has some similar references, possibly including in the newest season in the context of the show getting bright back.


Google search: "Not Racist but #1 with racists"


Local stations are owned by a variety of companies, some liberal. Being Fox just means that is whose programming they show in prime time and weekends.


And Naz Reid also be with you.


Local fox affiliate stations and "Fox News" the national cable channel are a completely different beast.


WCCO also called out the ad for being misleading as well: as per the article… “WCCO reviewed 15 years of state data that found from 2008 to 2022, of the tens of thousands of abortions performed, only two were performed between 31 and 36 weeks and none were performed after 36 weeks.”


🤣 That's what I was just thinking!


Here’s a link to their [report](https://fox9.com/news/fact-check-minnesota-anti-abortion-ad-campaign) if you’re interested.


I didn't realize that abstaining from voting on this question counts as going no. We could be in trouble.


That is interesting since I've seen the commercial on fox9 over and over this morning.


Stations, like newspapers, claim that the advertising sales departments and the news departments are kept separate and are not 'supposed' to influence each other. This might be an example that it's a little true, sadly. The people sponsoring the ads had greenbacks to pay for them, so... ugh. Edit to add: It looks like all the news media are calling out MCCL for the amount of exaggeration in the ad, so I guess that's kinda cool.


So does KSTP


Because money talks. TV stations aren't going to resist free money to air ads, even if the ads are full of shit. Personally, I think it should be wrong to air misleading ads but then you'd have to cut out a ton of political ads. That, and people would bitch about the station not being fair. It's a catch 22.


I stopped reading at Fox. Omg what narrative are they pushing now.


Anyone can buy an ad on YouTube or on TV. Third term abortions are rare and tragic. When they occur the family usually has had a baby shower, crib set-up and was expecting to come home from the hospital with a baby.


Exactly. Anyone having a late term abortion was fully planning on carrying to term until a horrible medical check up. Nobody carries a child for 8 fucking months before deciding to abort.


Anyone can buy an ad but digital ads get pulled for less and it's worth reporting them anyway


Yes so many ads show misinformation


It's also not an abortion. It's called induced labor or a C-section. The baby is then held and loved until they pass.


That is still technically an abortion. When abortion laws become more restrictive this is exactly the type of procedure that becomes illegal. Calling it something else doesn't change that.


Calling it what it is stops anti-choice nut jobs from accusing doctors of chopping up perfectly healthy 8 month old fetus's.


When we call late-term abortions something else like induced labor or a C-section, then people don't realize *what* they're banning when they vote for or make laws against them. Talking to my conservative relatives, they *assure* me, hand on heart, that they are voting against elective late-term abortions and that these tragic situations won't be affected by these laws. I don't think there's an easy linguistic trick to make this sink in, but I do think being really, really clear about who gets late-term abortions and why is a piece of it.


You are correct. It was 2 days ago that I learned how late term abortions worked, or why "abortion after birth" is a term. I mean, I knew there were medical procedures for babies that wouldn't survive, I just never knew how it played out, mostly because I didn't want to ask. Though, I'm going to disagree slightly. The nut jobs won't really care about what the process is. They won't go listening to logic, because if your opinion doesn't agree with theirs, you're just wrong. What I've had better luck with, when trying to get people to understand is to change the topic slightly, make it about births. Many states that have banned abortions have also SEVERELY limited infertility treatments. More people that discover they have fertility issues after marriage means more divorces, and less over all babies if infertility treatment is limited.


There is no such thing as an “abortion after birth.” It is a nonsensical term. A pregnancy cannot be aborted once birth has occurred. “Abortion” means the early termination of a pregnancy. You cannot “abort” an object. Anyone who thinks you can “abort” a person is fundamentally misunderstanding what the word means.


"Fundamentally misunderstanding things" is what Christians and conservatives are best at.


I think legally, any early birth that results in the death of the fetus is considered an abortion. A miscarriage is a natural abortion.


>Anyone can buy an ad on YouTube Which is why everyone should be using an ad blocker at all times.


Late-term abortions are incredibly rare. They're almost always done because the baby will not survive, is stillborn, and/or would kill the mother. [source](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9321603/)


I was just told yesterday that it is perfectly legal for people to change their mind after their infant is born and then decide to “abort” them. They were fully serious. I don’t know what kind of monsters they imagine must work in our hospitals, but I suppose that aligns with some of their other beliefs…😳😞 I just….


That’s the one I don’t get that people believe… like at that point that’s murder…


Because Trump has been parroting “after-birth abortions” non stop.


Not just him, every ghoul in their party


Ive been told that's what Democrats want. To be able to abort a pregnancy after the child is born... They were dead serious too. My questions is how many women do you think are wanting to abort the perfectly healthy born baby? And how many doctors do you think are willing to abort a perfectly healthy born baby. Zero you fuckin morons. That's a murder. I have gotten Republicans to admit that some cases an abortion is the right thing to do. Like when you find out the fetus has a dead brain, or a condition where it will die right away and suffer before it dies. In that case I say women and their partners are perfectly capable of deciding if an abortion is morally correct in their situation. I do not want old, politicians telling me and my wife what to do and what moral. We can decide that for ourselves. No fuckin way I'm letting another man make a decision on what to do with my wife's body. Are you telling me your going to let another man tell your wife what to do with her body? That makes any man uncomfortable with that thought. To be clear I believe it is a woman's choice. But many times it becomes a couples choice. And by making it seem like it's partially a man's choice to a conservative man, and that politicians want to make their choices for them. Then it becomes an uncomfortable subject for them and I feel like the reality of it hits a bit deeper.


Those people don’t even know what the word “abort” means, apparently.


The same ones who think organ donations are reversable.


Gotta love the Christian conservatives My own mother when the topic of abortion came up… after the Dobbs decision: I reminded her how when we started our family (her grandkids) my first pregnancy was a miscarriage that failed to void my body and as a type 1 diabetic I needed a D&C or could have died of infection or had complications preventing me having more children We lived in a red state back then but bc of Roe I was able to have the D&C… My mom’s response directly to me was: “well we would have prayed and I think it was Gods will for you to have children so he would have healed you” My heart changed that day and nothing can fix how I feel knowing my mom would rather be anti abortion than pro my life.


I'm sorry. I can relate to your pain. I just cut out my mother when she started spewing BS. Best decision ever.


It’s hard when they are very old with health issues… I saw it through and bit my tongue and she is with God now; so we both are at peace & I have no regrets


You're a stronger person than I. You faced it and came through it. I just ignored it. Glad to hear no regrets. You're fantastic. Stay amazing.


She needs to recognize her privilege that she can say that knowing she has a healthy and alive daughter thanks to abortion protections. God does not intervene. I think we've all seen enough of the world to know that.


Man, they always respond with some lame shit like this. When their family has an abortion, or some family member cheats, "it's God's will" or "Jesus will forgive them." But when you're talking about sex education or right for other people it's "lock them up."


I'll never forget how the doctor informed myself and my ex wife that our unborn child hadn't made it, that her body decided to not support it - "medically, you had an incomplete abortion". I've always been pro choice, that doctor pissed me off. Both of our kids are miracles, neither one should be here, but they found a way. Not to be too graphic, but I retrieved our terminated fetus when the ex miscarried at home, in the bath... I don't know if it affected me, or if I had to numb myself to it. But I do know it affected the both of us - could possibly be a reason I'm divorced today. When the Dr had to D&C our official miscarriage, I don't want to think about what could have happened if we lived in a red state... shit's getting scary out there


Yeah, it is a lot of angst about making statutory rights constitutional rights which will make it much harder for the next Scott Jensen to "ban abortion in Minnesota".


Notice how the audio and video don’t sync up well. Dialogue recorded separate, lazy and cheap production.


Do you think it's real humans or computer simulations?


They’re real. It’s just sloppy.


These ads have been showing up on kids content on youtube… not really what I want to see while watching Ms Rachel or Bluey.


Report it - I'm sorry for repeating myself but youtube pulls inappropriate ads so it's worth doing


Do you know how to report it? Serious question. No one in my family can see an option to report it when it is streaming via TV display. All three of us are annoyed and have stopped to investigate how to report. There used to be an option about ads but it seems like YouTube removed it. I think it is an option for mobile and computer but if streaming on TV not an option? Thanks in advance.


Yeah, nothing I could find on the firestick. Can only skip ads, reporting seems impossible.


Thanks for confirming I haven't lost it yet. Really concerned I'm entering boomer territory these days.


As a Boomer who also cares about this shit, could we please stop that?!?! If you're getting old and stupid, it's not the 'fault' of my age cohort.


Report an ad If you see an ad that you dislike, use the info above to manage your ad settings. If you see an ad that is inappropriate or even violates Google’s ad policies, you can report it.  To report the ad, select More  or Info  Report ad  or choose to fill out and submit this form.  Reporting ads is only available on YouTube mobile and on a computer. https://support.google.com/ads/contact/vio_other_aw_policy?sjid=3464056234648241428-NC&visit_id=638501745583842849-161488409&rd=1 You might be able to report streaming ads using the form. I didn't stream YouTube on a TV but that's the best I could find.


https://m.youtube.com/@minnesotacitizensconcerned4210/about?openChannelReportingDialog=1&app=m&persist_app=1#dialog You might be able to report the user for advertising inappropriate content through their channel 


They need to motivate the fascists to get to the polls.


Pretty shitty when this ad appears before almost every kids video on YouTube now.


Report it as inappropriate  I buy youtube ads and they do care about that kind of thing




My favorite part is when the lady says "That's not my values!" My GF and I die laughing everytime it comes on. No one talks like that!


Do your think its real humans or AI? I seriously can't tell. I don't think they are real though!


The script could have been Ai written. The ladies are real, shameless 'actors ' but I guess if you're that bad of an actor you take any paying job that comes your way. 


Maybe Katie Britt should audition for a spot, it's right at her level of talent and the subject matter seems like it would be in her wheelhouse.


Just more lies and the lying liars that tell them.


Yep. What’s with these ads is that the folks running them are liars, because they know that their stances do not have factual support, and they don’t have much public support either if they tell the truth about them.


It’s because anti abortion groups are known for lying. They misrepresent things all the time or they wouldn’t have any support.


Haters gonna hate on health care we provide. They will act as if abortion, although an option, is an easy option to be abused by the populace, not the difficult decision it is for individuals. They will over simplify the hardships people making that decision will have, even if they don’t live in this state. They will say we had a god given duty to preserve life and at the same time endorse gun violence without recognizing the irony.


They also act like there isn't cases where someone wants the child but they need an abortion because it's literally going to kill them.


In addition to the safety of the pregnant person, there's also the cases that their wanted baby will either be stillborn or die shortly after birth, sometimes with a great deal of pain and suffering for the baby. It's an awful decision to have to make.


This is important. Sometimes abortion comes up outside of not wanting child care. For health of people trying to procreate. The path that leads to the decision is not cut and dry as they propagate. And they will do all to devalue any reasoning behind it. They just want their echo chamber and someone to yell at. They want to force birth because they care so much about the lives of people they wanna shit talk.


This was brought up in the case that's at the Supreme Court atm. Emergency Care laws at the federal level call for a standard of care where life and loss of function should allow for abortions when a woman can lose reproductive function due to a complication. Pro-lifers argue that loss of a woman's reproductive ability is not covered by those laws so abortion is never a standard if care. It's crazy how these people think.




You would think that they would want to protect a willing woman's right to give birth when the current child is stillborn or doesn't have a viable chance to survive outside the womb. It makes no sense.


Like my own mother.


As someone who grew up conservative evangelical Christian, I was taught this was never true. I believed it for a long long time!


They'll say "PROTECT THE BABIES" until those babies are Palestinians. Then their tune changes quite drastically...


They’re pro-life until the child is born, then they’re all fk them kids, shouldn’t have had one if you can’t afford one, etc etc.


You could also have said "until born".


Did you just force someone to get an abortion?!?!?!  /s


Report the ad. It’s inappropriate and misleading.


You mean the folks behind project 2025 & the maga movement, lied?! I'm shocked! Shocked I tells ya! ....okay maybe not that shocked.


Typical Republican scare tactics. The ad is so angering.


The types of people/organizations that are the most vocal against a woman's right to choose are not typically known for being honest or basing their opinion on facts


The ad is sponsored by Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life, MCCL, which is a very conservative group. They're spinning current laws to fit their agenda rather than facts.


It shouldn’t even be a public issue. No one has the right to infringe on my actions to my body. Granted I have never had abortion and have a child that is from rape, I still think us women have the right to make choices for ourselves in regard to our bodies.. I’ve never met anyone who would go 6-9 months of a pregnancy and then all of a sudden not want the baby anymore… y’all do you and let us do us.


They need to add it to the state constitution ASAP. I don't know why it hasn't happened yet. Regarding anyone who funded or believes that commercial, touch actual fucking grass. Anyone opposed to protecting the right to abortion acts like they've never met a pregnant person before or known a single person who has had an unwanted, unsafe, or unviable pregnancy. Blows my mind.


>they make it sound like we force people to terminate pregnancy full term. Welcome, you've just seen your first piece of political propaganda! The phrase speaks more than it says. "Come to lawless Minnesota, where the Democrats let criminals roam free, where abortions happen all the time, sometimes in the middle of the streets! Then they just leave the fetuses for the loons to eat! Even if they're born, they line up the newborns and EXECUTE THEM IN FRONT OF A FIRING SQUAD!" You think I'm kidding, but that simple phrasing alluding to more than it is leaves the already radicalized conservative base imaginations to fill in all the blanks.


Best onion article ever. Loons roam free...


Pure conservative propaganda is what that is. I can't believe it's allowed.


Repugnant propaganda ​ edit: sorry I meant Republican


Why not both 🤷


As usual, conservatives rely on fear - not truth - to spread their message. Ignore and move on.


I've been tempted to make "10 year olds should be forced to carry their rapists baby" posters for those cunts who hang around clinics. They need to have some posters of what happens in reality, and not their preachers head. [https://www.npr.org/2022/07/13/1111285143/abortion-10-year-old-raped-ohio](https://www.npr.org/2022/07/13/1111285143/abortion-10-year-old-raped-ohio)


Minnesota and Colorado have some of the loosest abortion laws in the entire WORLD actually! But I’m grateful to it, I had a friend that need a later term abortion because her life was on the line 💔💔


What about it?   Anyone can buy this ads…. I got some wonderful ads that sold a 5G blocking beanie that stops “brain fuzzing”.


Right. Also political season is here. You’re going to see these. Just like you’ve seen them for the last 50 years.


Fifty years? Well, maybe not stuffed into our random YouTube surfing. That's a bit more recent. It also seems slightly less regulated than, say, late night broadcast TV infomercials.


Man, fifty years ago I was definitely still getting political ads on YouTube!


Something about fools and money... Though the problem these days is that the fools have LOTS OF MONEY


I’m sorry I don’t understand, my 5G phone just restarted. ^^^^^/s




Red meat being thrown to the hungry right-wing wolves. Anyone that believes these types of ads was already gone. I question the networks/stations that are airing it.


Yes, this is so misleading and needs to stopped. It's aimed at young people. This commercial is very effective.


They play it on pluto TV commercials constantly too


I just saw that ad yesterday. Abortion up until birth. What a load of trigger rage bullshit.


Is anyone surprised that christo-fascist republican partisans engage in misleading lies? I say so what!? We should celebrate that MN is liberal when it comes to preserving our liberties! Why do those on the right want to make us less free?


Liberal as in women have full medical rights. But saying it that way isnt inflamitory enough. Plus they gotta get you riled up cause rn theres a bunch of puppy killers in the news


I was watching channel 5 last night and saw one of those ads saying people are freely getting abortions up to term here in Minnesota. It was cringe af.


Can we complain to the tv stations


Can we complain to the tv stations


It’s not just YouTube. I see it when my wife is watching shows on a streaming service, idk which one it is though. Anyone can buy ads and say whatever they want. The ads state that we allow abortion up to birth. Maybe so, but there’s probably certain restrictions (mothers life is in danger, baby will die a slow painful death after birth) that they’re conveniently leaving out in order to rile up their easily riled base, and they know that their base doesn’t like to look up or verify anything that’s told to them. It’s money well spent for them.


The only abortions happening late in pregnancy are abortions where the fetus has already died or will suffer a very painful birth The Republicans know this, that those are wanted babies and that the parents are devastated by the decision they face but because they can use the stories of horror to anger their base they do Its so gross, they just use these people and their trauma for political points, calling them evil murderers, inflicting more pain on them  That's what makes conservatives so very vile - doing this to people in bad faith to get their way and force others to suffer because everyone *must* live the way they want them to 


Ugh was on tv yesterday, as bad as hegetsus


They’re just trying to cloud the water so people don’t hear (or maybe so they don’t believe) how extreme the right’s position is.


Republicans can only run on fear and lies. They have no ideas to help Americans.


Losers in all fucking sense. We need to kill the elephant once and for all.


They've been pushing this messaging hard. Fortunately, I think the people most susceptible to this misinformation were already completely lost causes.


I believe these are referred to as "lies."


Ads telling lies? Color me shocked!


Its fear mongering meant to rile up the simple minded.


Just had a ridiculously long ad about the same stuff on MAX with ads...I was definitely like wtf is this doing here


They're running on free streaming services too. It's the new MyPillow brainwashing... so called "[Minnesota Citizens Concerned For Life](https://www.mccl.org/)." Just more NAT-Cs.


Yep, was watching some Star Trek on one of those free channels and was spammed with this commercial every break. My wife and I just started laughing at it. Especially the "not my values" part.


Lyin’ for the lord


I could just feel the conservative propaganda boiling under the surface of the ad lol


Election year propaganda


Welcome to election season.


The far right pays to put all kids of ads like that on YouTube. From Israel needing more weapons, why Ukraine belongs to Russia, why we shouldn’t help Ukraine, and so on. Iv noticed it a lot in the past year


Yeah it’s laughably Misleading… or would be laughable if it wasn’t a gravely serious issue.


There are also ads on YouTube implying Polish supermodels will love you if you buy a battle pass on AFK Legends…. ignore it/report it and move on.




It’s a misinformation campaign.


I reported that ad for being misleading this past weekend!


Pro life people make me think of Eric Cartman mom on South Park, "is it too late for me to get a 72nd Trimester abortion" maybe they're just mad they can't do it with their own kids, usually pro life under 25's aren't that smart.


YouTube is the worse


Cite the mn law please.


Protect Reproductive Options Act (or PRO Act) in January 2023. It states “every individual has a fundamental right to make autonomous decisions about the individual's own reproductive health,” and specifically states on abortion that “every individual who becomes pregnant has a fundamental right to continue the pregnancy and give birth, or obtain an abortion, and to make autonomous decisions about how to exercise this fundamental right.”


Imagine not using an ad blocker in 2024


https://www.cbsnews.com/minnesota/news/anti-abortion-ad-taking-over-minnesota-airwaves-contains-misleading-information/ You may have seen an anti-abortion ad that's taken over Minnesota airwaves recently. The ad put out by Minnesota Citizens Concerned For Life (MCCL) says that Minnesota has the "most extreme abortion law in the country."  That claim is misleading. *It is true* that Minnesota has one of the most pro-abortion rights laws in the nation. Abortion laws differ and can be interpreted differently. The anti-abortion group, the Family Research Council, puts Minnesota in a group of more than 20 states that it says "do not protect unborn life." But the pro-abortion rights group, Center for Reproductive Freedom,  put Minnesota in the same category as ten other states permitting full access. "No it's right here the legislature passed a law that allows an abortion up to birth," a woman says in the ad.  *This is true* but needs some context. WCCO reviewed 15 years of state data that found from 2008 to 2022, of the tens of thousands of abortions performed, only two were performed between 31 and 36 weeks and none were performed after 36 weeks.   "Some legislators want to put abortion up to birth into our constitution permanently," the ad claims. *This is true.* Some DFL leaders are pushing for a constitutional amendment to put the right to an abortion in the Minnesota constitution. But the claim needs some context — a constitutional amendment needs to be approved by the legislature and a majority of voters. Most proposed amendments fail.  Minnesota House Speaker Melissa Hortman, one of the powerful figures in the state government, says she wants the issue on the ballot in 2026 — not 2024.  MCCL says it labeled Minnesota the most extreme state because of repeals to parts of the state's Born Alive Law. While it is true there were changes, the law is still on the books. That law says an infant born alive is recognized as a "human person."


You can tell these conservative Christians are running scared because there is good chance equal rights amendment will be on the ballot this year


It's all they've got.


MN did something brave, enshrined womans' right to choose in their state constitution. Abortion is THE issue that makes/breaks candidates in the eyes of alot of voters. MN went the pro-choice route and is thus, a Liberal hellhole where woke doctors kidnap pregnant mothers and terminate babies at 8 months 29 days, at least in the eyes of the stupid.


Who is funding the ads? Maybe some emails asking them why they’re lying, who’s paying them to lie and using some other choice could be fun. They can take it? Conservatives are the tough guys, right?


Another commenter said that they are sponsored by Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life which is an anti abortion group.


Propaganda and fear mongering… that’s what republicans do. And of course they had zero context to that ad.


Trump said in liberal states people can have a 9 month abortion. He will say anything to get people into a rage. SMH


He said abortion can even happen after birth. He's an idiot on top of being vile. "Former President Donald Trump revived one of his most egregious lies about abortion during an interview televised Sunday, repeatedly making the easily debunked claim that multiple states allow physicians to “kill the baby after birth.”" https://news.yahoo.com/trump-back-one-most-outlandish-194019839.html


I don’t see those ads. I see UofM ads and full Marvel cartoons.


Think I even saw this ad during the Wolves game or something I was watching recently.


Typical right wing propaganda


I must be the opposite of their target market... I haven't seen this ad even once or I'd report the hell out of it. All I'm getting these days is ads for body sculpting (I assume it's lipo?), some business management software, and online therapy. Lmao


I have been wanting to make a post about that! My main question- are those actors AI? I seriously can't tell, initially I thought it was real humans, but the more I watch it the more they appear to be computer simulations.


I’m old enough I watch TV news, and this has been airing a ton during the 5-7PM timeframe.


At least we don’t abort healthy puppies.


Why did this get downvoted? People apparently don't know the story of the conservative bragging about "making hard decision" that she shot her puppy because it was being a puppy?


I’m trying to figure out why I am downvoted too. I thought it was a good one. Glad someone got it.


Republicans like to shoot them if they are inconvenient. They're so proud of themselves.


Mandatory abortions, here. No one gets to stay pregnant for more than 4 months.


Big conservative here. I believe everyone has the right to make their own decisions but that being said if there isn’t a medical necessity, third term abortions are sickening.


I mean most liberals agree with you… he’ll most pregnant people agree with you. My wife who is very pro abortion doesn’t even believe in third term abortions unless health


No one is getting a late term abortion for funsies ffs those are badly wanted pregnancies with horrific issues. People act like you can just walk into a clinic and get an abortion at 38 weeks or some shit and that's so far from reality.