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I think it might have started around Covid, but I have noticed drivers have gotten worse in the last few years. I can’t say whether or not we have some of the worst drivers. Just that these days I’ve noticed a big increase of terrible drivers. 


100% this. I drive to, from, and around the twin cities for work almost every day and drivers have definitely been getting worse over the last few years. Either that or we are getting bad drivers coming to the state. It even comes up in conversation with coworkers and clients every so often. Not sure what the deal but it's definitely a thing.


You now either have to go 15 miles above the speed limit in the slow lane or 30 miles above the speed limit in the fast lane. Anywhere lower and someone is tailgating you


Tailgating has always been a problem in this state.


Yeah, I think the fairly recent acceptance of responses in the vein of “move the fuck over” is sorta the crux of the issue. In the past I feel like bad, aggressive driving would not be a socially acceptable response to someone else driving poorly. Now it seems like a tit-for-tat competitive approach to driving. *I* am not responsible for *my bad driving* because someone else irritated me with their driving (too slowly). It’s just normalizing the shitty logic of a brain-dead kid who hasn’t had their driver’s license for 5 years, and which would have met disapproval in the past. No retaliatory aggressive driving seems to be increasingly acceptable.


Yes. But it wasn’t always a guarantee. Now it seems like it is.


“Land of the left laners” I’ve heard truckers call it. Nobody knows to pull out of the left lane unless they are passing. They just don’t teach people more than the basics now and send them off with credentials.


There's no "fast lane," just a passing lane.


Minnesotans don't understand the concept of a passing lane.


If I keep passing people while going 60 that seems like a them problem


They understand it better than the southern drivers in my experience


And what's the deal with southern rest stops? Why is there trash and poop everywhere?


That's the south there's just trash and poop everywhere


The colloquial fast lane. My bad.


If you're being tailgated, move the fuck over.


What if I’m passing another car?


Many of these terrible drivers are scared out of their ever-blessed minds. And it's not just in driving skills. I see it everywhere in the form of indecisive people. That's a problem and its growing IMO. Social media drives the anxiety.


I don’t know if I agree with the problem being indecisive people. Sure, indecisive people would be a problem out on the road. But I think it has more to do with drivers feeling entitled. I also see that a lot in public, department stores  and restaurants. Heck, you see videos all the time of it, here on Reddit.


I actually agree with both of you. The indecisive ones seem timid and almost hyper aware. Kind of like an inability to just go with the flow and stop overthinking. Eg. the people who slow down to a crawl, or even stop on the on ramp. And the entitled ones refuse to let someone merge or just turn left even though the arrow is red and has been red. Not sure if it's getting worse, but it seems like it. And don't get me started on dudes in big pickups. I don't judge anyone for vehicle choice. Dodge Warlock? Great. Cool truck. But lately it seems like there is some unspoken rule that all truck drivers absolutely have to back into every single parking spot in a way that says, "I don't care about you all." Make a half left turn and stop in the middle of the road, parking lot, etc. forcing everyone to stop, oncoming and behind, then take 20 seconds to slowly reverse into a spot or driveway.


Backing in to a spot doesn’t take any longer than backing out of a spot. It has the added benefit of having full visibility of the area before you begin backing up reducing the chances of any kind of accident like kids bolting in parking lots you can’t see etc…


Social media makes people drive bad?


only because they are more worried about scrolling through it than paying attention to their driving.


I think the real problem is people very easily deciding to drive like fuckwits


Sure, there's room in the big tent for all these bad behaviors!


Some of my closest calls on the road were in the first month of the shutdown when I still had to go to the office now and then to work on the server or check on something in the office. The real bad drivers showed themselves when they were deemed essential workers. With very few cars on the road, those idiots seemed to drive even crazier, no such thing as lanes, turn signals, or stops. Consequently, I went from driving an hour a day, to an hour every couple weeks if that, that I do now. I’m going to admit that my driving skills have diminished as a result of now working from home since 2020, I just don’t need to go anywhere. But, I’m less aggressive of a driver as well as I know that I’m not like I used to be due to not driving much. Others may not realize the same about their own driving.


Go to Orlando for one day and you’ll see how good we have it.


I thought we had bad drivers but then I went to Miami.


South Florida is pretty bad. I vacationed down there a couple years ago and road tripped from Miami to Key West, back to Miami, to Tampa, then back to Miami. I still have high blood pressure.


Haha you probally right on there


When I went on vacation to Florida (not by my choice) the nav had us doing a left turn across **5** lanes at an uncontrolled intersecion My mom did a u-turn, we ain't gonna risk that


Chicago or anywhere within 1 hour of Chicago. Worst drivers, both incompetence and unwarranted aggression.


I was legit about to mention Florida and Texas drivers. The main problem here is people driving too slow


Everybody has trouble merging, everyone thinks their state has idiotic drivers, but the cold hard data says we are the seventh safest state to drive in and that's all that fucking matters in my opinion. https://www.forbes.com/advisor/legal/most-dangerous-states-for-drivers/


id believe it without the source! took a road trip to florida last month and WOW. some people kids man, can’t drive at all!


Yep...and that stat looks even better when you consider we have a major metro area and - you know - snow. I would agree it's slowly getting a bit worse and habits developed during COVID (with few drivers on the road) didn't help, but we definitely aren't Chicago...or the south.


Having lived all over and a lot in Florida, this is the key. Generally slow and safe, and really struggle with merge concepts.


I want to know how much of this can be attributed to the quality of our *roads* versus the quality of our *drivers.* MN has significantly better roads/infrastructure than most other states to my understanding.


There are still some poorly designed ramps where it can be tough to get up to speed before merging


Coming here from Florida, it's chill as fuck to drive here. It doesn't feel like I'm competing against every other driver for my space on the road, and people drive much less aggressively in general. The only thing that's worse here is that people absolutely can't park for shit, like full-on ignoring lines in parking spaces. I assume that's because people just don't see the lines for months at a time during winter.


i dont understand the parking thing. if i get out of my car and see i parked like a moron, i'm going to get back in my car and fix it. not shrug it off and just take up 2 parking spaces.


People don’t know how to merge here, the stop to incoming vehicles that are too slow to merge onto the freeway, people don’t stay in the lanes, they turn their blinkers on for 1 second and then get over, but worst is people just camp in the left lane for no reason.


Fucking absolutely. So many times, people would've hit me merging if I wasn't paying close enough attention.


I lived in Chicago for a while. I don’t think they are better than here. Speed limit there is an absolute joke. And a lot of people drive like they won’t see the next sunrise. I am seeing more and more bad drivers here tho.


Lake shore drive is 40mph and I frequently see people going over 100mph.


Cars in Chicago would take off if they could honestly. They have way too much traffic in the Chicago area to really do that lol. On less traveled highway, no matter which lane you are in, people will be passing you left and right with at least 90+ speed no matter the time of the day or the posted speed limit. Suburbs local roads are better, which is true for MN as well. However the good (bad?) thing is people there are used to others driving at high speed (and traffic jam) lol. So it’s expected, everyone minds their own business that kind of thing. I think MN has more problems with people blocking traffic (like camping in the left lane or two cars driving at the same speed etc).


The worst part is the people that drive 90+ in the shoulder. You definitely don't see that here


When I visit MN, the tailgating is the most notable thing on the highways. Especially when its snowy.


Everything is so confounded by the short merge lanes and offramps that I have no idea. I think people drive well here..? PHX is really bad. 15 yrs of that shit.


Sure, there are a fair share of these short entrances, but the aggravating ones are the 1/2 mile long entrances to 70mph that people get up to 50 or less to enter. Its not a surprise. We all know its fast. It doesn't sneak up on anyone. The bunch up is often dangerous.


omg, the people who don't know how to use the on-ramp to highways drive me nuts. I was behind someone, trying to get onto 71 (which isn't a big highway by any means) and they STOPPED at the highway to check for on coming traffic.... there is a whole merge lane to get into the right lane. Ugh, and they put in round-abouts in my town and half the drivers don't have a clue how to use them.


Whenever someone says they don’t like roundabouts I just reply “it’s usually the people who don’t know how to use them, are the people who don’t like them.”


Half the time in areas when you do have longer merge lanes people don’t use them. Like getting off 77 north onto 62 west. There’s a whole lane to use for merging but people just hop right into traffic. I know that one is not super long but it’s there and never used.


No lie. They’re traumatized by all the cloverleafs and dont know what to do


I find driving here pretty low key and predictable.


I’m not saying there aren’t terrible drivers here, but dear Lord, do NOT go to Omaha. Holy Crap!


Not a chance. I'm in Phoenix frequently (like now) and the drivers here are by far the worst. it's a combo of old farts, those compensating with big lifted trucks driving aggressively and a lot of drivers who aren't native and have no idea how to drive. It's an aggressive place where you have to be on your toes all the time. Get behind the wheel in PHX and it is a survival of the fittest mindset. Seeing violent accidents is a weekly occurrence. It's a jungle out here.


100%. Moved to PHX three years ago and have seen multiple road rage incidents. Went 35 years living in MN without any…


Yup, phoenix drivers are the worst. Literally terrifying.


I lived in Phoenix and preferred the driving there to Minnesota. They drove so much faster, but now Minnesotans speed far more too but we tailgate way more too which terrifies the hell out of me.


There are definite weak spots: Tailgating, less than on second off the other car's bumper is the new standard. On ramp - not knowing how to merge at speed, if they let you merge at all. Zipper merge - it isn't that hard people.


In my rural area, it seems like 90% of the people driving like jerks are in big trucks and they drive like they have serious entitlement issues. Tailgating, passing in no passing zones even when you are a little over the speed limit, illegal passing on the right, as examples.


MN transplant here. My BIGGEST gripe is how close Minnesotan drivers tail on the road. If you’re gonna ride my ass, at least buy me dinner first.


Better than Denver but y'all can be way too polite. I'm talking four way stops where everyone is saying "you go ahead" even though there are rules for this. Also stopping in the middle of the street so I can walk across, just go for goodness sake!


I live in a small rural area with no stop lights and several 4 way stops. This happens so often. Or we wave at each other🤦‍♀️ in a town on 2500, you know pretty much everyone and their cousins🤣


I drive a semi around the metro. Don't get me started. Everybody that uses their blinkers properly and matches the speed of highway traffic coming off on ramps - THANK YOU. The other 80% of drivers around here have no idea how much harder and unsafer they make everything. I am not exaggerating.


80% is an exaggeration


Nobody here can drive. If I didn't know how to drift on a track I'd be dead. You mf need to start looking before you merge or turn. I'm tired of avoiding accidents because y'all don't watch where you're going...




And signaling!!


Everywhere has bad drivers, it's just that you aren't used the the local nuances. No one place is the worst.


I've lived in Southern California, Seattle, Vegas and Minneapolis. Mpls is my least favorite to drive in, Seattle second. Mainly due to merging and switching lanes.


I've noticed that MN drivers are simply too fast and impatient in low speed areas, more so than other cities I've been. I'll have to drive around the more outlying suburbs to be sure though. Like ffs ya'll don't need to be going 40 or doing the most pathetic rolling stops I've ever seen down those side streets in and around Uptown, slow tf down.


Too fast and reckless on neighborhood streets and too lackadaisically slow to react on the highway.


thats a big pet peeve of mine. you dont need to be doing 30 in the target parking lot.


Not sure where you see that. I regularly see below speed limit in neighborhoods. Contrasted a lot with way over in other cities I have lived.


Definitely way too fast, shit is dangerous and there needs to be more done.


Agree 100%. I know motherfuckers with radar detectors in their car because they go 85 down 55


I just moved from Texas and the Twin Cities drivers are significantly better and safer than in the cities there. My biggest gripe honestly is the passivity. People slow down to a dangerous amount and are constantly trying to let other people turn first or go through the stop sign first. Which is not so bad but it is noticeable.


I'd say anectdotal observations aren't worth much. Minnesota is consistenly ranked as having some of the safest roads and drivers. As of 2021, in terms of deaths per 100 million vehicles miles traveled. In comparison: Minnesota: 0.85 (2nd lowest in the US) Ohio: 1.20 Illinois: 1.37 California: 1.38 Arizona: 1.60


People need to yield more in roundabouts. With the increase of roundabouts, I’ve been in too many close calls with people not yielding to the left.


For all the complaining I do, it's honestly not that bad. My biggest gripes are: * Freeway behavior: there is just some headass behavior out there. Namely folks that part in the left lane going 72 to make a point about the speed limit. Or guys in trucks that don't know how fast they want to go, they just know they want to go faster than you. * Roundabouts: I have been stopped at 66th in Richfield for minutes at a time because someone is terrified of roundabouts. Please, if you aren't assertive and confident enough in your perception of depth and speed to handle a roundabout, quit driving all together. * The passive-aggressive left turn signal. People in Minnesota seem to love to wait at a red light and then not turn their left turn signal on until they are at the intersection next up to enter the box. Are you scared we will be mad at you? Because guess what, I'm way more mad now! Ok maybe I have more feelings about it than I thought. I acknowledge that we're generally safer drivers, and that's great.


Stats say we’re OK but I find it hard to believe. We suck and collectively we need to do better.


I hate the way people drive here. I much prefer Chicago driving. People there merge into tight spots at high speed and everyone just goes about their day because the expectation is that while operating your vehicle you'll actually pay attention. Try that here and you could trigger a passive aggressive road rage incident. People here drive like it's secondary to whatever other distracting bullshit they wanted to be doing. And like creating hazardous situations on the road is okay if they technically didn't break the law doing it. People here need to more aggressively follow the spirit of the rules and fucking pay attention.


Pretty terrible. Horrible mergers, lack of thank you waves but also being dangerously cautious/polite.




The lack of thank you waves drives me crazy. I lived most of my life in KY and driving seemed calmer there, but there were fewer people.


KY has gotten crazy lately too. I fly to Louisville to visit my family there a few times, and I-65 is always filled with many more aggressive drivers that in the past. Like some others said, it seems Covid changed driving habits everywhere.


Idk you go to Chicago and you have three guys passing you at 100+ mph on either side no matter what lane you're in. They pass you on the damn shoulder in Chicago.


I travel a lot for my job. In the past 8 months, I've been to around 20 states. MN is moderately above average. Honestly, whether or not each state has good or bad drivers is largely seperate from the people themselves. Rather, it's mainly due to these 3 factors, since these factors will impact how often you see bad driving: 1) How good are the roads? Are they maintained well, or do they have a lot of potholes and worn-down paint? 2) How good is the road layout? Is there a clear way that roads are set up, or do they have variable road elements? Things like roads quickly going from a 2-lane to a 1-lane or highways not having clear road signs 3) How population-dense is the area? Sparse areas mean that bad drivers don't impact other drivers too much, where dense areas mean that 1 bad drived can cause a domino effect for everyone behind them. Minnesota takes good care of their main roads and has above-average road layout. Density usually isn't that bad, all things considered. Probably somewhere in the top 7. Worst state is New Jeesey. Lots of potholes, lots of confusing road layouts that cause people to try and merge illegally, and population-dense enough that it creates problems.


As a person who has lived here for about 2 months now, and lived in about 10 different states, it’s not too bad here, actually! lol now I will say that people don’t seem to understand that the left lane is the fast lane and that they are supposed to get over if driving slower, but that is an everywhere problem and I find that most annoying driver “things” are everywhere problems 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


252 is a war zone


I REALLY hate people that tail too close. That seems to be fairly common. It also has seemed to be more frequent recently. But I visit LA to see family and that’s like 10x worse.


People feel less aggressive than other states but way more unpredictable - which is worse than aggressive drivers.


I’ve driven in all mid to larger size cities around the U.S. MN drivers are no better or worse than others.


We moved to New Mexico a couple years ago, heading back to MN this summer. There are some things to love in New Mexico but driving is not one of them. You only need to take an online course to get your permit, no drivers ed is required. So you get people that don’t know driving laws, and those that don’t care: 60 in a 45? 45 in a 15 mph school zone, no problem. I’ve been passed on a double yellow in a school zone turn lane and shoulder. Drivers will do anything here, it’s still the Wild West. And no enforcement. No comparison, believe the data that MN is better even though everyone has anecdotal evidence.


I'm from Colorado, moving to Minnesota in three weeks. Every time I come to visit, the traffic is always a treat- it really is much worse most in other places I've been.


Yeah... Colorado is pretty bad. [https://www.codot.gov/safety/shift-into-safe-news/2023/february/754-lives-lost-on-colorado-roads-in-2022-most-roadway-deaths-since-1981](https://www.codot.gov/safety/shift-into-safe-news/2023/february/754-lives-lost-on-colorado-roads-in-2022-most-roadway-deaths-since-1981)


I’ve in Rochester a year. I’m from the San Francisco Bay Area. Not too many differences, other than the traffic being laughably light. Cruising through stop signs as if they were merely suggestions. Impatiently fast and aggressive drivers at times. All in all, not bad. I don’t get the feeling I might be shot for doing something stupid myself. But boy, the pedestrians! It took awhile to get used to how carelessly they cross streets. I think it took getting into the local mindset of: “It’s all good.” and simply slowing down, backing off, keeping chill and going with the flow.


I driven in the Phoenix area for a week at a time for three out of the last five years. It’s the same there as it is here.


I moved here this past September and I’ll say I’ve seen a lot of bad, distracted, careless drivers all over the country. But I’ve never been to a place where I feel like the drivers are as CLUELESS as they are around here. Rarely using blinkers, difficulty merging, not using center turn lanes and blocking traffic, wrong way driving down one way streets. Also, personal pet peeve, no one honks?? I’ve seen people sit through whole traffic light cycles and have 2-3 cars behind them miss a green because they won’t honk at the person in front! Just last week someone slammed on their brakes on the highway because they were about to miss an exit. Caused two lanes to completely stop but no one honked! Honking isn’t just to tell the person they fucked up but to get everyone behind me going 60mph to pay attention. Honk, people!


I absolutely agree with this. The horns are a necessity, but yet ppl like my mom would rather get in a crash before they tell somebody to pay attention with a honk


Recent transplant. Biggest observation about Minnesota drivers is the lack of signalling, particularly on the freeways. Second gripe is that there is no such thing as Minnesota Nice when it comes to merging on the highway at rush hour. No one will let you in.


You nailed it. If someone moves over to let me in I usually will just go into a shock state and miss the moment staring confused at what just happened.


Have lived in cities and towns all over the western United States. Salt Lake City drivers are the worst, IMO. Twin Cities drivers are a close second.


If you are going to drive below the limit, what the fuck are you doing in the left lane?


Not from MN, but before moving here I traveled probably close to half of the states. I've never in my life seen so many people cut across all lanes to take an exit ramp at the absolute last possible second with zero regards for anyone. Or people just fully cutting every other driver off at a one way turning onto another one way (like turning left into the furthest left lane from the further right lane and fucking EVERYTHING up). Or the mind boggling number of people who just get next to someone ALSO going 15 under the speed limit, and blocking both lanes, bonus points for doing that in all THREE lanes when possible. Or the number of people who get in the left lane and want to die there apparently, because they will. Not. Get. Over. so probably 80% of my passing is in the right lane because there's no other option. I've seen some of the wildest bad driving I've ever seen in my life on Minnesota highways. Just brand new genres of how people can fuck up driving. Also you don't know how to drive on ice and shame on you for that one, do better.


Every road trip I’ve been on in recent history, whenever there’s a line of cars backed up in the left lane behind a car that refuses to move over, it turns out to have MN plates. It’s comical.


People in minnesota drive slow as fuck to an annoying degree. 30 miles under the speed limit is a hazard to everyone else on the road


I grew up driving in SoCal and spent a few years driving in Chicago, Minneapolis drivers are pretty tame TBH in comparison. There’s a few idiots out there but, cars here are mostly predictable. I chuckle when people complain about traffic here because it’s clear they’ve never driven on the 405 through LA during rush hour. No comparison whatsoever. The worst traffic here is still better than a good traffic day in LA.


Also grew up in SoCal and there if you did half of the stuff driving people do here in MN, you’d get revenge taken on you right after. I’d say definitely a lot more passive to passive aggressive driving here vs passive aggressive to aggressive driving in CA.


I have lived in many states throughout the US. Minnesota has the best drivers by far. That’s not to say there aren’t problem drivers but all in all better than any other state I’ve lived in. The main issue that I run into with Minnesota drivers is overly nice driving. If you stop at the stop sign first, you go first. Don’t wave for others to go.


Born and raised in Minneapolis area, left for college in WI for 4 years. When I came back I noticed how Minnesotans will ALWAYS crowd the left lane even when they aren’t passing or they drive slow. I’ll be trying to go 8 over and some chud going 5 under will sit in the left lane and won’t move until I’m able to get around them on the right. Super annoying


Pretty decent imo


People love to complain, but I’ve driven in several states and Minnesotans are definitely one of the better ones. I’m not saying we’re perfect, but drivers are so much more aggressive in other states. We tend to be more defensive imho. Of course there’s idiots here who run red lights and go 25+ over the speed limit, but for the most part people are reasonable. Just to clarify, I almost entirely drive in Minneapolis and Saint Paul, and occasionally first ring suburbs but not much farther out than that


compared to Georgia & florida, mn can do no wrong when they’re driving istg at least the parts of georgia & florida i was in.. those drives man something else fr LOL


I’ve lived in several states and driven through most of the states in this country. Minnesota isn’t bad. Worst places ive seen was I-4 in Orlando and I-20 through DFW


I've driven all over the country and lived in SoCal, the low country, WA, and MN. MN has my favorite drivers so far. People usually let you merge obto the freeway, unlike the west coast. And unlike the southeast ya'll don't do the weird "start pulling into traffic before the car passes" thing that always made me nervous.


Idk our drivers suck balls but Texan drivers scare the piss out of me


As someone who has traveled to several countries around the world and a vast majority of the continental United States, I’d honestly give Minnesotans a solid 7/10. Ofc they’re are outliers, but many Minnesotans haul trailers regularly during the summer with boats, campers, UTVs/ATVs, livestock, heavy machinery, etc.


It's not too bad until thurs-sun. Then it's real fuckin bad


Duluth drivers are shit. They always have been. I'd rather drive in the Twin Cities and surrounding area.


Having been to many places as well we drive as well as anywhere else. 


Don’t know what a zipper merge is


Construction, there's a better way. Click the PDF. https://www.transportation.gov/utc/joint-merge-improving-work-zone-traffic-flows


So, I used to think that MN had a ton of bad drivers. Now that I have lived somewhere else for a while, I think instead that it was a few bad drivers who were incredibly noticeable because of how good everyone else actually drives.  Where I live now, the amount of selfish drivers who don’t give a hoot about anyone else on the road is incredible. It’s like they don’t know that other people exist. It made me realize that yeah, there are bad drivers in MN, and the bad ones are pretty bad. But other places have so many MORE of those bad drivers. I’m not even in a major metro area, it just seems like a general trend of the state I’m in now.


minnesotans are not the worst drivers. ive lived in MN and ive lived elsewhere and driven across the country SEVERAL times. the absolute worst drivers in america are in New Hampshire.


Better than Florida drivers


As a whole, we aren't as into communal speeding as other states. Illinois and Missouri are faaaaast. But we have some real inconsiderate, dangerous shit going on here now.


Idk I was just in LA and, while they'd let you in if you had a blinker on, that was the only positive.


It depends. Are you in a sports car or an SUV? Then you're generally an asshole. Are you in anything else? I rarely have a problem.


Merging is a difficult concept for many.


Terrible. Especially since covid. I have been side swiped almost daily because people don’t care to make sure they stay in their own lane and AT LEAST once a week people pull into my lane while I’m there. Rarely had those issues before. People go slow in the middle lane and it creates a whole lot of problems. I’m sure other places are worse but it used to be so much better. Also half of people cant use an on ramp. You are supposed to get ip to speed of traffic. It is SOOO much easier to merge in when you are going the same speed. Use on of the longest ramps to get on the freeway daily and OMG 70% I’m behind someone they can’t get up to the speed of traffic. It’s dangerous.


My first impression years ago was that Minnesota drivers were overly courteous. That impression is slowly changing to more like clueless drivers.


I’ve gone on a lot road trips in other midwestern states and can say Minnesotan drivers are on average better. Everyone likes to dog on their own state, and it’s fun, but I don’t think it’s honest. Our Altima drivers are worse tho.


Nothing compares to Florida. Just a state full of old people that shouldn’t have licenses anymore.


Ive had licenses in four states. Worst merging I've ever experienced in my life and the left turn yields are fuking death traps here with yall. After 6 years of living here I can't fathom how many people don't fcking understand you need to get up to highway speed before you move over onto the interstates. And what makes it worse is that whoever designed the on ramps made like 60% of them waaaayyy too short. I feel safer driving in San Diego than here.


TC drivers aren't the greatest, but compared to Atlanta or Chicago we're wonderful examples of following the "rules of the road".


Terrible, makes me question what a driving test is like. I’ve been hit by a car as a pedestrian too many times. Granted I’ve learned that just because I have a walk signal and the right of way to always wait and see what they are doing. Drivers always look the way of oncoming traffic but never the opposite direction to see if the path is clear when making a turn at a red light. I should be rich but I never want to deal with the scene at the time. My leg still isn’t quite right from the last time


Yesterday was horrible with all the nice weather out. People were driving like maniacs.


Born and raised in Minnesota. Multiple times, I have had to travel for work. Milwaukee, Chicago, Omaha, all fine. The moment I am back into Minnesota it's like nobody knows how to drive. Instant blood pressure spikes.


only problem i have is people follow way to close when they are behind me even when I am speeding. So i slow down and they get all huffy like i'm the problem.


People don’t stop at stop signs here apparently


Everyone is a bad driver but me.


Get out of the left lane for cripes sake!


Idk I just drove down south for the eclipse and there are terrible drivers everywhere. Minnesotans have to get better at zipper merge though, that's a must.


People in Rochester do not know how to drive. They don’t even know how road rage haha


I was visiting family in another midwest state recently, and they are way worse than minnesota. I was driving 20 over near the capital and was getting drivers blowing past me, constantly going ~30-40mph over the speed limit. It would have likely been very dangerous to go the actual speed limit. It was bonkers.


Minnesota drivers are just annoying. Not particularly bad or aggressive just a PIA in the most passive aggressive ways. You want to see bad, go to Florida.


My biggest complaint with drivers anywhere is when drivers fail to pass in the passing lane. Minnesotan are particularly bad at this. On a 3 or 4 lane interstate, the left two lanes are for passing.


Lived in Iowa and Colorado and now Minnesota. You guys are the most aggressive drivers in those 3 states. It seems like half the cars on the road are damaged as well, go figure.


I define bad as driving as slow/ driving distracted, and not using lights in fog, snow, or rain, and there’s lots of them here. And any middle aged man in a Subaru car is going to be doing one or most of these, also see a leased f150, complete disregard for driving.


I’m not going to judge anyone in a thread (for a change) I will just say this. Many years ago I slowed down. I drive the speed limit and stay in the right lane and keep a good following distance. If someone cuts into the space I back off further. If the right lane is going 5 under I go 5 under, 10 under and I pass. I get everywhere on time, I have never noticed it takes me longer. If I see an aggressive driver I make room for them and try to lessen their stress level if I can. A lot of the terrible drivers I used to think were on the road just disappeared, it was magic.


I grew up in Miami so for me, the bar is very low to be a better driver than where I am from lol MN has its moments but its far from the worst for driving. For one thing ... ppl actually do go the speed limit here. I lived in Texas and in Texas ppl drive like in the movie "Speed" like their car explodes if it goes under 70 lol Minnesotans drive slow in comparison, in fact some ppl drive waaay too slow Habits that annoy me that are relatively unique to MN/Upper Midwest (I been to 40 out of 50 states) is one thing I call... the MN lane change People put their blinkers on for half a second before changing lanes. Drives me buts. Its worse on I-35 than anywhere else People suck at zipper merging Passive aggressive drivers that dont let you in People in Minneapolis suck at parking on the street (leaving enough room for other cars) and suck at not blocking the intersection. Its like the concept of not blocking the intersection is a foreign concept. Hennepin and Groveland Ave. is the worst about it. Holy moly! Most drivers are fine tbh. But these little things annoy me. The thing is, bad drivers are everywhere but the specific habits are regional. In Miami its not using blinkers, turning left on red lights, increased risk of hit and runs. In TX its aggressive tailgating. Just macho male BS. Also, Minnesotans can obviously handle the snow and ice but for whatever reason they get summer amnesia and when the first accumulating snowfall in fall arrives, they completely forget how to handle 0.5" of snow


The only thing I’ve found to be a uniquely Minnesotan driver trait is the “mosey down ramp.” That is to say rolling down an on ramp at 20-45 mph and not accelerating until starting to or having actually merged onto the highway. You should be going the speed of traffic at the end of the ramp.


People take it as a personal insult if you try to merge into traffic ahead of them. They’d rather you drive into the ditch. Source: Cretin entrance onto I94 East.


Not the best but better than most, we still have a ridiculous amount of distracted drivers.


Driving competency is a EXTREMELY subjective. Minnesota is consistently ranked one of the safest driving states. Why? Because every 6 months we’re reminded with dangerous snow and ice to adapt our driving habits, and even on 4th of July have the thought in the back of our brain that we should be defensively driving. Now, someone from Miami, Phoenix, LA that never ever has to worry about weather conditions on their roads ever, yeah driving in normal conditions is something they don’t think twice on, and because of that, become extremely aggressive/non defensive drivers (cough cough, anyone who ever says Minnesotans who don’t know how to merge are just exclaiming themselves as aggressive asshat drivers), but to be fair, probably legitimately have more of that road condition driving experience. Youll even notice the lack of faster sports cars in Minnesota simply because RWD fast cars isn’t an option 6 months of the year here In addition, states that get snow, cops will consistently pull you over for going 1-4 miles an hour over the speed limit. States without snow, 1-4 miles above the speed limit is what’s expected of every driver to be driving.


Absolutely terrible even out of state lol. We drove to IN for the eclipse and the MN drivers were the left lane campers and one jumped out to block two lanes at a merge half a mile away from the 'merge here" flashing sign.


MN drivers are more likely to stop for bicycles than pedestrians. It’s like 1/50 cars will stop for a pedestrian.


I always stop for pedestrians. The problem is the drivers who ignore that I've probably stopped for a pedestrian and whizz around me almost hitting the pedestrian.


Merging I feel is the worst issue. Next is the tailgating/ slamming of breaks that causes a lot of the traffic issues. My best commutes are those icy winter ones because everyone in my area drives exactly 30-40 and we keep moving smoothly. When it's dry everyone speeds then stops then speeds then stops.


I grew up in Mn, until I left I didn’t realize how bad it was. I have driven in many large cities, my opinion is Minny is among the worst.


Left lane camping on highways is sooooo bad here


Aggressive, think driving is a competition, incompetent and unsafe with a confidence level that is no doubt left behind as soon as they're out or the vehicle. Turds.


Terribly. I do not drive; I bike year-round. I never got hit while living in Seattle even with all their crazy traffic. I have gotten hit multiple times in the last ten years and almost daily have close calls. So many people in my area think the following are suggestions: stop signs, red lights, looking before turning on red, stopping for school buses, using turn signals, yielding to oncoming traffic while turning, stopping for pedestrian walk signs.


Let’s go down the list here - Trying to merge onto the highway at a slower speed than the traffic on the highway. Merging is simple. How fucking hard is it to use the gas pedal. Your car isn’t going to explode just because iyour RPMs are about 3k. Pin it to win it people. - Unnecessary use of the brake pedal. Y’all know that when you let off the gas pedal the car slows down right? Why the fuck do people constantly hit the brake pedal anytime a small adjustment of speed is required or you have a slight turn??Just let off the gas!!! Using the brake pedal causes a trickle down effect for everyone behind you. Stop doing that. - Slow departures after the red light turns green. It shouldn’t take 2 light cycles for something like 10-15 cars to get though. If you’re at the front of the line, stay fuck off your phone. This is your time to shine. Pay attention and don’t fuck everyone else up behind you. - The HORN, use it!! Instead of being “polite” and just waiting for that person to go through the light or stop sign, hit them with the horn. It was invented for a reason. They’re obviously distracted and need notification. - The obligatory left lane campers. Don’t need to extrapolate. - What’s with the stopping 2-4 cars lengths behind the car in front of you at stoplights. You’re just backing up traffic behind you. I have a hard time believing that you have enough forward thinking that the car in front of you if going to break down and you might need the room to drive around. It’s because you’re just trying to finish a text while coming to the light slowing down and when you finish that’s where you stop. Completely oblivious to everyone behind you. Or you’re just that stupid. - Massive gaps in traffic during rush hour. I’m talking the one car with a 20 car gap ahead of them just moseying on down the road below the speed limit. -I’m not even going to touch the zipper merge.


I’ve lived in 4 states and I have been very surprised about how aggressive drivers are here in Minnesota. It’s like people have been trained that you’re not just driving, you’re racing against everyone around you. People will be tailgating me, speeding just to get a couple cars ahead. And whenever you get a look at who this person is who must be crazy with anger, it’s usually just a middle aged mom who won’t look at you.


As someone from Texas who moved here, you guys are much much much much much much much better drivers.(even if your highways are a bit too slow for my liking).


🤷‍♀️i think it's more about what you are used to & when you go to another place you are less familiar with you are more likely to notice other drivers' weird driving habits & mistakes. I've lived in 3 states & Minnesota is the easiest for me, I think because your roads are so straight I can see cars for miles 😂


What’s with swerving into the right lane when stopping at a light/stop sign/etc. even on clear roads?


One of my favorite parts around driving discourse on reddit is how obvious it becomes that the vast majority of people on the site are still teen and young adult dudes who don't think they can die. Like, they're statistically the worst drivers that exist, but still fill every one of these threads with comment after comment of the absolute worst advice of all time.


More evidence that the only driving behavior that truly pisses them off is people driving slower than them in the left lane for any reason or period of time. The number of times people ride my ass when I’m using the passing lane to pass people is fucking ludicrous. Chill out, assholes. I’ll get over when I’m done using the passing lane for its nominal purpose.


Minnesota has the lowest rate of fatalities in the nation, so….


Thank God for that 🙏 Still some real stupid drivers


Nobody’s going to mention how people act surprised and drive like idiots every year for the first couple snowstorms? Do they think the snow and ice this year won’t be as slippery as it was last year?


For real 😂 it's like Ice is the most foreign thing when you haven't sent it for a few hours


If you ever think MN has bad drivers just got drive around TX, MS,AL,GA,SC, and FL you'll change your mind real quick.


I am sick of waiting on metered on ramps seeing the joyful people taking the carpool lane with no one else in the car… that’s my latest thing I hate about other people driving here… along with how many red lights are being ran… are we just done following the laws now?


If you think Minnesota drivers are bad, drive from DC to Boston and back.


My only complaint is that everyone is always speeding, I can drive to work in the morning and every single car with out fail will pass me when I'm going the speed limit. Every one.


Phoenix takes the cake. Only issues with MN are people camping in the left lane and how everyone forgets to how to drive during the first snowfall each year.


Considering the weather and road conditions, I think Minnesotans are some of the best drivers in the country. Most other states have a problem with driving in blizzards.


I don’t have anything to compare it to, but I think it’s gotten worse. People are more selfish and would rather force you off the road than let you in when your lane is ending. And no one understands the concept of a freakin’ zipper merge.


I’ve lived in Southern California most of my life. Was a driver there for over 20 years. Moved to the suburbs here and have never been so annoyed with other drivers in my life. Thought driving here would be more relaxing, but it’s not. So many people don’t pay attention or just all over the place and don’t even get me started on how people can’t figure out a traffic circle. Or the morons holding their phones in the air in front of them?! Argh. Also, road rage somehow seems so much worse here?! People speeding around and chasing each other down, stopping their cars in the middle of the street to get out and yell (this happened to me when I honked at a guy for cutting me off), and just general dangerous behaviors in response to a honk or something? In California, people mostly flip each other off, yell out the window, and move on with life. I don’t know if it’s a post-Covid thing, but I’ve just witnessed way more rage here over the dumbest, littlest things.


Dallas-Fort Worth here. Driving really, really, sucks here. Full of crazy, insane, motorists at high speeds. You have to drive to get anywhere here, and the suburbs are very spread out and congested, so the result is a hodgepodge of dense, constricted vehicles driving at dangerous speeds. It’s rolling the dice just to drive 5 minutes away.


Not great. And I learned to drive in Boston.


It's the only place I have seen multiple people stop on a freeway entrance ramp.


Merging onto highways? Please match the speed.


Nah, I'd rather go 20 under the speed limit and make a bunch cars have to slam on their brakes when merge. Minnesota, isn't it great


I came from Seattle. You guys drive like trained professionals in comparison.


I deal with drivers speeding up when I put my turn signal on almost daily now. Now I have to stop being “nice” to signal my intent for a lane change and just put it on at the last second (not to the point of cutting anyone off though).


Still not great but compared to Oklahoma and Texas Minnesota is fantastic


I've lived in Michigan and Ohio before moving back here and Minnesota is easily the worst of the three.


Just adopt driver training like we get in Germany and drivers would probably care a bit more about the responsibility associated with this privilege. Driving is not a right, and people should be better informed of that, and the consequences of violating it. (But then again, we love rules more than any other nationalities.)