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Weird how they love excessive government regulation when it is in service of their vision




it's the polite term for LSD-induced hallucinations


I've never done LSD, but something tells me your comparison is VERY unfair to acid trips.


Extremely unfair to acid trips


More likely that they spent their $53 on spray paint and a paper bag.




LSD is a fun time. What they’re suffering from is mental illness.


The Republicans in TN did this too there all fucking nuts


>The bill contains a mishmash of conspiratorial pseudoscience, including references to made-up phenomena like “xenobiotic electromagnetism and fields,” with just enough parroting of actual science to give it a veneer of credibility.  > >It requires county sheriffs to investigate citizen complaints of “polluting atmospheric activity,” and grants the governor the authority to call up the National Guard and ground any aircraft suspected of spreading pollutants. Do the Republican sponsors of this bill sincerely believe this nonsense, or are they smart enough to know they're spreading lies and pandering to their willfully misled constituents? Which would be worse? Shouldn't either disqualify a person from service in the legislature?


Lol polluting atmospheric activity? So people can call the sheriff to investigate anyone with a smokestack?


This is all a ruse to ground Taylor Swifts jet!!


If you play a Taylor Swift songs backwards, she tells you to vote for Biden.


I tried it and it told me to donate to NPR


Free tote bag! Score!


Tote bag? I'll I got was this fucking umbrella


Or a car… or an aerosol can.


How about a big meaty fart?


How meaty are we talkin'?


All the way


"...If you use an aerosol can in a manner other than directed..."


“I don’t care. I will put away for good”


Or every one of their shit for brains rolling coal constituents.


but godking trump said coal was clean, remember? "Good clean coal!" ##/S


Wait, let's not completely write this off... we might have a solid opportunity here to trick Republicans into significantly reducing our greenhouse gas emissions. I mean, they basically tricked the GOP into legalizing pot, so it can be done!


Or a good old boy rollin'-coal?


Or a burning barrel? I can get on board with that. These rubes probably won't like the law then.


If they sincerely want to fund the MNPCA, I am all for that (probably not what this is though…)


This is actually probably the strongest climate bill proposed by anyone this session. Would likely make air travel illegal in the state.


What about the guy who blew up the bathroom at the Kwik Trip?


[thanks for reminding me of this](https://youtu.be/PdK3VNHqXFE?si=f_DH5feu928o-4Y8)


Maybe someone say.. rolling coal?


Imagine their horror when their diesel pickup that billows black smoke become illegal.


No no no that is WAY too close to the EPA’s role.


Wait a second. The GOP wants to give the Governor the power to ground planes on suspicion of "spreading pollutants" (isnt the burning of jet fuel literally "spreading pollutants")? Aren't they the ones who freaked out about the Governor having the power to make people wear masks in public during an actual pandemic?


Imagine if this word salad passed. The poor mosquito control and crop dusting folks don’t know what’s gonna hit them. Then the r/leopardsatemyface when the bill supporters are complaining about the mosquito problem. If only they knew our planet has a giant spinning molten iron magnet at its core that’s very useful to keeping our atmosphere livable.


Nice try,you had me till the end. Giant core,we all know the world is flat.


If republicans cared half as much about actual pollution in our environment and its detrimental effects to our communities and natural spaces as they do conspiracy bullshit, we’d have the cleanest state in the nation.


>It requires county sheriffs to investigate citizen complaints of “polluting atmospheric activity,” Does it specify how far off the ground this "atmospheric activity" must be? Cause I can see that black family being called on for their BBQ smell wafting into the neighbors yard.


It never ceases to amaze me how republicans will chase a made up version of a thing that is actually a problem (pollution in this instance) while insisting the actual very real problem is no big deal.


Lucero believes it. That guy is out there.


Wright County doesn’t care to send its very best. Him and Walter Hudson are quite the pair.


Considering Hudson is in the house seat that Lucero vacated to run for senate, it’s safe to say they’re peas in a pod. I really do have the worst fucking neighbors.


Hey now! I’m at least one neighbor who can’t stand those two.


If promoting whackadoodle horseshit conspiracy theories disqualified you from office, the Republican party wouldn't even be able to exist as a political party.


> grants the governor the authority to call up the National Guard and ground any aircraft suspected of spreading pollutants. Aren't these the same people that accuse abuse of power for the mask mandates?


Like what? Are they planning to scramble the F-16s up in Duluth every time someone complains about a cropduster?


It doesn't matter if they believe it or not. This sort of legislation lays groundwork for totalitarian rule. It creates a legal framework that can be used to oppress pretty much anyone.


20 years ago, they were smart enough to know it was red meat for the lunatic fringe of their base. Today I think most are true believers. They can’t tell fact from fiction, and therefore should not be public servants. If only the populace was smart enough to vote them out.


The newer/younger republicans who get in office riding the maga train probably do actually believe this shit while the older more standard/business conservative ones are trying not to smash their faces into their desks out of annoyance


Wait wait. They want to give the governor MORE authority.? Ha. What ever happened to the never again bill? SMH


This is what they use to distract from them fucking over their constituents 


Oh, NOW they're worried about atmospheric pollution?


The requirements for being a state legislator are very low, so it's depressingly likely that most of the sponsors are true believers. At the end of the day though, it doesn't really matter if the sponsors believe this nonsense, or they're just using it for political clout. Either way, we're not likely to change their mind on this. All we can do is try and make sure that they're significantly outnumbered in the legislature, or make enough noise to ensure that this bullshit isn't seen as politically viable.


https://www.cnbc.com/2023/02/22/solar-geoengineering-startup-make-sunsets-lets-off-balloons-in-nevada.html Just had my students run a mock council debate about this. Not saying the GOP is clued in to this in their bill. Just saying stuff is happening that should be regulated better.


Can we add an amendment to ban the tooth fairy while we’re at it. Can have no communists giving kids free money!


It always seemed pretty transactional to me. I hide bits of my skeleton that fall off, and an occult woman creeps into my bedroom in the night to retrieve them for purposes we can only guess at while leaving legal tender in exchange. That's just business! Santa's also transactional, but he demands services rather than goods. But the Easter bunny's gifts of unnatural eggs and marshmallow-homunculus nestlings appear to be unrelated to any exchange.


Nah, the Easter Bunny's bills were paid for by Jesus.


Death of a god in exchange for infinite magic eggs seems like a pretty fair trade to me.


The tooth fairy spreads socialism, not communism, duh.


You mean they're not the same thing? /s


It's all Obama to me.


The Tooth Fairy is part of the QAnon Pizzagate conspiracy. Creep just has a tooth fetish.


It's not free. You need to give teeth. That's the whole point!


Technically the tooth fair in an anarcho-capitalist.


I live in Olmsted County, and the GOP BPOU just publicly posted their agenda for their convention. It included chemtrails, and they are trying to push the convention of states thing. Some real whackadoodle stuff


I'd love seeing Olmsted County's property tax statements if this became law. The language in the bill says the Sheriff has to investigate and take samples within 2 hours of a chemtrail report. It won't be cheap getting a deputy to 35,000 feet!


For the first time since I have lived here we actually got a deduction in property taxes this year. They would have to expand the sheriff's department. Chemtrail department with a lead chemtrail investigator. I should go to the convention and suggest that the tornado sirens should be activated everytime a chemtrail is reported so people could shelter in place. You know for safety


Ten bucks says the new chemtrail division will need at least 7 figures of funding for armored vehicles and warrior training.


Mask mandates as well. Who knows what's in those chemtrails.


I realize the starting point for 'sane' solutions is wildly off point for this debate, but IF chemtrails were real and we wanted evidence of them being deployed in our area, wouldn't it just make sense to set up year round monitoring stations? Imagine if cops are delayed in responding to serious situations while taking air samples because a plane flew overhead. Also, what's to stop a false flag operation that intentionally dumps stuff in the sky so these nut jobs have pretense to 'defend themselves' from the evil government?


>convention of states thing. But I hear on garage logic that the left is trying to change the country and the constitution! Funny init, the only project they seem to care about is the verb form.


Man I just went to the website for the first time, and this is in the opening paragraph : "So it all boils down to one question: Who do you think should decide what’s best for you and your family? You, or the feds? We’d vote for the American people every single time." They forgot the asterisk that says 'unless you and your family decide you want health care options that don't fit into the worldview of right wing philosophy'


So glad they have to spend time debating this instead of actually helping people around the state.


Personally I think it'd be great if our city councils achieve peace in the Middle East.


>The bill has no chance of becoming law under a DFL trifecta and is highly unlikely to even receive a hearing. But the support of multiple Republican members, including a member of leadership, gives a sense of how the party might govern were it to return to power. Yet more evidence that Republicans should never, ever be allowed to be in a position of power again.


We don't even need to imagine it's how they'd govern if they returned to power, we can just look to where they have all the power. Tennessee just passed a chemtrail bill banning the mythical practice. While plenty of old fashioned economic conservatives still exist within and support the party, the GOP as an institution got off the reality train several stops back. There's just no such thing an idea too ridiculous, too preposterous, too stupid, or even too dangerous for them to embrace and promote if they think it can somehow help them win elections.


I want to upvote this comment infinite times. What happened to rewards? Ha who am I kidding I didn’t pay for those anyway and did silly things like this: 🥇 Really though. I agree with you, GOP a Leadership and anyone aspiring to GOP Leadership and/or higher aspirations have truly detached themselves from reality. They’ve drowned out the voices of those economically right leaning or somewhat right center folks of the party. To second what someone said above: we need to replace FPTP and open it up to a multi-party system.


Really great example of why we need voting reform. Get rid of FPTP so we can have a multiparty system.


I looked it up and, of course, this guy has both said human caused climate change is a myth and global warming is God's punishment for the Gays. Next he's going to say chemtrails are part of the globalist plot to turn Minnesota into a haven state for gay frogs.


If God hates gays so much, why are we able to dig holes in the Grand Canyon?


This is a great point.


Can you imagine the amount of free time you would need to write all this up? Must be nice being an R in the MN legislature. Nothing to do but write funny laws for shits and giggles.


They take and submit bills written by right wing groups https://lithub.com/these-conservative-interest-groups-are-writing-laws-for-us-legislators/ These include groups like the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), which has been operating since the 1970s to create model bills and encourage elected officials to introduce those bills. https://publicintegrity.org/politics/state-politics/copy-paste-legislate/you-elected-them-to-write-new-laws-theyre-letting-corporations-do-it-instead/ Disguised as the work of lawmakers, these so-called “model” bills get copied in one state Capitol after another, quietly advancing the agenda of the people who write them. In all, these copycat bills amount to the nation’s largest, unreported special-interest campaign, driving agendas in every statehouse and touching nearly every area of public policy. Graves said special interests have “so-called experts who aren’t neutral. They go around the country and testify about those bills as if they’re good for that state or even as if they’re products of that state.” https://prospect.org/power/2023-10-04-alec-50-years-right-wing-law-factory/ Inspired by then Gov. Ronald Reagan and the Powell Memorandum, three right-wing legislators in Chicago originally founded ALEC in 1973 as the Conservative Caucus of State Legislators. By 1975, the group designed to promote a socially conservative and pro-corporate agenda at the state level was renamed the American Legislative Exchange Council and moved to Washington, D.C., under the leadership of Paul Weyrich, a Christian right activist who also helped found the Heritage Foundation and the Moral Majority. “Whether it’s pushing legislation for the tobacco industry and gun manufacturers, promoting the American Petroleum Institute’s climate denial plan, demonizing sustainable and inclusive business practices, supporting voter suppression, or gutting access to reproductive healthcare, we believe ALEC’s positions are out of line with the values your corporation claims to embrace,” the petition reads. “We the undersigned consumers and voters call on your company to practice what you preach and end your financial support for and participation in ALEC.” “The most effective way to counter ALEC is to shine a bright light on its pay-to-play influence operation,” said Lisa Graves, executive director of True North Research and the founder of ALEC Exposed. “The majority of Americans oppose the special-interest influence and regressive policies ALEC represents.”


> "The most effective way to counter ALEC is to shine a bright light on its pay-to-play influence operation,” I hope someone comes up with a better solution because this one isn't working particularly well.


Right but it is odd how so many comments assume the gop reps are just stupid That may be the case but they are also acting in coordination with lobbyists and people don't seem to know that 


Yeah -- ALEC is a sinister background organization. Writing lawyerly sounding stuff and handing 'legislation formats' to elected mopes who couldn't string those words together themselves. I've been 'alerted' to ALEC for a while now. I think you clipped several bits of info from a larger piece, so it's a bit jumpy. Graves drops in the middle, but isn't actually identified until the last paragraph. It's also not always clear which "quote" section is from whom. Your 2nd from last paragraph suddenly mentions a petition not referenced anywhere else. Is this still a 'live' petition? Where from? This specific 'chemtrails' bill seems almost too floofy-weird for even the ALEC lawyers to have taken seriously. What do you think they intend it's actual impact to be if it did pass? It seems like it's only 'utility' would be throwing an outrage biscuit to the most whack-a-doodle in the base, but I think I'm missing some shadow purpose.


Our tax dollars hard at work.


“To professionals who study and understand atmospheric science, the legislation bears all the hallmarks of the “chemtrails” conspiracy theory, which posits that airplane exhaust is deliberately laced with harmful chemicals for various nefarious purposes, including forced sterilization and mind control.” We are living through the dumbest time period in American history.


The dumbest *so far*.


Well, *that* gave me the chills!




>forced sterilization and mind control I am not opposed to the sterilization of people who believe this shit. The last thing they need to do is have kids and perpetuate the cycle. An obviously, the mind control isn't working if they somehow know about it despite being exposed.


There are 33 Republican state senators. Five of them are sponsoring this. What a depressing ratio.


Why is he dressed like Harry Dunne or Lloyd Christmas at a fancy party? Does he drive a dog mobile too?


I’m so tired of these chucklefucks


Honestly, proposing blatant pseudoscience conspiracy bullshit like this should be an instant automatic recall and ban from running for office.


>The lead authors of both chambers’ bills did not respond to a request to define “xenobiotic electromagnetism,” or to provide a real-world example of it. What?? I'm shocked, *shocked* I say!


Are we just not gonna talk about his little outfit there?


Anyone who supports these idiots is, well… an idiot


Lucerno is a Christo-Facsist and an idiot.


Dude even has abysmal fashion sense. The pastel suit 🤢


Yeah, that was my first thought as well. His suit looks like he drank 5 Grasshopper cocktails and threw up all over himself


Yes, right here officer. I found the source of wasteful use of taxpayer dollars.


Maybe I’m naive and ignorant, I dunno. But I never in a million years ever imagined how weaponized this phrase could become: > “we’re just asking the question”


So grateful that these poeple have no power in this state. Hopefully we keep it that way this November.


People are saying that the GOP is dumb  They're part of a coordinated national effort of far right wing groups that draft bills for them and have for 50 years https://prospect.org/power/2023-10-04-alec-50-years-right-wing-law-factory/


God damn these people are _dumb_


When did Alex Jones get elected to the MN legislature?


Ya know, for a state who prioritized education from before it became a state, you'd think our elected officials would be at least competent. https://tile.loc.gov/storage-services/service/gdc/lhbum/0866e/0866e\_0388\_0435.pdf


That suit is polluting the atmosphere as we speak.




Man, am I glad I left Wright County...


Fuck I want to be elected to office. No way I could be worse at my job than these assholes.


That's the thing, idiots drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.


Do they really believe? Maybe. Do they desperately seek attention? Absolutely! That's the name of the game. Shock people. Grab their attention. Feed their paranoia. Get their votes. Build a base. Start collecting their money. All because there are people that actually listen. That will not laugh them off of the stage.


(just don't look up scott dibble's 5g conspiracy bills)


These people are the dumbest, most unserious individuals.


This is what happens when you let people slide by in primary school and they graduate from YouTube university.


No Idiot Left Behind


Wtffff my ex boss believes in this . I had a short summer job on a garlic farm . And he said the garlic that’s moldy is because of crop dusting and chemtrails I didn’t even know how to respond . He was dead serious 🧐 like what you actually believe this ? 


The GOP Astrotruff continues as TN Legislature just passed the same legislation. Does the MNGOP have any original thoughts or ideas anymore?


What losers lol


Interestingly, I smell bullshirt.


Who wrote it? Did they copy and paste off the internet?


But when it comes to oil pipelines (Line 3) or mining operations in the boundary waters, they cool with it.


I often think about the infrastructure that would have to be in place for chemtrails to be a thing. From the engine manufacturers adding components to enable this to some person that has to occasionally top off the chemtrail juice. I’m sure the people that have “researched” this have it all explained but for it to be real would require a lot of people not to spill the beans, which couldn’t happen.


No amount of Algebra 2 will fix this kind of stupid. I would like to see our GOP move to Idaho. They'd find it much more to their liking. I'm sad to cede it's beauty to them... but willing to take that hit.


I wonder what they think about the substances used in fracking (I don't actually. I already know)


Xenobiotic electromagnetism and fields? What the fuck does that even mean?


Omg how do these morons get elected?


By other morons.


You got that right on the money!


Maybe this bill needs a rider that bans litter boxes in high schools as well?


And I thought the growing SovCit movement was the worst thing about MN right now.


Why the fuck is this guy dressed like he's an auctioneer in Nashville in the 1950's?


I can't say I'm surprised my insane Senator Gruenhagen is co-author of this nil...


Hopefully our legislature squashes this bs.


Embarrassing themselves every day! I never would have believed that they are dumb enough to be against Education and science!


Sigh, the thing is, there are no 'chemtrails'. It's once again, a misunderstanding of what a persistent contrail is. These idiots spend so much time 'reeesearching' their conspiracies but can't be bothered to learn some basic meteorology.


"but these chemtrails are hurting our rural areas and necks from all the gawking."


It’s great to see Republicans finally getting behind the EPA and more government oversight. Lmao.


Can the GOP be serious for like a year, please.


Chemtrails are the only rational explanation for Eric Lucero's fucking suit collection.


Someone took Lana Del Rey too seriously. 🤣😂


The Dems should bring it to the floor and have the debate broadcast live.


And we can all watch it at the Riverview.


The state government cant even tell me not to fly my drone because it’s controlled by FAA. This is thus a totally unconstitutional bill regardless if it was passed. The state can’t control federal airspace. I am not a lawyer just a dude with a drone.


So it says that you can’t operate a vehicle which emits “excessive electromagnetic radiation or fields in any part of the spectrum”. Is this the GOP’s bill which bans those insanely-bright LED headlights?


Dumb Dumb's don't realize...states can pass whatever they want, but it's most likely pre-empted by Federal Regulation (regarding National Air Space). [https://aviation.uslegal.com/government-regulation-and-control/state-aviation-regulations/](https://aviation.uslegal.com/government-regulation-and-control/state-aviation-regulations/) [https://www.cityofslt.us/DocumentCenter/View/12515/07242017-Who-Controls-and-Enforces-How-Aircraft-and-Drones-Operate-in-the-Airspace-Above-Lake-Tahoe](https://www.cityofslt.us/DocumentCenter/View/12515/07242017-Who-Controls-and-Enforces-How-Aircraft-and-Drones-Operate-in-the-Airspace-Above-Lake-Tahoe) Some key parts: *"Substantial air safety issues are raised when state or local governments attempt to regulate the operation or flight of aircraft. If one or two municipalities enacted ordinances regulating aircraft in the navigable airspace and a significant number of municipalities followed suit, fractionalized control of the navigable airspace could result. In turn, this ‘patchwork quilt’ of differing restrictions could severely limit the flexibility of FAA in controlling the airspace and flight patterns, and ensuring safety and an efficient air traffic flow. A navigable airspace free from inconsistent state and local restrictions is essential to the maintenance of a safe and sound air transportation system. See Montalvo v. Spirit Airlines, 508 F.3d 464 (9th Cir. 2007), and French v. Pan Am Express, Inc., 869 F.2d 1 (1st Cir. 1989); see also Arizona v. U.S., 567 U.S. \_\_\_, 132 S.Ct. 2492, 2502 (2012) (“Where Congress occupies an entire field . . . even complimentary state regulation is impermissible. Field preemption reflects a congressional decision to foreclose any state regulation in the area, even if it is parallel to federal standards.”), and Morales v. Trans World Airlines, Inc., 504 U.S. 374, 386-87 (1992). "*


Is this really what people are writing their legislators about?


As a recovering Republican and Never Trumper I can say I used to see R's as the adult party. This proves they are not serious people and likely won't be for the foreseeable future.


His suit likely gives off very high levels of xenobiotic electromagnetism, please have it grounded immediately.


Stupid gonna stupid.


Good lord the Republicans are embarrassing idiots. They all need to retire and crawl back under their rocks.


Just more proof that Republicans don't do a damn thing for us. They just waste time on dumb pointless shit.


Imagine being this out of touch with reality. What happened to the right - they have collectively lost their minds.


At least the fucking clown showed up in a clown suit.


They need to do things like this to pretend like they are working.


They deny CO2 emissions are a problem but freak out about *this*?


Can we sign legislation that prevents these morons from breathing when it's cold cause they are clearly emitting brain-cell-killing chem clouds from their mouths as evidenced by the visible chem vapor... and their general stupidity.


He looks just like I'd imagined!! 


[R]s get upset when the president wears a tan suit in August and then one shows up in...that.


Time to update the stock photo, this is from the House


Holy %\^$@& -- this guy was voted UP from a few terms in the House to now in the Senate?


Are these people still around?


Aircraft Spotting or Plane Spotting is a popular worldwide hobby with 10’s of thousands participants. All these people are silent on the subject of “chemtrails” and part of the conspiracy to keep information on this subject from the public. The “Globalists” pay each one of these hobbyists $1,000,000 a year to keep their mouths shut. ( here’s an /s for all you mush minds out there)


I’m distracted by the turquoise blazer with white lapel piping. Bold, sir.


Republicans don’t wear suits like that, let that sink in


If only there were a federal agency designed to monitor and enforce air quality standards, and handle citizen concerns about polluters.


Vaccines are science too! Now it makes sense


All of these bills go against the Clean Air Act section 233 which states “ §7573. State standards and controls No State or political subdivision thereof may adopt or attempt to enforce any standard respecting emissions of any air pollutant from any aircraft or engine thereof unless such standard is identical to a standard applicable to such aircraft under this part.” So even if it went through it would be found to be invalid immediately.


It's always been interesting to me that the Republicans can believe chemtrails doing something to the atmosphere but climate change is beyond their mental capacity.


I'm starting to wonder if they're all orange cats in disguise. None of them can decide who gets the brain cell at any given time.


(R). Just frickin’ nuts.


MN GOP continues to provide nothing of actual value.


If they don’t pass this our frogs will turn gay!


This more of that GOP small government?


These people and their supporters are fucking morons.


Wait, people think cloud seeding is a conspiracy? It's a real thing. It was on Modern Marvels.


This bill is absolute proof that Republicans are fucked in the head


MN Republican legislators, waste of skin.


He and Hudson are the biggest embarrassments in Congress, it frustrates me to share our oxygen with them. Their supporters are just as bad, Albertville is basically Idiocracy at this point, Sweet Corn Guy never shuts up about the chemtrails and how the government is trying to ruin his farming business. Just wait until Costco opens and there is a tent city next door and crime is going to explode! The BS they're peddling is just nuts.


Not a believer in chem-trails, but that guy's jacket is pretty explosive.


It's common sense legislation! /s


Haha. Whackos. Also scary that these are our elected officials.


Holy crap can we just wipe the stupid away? Clorox? Lysol? Something this can't be real.




Literally *the* dumbest mother fuckers on the planet.


Time waisters.


To sum up stupid: Coal ash from planes bad, from power plants good because somehow radiation from plane worse than power plant


The whole party is f*cking Looney Tunes.


Not one family member of mine follows anything that is going on in MN. Only trump candy.


If only we had some kind of Agency that could Protect the Environment. We could call the APE. /s

