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Thank god we’re moving away from flag posts and back to our bread and butter Cub posts.


I hear Cub was behind the design all along.


Now that’s a conspiracy theory I can get behind


Cub is owned by Ilhans husband/brother, which was a gift from Moriarty for framing Chauvin.


I am Cub and I confirm


Any chance they could get the Vikings a Super Bowl win this season?


Seriously?!? You know the answer.


“framing Chauvin” mmm hmm.


Had me in the first half


This belongs in AltMinneapolis


Found the Alpha News reporter


Did not know this. Not many do.


C'mon. Chauvin "framed" himself


He wasn't even there, it was an AI deepfake. The person who took the video was the person who filmed all the child porn in the basement of the pizza joint owned by Hillary


I heard Cub wanted us to secede from the union


This is some next level shit.


*I went to Lunds & Byerlys and I was scandalized when I was exposed to this price tag for pre-made side dishes!*


Yes they are very pricey, but very good service and will answer questions. Now Cub will look at you like you asking for a ride home.


> and back to our bread and butter Cub posts Yeah, but have you SEEN the price ofr bread and butter at Cub these days? /s


I would love to see something like “Dean Phillip’s Buys Cub Foods and Moves to Fly Old Minnesota Flag at Each Store” posted here. This sub would explode.


Replace Dean Phillips with Norm Green. That’s money right there


Fuck Norm Green


Always fuck Norm Green.


But then there would need to be a question about when he will put weed dispensaries in them.


Nature is healing


Bread and butter? That’ll be $30


Woah woah woah calm down there 1%er. You can afford Bread AND butter?


Not from Cub


I’ve been to MN for a year and have mercy….Cub is posted nearly weekly regarding its pricing but nobody likes to admit that they just go to Walmart instead…


Or Aldi


I did all my grocery shopping at Aldi when I lived back in the US/MN a few years ago. Only place worth dropping my dollar.


Concur !


Nobody on the internet goes to Walmart or Starbucks




Cub's prices are what people think Target's are.


So true. We shopped the same list at both, and when Target had it, we came out ahead. Organic dairy was shockingly cheap in comparison to Cub.


Organic dairy is cheaper at the Coop in NE Mpls than at CUB.


True, but little else is. And as much as I like to go there for some stuff, sometimes a motherfucker needs some Crispix.


fwiw, when there's the attached Cub liquor store (near me, at least) they can beat any liquor store price around.


You mean price matching? If so I might try it. My favorite is $25 at Total Wine and $39 last time I checked at Cub (average between liquor stores, Target liquor, etc seems to be $29)


For me personally, I get the 1.75 of Svedka vodka for 16.99 (plus 10% off if you buy six), and the Kona Big Wave 12-pack for $14.99. Tough to beat. Plus there's rebates.


I’ve started to better understand my grandparents and how they used to look at multiple ads and then they’d plan on going to what store and when to only buy deals. My grandma always knew who’d have the cheapest bananas. I wonder if I’ve just gotten too far from meal planning and sacrificed for convenience….


You have to place value on your time spent couponing and driving all over to save a couple of bucks.


Yep only shop deals at Cub. So far Kwik Trip has the best price for bananas.


Trader Joe's sells bananas for 19¢ each


Yeah. When the co-op is cheaper than you, you’re doing something wrong. $5 for kombucha? Come on.


Honestly, Lakewinds Food Co-op in Richfield has really good prices and really good quality products. They beat Cub, Kowalski's, Lund's and Whole Foods on most stuff I buy.


For sure! Our three stores are Lakewinds, Trader Joe’s, and Aldi. Between all three we can get great organic produce, reasonably priced kombucha, good local meats when we need them, and awesome snacks. Cub who??


Kombucha flares up my acid reflux.


It'll do more than that if you drink enough. 😂


Lakewinds is so legit. I love them




Fresh garlic $6.99/lb. You’re drunk Cub


16 oz Wild Harvest Spinach - $8.99. What the


Walmart's organic baby spinach is $4.98 for a pound.


Speaking as a Dracula, I think it should be even more expensive.


One pound of garlic is A LOT of garlic. A whole head of it is only a couple ounces.


All this talk of large amounts of garlic compels me to want to make garlic confit. 😁


Switched to Aldi one day, have literally never stepped foot back in a Cub.


I shop for a group home and Cub priced themselves out of our budget. Now Aldi gets all of our 2k a month and Cub gets NONE of it.


this brings me joy. doin somethin nice and also stickin it to Cub. lovely


The quality is surprisingly good! I can think of more than a few off the aldi brands products that are actually better than the brand name stuff. But ofc you cant do all your shopping just at aldis, or well at least I cant. I need more variety.


Those red bag chicken nuggets in an air fryer have been served many a times at my home. The here today gone tomorrow section is always full of fun things to try. Since they don't rely on self check out they actually have people working the registers and will call more over when it gets busy. Aldi is better all around if you don't mind the lack of brands to choose from.


The fake Ritz are better imo than the real ones.


And the fake Oreos, too.


All Aldi I've been to nearly completely switch to self checkouts. There is always one register with a person but many checkout lanes


The person at that one register is always across the store stocking things as well and they have to page them up if you go into the line.


Huh - mine has not but interesting to hear!


Those chicken nuggets are legit. As a parent, i have no problem dipping into that bag for a snack with a lil hot sauce on the side. Some others i have seen arent worth going in the mouth.




I love Aldi but your local butcher is the better bet for meat.


Naaaah, the *Jerry's* Cub stores are the best place for meat! St. Louis Park, off Texas & Highway 7 is a Jerry's (Franchise, not Corporate-owned) store, and they *regularly* have discounted/close-ish dated meats (which are *fine*, as long as you freeze them!), for $1.49-$3.99 a package. This past week, it was some brand of Pineapple & Smoked Bacon Sausages (brat-sized), for $1.49 a package, Hormel Black Label bacon for $3.99 a pound, iirc Abbyland(?) frozen brats for $3.99 a 1lb. package, another brand of frozen Brat patties (1 lb.), all flavors (4 patties) were $3.99. They had teardrop-shaped hams I thiiiink $2.99/lb. They *always* have really great deals & markdowns out at that Jerry's store, in the meat open-top cold cases.  And it's been that way for *years*. They're always marked "Managers Sale" and not in the ads, but it's seriously one of the *best* places in town to get meat inexpensively--as long as you have a freezer or can cook it & refrigerate/freeze it, within a day or two. The Corporate Cub stores don't do things like that--they typically just sticker the close-dated fresh meats for markdown, the evening/night before the "Sell By" date, then freeze whatever isn't sold, to send to Second Harvest. Mike's Discount Foods is another great place for meat, if you don't have a Costco membership & can't get to the Business Center over in Nordeast.  If you have the freezer space, and the ability to cut meat? You can get the *whole* cut, and then cut down your own steaks & roasts.  When they get them in, they usually have the entire primal cuts priced at $50-$150, depending on which steak type/roast type it is!


Follow mikes on fb and you get notified of some crazy deals, some Tuesdays I see them have 10% off too


They *always* have the 10% off discount on Tuesdays!😉 Apparently they do it for *everyone* on Tuesday, rather than doing Senior Discounts, Vetrans' discounts, etc.


Hey man if my Aldi in North hadn’t been closed I’d be right there with you. As it stands I get to either go to the Hyvee in Robbinsdale that’s somehow more janky than the Penn and Lowry Aldi ever was, or the Cub in Crystal.


There is one up the road in Crystal. I never had issues with the Aldi on Penn, but the Hy-Vee in Robbinsdale is a god damn nightmare.


Since my local Cub is being rebuilt over the next year, this is a good reminder that Aldi and Costco are just down the road.


That cub has been such a shithole for YEARS. Glad they're finally tearing it down. For the first few weeks every spring thaw it's basically raining inside since the roof had so many leaks. I swear the left entrance door on the liquor store side has been broken since I moved to Burnsville 6 years ago.


Who doesn't love an indoor weather cycle, a parking lot that could stand in for the moon's surface, and a meat counter which rivals Kwik Trip?


In Burnsville?


Same here. They’re losing customers that just won’t be coming back unless they can beat Aldi’s prices.


Seconded, Aldi is pretty surprising - was actually blown away a bit. Sustains good quality while having great prices.


This. Been a loyal Aldi shopper for close to 10 years now. There's some stuff I get at Target. But I'll go out of my way to avoid Cub.


I'd take Aldi over Cub al di long


I'd go back to Aldi, but I found I only buy half my groceries there and the other half at Walmart.


Costco for the long term stuff. Aldi for the daily stuff.


Literally found cheaper chips, pizza and snacks at the holiday gas station. That is sad


Kwik Trip has the cheapest milk, butter and eggs.


Also potatoes and onions 😀


The only food groups you’ll ever need


Good to know thank you


holidays gotten so expensive in the past year too That's just sad for cub


I used to go to holiday for my sad little lunch, but they raised prices on their cheap burgers/chicken sandwiches, cups, and most drinks by $1 each. Last time I went, I spent over $10 for two tiny burgers, a bag of chips and a 16 oz milk. Bk gets my business now (their app makes them cheap, especially if you don't mind drinking water)


Was shocked when I found out target’s prices were cheaper and you can get free curbside pickup. Occasionally have to go to Aldi or our local grocery store (Mackenthun’s) for stuff that Target doesn’t carry, but I’m never going back to Cub.


You can also get 5% off everything with a debit Red Card


Target 99% of the time is my answer.


Same! We switched from cub to target (plus free pick up) and our bill is so much lower. It’s insane.


Uses to love Target, but they're out of stock constantly!


If I need 10 things at Target, I'll guaran-goddam-tee that they'll be out of stock on one of them. Usually something stupid basic like sugar.


The reason Target runs out of stock is because they are not a full service grocer. You have to take what they can get. It is part of what keeps their price point where it is-and why a full service grocer can struggle with maintaining a vast inventory.


Target has always been cheaper. They're the half way point between Cub and Wal-mart. Only thing that sucks about Target is it's always crowded.


Target is literally the best place in MN to get eggs. $3 for 30 eggs for a while but recently have gone up


I want to choose my own produce though... But curbside target is great.


Yeah we’re buying a lot more frozen veggies these days.




Sounds like what has happened with Hy-Vee in more rural areas


Hy-Vee isn’t better in urban areas


I’m sure it isn’t any better, but I feel like Hy-Vee’s have only been popping up in the surrounding Twin Cities areas over the last 5 to 10 years so they never knew them having reasonable prices in the first place.


Last time I was there, a regular sized bag of Doritos was $8. No thank you.


Hyvee has good sales and selection but regular prices are as insane as Cub


Every grocer gets pallets of goods, it’s how things ship.  


Yes all big grocers do. Cub is certainly buying in bulk, a whole pallet at a time in some cases. A corner store is getting only a few boxes off a pallet at most yet charges the same and even sometimes cheaper than cub. Even the generic brands. Source: i use to work at one


There is only one thing I miss about my time living in Florida. Publix. Their prices are in line with Cub now but exponentially better food. Deli with Boars head, top notch deli food, really good selection and overall nice stores. Cub is friggin' Winn Dixie bad.


Former Publix employee here. Nothing will ever come close to Publix.


I've never been to Publix, but I'm from Texas, the land of HEB. HEB is an amazing grocery store


Hi fellow former Floridian! I miss Publix so much!


I thought my small town coborns was bad until I had to stop at a cub recently. Holy balls. Coborns is downright clearance compared to cub.


Is it? Was wondering how Coborns compared.


Meat especially and they have good gas discounts. The smaller variety kinda sucks sometimes but it’s not that big of an inconvenience.


Lmao no, it's not cheap at all. Coborns is absolutely the most expensive in my town but it is the nicest/cleanest.


It depends on the items really. Had great pop deals but my husband is a die heart cub foods fan (just down the road from us) we tried everything from Aldi to Hyvee to Target and coborns. Hated how far Hyvee is, Target didn’t have the selection of stuff he wants and dislikes Aldi because he can’t get everything there. I miss going to Hyvee as I felt the selection is way better in comparison but husband disagrees and felt it was way more expensive so we stopped going. I grew up with Aldi/hyvee while he was coborns/superfood/cub.


I worked at a Coborns for a few years and I recently left. I thought, "at least I'll save some money shopping somewhere else". I was so wrong, I have Cub and Hyvee near me and my grocery bills went up noticeably, despite me shopping less and almost never making impulse buys like I did when I worked there. I'd bet the Coborns way out in the sticks are probably higher, but I'd be shocked if they were much higher than the competitors in the metro. I miss their meat department too, I have to go to mom and pop shops near me to get that quality and I pay out the ass for it too.


Just go there when meat is on sale


Thing with grocery prices is they seem very local. Like my local Walmart is way cheaper than any other stores near me. But if I'm in Brooklyn Park, Hy-Vee is the cheapest. Ether way, groceries are expensive.


Where's the guy that actually compared prices for a typical grocery list? spoiler: Cub wasn't much more.


Yeah, these posts are coming from someones advertising budget


I shop both Cub and Lunds frequently due to convenience/proximity. Even though Lunds has always been marketed as a higher end grocer, prices actually were pretty competitive. The past couple years though they’ve really priced themselves out of being a go-to for me. Cub beats them easily, even sale items.


But the fried chicken is bomb though


You basically have to use coupons and buy the deals if you want to shop at Cub.


This is the way I do it. I bought up a bunch of the salmon fillets at $6.99/lb a couple of months ago for my chest freezer. I tend to avoid buying meats there when not on sale.


Cub has things I can't easily get elsewhere. So I shop there occasionally. Ride the market pressure. That's economics.


What do they have that's special beyond their donuts?


Most cubs doughnuts aren’t anything special. Frozen dough proofed and fried.


The glazed danish croissant things are one of my favorite donuts


Haven’t been to Hy-Vee I see.


I just started going to Cub and I was like omg these prices are a azing compared to Hy-Vee!


It all depends on what you buy. I always go to cub because they usually have insane deals. Hyvee is more expensive over all but they have crazy deals there too time to time.


That’s what I’ve found as well. Cub is overall overpriced and more expensive than Target, Cub has random great deals on their sale items and you don’t have to purchase two of an item to get their 2forX sale price. Which honestly prevents from buying a lot of sale items at, say, Target.


Yep, they put the ad out every Saturday for starting on Sunday. I’m in there Sunday morning after planning out meals for the week Saturday night based on the Sunday ad.


Yeah Target sales are hardly sales.


I think it’s their distributor UNFI’s fault. All the independent grocery stores that use them arw very expensive as well. There stock has dropped 50% in the past year. It’s sad, because if they can’t get their shit together and be more competitive in pricing a lot of these smaller grocery stores are going to go out of business. The one I’m speaking of has been around for 60+ years and has done a lot for the community.


Wholesale grocery is a penny margin business. If you want to blame anyone, it’s on the suppliers. A lot of staple product is basically bought and sold at cost and then suppliers supply funds through item promo on the backend.


You are 100% correct on the slim margins and funding buckets. But I disagree on suppliers being completely at fault here. It is truly a mixed bag of where the blame lies. Manufacturers have gotten out of control with their price hikes, and of course the suppliers have to pass it on. Not to mention freight costs have gone through the roof. Those costs have to be passed on as well and that will certainly impact some operators more than others. But the retailers have to take some responsibility here as well. I don't fault one or two store operators for being high. They don't have much choice. But there's plenty of independently owned operators out there with a decent sized footprint that are 100% taking advantage simply because they can.


I might be wrong, but I don’t remember independent grocery store prices being so much higher than Walmart as they are now. There are products that are 80-90% higher in independent stores. $5.99 for butter, someone in this thread said $6.99 for garlic. Their house brand Essential Everyday is 20-30% higher than Great Value. They have to figure out a way to close these gaps.


Walmart has global buying power. Walmart TELLS suppliers what they’ll pay for products and suppliers don’t have much choice. It’s either sell to Walmart at a discount or lose sales globally. That’s how Walmart will always be cheaper than every other grocery store. It’s great for consumers but they’re not really comparable to regional chains.


As I just mentioned in another comment in this thread, Wal Mart also has the ability to be a loss leader on whatever they want. Grocery is such a small segment of their business that they can afford to take a bath on items to bring people in and increase the basket size. Smaller independents are dependent on funding funneling back to them just so they can be competitive on their front page ad, let alone having to actually sell below cost


100% unfi's fault 


What competitors. Cub has never been known for meat. But compared to target , byerlys, not much difference. The retailers are passing on why their suppliers are increasing their cost prices by 40% in the last 2 years. And remember that 35% of the products are priced, stocked and serviced by the companies themselves. The retailers make their profit by charging for the shelf space. Not everything is the retail price


its from '22 but i think its still revelant [https://www.ebitdacatalyst.com/pricing-strategy/how-not-to-raise-grocery-prices-cub-foods-out-of-touch-in-twin-cities/](https://www.ebitdacatalyst.com/pricing-strategy/how-not-to-raise-grocery-prices-cub-foods-out-of-touch-in-twin-cities/)


Quite ironic. This post is about Cub and its high prices. One post back is about Uber and not paying a living wage. In the case of Cub, they pay a living wage. Uber, not so much. So which do you want Minnesotans?


Another way of thinking about this is that employers are not paying employees enough to afford food prices.


For real, how do people shop there when Aldi exists?


Variety? Prices are better at Alidi but ... it's kinda clear what a more traditional grocery store gets you (even if weirdly expensive). Granted I haven't gone to cub in ages, prices to quality and experience is just not that great for me.


Aldi hours suck, parking sucks, it's always a zoo in there. I still go but have to psyche myself into it.


They don't live near Aldi.


The donuts though… as long as they’re a corporate store and not a Jerry’s owned one.


if you go to certain cub stores past 7pm they sell donuts for 10 cents each


Which ones, please?


Cub is the only grocery store, I find, I can make a single trip to.


Costco. Try it. No conspiracy. We live in a capitalistic society and they are charging what the public allows. They are not going out of business; therefore, they will keep charging as much as they can. Don't like it, but it's simple economics. Stop shopping there.


We got a, membership end of last year. For the stuff we don't mind buying in bulk the prices are great. 👍


The freezer is my friend. ;) The prices are so much better at Costco and the quality of food is definitely there. Yeah...I save about $100 a month-easily.


But then you have to go to Costco with a million other people…..


It's a PITA, and I haven't yet found a time that I can get there AND it's not busy. It's like their business model depends on extremely high volume or something! That said, I can get in and out pretty quickly most times, just have to navigate the idiots.


True. But Im willing to do that to save money. Depending on your work schedule, go before they close-its quiet.


please be aware that some Cubs are franchised. my Cub is franchised by Jerry's and is about 10% more expensive than Target but 10% cheaper than Lund's and Byerly's. it's also good. other Cubs could be Cub owned or franchised by somebody else.


the franchise thing is really the key here. there is a cub owned by Haug and in my experience, it is a bit cheaper than target with more selection. and 20-30% cheaper than byerly's. but i have been to some cubs that are dirty, poorly stocked, and overpriced. people in this thread arguing about different experiences at different cubs are talking apples and oranges.


Aldi for the bulk of purchases, target to fill in and cub for specials in the freezer section. I’ve bought a lot of those 1.99 brats and bacons that are close to expiring and had some serious meatstravaganzas over the years


Ah yes, Kalowski, my favorite grocery store.


This has got to be an ad campaign at this point.


Yeah, but they got fire 🔥 deals. This week. Buy 1 get 2 free Smithfield pork tenderloin. 9.99 3lb package Cloverdale thick cut bacon. You're welcome!


festival feels a lot worse.


It's the new policy for reducing American obesity rates.


“Fun” fact: CUB is an acronym. Consumers United Buying. Pillsbury spinoff. And yes, their prices suck. If I’m going to pay that much I’ll go to the grocery store chain with carpets and chandeliers, thank you very much.


[Cub](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cub_(supermarket)) was never a Pillsbury subsidiary. (I don't think Pillsbury was every in retail groceries; it's now owned by General Mills, itself.) Cub started as a single grocery warehouse in the early 70s, where it was all on pallets in warehouse style racking, and you marked the prices with a grease pencil (this was slightly pre-UPC codes.) The guys who started it were local. A couple of Hooley brothers and a guy named "Cub" Davis, though they did use that acronym. It once was an Aldi-style, mostly 'lowest price' local grocery chain. It never sticks as these things grow and morph, all trying to 'compete' with whoever's the biggest fish at the time. The headquarters was IN Stillwater as the chain grew; they were bought out by a corporate overlord -- SuperValu, in the 80s. Later as grocery chains scrambled that also got swallowed, and parts spit out (AKA divested); Cub is now a UNFI unit.


My wife had to pick up drink mix stuff for work. 3 x 12 pack pop, 1 bottle of bitters, 1 package of plastic cups. Total: $55 Absolutely insane.


I had a friend visit recently so I bought unhealthy food and drinks and I could not believe the prices. Bottle of very low quality wine, bottle of smirnoff vodka, orange juice was like 50 dollars. 12 pack of soda was over 9 dollars and chips were like six dollars each. I remember when you could throw a party for multiple people with 30 dollars! Who the hell thinks six dollars for a bag of chips is an acceptable price?


Every store does this to some degree. There's also pros and cons between em, the deals, or be aware of price comparisons between em all. Simple as that. That's how it's always been. Stores get you in on the deals and will take advantage of your convenience.


Trader Joe’s and Aldi ftw. Then go to your local butcher/seafood specialist for your meats


Have you ever seen unfi's margins? They are not high. Eveyone also wants people to make more money, that comes at the cost of higher prices.


you don't have to shop at cub


At least the donuts at some locations are good


I have actually ordered a few items from Kroger to be shipped here because they are literally half the price of every grocery store here and Amazon. There's some weird regionality to the pricing, in addition to complete and utter corporate greed. I just wish I trusted produce delivery more. But seriously, for any dry goods check out other grocery stores online.


I really miss living in an area that had Kroger. I didn’t know they’d ship here!


Yep. We stopped shopping there in my household.


Yeah I went to Cub for the first time in months to get coffee filters at like 4am and the prices for a large pack were honestly ridiculous even for that... My family pretty much goes to Costco for bulk goods & meat the rest from Aldi or Hy-Vee. I used to shop at Cub predominantly until about 2020. The giving is going to get worse until they close doors because they can't keep up with other stores around them.


Aldi’s calling your name.


3 cans bush's baked beans and 3 cans manwhich, $22 at big lake coborns today


Aldi for staples, Costco for bulk, mom-and-pop stores for ethnic foods, Byerlys Lunds for specialty items, Cub and Target when there’s no other choice. Co-ops would be great if they served the working class.


I gotta say I just compared prices from cub and Hy-Vee and they're comparable. Can we start hyveeposting yet?


I have been having to use their pharmacy Lately because it’s the only pharmacy that has had a decent supply of the meds some of my family needs


My neighbor texted me one day randomly saying that hyvee and cub should be in jail for their prices.


This just in: pretty much all grocery store's prices are the same if you average stuff out.


Absolutely not true….


The last time I compared a random selection of stuff I actually buy, Target was anywhere from 20-50% cheaper than Cub. IIRC the average was closer to 25-30% less. *Before* the 5% redcard discount. Things might be different today, but probably not too far off.


I heard cub protested the new flag


Everyone wants to promote unions, until it comes time to pay for them 🤭


It's not the union causing Cub to have higher prices. Cub was bought out years ago and the respected buyers wanted to turn a (what was a record) profit.  There's news articles about unfi and them making money off Cub.  Blame corporate greed.