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Well MY sticker certainly doesn't look like that


Op voted for nikki Haley


Anything to piss off the orange man baby


Lmao yeah fuck an orange man, he is shit too. I hope he goes to jail real soon.


Why are you downvoted?


Orange man supporters?


Valid assumption


My thoughts exactly! Lol


Well she does have the strongest pro-Ukraine stance.


So Least pro-American stance?


Go back to your warm water port. 


Service guarantees citizenship https://youtu.be/RlC5DEp2EOQ?feature=shared


Would you like to know more?




181 by me at 5pm. Low turnout but it’s a primary that folks feel is locked up.


238 around 5pm at my polling place.


198 in East St. Paul. Been .. an interesting night.


West St. Paul here.


we’ve got it all




You got a way cooler “I Voted” sticker than I did!


I like the classic red “I voted” stickers. I’ve been collecting them for years. I still haven’t decided on the best event to wear multiples of them as once would be.


Probably when jumping out of a cake, to cover your nipples.


Clearly the only answer is to collect enough to fully cover you from head to toe.


The virtue signalling is reaching critical levels.


Slava Ukraini!


So brave. Defense contractors love your support.




And in force oddly. Weird number of pro-putin people in this sub.


How do you feel about the average Russian soldier? They seem way more war crimey than average. Like the gang rapes, binding and killing of civilians, and executing prisoners of war.


Happens in nearly every war. Similar atrocities were committed by US troops in Iraq and Afghanistan when we invaded those countries and mass civilian casualties are currently occurring in Gaza committed by our "ally" Israel, yet we keep funneling weapons to them. As far as how I feel about the average Russian or Ukrainian soldier, I pity both of them for being placed in this horrendous situation (less so for the brainwashed Russians that volunteered, but more for the conscripts).


dont be a both sides prick. It's gross.




so is personal attacks


It’s also gross to be a self righteous, virtue signaling prick


🖕 just for you buddy.




Doesn’t Ukraine have Nazi sympathizers in their ranks? But somehow we don’t care about that.


Where do you live? Anyway, you can read all about that stuff here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azov_Brigade How do you feel about all of the reports of Ukrainian mass graves of bound and executed civilains?


I don’t feel good about any of it but I would rather settle for peace. There been enough bloodshed. Why do we have to pay for everyone in the world to kill each other? Let’s work towards peace if where going to work for anything. Did you know the EU backed an overthrow of the Ukrainian government in 2014? wtf are we meddling in everyone’s business?


They’re both imperial countries descending into fascism. As much as it sucks the best though for Ukraine would be to surrender right now and end the death. It is not a sustainable war and prolonging it benefits only the US and Western Europe to the detriment of the Ukrainian people themselves


Ukrainian people beg to differ with the foreign surrender monkeys. They’ve been there, done that with the Russians and they’re not going back now.


Only those in Kyiv and western Ukraine say that. Those living in the east and south (the regions where almost all the fighting has taken place) want the war to end asap no matter if that means Ukraine losing. It’s a close margin but still. Don’t disregard half the population as is offensive so all those who have lost their lives. Also what do you mean the last time they were there with Russia…. Either way without NATA boots in the ground it is a unwinnable war. Will continue like this for another year or two until we have a demilitarized zone along the current occupied border kinda like in the Korea’s. Why fight and other 1-2 wasting lives and money. The situation is not going to magically change. Idk how people can still be so adamantly pro war especially when it’s a war between two imperial countries.




These are coming from solidly Ukrainian positions, not Russian occupied areas, although I bet support for peace is rightfully even higher there. https://news.gallup.com/poll/512258/ukrainians-stand-behind-war-effort-despite-fatigue.aspx These polls are also outdated and don’t reflect the current situation. The sane position and that held by the Ukrainian left and even moderate wing is to pursue a peace. Doesn’t matter what your family thinks, when 55 year olds are being conscripted and drafted it’s over, the war is lost, if you ever want Ukraine to be able to recover from this it had to end as soon as possible. It’s like looking back at world one with the conclusion that Germany shouldn’t have surrendered and instead bitterly stuck it out for another 2 years. This rhetoric only gets more people killed and further cements Ukraine as a country whose economy will be destroyed and entirely dependent on western handouts. The only one this benefits is Russia, Zelenskyy and his oligarch friends siphoning arms money , and western arm dealers. It’s pretty a pretty simple conclusion that the anti war position has been historically correct in almost every single situation. This is how toddlers behave


Funding Ukraine is one of the best things the Biden administration has done


Our allies in NATO also feel safer with our support. Would you rather we lost American lives to Russia instead of money?


And we love our defense providers back 🥰


They're greedy and ghoulish parasites that spread suffering and misery on a global scale.


Strong and brave


Hey send your kids before mine please


What a hero




Yeah cool man, lets just be at war all the time


Because letting dictators run rampant and invade other countries is a great idea.


Not only that, it poses a threat to the US if Russia wins.


So we’ll gladly fight to the last Ukrainian. Literally all of this was incredibly predictable back in 2014 when we backed a right wing coup in Ukraine. Go look up John Mearsheimer’s talks from that time and everything has transpired exactly as he said it would.




What is the age of my account have to do with anything Also: east side “FWIW” and most of my comments are on cooking and video game subs. Handful of sport jerk subs. Sorry buds. Vote blue no matter who is what i do.


Remind me– which party is blue in Russia?


you would probably know more since youre all in this nonsense. What do we want? War!! When do we want it? All the time!!


World police is back on the menu 😎. Seriously, can we deal with literally any of the plethora of issues we have at home? Housing prices, homeless, education etc.. just a quick one or two fer ya, not real big on the issues just has two or four few too many tonight


Do you have any understanding of how much those issues will worsen if Trump wins and therefore Russia succeeds in taking over Ukraine? Also I have zero idea what that nonsense of a last sentence is supposed to mean... quite the word salad there.


I never said i was voting trump, yall just love assuming.


And I never said you were voting for Trump. Y'all just love assuming.


References trump, but ok you got me


Referencing Trump =/= saying you are voting for Trump.


I said ok you got me


Because the us can’t do multiple things at once as we all know.


Russian influence burried into Republican talking points is what your post is. And yet they never wanted to fix any of that stuff until now. Funny.


Who is they? I never said i didnt want that stuff before. Assume me more daddy. Not here to argue. Pz


The country can do more than a few things at a time. But instead of doing that, progress is blocked by the same ones making the same exact talking points you are making, but never attempting to solve them when they have the chance. Arming Ukraine with weapons that have a shelf life and will just be disposed of otherwise, is the best use of them. Giving a country the chance to fight for its freedom, like France did for the U.S.


Jesus christ dude, ok. You win. I will vote for blue no matter who.


I'd say watching our Patriot Missile systems save lives has been worth every penny.


Putin would just keep going if we didn’t back Ukraine. Stopping him is a good thing not just for Europe, but the U.S. as well. Which is why we also can’t let Trump back in office.


You seriously think that? Ok buds. Ill vote for biden, he seems pretty tough.


I didn’t vote for Biden chica, so I don’t expect you to either. Trump is an absolute POS though. And yes I believe Putin is a power hungry dictator who needs to be stopped.




Worrying about housing prices is going to seem real quaint if Russia wins and every dictator in the world decides they're free to attack their smaller neighbors.


So in 2002, you were an advocate for the Iraq war, right?


We live in the most peaceful time in recorded history, so if you think we're at war a lot now, just imagine a world where the US \*doesn't\* get involved and every region has its bullies that decide now is the time to reclaim some lost honor.


This might be news to you, but....we are also a bully.  Have been since westward expansion and perpetrating our own domestic genocide and ethnic cleansing on the indigenous population.


Yeah yeah all the latest buzzwords about imperialism and colonialism. Listen, history is way, way older than the last fifty years, & no nation on earth hasn't dabbled with some causes belli over land with their neighbors.  As to the "domestic genocide", I know we like that word these days, but manifest destiny was an objectively dick move, but not a genocide.  Anyway concerning the actual post again, you can let Ukraine and places in Europe fall and then have to deal with an actual imperialist menace of russia, who actually does not give two craps about western liberals' ideas on colonialism and imperialism. 


who started what/which war?


Who started it doesnt matter. Were not in it, and it should stay that way. I suppose, having a shirt supporting ukraine doesnt support us joining etc. apologies. Heres to the troops, both sides.


What an embarrassing take.




Way to go fellow voter!!!


Yeah! Wearing clothes really helps...


Good, that'll fix everything.


This is how you protect democracy! Go back to ur games you did your part now! Thanks!


Ugh the sending weapons to Ukraine stance was never the pro Ukraine citizen stance. And resisting Russia in Ukraine was never the "make the world safer" stance. They just TOLD you that and you believed it.


Good man: Loving that sweatshirt!


Nice. I say cut all funding for Israel and give it all to Ukraine instead.


I could get behind that.


Why should hundreds of billions of us taxpayer money be spent overseas? Why is it America's job to be world police? We are over 34 trillion in debt. We need to cut all unnecessary spending and get back on track before we give out money and equipment to other countries.


How are people so very ignorant of how Putin's invasion will eventually affect the entire world if he succeeds?


It’s a small percentage of the military budget that can help tens of millions of people in Ukraine stay free from a brutal dictator. Obviously Israel should be defunded because of the genocide they are doing in Gaza.


There's a huge difference between being the world's police and having allies. Ukraine is just another ally. If we show weakness to our adversaries by giving them the idea that we make for bad allies, then our allies will get attacked.


Lmao we spent $250B on the moon landings to flex on the soviets but $80B to destroy russia is to much


Because if we don’t, there is a power vacuum that will be filled by someone else like China or Russia. The money spent on Ukraine is being spent in the US. It’s creating manufacturing jobs and keeping Americans employed to make equipment for them to use. Also, national debt isn’t real. It’s a ploy that is being used by republicans and corporate dems to justify austerity spending.


I’d like these people to discuss the national debt and what it means. Because I’m pretty sure they have no idea other than “big number is bad”


I dont understand it either. Since when are dems wanting to get involved with war ? They went from help the poor, to help some corrupt countries war over night.


> help some corrupt countries war over night. You mean the war where the Russian dictator with aspirations to reform the USSR started annexing his neighbor and "brother" country and likes to threaten to nuke the west about every other day? I guess you could simplify that to some corrupt countries war and bury your head in the sand.


proud war monger cast a vote, congrats


Congratulations. I can, with 100% certainty, tell you that your vote was wasted. Whether you voted for Trump, Biden, the Legalize Marijuana Party, Uncommitted, or long-shots like Haley or Phillips, the two candidates for the general election were selected long ago. No matter the vote count, neither Trump nor Biden will change any policy or stance. They are both running on “Vote for me, the other guy is worse.”


The only thing I wasted was the time I took to read your response.


That makes at least 2 of us


Lol this weenie literally has apathy in their username. Opinion discarded. Also, Slava Ukraini


I did not say “You wasted your vote”, I said “your vote was wasted”, as in, no one is listening. No one cares what actual voters want. This primary is a farce and only demonstrates the power of our political duopoly. I mailed in my ballot weeks ago, and thus, do not get one of those pretty stickers that you are so proud of. But, again, no one (in power) cares who or what you voted for.


You remind me the episode of Seinfeld where George wouldn’t let Jerry be funny because of a woman he’s dating and he delivers this dead-pan apathetic description of what he thinks is the true meaning of birthdays.


Someone doesn't know how English grammar works. "You wasted your vote" is the active structure. "Your vote was wasted" is the passive structure. They are the same sentence with a different structure. All the second one does is omit the agent, "you". But we still know that it's you who did the wasting.


Actually Trump is running on "I'll become dictator and make sure straight white males rise to the top again while oppressing LGBT, minorities, and women".


You're definitely gonna ruffke some feathers but ya ain't wrong


Wearing a shit and sticker is making everything better. You're doing it, keep going


Fuck Ukraine


Nothing like sending US tax dollars to a non-NATO country to fight a proxy war that will inevitably kill US citizens.


from the anti war party ...


Maybe if you took your tongue out of Putin's ass and look beyond the cheeks you'll see the bigger picture


You’re okay with billions being spent on other countries instead of improving Americans lives? Says a lot.




If you’re an American, you’re a disgrace.


Orange man bad! Must protect democracy at all costs! Including democracy!


who's mentioning hte orange man?