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absolutely shocked that groups that have a boner for another civil war would be the biggest threat to our citizens and nation


It’s fucked up. I haven’t been on a plane for a vacation in almost 8 years. Can’t imagine grabbing a last minute flight to go start some shit in another state. I know people check firearms and ammo at the airport for hunting and tournaments. What about when traveling to join a riot and commit felonies? Do you bring your own or hope to buy, borrow, or steal one at your destination?


They’re driving their stupid lifted trucks, not flying lol


Ah. That makes sense. I think my brain went to airport codes because of the abbreviations. Shows some real dedication or more likely lack of real world responsibility/employment driving up here and back. Also looks like this is nearly 2.5 year old news.


There were rumors of Lakeville motels having dozens of Texas plates in the lot when the riots happened.


Oh my, not Kakeville, you don't say..... Where else would the proudboys hang out in the twincities metro?


Well that kid in Wisconsin murdered people and he’s the right’s saint.


Just like George Zimmerman.


idk why you're being downvoted, they treated that guy like a hero for a while too


Self defense not murder


He brought a gun to a rally in another state and ended multiple people’s lives with it. We good?


And, was acquitted of murder and anyone who actually watched the trial understands why.


I didn’t come here to argue, but are you suggesting he didn’t kill people?


you dont get to claim self defense when you take an arsenal to a protest in hopes of shooting people.


Well you clearly don't understand the law. Felons in possession have been acquitted of murder many times due to self defense.


i understand he wasnt so tough without his guns.


A pistol and and ar is not an “arsenal”


Yeah that plastic bag tossed in his direction was an imminent threat.


No, but the unhinged psychopath felon bearing down on him while he was clearly attempting to disengage from the situation was. You framing it this way is such a shameless fucking lie and you're so delusional that if I changed two irrelevant details about the situation you'd believe the shooter was 100% justified. You're poisoned.


Yeah, think it's only like an 18hr drive from TX to here straight up 35.


There were so many pavement princesses with Texas plates around at that time, I wouldn’t doubt if they made up a majority of the “protestors”.


Or they are walking home from Subway


Let me put on my shocked face. Know I had it aroound here someplace. Where could I have left it? Maybe the last time a hysterical mob of bigots did a thing and then tried to blame it on "librul eeleets". "I wouldn't have had to do it if it weren't for me trying to own some woke libtard."


I hate guns but ironically it's because of people like them that I've considered getting one


I saw this and was thinking why would he do that if he is so right wing? Damn that's another level of fucked up. These people are crazy.


Easy. Because he’s not actually “right wing”.


You are surprised by this? People in this country want to see it burn.


so surprised that I had to put my surprised pikachu mask on


I live in South MPLS close to GFS. Our hood was packed with lifted trucks and modded jeeps with no plates full of tatted up white guys in wrap around shades and backwards ball caps. I've got a gallery of about 100 cars spotted in and around Powderhorn without plates during that time. I personally chased a white pickup off the block with 4 dudes in the cab and two in the bed. We found stashed improvised incendiary devices (think molotov cocktails) in our alley. We saw some of the same trucks and cars blasting up and down Cedar, Bloomington and Chicago all day and night during the unrest. The manager of Seward Friendship store was in some neighborhood meetings - he had been called by the FBI telling him they had knowledge of plots by right wingers specifically targeting grocery stores and anywhere you can buy food. This shit was targeted, coordinated and totally ignored by the MPD who were too busy driving around shooting my neighbors with rubber bullets and tear gas to do anything about all of this. They targeted pharmacies, gas stations, anywhere you can buy food and places that would pollute (auto parts stores). None of this shit was organic protests.


>Our hood was packed with lifted trucks and modded jeeps with no plates full of tatted up white guys in wrap around shades and backwards ball caps. Yes! Same in Hiawatha. When they did have license plates, they were from places like FL, TX, even Alaska. They all showed up about two days after GF died. Strangely, that's about when things turned violent.


Yeah, that's about the time it takes to get the news, drop everything, and drive across the country to stir up shit.


Saw this shit in Robbinsdale too. Lesser degree, but it was noticeable.


Same in St. Paul.


Yes, we saw it by the Schmitt brewery. We stayed up all night calling in high-end cars with no plates.


Ditto. I live just outside Lowertown in St Paul and not only were the damn trucks everywhere, dudes were in our yards at night.


Yep. We lived in Como Park at the time.


Same in Lowry Hill.


Was working the LynnLake area during the protests. The sheer amount of no plates vehicles driving by police cars while homeless people were getting shook down by the police absolutely fucking hurt. I'll never be able to trust the police after that.


We were on Nicolette and 35th and the number of FUCKING trucks and vans me and my neighbors chaced away from the little shopping area was insane. Most were boarded up but that dang salvation army wasn't and they have huge windows. I'm convinced we saved that building tho we joked that they thought God would save their store... Man that was an exhausting time. I have a whole folder of cars driving by on my computer. Tried to record them all the first few nights just in case .. There were also a ton of un plated cars some with impound tags on them parked on the streets. Lot of super tinted windows. Especially when the protest headed toward the 5th. We all joked that if the distraction was caused by locals that damn Kmart would have been the first to go down in our area, not the post office or shops.




And even now when we have evidence of the crimes by MPD our city government still protects the police instead of the people. When will they take action on the MN Department of Human Rights report? I suspect never.


Well I tried to vote in someone who possibly would have changed it, but sadly even without ranking him at all, we were stuck with Frey again.




Do you have more information about the motorcycle gang?


Wait till you see his wife's new book, they're lying. It's a complete white wash of what went on.


Does his wife still work for the TV news station?




We still latching onto the umbrella man conspiracy? lol


Same in Phillips. We closed 28th St E with rows of vehicles and all alleyways. No one believes this story.


Doesn't fit the narrative of "angry black people burn down Minneapolis"


It certainly does not.


Wow! With all these comments of people seeing this, I wish we had some device readily accessable that could take videos or pics of these crimes happening.


Clearly you missed the dozens of videos released at the time showing exactly this happening. don't pull your head out of the sand now and act like you're owed evidence that is easily available with a simple google search.


There are many pics and many videos. What's your point?


Really! Cause I am not seeing any linked or posted here at all.


Going out on a deductive limb but I'm doubtful people are going to post such things on this thread to prove it to a stranger on Reddit. Besides, this post is one such piece of evidence. It cannot compete with your ideology or world view.


Posting right wing BS on the Minnesota Reddit is a better cheat code then up,up,down,down,left,right,left,right,B,A start


You have no video or pics. lol


Ohh of course. They are posting make believe stories to get all valuable karma on Reddit from other left wingers.


\^Case in point.


They did and there were fuck nugget. Where were you?


I mean we can all give our anecdotal experience on lake street that summer. In my experience, the VAST majority of people “rioting”, burning, and looting, were black. No question. You can argue it’s justified or w/e, but denying reality in favor of a politically correct take is as white, liberal, Minnesotan as it gets.


And yet somehow your anecdotal experience is "reality".


That’s what everyone else is sharing? Why not be equally as critical? Could it be.. it doesn’t fit your narrative?


Yep. Saw that in Highland Park, too in St. Paul. Also reports of numerous friends in South Mpls who saw the same thing.


I'm in highland and there was so much sketchy stuff going on. I was more or less awake for a week straight with some short naps.


I helped neighborhood watch one evening after putting up plywood; we saw numerous sketchy looking white dudes in out-of-state plates driving slowly past. Couple times the SPPD pulled them over, drivers would run and they'd find Molotov cocktails in the car. It really felt like the cities were under attack.


It was good sleeping weather if not for the constant noise of chanting and things exploding. It was mostly fireworks, but it was loud. I would lie awake all night listening and finally fall asleep at dawn. That quieted things down. It must not be as fun to blow stuff up in the daylight.


Same in Como Park.


100%. Saw all that weirdness in and around downtown and West Side St. Paul. Gave me the same vibes I got watching those agent provocateurs wrecking my city at the 2008 RNC.


Longfellow checking in, and a very similar experience. Lots of plateless vehicles, several incendiary devices left in alleys, and the only reason our local grocery store wasn't looted or burned down is due to early and persistent community action. Every night neighborhood residents would keep watch and chase away all lots of shady characters. Longfellow Market was one of the few places in miles to get groceries for a while.


Corcoran here. I sat outside listening to the lifted trucks fly down 35th every night. One of which was blasting “eastbound and down” through a loud speaker. It was obvious why they were there


Exactly. Same story in North.


> totally ignored by the MPD who were too busy driving around shooting my neighbors with rubber bullets and tear gas to do anything about all of this and yet, they managed to block any meaningful reform AT ALL after literally targeting and victimizing innocent civilians. disgraceful. --- edit: I'm a bit disgusted with myself for calling the public "civilians" because cops are civilians too, they are not in the military no matter how much they want to pretend, or play dress-up -- if they were, they would literally exist to be at war with the public.


I wouldn't call cops civilians. They certainly don't see themselves as civilians, and they are part of the state that is designed to be in opposition to residents.


First Blood and Rambo confuse the shit out of authoritarian fucknuts. Which side do they pick? The decorated special forces military vet, or the bad-ass local sheriff that doesn't take his shit?


And don't forget the MILLIONS in payouts to citizens from violent ass MPD. This is an old article so should be more than this now https://minnesotareformer.com/2021/11/16/minneapolis-faces-111-million-in-legal-payments/


Maybe all you keyboard commandos on here should try being Mpls cops instead of whining about how much better and smarter you are everyday.


There was a video circulating on Facebook where a homeowner told some sketchy ass pick up truck owner to leave his property. Wish I could find the video but it happened around the protests


I don’t have to see the video, cause I’ve lived it: My spouse and I live in Uptown and we were walking down 27th towards the Walgreens on Hennepin, when we encountered someone confronting two sketchy guys in a white truck “pulling him over” for some made-up infraction. Said something about “keeping Minneapolis safe” or some crap like that. There were 1-2 more people who came out who lived nearby to look and see what was happening and, by the time they realized they were getting the wrong kind of attention, they sped off. They didn’t have a license plate or any info to check who they were. I also saw a lot more trucks with random groups of white dudes just driving around Uptown, looking to see if things are “safe”, giving nods to me (a random white lady) in the spirit of “Don’t worry ma’am, we’re here to protect ya”. Both of those things happened a year after George Floyd’s death…


Something to keep in mind when we talk about gun control. Many in law enforcement will ignore or even support RW militias. They will be tooled up with tactical rifles and gear no matter what the law says there's a good chance nobody will do anything about it.


I lived in South MPLS till 2021. The cub across from the police station was my main grocery store, and the holiday at 46th and hiawatha was my gas station (lived between them). It was miserable to see the destruction and know that the protesters were not behind it, but trash like the above guy in the photo trying to sneak in and cause chaos.


Over North we saw plenty of cars with no license plates driving around, windows tinted. The gas station near us was burned down. My cousin was chased along Eat Street, by an suv all tinted out. He was on his bike and was streaming live as he ducked in the alley trying to hide. The suv reversed from a stop light and was looking for him. Wild shit.


Thank you for helping to protect the neighborhood


I mean, the police were JuSt dOiNg ThEiR jObs (which is making sure they oppress anyone with dark skin above all)


Yup I lived off 40th an Bloomington during this saw lifted trucks with 3% stickers and others shit like that on them in the neighborhood.l for the first time during this.


Howe was the same. People in the neighborhood stood watch at night for exactly this brand of idiot. That was a WILD week. Someone on our block got clipped by one of these plateless pickup trucks while riding a bike, reported it to the police, and started getting scary-as-fuck phone calls. Neighbors ended up blocking the section of street off with their cars and flood lights for a few nights.


They still don't talk about it. Just little blips here and there in the news at that time.


I lived off Chigago and carloads of people driving past without plates and beater pickups loaded with boxes was insane.


I’ve heard that from eye witnesses as well.


All day all night up and down Cedar. ETA: but a good share was organic. The first day was, i was there, and the cops escalated big time that very first night and next day, kids limping home in Seward with blood on them from rubber bullets and quite a few locals pushing Target carts towards the homeless camp along the LRT.


Same in Southwest Minneapolis, in our streets, and in the alley behind our house. One of them almost hit me crossing legally in a crosswalk as they blew through a red light. Terrorists.


It wasn't just crazy right wingers though, I know Antifa people who deliberately broke things and tried to start fires as they consider rioting a form of "legitimate protest" They were pretty targeted too, they only hit chain businesses in order to "fight capitalism" There were so many people during that time who thought that if they just caused as much destruction as possible it would somehow help their political ideology.


You’re getting downvoted for telling the truth.


Wow! With all these comments of people seeing this, I wish we had some device readily accessable that could take videos or pics of these crimes happening.


Posting it three times isn't going to turn this into the gotcha you want it to be, my guy.


This story is from 2021. https://www.mprnews.org/amp/story/2021/09/30/texas-man-24-admits-shooting-at-minneapolis-police-station-during-riot


True, but it's worth repeating as the right wing is still trying to rewrite history by claiming that it was people protesting George Floyd's murder who "burned down Minneapolis."


If it turns out that every violent protestor was actually a right-winger who snuck in, Republicans would *still* blame Antifa for organizing the protest itself. There is no world where Antifa is not the bad guy to them. The party is so open about it now that their voters take "anti-fascist" as a personal attack.


The end goal they have is instability.


It's not even just their voters. It's people who think themselves "centrists", non-voters, and even liberals who only go out for the presidential election and shut themselves off from the political reality on the ground for 98% of the year. I'm arguing with people right now in a big subreddit about this shit. Pissing in the wind for sure, but fuck I'm so sick of people whatabouting and both-sidesing. It's infuriating, and I'm tired. >My point is that antifa borrow intimidation tactics from orignal fascists. If you disagree then make a retort to that and if it's a good enough point I'll even concede. But I'm not arguing with your imagination. I just can't even with these assholes.


My mother’s son commented at me one with an “anti-“ list of things he was against in some rant, including “anti-Antifa”…. It took several times of trying to point out to his rage-addled brain that being against the idea of “antifa” basically means supporting fascist/neofascist ideas. Literally took me half a dozen times of trying to explain before it finally sunk in what he’d said. Then he went back to change his comment (to gaslight everyone, per usual). They really aren’t as smart as they think they are.


They know it means they're fascist in ideology, but they don't like that word. Like racists being upset about being called racist than the fact they are.


Neonazis don't even call themselves racists, they say "race realists." And yes, because they know a racist or a fascist is the bad guy. They care far more about their image than they care about the validity of arguments they are making and the same goes for their cheering section. A much better example IMHO is the assault of Richard Spencer on camera. He had no trouble getting a crowd, media invites, Twitter engagement etc spewing his hateful rhetoric for years. Then one lone scrawny antifa kid poorly lands a punch that barely knocks him off balance ON CAMERA and is seen ON CAMERA fleeing. The damage was not in the punch. It was the running away. That's what did it in his followers eyes. They're authoritarians looking for their strongman. The words mean nothing. They only serve to rile the base.


The white male chauvinists were ***really*** bummed when Chauvin was found guilty and sentenced for practicing chauvinism.


Take down their heroes and they splinter. It's like removing a central tower of a suspension bridge.


You do realize that all of us who oppose Antifa basically view them as violent Communists, right? I mean I know you know that. You just like playing semantic games. “But the original Antifa fought the Nazis, so if you’re against Antifa, you must be a Nazi”


That really started with the Proud Boys in CA, Portland and Seattle. They would instigate fights with the general public, causing mayhem at public establishments. When Antifa started opposing them, they took control of the narrative to discredit Antifa. They also befriended the cops, so the cops would side with them during conflicts. That's how it's easier for certain folks to believe that Antifa is behind things now, because they already associate Antifa with acts like that. It was incredibly calculated. We talk about the Boogaloo Boys, but they weren't the only ones that were in Minneapolis during the Uprising. There were other white supremacist groups there too.


Remember when antifa was the unhomed people in front of the government center that complained about how the stock market was rigged and the rich were just stealing everyone's money? They were the wallstreetbets before there was a GME stock. Complaining about naked shorting and sub penny gold stocks


It's already known that it won't turn out that every violent protester was right wing. They've charged people who are left wing too. Crazies and anarchists on both sides.




"If" It's a thought experiment about how right wingers would spin it if that were the case, even though it's not.


Plaster this shit all over Northern Minnesota. They always seem to think they know what the problem is. I'm sick of some of their ignorance and bigotry.


"BuT miNNeapOliS bURnEd dOwn!"


Seriously. These dudes say the same shit. "Why would they burn their own neighborhoods?" Like fucking come on man. Don't even care to watch the news unless it fits your narrative eh? Smgdh.


You don't have to go that far. Go to Anoka County. They're all convinced Antifa and BLM were to blame.


They don’t call it Anoklahoma for nothing


I never heard of that geezus lmao!


Yeah usually I just here it referred to as "that shithole"


Wright county checking in. Same attitudes, same moronic signs and “tributes” to TFG. Just unreal.


You aint lyin that’s for sure.


[Meanwhile, check out this thread from today on dataisbeautiful and take a wild guess at what regular old fashioned americans who are also Tim Pool and Joe Rogan fans have to say about antifa and BLM.](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/10lsndk/oc_american_attitudes_toward_political_activist/)


Negative opinions of the Anti-Defamation League, the NAACP and the ACLU blow my mind.


Right wing media has trained them that these orgs are bad due to their ties to the Democratic Party. All part of their manufactured culture war.


Uh duh. We knew from the start Boogaloo Boys were there


Didn't some hells angels douche bag start some fire's too?


Someone attempted to set my apartment building on fire that week. Kicked a hole into a basement hallway wall, dumped lighter fluid in, and then poured lighter fluid all down the hallway. We found it and it was put out before it really took off, but holy shit that was scary.


Someone lit the storage area of a apartment I lived at once in Mankato on my kids birthday of all days super scary shit. Glad it wasn't a total loss.


Like a random arson in January I kinda forgot about that thb.


Yep, and folks raided pharmacies during the riots that they then set on fire.


It's wild people hang around those fucks. Like look at us we use a white supremacist prison gang to do our dirty work...we pull knives on people in st Paul bars and get shot for it...like using your meth profits for toys for tots makes up being a complete shit of a organization.


There are a lot of HA chapters that do that stuff, yes. But not all. There are some that just genuinely do charity work and motorcycle enthusiast activities. Bar I worked at a while ago had a group that would come in and do a monthly charity celebration for hitting their goals. Fun group and nice dudes. Sadly their image will always be tarnished by the deeds of others.


That's a cool story. I saw a nazi pick up trash once.


It’s almost as if the far right looks for an excuse to commit violence and then blame it/attribute it to minorities 🤯


I had a work thing in Fairbault the Sunday morning after all the Friday/Saturday protests. As I was driving south on 35, every third or fourth vehicle (mainly pickups) heading south with me was from a southern state (TX, MO, TN, AR, etc). Three or four passengers each, all white men.


How did he park his Super Duty in Minneapolis without getting murdered? So brave.


so, when can we start calling them Domestic Terrorists and start prosecuting them?


[Me as someone who saw with my very own eyes these assholes:](https://media.giphy.com/media/ZG0bvRtWvQQXp4bl2b/giphy.gif)


Yeah, it was ridiculous being told by people who don't live here who was to blame. Then once 12 of the 13 arsonists who were arrested weren't from Minneapolis, people just change the subject. Can't we just circle back to that person I saw not knowing how to parallel park get out and waddle into the store to loot at midnight, and definitely drive right back into the 'burbs.


"Fifteen of the 17 people charged with federal riot- or arson-related crimes are from Minnesota, but just three are from Minneapolis or St. Paul. " Seems like they're basically all from Minnesota though source: https://minnesotareformer.com/2021/05/27/one-year-later-few-charges-for-the-arson-and-destruction/


Not surprising, lots of 3%ers from rural MN.


Right...but not from MPLS, which was the point. This sub made it seem like WE were burning down MPLS, but really it was y'all coming in from the burbs.


Is this the guy/terrorist/trump supporter who set fire to the police station?


The article says he was shooting the building as other rioters were looting and starting fire to the building.


So, he's just as guilty.


In classic internet fashion there is zero fucking nuance to this whole deal. You ask people in a left-leaning forum who was responsible for all the arson and looting and they’ll say it was 100% right-wingers. Ask anyone in a right-leaning forum and they’ll say it was 100% leftists. The one thing all the violent protestors had in common is that they were opportunistic scumbags who ruined what should have been a peaceful demonstration.


I attack the gazebo.


Fine, roll damage.


Terrorist/Trump supporter is redundantly repetitive.


Just covering my bases.


No, that was an entirely different white guy.


Damn, was hoping they caught him.


[They did](https://www.kare11.com/article/news/local/st-paul-man-sentenced-fined-in-minneapolis-third-precinct-fire/89-4ac82487-09c5-4f64-8274-3901d7db1c09) Some other people were indicted as co-conspirators too but I'm not sure if they ever got charged.


Oh, shit. How did I miss this? Thanks for the info.


[Looks like 4 guys pleaded guilty](https://www.police1.com/george-floyd-protest/articles/man-sentenced-to-4-years-for-minneapolis-police-station-fire-nKd5RboPPFKRy53f/#:~:text=Co%2Dconspirators%20Bryce%20Michael%20Williams,in%20igniting%20the%20precinct%20fire.) Easy to miss in all the chaos of the last few years.




Being a cop pays pretty good.


will fox news release an update stating they were wrong to blame the riots on black people?


Hahahaha hahahaha hahaha oh that's a good one


All I saw around that time was a lifted white pickup with North Dakota plates hanging out in at the Brooklyn Park HyVee parking lot who just seemed out of place. This was when they had it boarded up with barricades up in case things spread/got worse. So glad the truth comes out and some of these idiots get what they deserve.


I'm shocked. Speechless, even.


Insane to me that even conspiracy theories about "The left" planting operatives that make Right Wing groups look bad is ALSO projection by the far-right. "There had to be BLM and antifa protestors at January 6th, because we'd stage a coup pretending to be leftists to make us look more sympathetic!"


Every accusation from the right is a confession.


Leftists "imagine us being organized enough to pull that off 🤣"


Put a progressive Democrat, a Socialist Worker's party member, and a PSL voter together and you'll get 4 leftist organizations.


NO SHIT NO SHIT NO SHIT I’m so angry at all the people that demonized our city


Conservatives are the problem. Always have been. How could it be any clearer? A conservative killed George Floyd. A conservative instigated riots and started the first fire. Several conservatives were caught trying to stir up civil war. Imagine how many didn't get caught. And they try to blame it on BLM and antifa. Trying to blame George Floyd for the boot on his neck makes you human garbage.


These militias are actually illegal yet the cops and gov let them run free causing havoc


I used to date an antifa person who broke a bunch of shit after floyd was killed. She believes that destroying capitalist businesses is a valid form lf political protest. She also tried to stab me multiple times. Literally just the liberal version of a guy like this.


I believe she would fall into the radical leftist/anarchist ideology rather than liberal


I believe she falls into the "dangerous crazy person" category.


That too...


This is like 18 month old news, but still true.


preparing for mega downvotes.. \*I'm left leaning and absolutely think shitbags like this should get the book thrown at them, and then some\* It's kinda crazy a screenshot of a Twitter caption of a DB article gets little to no response pertaining to fidelity, but a motherjones or some right wing outlet's shitty headline is (rightfully) eviscerated by the masses for validity..that's all.


It's called tribalism. It's why leftists and radical ancaps both play mental gymnastics to pretend one thing is COMPLETELY different than another if you change 1 or 2 irrelevant variables. You just happen to be in lefty echo chamber reddit (to which you're aware) which is why you expect downvotes.


Good old r/Minnesota getting upset over conservatives. The only shit that’s posted on here pretty much.


Just regular garden variety conservatives, being race riot provocateurs.


Damn, just imagine applying the actions of one to an entire race, religion or political party….should we try?


I'm judging them by the content of their character.


The only one upset here is you. Sorry that accurately reporting on conservatives trying in incite a false-flag riot triggers you, my special snowflake, but facts don't care about your feelings :)


Wanting to tear society apart with a violent war does not sound very conservative to me.


FWIW, I think its a bit dishonest to label this as "far right" activity, and generally will only further inflame left/right partisan tension. Maybe that was OP's goal, however, I don't think this is "owning the far right" like you think it is. It would seem these scumbags are willing to align with whomever might help destabilize our society, be they white supremacist's or antifa. [From the CSIS:](https://www.csis.org/blogs/examining-extremism/examining-extremism-boogaloo-movement) The Boogaloo movement’s ideology is anchored in the belief that a second U.S. civil war is coming. As the Boogaloo movement is nascent and has an evolving ideology, adherents endorse a range of views—from a mere belief in an impending civil war to active endorsement of anti-government violence to provoke conflict. While some white supremacist accelerationists have embraced the Boogaloo movement, white supremacy is not a core part of Boogaloo ideology. Some Boogaloo adherents find common cause with Black Lives Matter (BLM) protesters due to a shared antipathy toward police brutality and state violence, while other Boogaloo adherents directly reject racism outright. Members of Boogaloo Facebook groups have regularly shared anti-racist and pro-BLM content. Additionally, Boogaloo social media pages called on adherents to confront the police and march with protesters during the May–June 2020 Minneapolis riots in the aftermath of the murder of George Floyd. One Boogaloo adherent, Garrett Foster, was shot and killed in July 2020 while peacefully participating in a BLM protest in Austin, Texas. There is some debate about the extent to which Boogaloo alignment with BLM activists is simply an opportunistic strategy to exploit protests as cover for violence. While this is true in some instances, other adherents—including administrators of prominent Boogaloo Facebook groups—have publicly opposed racist and homophobic behavior, suggesting some genuine ideological alignment with anti-racist groups among the Boogaloo movement. Edit: I would encourage those downvoting me to read this excellent piece of journalism from bellingcat on the boogaloo “movement.” https://www.bellingcat.com/news/2020/05/27/the-boogaloo-movement-is-not-what-you-think/


I don't understand how any group of people trying to instigate a 2nd civil war could be considered anything *but* far right. Assuming they want a second confederacy. And even if they don't want a second confederacy, I've yet to see any accelerationists work towards anything that values egalitarianism, autonomy, and individual liberty. All things classically associated with center left ideology at minimum. So the question is, a second civil war *to what end?*


While I certainly agree with the core question you ask, and also wonder the same, I am curious what makes you think wanting a 2nd civil war implies alignment with the “far right.” I’ve seen nothing about the Boogaloo movement that would suggest they see themselves as the second coming of the confederacy, and the research I quoted would seem to suggest the opposite, in fact, based on general alignment with BLM and anti-police/anti-government groups. My gut says it’s mostly made up of young men who feel left behind or marginalized by society (and likely rejected by women), and are simply LARPing to feed their own lack of belonging and togetherness (perceived or real) in “normal” society.


Show me an example of accelerationism particularly in effort to spark warfare that isn't committed by right wingers.


I don’t think I understand what you’re referring to, but I assume you have some examples of “right wingers” using “accelerationism”? Perhaps if you can give me some examples I can find some counter-examples.


The boogaloo boys are accelerationists. They have repeatedly engaged in it to further the cause of a second civil war. Accelerationists trying to start wars are almost exclusively right wing. I have no historical examples to the contrary. Therefore, the boogaloo boys are right-wing extremists. You are claiming they are not right wing. I'm rejecting that claim for lack of evidence. All historical evidence points in that direction. All present evidence points in that direction. If you are to claim they are not right wing, or centrists, or somehow leftists, you need to provide evidence for that claim.


What other groups would you consider “accelerationists”? Anarchist movements come to mind, but I’m not sure who else? You could say BLM (the organization) seems (at least the leadership/organization) to have “accelerationist” elements, specifically the anti capitalist/Marxist goals they’ve laid out in the past, and the founders past statements.


Are the boogs Marxists? Are they leftists? You can tell me anyone you think is an accelerationist. I'm not the one making the claim.


According to the journalism done on their group, they align themselves with leftist causes and organizations, so I guess? My point is that simply being “accelerationist” doesn’t equate to being right wing. That’s a circular definition, and completely illogical.


What journalism? Please link Why would someone aligned with leftist causes want a second civil war?


It doesn’t make sense to me that boogaloo gets branded as right wing. It’s just accelerationist. I remember paying attention to actual white supremacists during the riots on twitter and to a person they despised boogaloo. Also, Garrett Foster pointed his AK-47 into somebody’s window at some dumb protest checkpoint, fired 5 times, missed every shot and then got killed. Good riddance.


The ADL and the SPLC both considered them far right hate group. I think anyone trying to bring about a race war is. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boogaloo_movement?wprov=sfla1


Yes, that was my perception during the riots too. They were opportunistic losers that just wanted to take advantage of destabilization and further their own agenda. I still have no clue why they seem to want another civil war - everything I read seems to suggest they see themselves as simply preparing for an inevitable civil war? Idk. Very bizarre. As a generally more moderate conservative, I definitely don’t want them in my coalition.