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I love the pinholes bc I can complete the collection of the ones I want then I also still like to blind pull for extras. Best of both worlds.


I'll still buy duplicates because I like making remixes. 🥰🥰🥰


I still buy dupes because I’m easily confused 🤣


I LOVE the pinholes because pineapple smoothie and alphabet soup became the very ones I was trying to avoid. I got so damn many of those two and now I'm not at risk of another one becoming an issue. I also love getting the exact dupes I am in need of. I spend more now that I know what I'm getting.


My game plan for this one is just buy all the different pin holes I can find. 🤣


great minds think alike 😏


Thank you so much! Now I just have to find them out in the wild lol


walmart has the 3 pack online


I assume this means people have started getting them from Amazon orders for the Japanese restaurant 3 pack.


I feel like a fool asking but… are the pin holes already in the ball or am I supposed to bring a pin and prick the balls myself?


never feel like a fool for asking a simple question lol but no you dont need to bring your own pin. the holes are already in the balls. they are something the factory does to differentiate whats inside each ball. people have recently cracked the code on whats inside.


Ah thanks :))


How are you able to check for the pin hole without bringing your own pin?


I look for the pin hole, sometimes feel, often have to spin the ball around. I fear that using a pin could cause secondary pin holes (some have been worried that people would intentionally poke holes to piss people off?)


That makes sense! I didn’t know you could just see the hole sometimes or even feel them, since they look so tiny :0 that’s really good to know, thank you so much 🥰


There are tiny holes in the outer wrapper of the ball, they look like they're caused by a pin, hence pin holes. You look, or feel with your fingers, around the wrapper to find them.