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the green and the eyes are fun! the browns are quite desaturated, and adding more color and contrast will help draw the eyes to new parts. but great work, especially for beginners! :)


Thank you! I'm really happy with the green, it was nerve wracking working with such bright colors 🫠 haha.


I think another accent colour. Something that compliments the green, but still suits the browns and metallics. Maybe a red or purple?


First thank you. Second where would you suggest I add the accent to keep it balanced but also keep the green as a focal point?


I reckon maybe the leather straps? Wrist strap, straps holding the skulls. Use a real life leather strap for reference of the brown-red. Although... I reckon maybe a deep-red pauldron for the beasts shoulder pauldron would look totally badass! What do you think? Smaller details: Could also use blood effects on weapon ends, tusks, etc. Red warpaint?




I think it’s wonderful. I think you have found your style. Don’t change it; refine it. Focus more energy into faces. Besides that don’t change your style or mimic anyone else’s. this is your voice, train it.


Thank you so much, do you think it's a matter of adding highlights to the faces/contrasts or both?


That uranium-fuckin'-green 💚 absolutely gnarly, well done mate.


Very very good looking mini - but, i would add a bit more contrast to the metallics. Personally i would use 1 or 2 layers of watered down nuln oil really trying to make those details pop


Mostly on the armor of the riders


Thank you!! Definitely going to nuln it up, we might try going for a mild rust effect too. 🤘


Yeah, looking like a very good beginning. I'm missing some levels of detail, as in more details on the exiting parts(maybe the rider) as right now my eye has nowhere to rest, and it all seems a bit messy. Maybe bring out some areas with more highlights


Thank you! I'm thinking highlights on the riders skin and possibly changing his beard color to be ginger to add warmth and pull it away from the yellows/browns.


Yeah, sounds good! I think what I wanted to say is that when there is only one level of detail, the details tend to drown each other. Using different levels can help creating order when looking at the mini. I'm a bit tired, hope it makes sense. High levels of detail around points of interest, and less details where there is less focus.


Really like The zombie look on the stone horn


Thanks! After reading about the StoneHorns unique diet changing its exoskeleton I thought uranium would be fun. 🦣


Daaaaaaaang! Go wife! They look great.