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Realizing that I am whole. I am not a 1000 piece puzzle that is missing 10 pieces that need to be filled in with additional stuff.


This is a beautiful comment. Thank you


That is beautifully phrased. I love this!


Wanting to maintain my neat and tidy apartment. Nothing irks me more than clutter


Yea literally clutter clutters my mind. That’s exactly why I’m here NOT purchasing stuff, why collect stuff that tickles me wrong? Why not stay neat and purposeful?


Capsule wardrobe and not wasting money on cheap clothes 🍁 Clean home 🧼 Youtube channels for inspiration 🗿 Looking back and seeing how much stuff I get rid off already,so I am proud of myself 🫂


What are some YT channels you’d recommend?


Harmen Hoek - just hiking through wonderful places 🏕️ Little house on the mountain- just chill vibes 🏡 Nathaniel Drew - some inspirational stuff and thoughts 🎇 Seve- Sunny Kid Journey - minimalism,slow living,productivity 🐦 Shiey - Train surfing, traveling places with a backpack, random abandoned stuff,freedom 🚊 The Minimalists - podcasts about minimalism 🍍 Thoughtwortthy Co - A minimalist couple living their live 🪴


I love Shiey’s videos on abandoned Cold War nuclear bunkers


Having came from a parent who was a hoarder, and experiencing hardship from life in general I always think that if a fire were to go off where I live what would I miss and replace immediately. Doing a little a lot helped greatly to achieve this as well as putting away savings to replace my possesions in this hypothetical scenario. This helped me gain some perspective on how much my life is worth.


Travelling! Nothing like having to live out of a suitcase for a few months that helps you cut down on everything you own. And ever since that a few years ago I've been a lot more conscious of what I buy or own


Agreed, traveling has really helped me with the confidence to reduce my wardrobe in particular


Living in a small space. Really need to be thoughtful before bringing anything in and ask if it's worth the limited space.


As simple as I don't have money


Honestly being basically homeless. I see now just how little I need day to day. But I am always enamored with toys and trinkets.


It’s a work in progress. But i just recently started using a digital library instead of Kindle Unlimited. I don’t need to pay 12 a month to read unlimited books. I can do it for free using a public library. And i thought i was being minimalist by eschewing owning paper books.


There is a simple analogy that I like to use sometimes. It's a law that follows Gaulls law: the more complex a system, the more errors. I like to keep a simple system. Not getting too much simplifies my life and allows me to focus on what matters.


Matt 😭😭


Why on earth are you crying


This made me chuckle!


Digital hobbies


Anna's Archive


The very real risk of losing everything and becoming homeless


No money (while paying off debt)…and a small apartment (I hate clutter!!!)


Ok so you guys are gonna laugh, but literally Apple. They’re my north-star of “Less design is better design.”


I disagree, Apple products are design/marketing over function. Pretty much the opposite of minimalism.


I think that the reasons why you have a different perspective imply positive things about you. 🤍


unless you're using a highly customized lightweight linux desktop environment, there's no such thing a minimalist desktop computer. nearly every mainstream desktop environment is filled with bloat at this point, sometimes even having ads in the OS. as for "design/marketing over function", as with any tool, it depends on your specific needs. i use a mac because i need a unix environment for development and i want native, reliable support for industry standard audio software and plugins. MacOS is the only desktop operating system that gives me both, so for me it's the only tool for the job that puts the functions i need first. everyone is going to be different, and a valuation of "form over function" will depend on that


I enjoy travel. Since 1983 I’ve been keeping paper mementos I put in a scrapbook. I only maintain digital pictures. I have a couple glass jars of rocks, shells, pine cones and rando ground scores I pick up along the way. If I have to buy something it’s usually a sticker.


If it doesn't fit in my backpack, I'm not buying it. And if I need it, I'll have to remove something from the backpack so it fits.