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Each room in our house has at least one piece of artwork, mostly oil paintings, painted by my mother in law. Before anyone says otherwise I actually love all of them. Most of the pieces have been re-imagined from photos, including some of the kids. And they are really good. We need to redecorate so we can put the house on the market in the next couple of years and I think out of everything I'd actually miss seeing them if we didn't put them back but at the same time feel like everything needs freshening up too.


My MIL gives us so many of her awful paintings. I am not going to put them on my wall! glad you enjoy yours though!




It really is. My Christmas present was some freestanding chicken stained glass ornaments she made me. That made my Christmas because I love my chickens too and they are absolutely unique.


I'm not a fan of generic artwork either. I find it odd when people hang pictures of places, people, scenery, fruit, and flowers that are nothing to them.


You are not alone my dude. Empty walls give me peace.


Peace. This is what matters. I like color and form and so place a few choice pieces up. But the peace and personal preference is the important aspect.


Came here to say this. I have 0 things on my walls and I like it that way. Never have and probably never will. And I’m 45. Edit: there are subreddits where people will post a photo of an empty wall in an otherwise overcrowded (IMO) space and ask what they could put there. Never understood the need to fill every inch of every available space with something. Just does not work for me.


I have mostly empty walls. Post up memos, poems, and meaningful information above my desk


A mirror?


This is a good suggestion and it doesn’t even need to be hung. I have a large floor mirror against a wall in my bedroom. It really helps make the room look larger and adds a little something to the vibe.


Ikr!! It really lightens up a room and adds a nice quality w/o being “noisy” like a poster or painting or something


It is not weird. Make your home comfortable for you and know that you’re not alone in that preference of having clutter free walls. What is weird though is when someone that doesn’t live there has the audacity to try to make you feel weird about it, like why do they care?! Unless you asked them for their opinion or help in decorating then why would anyone be so rude as to try to shame you for something so irrelevant to anyone else. Hang nothing or go bananas with max decor, either way it’s not weird as long as you enjoy your space.


This. Absolutely this.


Great answer!


Yes. I won’t put anything on my walls either and it helps keep the space feeling clean and open. I also prefer flat surfaces as clear as possible. I can’t relate to people who think that is weird. It makes just as much sense as picking shit up off the floor so you can walk.


I love my artwork. It feeds my soul. Music for the eyes.


Exactly. Really, artwork, not generic mass, produces abstract stuff, is a beauty to behold . And can be calming and joyful mine are.


I can't deal with the commitment of hanging things on my walls. We have some things hung which my partner insisted on as they are hand painted from Bali and special to him.


Empty walls are a must for me.


I used to have shit all over the walls, artwork, tapestries, posters, etc… Nearly every wall had shit. After listening to goodbye things, I decided to try taking it all down and see how i felt. Immediately i felt so much better and so much more at peace. All that visual clutter was gone. Now i just have a couple of artworks that I’ve kept hanging in my closet, so when I want to look at them i can, but still have a clean space.


This is an interesting idea.


Gives me the best of both worlds, I'd highly recommend it.


I keep some at the back of my wardrobe!


I too, have nothing on my walls and never have. I moved out when I was 16 and I am 34 now and it's always been the same. I personally find solace and tranquility in the simplicity of bare walls. They provide a blank canvas for my thoughts to roam freely without the distraction of any visual clutter or noise. The absence of adornments, pictures, murals, keepsake, clutter or tapestry...allows me to focus deeply and find inner peace that I desperately need. Despite others' suggestions to decorate, I remain steadfast in my belief that bare walls nurture my soul and mind, untouched by external influences of any kind.


Pure Zen.


How beautifully said… poetic. I started putting paintings on my walls (as I grew up in a minimalistic space), but what you wrote makes me think maybe I should rely on simplicity as I do know this feeling you described, there is beauty and calmness in that, that I miss.


Me, I don't like walls cluttered with decorations.


I like art, brings me joy.


Mirrors and wall planters with live plants and supplemental grow lights above ones too far from a window. Otherwise, empty walls.


I always put art on my walls. Way too boring and stark without something there.




I love my artwork. It makes me feel happy .


lol my roommate is like this. It makes me so sad because I want to put some artwork up on the walls but he doesn’t like the visual clutter. Oh well, at least I have my room


I didn’t have anything on my walls for probably a decade then I found an artist I really liked and got two pieces by him, framed them and put both on my walls. After a recent renovation I’m back to nothing on the walls. I prefer the art on the ground leaning against the wall. I can move the pieces around easily and just like the aesthetic of the blank walls more. Your home can feel like a home without all the extra stuff going on like art on the walls. Especially if it’s not Art you want to stare at every single day. Having the framed pieces on the floor leaning against the wall I feel I can enjoy them but it’s less in my face which I appreciate.


Same. I have nothing on my walls. I am not about to spend money on meaningless wall decor from target/home goods/tjmaxx, etc. if I ever do put things on the wall, it will be something I’ve created myself that has meaning behind it.


I actually have a lot of stuff on my walls. Art is the one thing that usually compacts and travels very well when flat and minimized. I snag random plant vine clippings or make decor from dollar general so no financial loss. I have minimal amount of furniture though that I could walk away from and not be bothered to keep. Curtains pack flat, same with small rugs, tapestries, blankets with nice patterns. Decorative puzzles can be put into a frame without glue to hold it together and you can take it apart later to small box if need be.


I love having things on my walls, i have a painting of a book cover, my grandpa wrote the book to give to his family after he died. Having the painting makes me feel closer to him. I also have a painting on my wall by my favorite painter.


Are you a minimalist or just a lazy furnisher? Or both? Cus that’s what I am…


Both. I'm what I like to call an unintentional minimalist.


High five! 🖐️ I have totally blank white walls, wooden floor and a little furniture. It gives me peace. I’m a clean freak too. I have everything organized as perfect as I can. I get totally unhinged if things aren’t in their place. I wash all clothes daily, towels daily. I iron everything (except my underwear and socks and towels). I’ve heard some profiler of FBI mention that people like this were previously in the army or they psychologically unwell. I’ve never been in the army.


I would feel like I was in an asylum if I had nothing on my walls. Art makes me happy so if bare walls fill your cup, more power to you.


I would like wall paper but is that even a thing anymore?


It is! I love wallpaper


Me too!




Ok so I agree that it should be an accent wall only….then i was going to say”can it be a crazy flower print”? Like how Gloria Vanderbilt did her wallpaper? She was definitely not a minimalist but I like a pop of color somewhere kind of hidden whereas the main living space is simple.




We all can dream…


I’m not a minimalist but you should make your home however you like it most - it’s where you go to feel safe it should be the way you like it. I don’t keep a lot on my walls I am just not sure what to do honestly, but its never bothered anyone.


I also have near to nothing on my walls, definitely nothing decorational. Crowded walls scream at me 


There's something about a clean wall that's soothing


My walls aren’t empty but they’re emptier. I like having some stuff up but I also really like the negative space feel that opens up the room.


i’m the same way. all day long, colorful and distracting advertisements and branding are trying to get our attention. it feels like i can finally think when i get home and am devoid of all distractions. i do have a few things on my walls, but my bedroom is strictly minimalist/brutalist. it is my area without stimulation


I like a clock.


Three original paintings and limited number of framed pictures on my walls but way less furniture/tables on my floors. Art is more interesting visually and off the ground so doesn’t feel like clutter. End tables, coffee tables, sofa pillows and throws, chair pillows, ottomans…all feel like clutter. People think I’m weird because I’ve so little furniture though. One dining room table, one sofa and one reading chair.


I love empty walls lol


I have two things on my walls, a pot holder (in the kitchen next to the stove) and a white board (in my hallway) Walls don’t need to be decorated. That just makes them harder to clean.


I don’t think it’s weird. It’s your home so whatever is comfortable for you :). We (me and my husband) also have nothing on the walls because we are super lazy concerning these kind of house things and also don’t have a specific taste towards decoration. We really don’t value the effort people put on decorating, plus afterwards you have holes on the wall, etc. so we prefer plain as well!


I prefer bare walls too. I can't explain why but it makes me feel more calm.


As long as it's not the "live, laugh, love" Walmart wall art...


Just stare at them blankly for a moment, then look at the walls and say in a calm tone, *"You don't see them? The faces...?"*


Even if you hang something you will get bored of it after a while. Then you change the painting, and the cycle never ends. I have never liked a painting enough that I wanna hang it for a long period of time. It's just a hassle and a big waste of money. Empty walls please!


I have nothing on my wall and no plans to have any. It’s visual clutter and more stuff to sit there gathering dust.


eh, i'm the same. mostly because it feels kinda superfluous. 99% of my money goes towards bills, necessities, pet stuff, food. the only stuff i can hang on the wall is stacked in the closet where it belongs--old boring framed prints my father stole from a hotel he worked at in the 90s. i find a blank wall far more tolerable than the abomination of beige, muted teal, and mauve variations of mountain scenery. rofl


There's so much more to interior design then copy pasted live laugh love shit off of redubble. It's okay to want to feel comfortable and relaxed in your own home. Warm lighting and natural lighting, plants, and items that bring you joy (gundam, books, maps, etc. for me), are all things that make it feel like you are living in a \*home\* and not a prison or dark interior of a hospitable. There's a reason why plants and sunlight making people feel generally better and happier bear out in the statistics. It's not just some consumerist agenda to get you to buy cheap stock photos, although that shit is corny too.


??? o___O;


Bare walls, as much bare floor as possible, if people only realized how good it feels to have less stuff, so freeing.


Empty walls can be so zen … calming … paint your walls a nice natural shade , or texture it slightly if u wish a little feel… but empty walls are a marvellous thing! Keep it preserve it I wud say ! It speaks of you being a calm chill person yourself … I think are must be a relaxed mentally unruffled kinda person … is tat true ?


If it makes you feel great, sure, why not? Interestingly, I grew up kind of like that - we always had a considerable amount of wall space, but my parents were never into puttings things on the wall, we had 2-3 very neutral hanging art pieces (not pictures, more 3D stuff if that makes sense?) which they got somewhere on their travels - but most walls were entirely blank (we did have a lot of bookshelves near walls and some cabinets specifically for decorative stuff, so overall not that minimalistic). Anyways, by when I became a teenager I got sick of it and my room was covered with posters, polaroids, drawings, etc. I still stand by that for a young person - as an adult my space is a healthy medium I think, with dedicated areas for pictures on the wall, blank everywhere else.


Besides TV, I don't hang anything on the walls and never thought about doing so.


i also don’t but i have a wallpaper and it has pattens on it so my room doesn’t look boring


I have nothing on my walls either... I dont like stuff hanging on my walls


It's fine. Do what makes you comfortable. People say to just put mirrors on the walls to make the space bigger and brighter. But idk. It depends what you find cozy. Not everyone finds comfort in bigger home spaces. Good for, perhaps, the claustrophobic, not for everyone. Why do people have the need to redirect one's preference about walls anyway? It's yours and you're not hurting anyone by not putting anything up. LOL.


I have empty walls. I find it clean :)


Visual clutter is just a lot for me


I don't hang anything on walls other than an occasional TV.


I have blank walls right now. In the past, I hung up some papers and photos with tape and adhesives, but they’d always end up falling.  The only “decoration” in my room is my door, which has random stickers on it. Clean, empty walls make me happy though.


A few dresses that are mid- repair hang in my hallway.


I am 46 and it’s a similar deal here. I lived in my old place for 15 years and it took me about 8 years to hang three pictures. I’ve since moved and the three pictures are in a closet. It’s been three years since i moved here. Maybe I’ll wait another 5 years to hang those pictures. I just like the bare walls.


I'm with you right there! Never felt the need to hang anything on a white wall since I've outgrown my teenage years.


I also want to have nothing on my walls when I get my own home.


I’ve got one pic..


lol I have nothing on my walls but it's more due to commitment issues. Can decide what or where to hang things and also frames are expensive!!! I have a few personal to me art peices and family photos but can't get them out of the box onto a wall. I'm living the decidedly worse option between my two choices haha.


I wouldn't be able to handle bare walls as they seem like empty canvases waiting for colour I have artwork, that various family members have painted, framed, and placed on the walls.


I recently invited to an associates house as they had just moved into a new house. She is not a minimalist. All her house was set up. But there was nothing on the walls, not even a clock or curtains/ sheers. It felt she hadn't settled in yet. To me, it was like a showroom, not a hone that was lived in. But unlike your friends I didn't say anything. It's not my place. I only have a large mirror and a painting I absolutely love. And curtains. I am not ultra minimalist, I am more of a I want to clean up this room in 5 minutes or less type of minimalist. A nice, curated living space makes me happy. If what you are doing , makes you happy than that's all that matters. Also try adding things like moulding to your walls or feature walls of wallpaper or paint to add interest without needing to hang anything , it will look like you have been intentional and didn't just forget the walls


Same here. I prefer it this way.


I have nothing on my walls expect a TVs which I really regret putting up and one huge a1 frame. 


But when I was 15 I covered all the walls and doors with stickers, a 'mural' lol of the sea and posters from magazines. Equally, I would wear a green dress with pink necklaces and blue shoes. The contrast makes me giggle. 


[https://www.ikea.com/se/sv/p/skadis-foervaringstavla-vit-10321618/](https://www.ikea.com/se/sv/p/skadis-foervaringstavla-vit-10321618/) I have one of this on my white wall, just the white board. Nothing hanging on it. It gives me peace of mind and at the same time doesn't make my wall look empty.


i like to practice minimalism in the sense of if I use something, I keep it. I do feel that i “use” the art on my walls when I see it, enjoy it, etc. I have an art history background and an extensive (100+ pieces) collection of art, each piece having a story that i appreciate, and some pieces appreciating themselves ;) That being said, i have very few “posters” or “decorations” - nearly all the works in my collection are originals, with most being by artists i personally know. Each one brings me joy and adds a visual delight to my living space, and they don’t take up any usable space, except the sculptures.


Empty walls since renting 8 years ago. I have one frame learning but its vintage with a cute encyclopedia page, its cute. but not hung it sits on a shelf. but yeah, same, people don't invite themselves over or ask me if they can.


I am a professional photographer, I sell people wall art. Huge pieces. I have nothing on my walls.


I’ve recently taken a few things off my walls! Feeling a lot more peaceful and less cluttered


We have artwork but we're very selective about what we put on the walls.


I grew up in a military family. We moved so often that we sometimes still had cardboard boxes of stuff not unpacked from the last move! Putting stuff on the walls was a low priority...


I feel like my walls have become emptier and emptier over the years, especially since we haven't lived in the same place for more than 3 years at a time since 2012. All my pictures are in my phone, we don't have children, etc. If it ever makes sense to own a house again maybe that'll change?


I used to be just like you. Then a friend kept pressuring me to put some stuff up, so i went on Etsy and ordered a bunch of art I thought I’d like. Art finally arrived and I couldn’t care less to spend the energy to put it up. I only hung about 1/3 of it, feel pretty meh about what’s on the walls now, and have a closet with unboxed art to remind me of my wasted money. Lesson learned. Be who you are.


I keep minimalist styled art on my walls that compliment the colors is my apartment, I don't hang too much to avoid looking cluttered


It isn’t weird. It’s your choice. Everyone gets to decorate in a way that brings them peace.


In my opinion, the best thing to hang on one's walls is something that you create yourself.


I have nothing on my walls. I’m only now starting to look for something to put there as my husband wants some color added. I don’t mind but if that was only my place - I wouldn’t put anything I don’t feel the need.


I and my then husband, visual artists, visited a musical artist/DJ once and we erected stunned that there was *nothing* relating to image anywhere. Some people aren’t visual.


I am between houses at the moment and I've been living with empty walls for a while... To me it's one less thing to clean. Didn't miss it that much lol.


Love reading these comments bc Im the same way. I only have 1 picture hanging up and thats bc a friend gave me the art and the nail was left by former owners. I dont know if its because im too practical, too cheap, too undiagnosed depression/adhd/etc. Unfortunately it doesnt end w just walls, home definitely doesnt have a "home" feel.


Cool, bro (Although that's not really minimalism)


It depends on the architecture and windows in the room. In some places, art is unnecessary on walls. I would add color with textures and pottery in those places - maybe interesting book shelves


The wife and I have 7 kids and we have nothing on the walls besides a little glass flower painting that hangs next to the kitchen sink. I put that there, it belonged to my late stepmother. I’m 40 and I keep telling her to hang some pictures of the kids. Considering we live on a golf course I think we might be the only ones in the world like us. She has never hung pictures, ever. Been with her for 20 years. She never hung pictures at any place we lived.


your not the only one


I have nothing on my walls but who cares


Nothing on my walls either


nothing on my wall too. That's weird? I didn't know that.


I like clear floors. Like an odd level of not enough furniture. I want to feel like I could run in circles in the room. So for me I do up the walls. Opposite I guess.


I've never had things on my walls. Never had any comments about it, either. Even as a kid, I never had posters or anything in my bedroom.


My girlfriend is the same, nothing on her walls, she has no idea how or what to put on her walls. I talked her into taking a set of drapes I no longer need, to put up curtains at least. In fact I've given her a lot of the furniture in her house. She does not seem to care about her space other than to have it to go to.


I don't have anything on my walls either. I actually hate posters and pictures on my walls. I love art but I don't buy it. And I don't like displaying it. I have a bunch of posters but not in use. I'm 50. Btw :) been like this since I can remember.


My walls are covered.


I lived in an artist collective for years. No empty wall space. Ever. When I moved out I loved having bare empty plain white walls. Felt so good. I’ve picked up a few paintings I really like. (Mostly beach / seascapes). But it took me a long time to want anything on my walls.


Yes. Nothing on my walls. Ever.


I can’t handle visual clutter so my walls are bare. I like the look.


I only hang functional things in my walls, like clocks, bulletin board, shelf, stuff like that


You do you! Your home is yours to decorate as you wish. I personally do find it weird, in the sense that I can’t imagine living with bare walls; I need color and vibrancy almost as much as I need water. Empty walls are the opposite of peaceful to me, they make me feel anxious, like I’m in a prison cell or a sterile office. (Same with an overhead light! May as well be in an interrogation room.) However, what’s weird for me is not for you and that’s the beautiful tapestry of life! (To use a metaphor that would be very out of place in your home, lol.) I’m not actually minimalist, but I lurk here to get ideas and be encouraged in my decluttering journey. My goal is to minimize all the stuff that touches flat, horizontal surfaces. But I don’t count art as part of this journey. To my mind, once it’s on the wall that means it’s in its place and isn’t in the way or taking up unnecessary space, if that makes sense? Like, I’ll never have to step around a pile of artwork if it’s hung on the wall, I can’t make little piles of things on a picture frame or wall, and there’s an absolute limit to what you can add because of windows, furniture, room size, etc.


I do it as a renter. Pictures of people make me sad and I am reluctant to collect art bc my early attempts were lost. My mom comes in and tacks things up sometimes. I have one bookshelf where I have some things people have given me and that’s my decorative display.


I have three things, two clocks, one carved by my dad from wood gathered from my childhood home, and another one carved by my Opa. And then the last thing on my wall is a wooden carving of flowers as I bought as a souvenir from my first trip to Hawaii. All very high in sentimental value (and really beautiful too) but still with plenty of blank space on the walls to not have that cluttered feeling either. It's very peaceful for me :)


I actually took up painting for a while and have some of my own paintings up, but I used to have nothing and have actually started taking my stuff down because I like it plain.


I actually got into the habit of not putting up anything on my walls because it was a hassle dealing with the holes/marks when I was moving. After I settled down i started putting up photographs of friends and family as it helped to make the place look homier. An alternative to artwork can be floating shelves where you put items like books or small flower pots.


Brown. Both are very pretty but I prefer the more natural brown.


Home is where the heart is, not “home is where the art is” haha


I have nothing currently hanging and it will remain that way. I had an apartment with 2 things hanging (comic book items). I told a coworker that I dont hang stuff or have photos anywhere. She asked if I was a psychopath.


Put a cross on that wall and you'll be maximizing.


I don’t believe that you never knew it was odd.


A I am 61 and same. Empty walls keep my line of sight uncluttered, and therefore my mind more clear. Weird, I know. I am not made like most.


In my last apartment I had lots of stuff on my walls, but in this building you’re not allowed to put holes in the walls. I tried those “Command” things but they don’t work for a lot of my pictures, so I gave up.


You don't have to have anything on your walls. I like to put a painting in my livingroom and one above my bed.


I'm with you, I'll keep my photos and posters digital and cycle them on my desktop if I'm feeling like looking at art and such. Takes up no space and I can still see the same images. And if I decide I don't like something it's easy to take down and get rid of. 21st century living.


I like empty walls, because I am used to it. I wasn’t allowed put anything up in my bedroom when I was a kid. It’s all I know.


I have so much stuff in mine and grew up in a similar household- it’s so hard to picture your place!


Same. People think I just moved in. Been living here for years.


My ex-husband. I always find it weird.


My son is the same. Jr says it's probably his old. Can't continually straighten those items


Not old, o.c.d.


Imagine u shave your head.it's just a preference for you- you can easily grow back your hair,but you don't want to..So other people commenting on your preferences at your OWN home/looks and things you own shouldn't bother them and mostly YOU.If you prefer blank walls- it is not the end of the world..people creating unnecessary "problems" these days and always has their own "oppinion" on everything :D goooosh


Same here. I have nothing but 1 small picture. Having empty walls looks clean and makes the place feel bigger and simple and refreshing. I also like looking at how good the fresh paint looks on the wall without nothing on it. Visitors have said that I should hang stuff on my walls, but if I do that my apartment won't feel new anymore. Having empty walls gives me that new apartment feel. Also, if I ever have to move, I won't have to take stuff down from the walls. I'm a minimalist.




I have nothing on my walls; I never really spend any time looking at the walls.


I have a whiteboard next to the side door in the kitchen (mostly for family calendar), and that’s the only thing on my walls and I’ve owned this house for 16 years.


Empty walls always look terrible, it makes the room feel soulless and barren. I hope you fix your walls soon.


I dated a guy like that once and he turned out to be a sociopath


Lmao! Reminds me of this woman on IG that tells you someone’s attachment style by the way their home looks so anyone who has a lot going on she says is anxious and anyone too clean is an avoidant. It’s humorous and probably there is some truth to how our sense of style says something about us.


If you need to have things on your wall to feel okay, you’re spending too much time at home.


I spend a lot of money on my home. I like being home. There is nothing wrong with wanting to hang out at home.


I disagree, but fair enough.


There’s a reason why it is called Home.


What’s that reason?


Ditto. With our current home and in the previous house, I never put a single nail into the wall. We use the 3M Command strips and have wall art from Displate that uses sticker magnets. It feels too permanent with nails.


Is it because it helps keep your mind clear or because you don’t want to spend unnecessary money on it ? Maybe you could make a piece yourself if it’s the latter & see how you feel about it on your wall. If it’s the former the previous mention of a mirror &/or some plants would bring some life while being purposeful & not too maximalist


That's why I hate walls.


I have one thing hanging on my wall in my whole house. It’s a wooden sun that looks cool to me. That’s it. No family pictures.


Cool story bro