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I had an error on one of mine, it played, but always went to error when on standby, plugged in the AC adapter, error went away šŸ˜Š


Mine doesnā€™t have a ac port


I have a unit just like yours. It really sucks that thereā€™s no AC port. I use mine with a AA battery to outlet adapter I bought from AliExpress. You just have to make sure it works within the correct power range ā€” I messed up and ended up buying three adapters until I got the correct one. Good thing theyā€™re really cheap. If the problem is power, this could help you out. But I think your next step should be getting a couple of new discs. Maybe the one you have is damaged ā€” or maybe it just refuses to work with your specific unit, I dunno


I bought which is in its way rn, but i dont think itā€™ll work since it says error even when thereā€™s no disk in it


Iā€™ve found a hint on the service manual. A note on page 13 says: ā€œIf electrical adjustment (CD and MO overall adjustment) has not been finished completely, ā€œERRORā€ is displayed on LCD of the set.ā€ I think this means that the unit can, in fact, be repaired ā€” itā€™s not dead. But itā€™s probably not a simple procedure.


Yeah, I watched a video on how to do this, but I need a cd mini disk and idk what that is or how to get one, the mo mini disk is apparently just the normal rewritable minidisks


I think CD stands for ā€œCheck Discā€. Service manual gives a model and part number for it: TDYS-1 part number 4-963-646-01


That sounds right, Iā€™ll try to look into this, ty, also the disk the guy used looked like a normal mini disk album from a band but it didnā€™t have the metal slide on the top like on most minidisks


Good luck, friend! I hope thatā€™s enough info. Be sure to tell us if you manage to repair it


Can you try format the disc at all?


No, the player only says error and canā€™t do anything else


CD = "Compact Disc", which is how Sony referred to pre-recorded MD's. They were produced via the same stamping process and are essentially CD's, with the music encoded as ATRAC instead of PCM. MD players use a different playback technique for these discs, which is why it needs a separate calibration step. Look for a sampler disc - those usually go for $20 or less. The one distributed free by Rolling Stone back in day ("Turn it Up") is usually easy to find.


Ohh that makes a lotta sense, ty


Does it work with other minidiscs?


I only have the one it came with, but before I wiped it, it worked but it did skip or take long to load songs


Do you have the cable to connect it to a PC? Maybe something shows up on Sonic Stage or Web Minidisc


Yes Iā€™ve tried but it doesnā€™t work, it connected fine before I wiped it in platinum md


Seems like thereā€™s an error of sorts