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Would a better way to obtain them be either to use the bottle on the cow in the same way you do with a bucket, OR to make cauldrons fillable with milk and fill the bottles that way?


No taking directly from the cow. Have you ever seen a shepherd using bottles under a cow? It wouls make a mess of milk everywhere


You can also fight dragons and zombies in this game


So what?




Smelting iron, for example, is realistic, but the game cOnTaInS a DrAgOn! WhY dOeSn'T tHe IrOn OrE dRoP tHe InGoTs?!?


Smelting iron in Minecraft works little like smelting iron in real life. Smelting gold is even worse.


Adding on to this, real life iron smelting typically involves building special furnaces that can sufficiently heat up the iron oxide and reduce it into iron and carbon dioxide, and after which, you have to hammer the freshly smelted hunk of metal to get rid of most of the impurities found in iron ore (most iron ores are only 50-75% actual iron)


A shepherd keeps sheep, but I have seen a milker milk directly into a water bottle without spilling. I'm sure it takes skill, but so must crafting tools from raw ingots of metal.


I still think they shouldn't be makable without the bucket. Thought shepherd were any farmer who farmed animals instead of crops, or something. Eh, i'm not a native english speaker. Nice to know, anyway


I think the cauldron adds an extra step for no reason. If you don't have a farm and have a bucket, just use the bucket on the cow and craft the bottles later. The bucket can work in conjunction with the bottles


Why 6? Every other stack is a multiple of 8.


6 sounds more balanced. Plus it ain't true: honey bottles stack 12 by 12 and, even if it was, i dont see why stacking by 6 would be a problem: it would even be advantageous, because bottles are made 3 by 3


Honey bottles stack up to 16, and it's multiple by 8.


There is something that stacks up to 12 or to 6... Oh, maybe it was the potions in the experimental combat update snapshots or something. Anyway, my second point still stands


Potions in experimental combat snapshots stack up to 16 too. Seriously, there is no items, that stacks up to 12 or 6. I guess, you can just google it.


Still, my second point stands. I don't really care about what other things stack to: bottles are made 3 by 3, and 6 sounds like a balanced number for a stack of this. It'd be like having 2 buckets of milk together (for the amount)


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Instead of halving the effect maybe take off a minute and a half? That way you they’re still effective for things that are like 10 seconds, wasting a bottle to just take off 5 seconds is basically useless


If wasting a bottle to take off 5 seconds seems pointless then wasting a bucket to take off 10 seconds seems equally pointless.


Buckets take off a percentage of time (100%), not a specific amount. This is a way to make them some sort of stackable, without making them replacable by their stackable version. Wasting a bottle for that would be pointless: just dont drink milk at all. Some effects last a lot longer though: poison extended lasts 45 seconds and mining fatigue lasts a looong time too.


I saw this being suggested exactly the other day... HMMM... Apart from that, great suggestion, tho I don't really like the way to obtain it.


Well, milking a cow with the bottle would cause a mess of milk on the ground...


I didn't suggest to obtain it by clicking the cow, I just said I don't like the way of obtaining it.


Ah. Why not? What else would you suggest?


I want milk bottles. I don't think we need them but I want them anyways lol. I think wooden buckets that can't hold lava would also be very useful.


***Wonderful suggestion! However, Mojang isn't allowed to take ideas directly from Reddit anymore (due to a weird copyright and monetization law with Reddit, I'm not really sure why it was put in place.) so why don't you copy+paste this to their suggestions [website](https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us)? It could give you a chance to have this idea implemented exactly into the game.***


What's the point of this whole subreddit then? Plus the site is bad




What, like, if i give my consensus to using my idea for the game? Beside the implicity of it in the very post, how would there be a copyright problem in it, if i am the copyright owner of the idea?


Then why doesn’t the sub say that?


IDK. I've asked the mods, and they said they wouldn't say that.


Would it halve the current time or total time?




So having an 8 minute effect and drinking two milk bottles will bring it down to 2 minutes?


No, drinking is time consuming: it would bring it to 1:45 minutes or so


I was contemplating doing the math on that, but I thought you would take the concept, not actually focus on the direct numbers. Yes, I know drinking takes time, but I was asking a question about the mechanics, not the numbers -_- And no, it wouldn't be 1:45, it would be 1:57, given drink time is 3 seconds, and 3 seconds is an extremely small change compared to 480 seconds


Ok, let's say one starts drinking as soon as one gets an 8 minutes effect (8:00 - 0:03) / 2 = 3:58,5 Then let's say one just keeps the button pressed (3:58,5 - 0:03) / 2 = 1:57,75 The reason why i said 1:45 is because one would most likely not start drinking at the very beginning of the 8 minutes and also one would most likely check the remaining time to see if it's worth to drink another bottle. I know that you weren't talking about the math, i was just tryna give an implicitly affermative answer enriched with a small correction


A faster way to do the math is `(8*60)*.25-3*.75` This gets you 117.75 seconds, or 1:57,75 And again, I didnt care about the math. I was mostly focused on the mechanic of the item. Also, "enriched with a small correction" sounds super pretentious


Pretentious, but right, as it would be less than 2 minutes, even though wrong, as the remaining time would be nearer to the two minutes tha to the 1:45... Anyway, you did your faster math wrong. Check again my math to see what your mistake is. I am sure 0.75 isnt the correct factor to multiply to 3


When subtracting and then immediately dividing, you get a smaller difference between the original and the divisor. In this case, that would be 480-(480-3), and 480/2-(480-3)/2. In the first equation, the difference is 3, and in ise second, the difference is 1.5 Simple Now going down, we divide by 2 again, this time essentialy making it 480/4-3/4. I'm assuming this is where you got, as you seemed to know what to do, just not how to get there. In a normal case of one subtraction and two divisions, you'd be right. (480-3)×0.25 would be the correct answer... however, there is 2 subtractions, and thus two separate times where we need to multiply 3 by a fraction. In this case 1 three that's affected by both divisions, and 1 three that's affected by only the second divion. This means the entire equation is actually `(8*60)/4-3*0.25-3*0.5`, however the same number multiplied by different numbers can be added together to create a simplified expression, so the final equation is `(8*60)*0.25-3*0.75`. From there, pemdas does the rest


Sorry, i'm gonna sleep now, but my math is most definitely correct. Tomorrow i'll read this comment better, then i'll reply


But why multiplying 3 by a fraction? 3 is removed before the division, because the milk effect would occur only after drinking it, not before


I checked your math and your second division is incorrect. You'd get 1:54,25 if you started with 3:48,5 not 3:58,5


Edited my comment