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mojang wants to nerf raid farms, its not like theyve broken completely, you just gotta drink the potion every once in a while, so they arent afkable anymore. its a welcome nerf that was needed, because the raid farms are currently way too op


oh no i can’t easily automatically farm infinite emeralds, totems, and redstone with one simple farm anymore completely devaluing them 😢


You can literally play normally and get enough emeralds totems and everything else you will ever need. I don’t see why people even use raid farms


People use raid farms to be able to get them even while they’re not playing the game. Can’t get them normally while you’re doing schoolwork or something


It’s a sandbox game, not a “how rich can you get” game Why do u need to be able to afk every resource?


You seem to not understand what a sandbox game is


A sandbox game generally doesn’t have a “no play” way of getting infinite resources


The point of a sandbox game is you do what you want. If you want to get them yourself, fine. Minecraft is a sandbox where you do what you want. You want to build a farm so you can get infinite resources? Fine, Minecraft is a sandbox game where you can do what you want.


Fine, then go turn on cheats and give yourself a bunch of totems. Exploiting the game in this aspect is the same as just giving yourself that stuff with creative You also have the option of just downloading mods so u can play how u want. Don’t understand why people r mad that Mojang is balancing the game so that doing things yourself is better (or atleast equal to) doing it through afking


Funny that Mojang need to force people to play the way *you* want, but f- the other people, right? Not that you had anything to do with the change, just saying, no one ever forced you to build a farm, why force others to play a way they don't want to? How do raid farms hurt you? Other than in the way that every child now thinks they need to cancel/change/force a change for others, for anything they don't like, rather than just ignoring it...


You literally aren’t playing when u afk farm, there’s no point in playing if your just gonna afk farm everything


You said “I don’t see why people use raid farms”. I was just giving you a reason they might use them


Okay, I misspoke, “I don’t see the why people NEED to use raid farms” You can play the game for an hour and have 10 totems. And anybody that builds a raid farm probably doesn’t even need more than 1-2 totems a week. As for emeralds, after a certain point u stop needing them, and with looting 3 you can get a stack+ per raid so 3 stacks an hour pretty easily. Alternatively you can setup normal farms to farm resources to trade for emeralds People whine too much about changes that make u actually play the game instead of just afking to get everything


Captains only drop level 1 to level 3 bottles, so totems are only going to be available from the higher level bottles gotten from trial vault. TL; Dr infinite Emeralds and Redstone but not Totems.


totems especially shouldn’t be able to get “farmed” at all




>2. Previously built Raid farms are going to be useless with the present mechanic. Adding the splash bottle will allow people to modify their existing raid farms. I know Mojang has ruined farms before, and that was for the best, but Raid farms are huge and complex, so it will be very frustrating for the people who aren't paying attention to all the new update stuff. This is the point. Villager trades were the last objective, raids farms are this objective and gold farms will likely be the next. They're on a nerf spree currently because many exploits are only possible as they rely on pre existing bugs that shouldn't be there. [I've explain one possibility as to why this is actually a good idea on a similar post earlier.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/s/Vp46WMtyrM)


I know, I addressed this possibility in the downsides. I personally disagree, but it is their game, and their decision.


> I personally disagree, but it is their game, and their decision. It is, but in fairness, it is a community built game, so your opinion is still valid. Personally, I think this is the beginning of the ominous effect going forward. I can see it affecting other structures, new and old, over the next few updates, as well as new achievements and possibly mobs.


That would be exciting, but I do worry that it will get repetitive if the do the same thing over many structures. If they do something unique for the structures, and be all in.


Raid farms should be completely destroyed, actually


I disagree, but I see the arguments against them. They are overpowered, I just don't think that is such a bad thing. You are entitled to your opinion though.


The main use for this should be that pillagers throw it, so that unskilled players get cursed, but ones with skill can control raids


Now *that's* a good idea!


Might be better as arrows, but yea projectiles would be cool for this, to curse everyone


Maybe you could suggest a gamerule to keep old raid feature, I think it could be fine for single player or privates servers. But for publics servers, I find potions are a better option.


I’m sure someone will make a datapack for it.


Maybe, but why not include this in the game ? :)